#' Make a quick first guess where reasonable beta would be
#' @return a matrix with one column for each coefficient
#' @keywords internal
estimate_betas_roughly <- function(Y, model_matrix, offset_matrix, pseudo_count = 1, ridge_penalty = NULL){
stopifnot(is.null(ridge_penalty) ||
(is.matrix(ridge_penalty) && ncol(ridge_penalty) == ncol(model_matrix)) ||
length(ridge_penalty) == ncol(model_matrix))
if(nrow(Y) == 0){
return(matrix(numeric(0), nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(model_matrix)))
qrx <- qr(model_matrix)
}else if(is.matrix(ridge_penalty)){
qrx <- qr(rbind(model_matrix, ridge_penalty))
}else if(is.numeric(ridge_penalty)){
qrx <- qr(rbind(model_matrix, diag(ridge_penalty, nrow = length(ridge_penalty))))
stop("Illegal ridge penalty definition")
Q <- qr.Q(qrx)[seq_len(nrow(model_matrix)),,drop=FALSE]
R <- qr.R(qrx)
norm_log_count_mat <- t(log((Y / exp(offset_matrix) + pseudo_count)))
t(solve(R, as.matrix(t(Q) %*% norm_log_count_mat)))
#' Estimate the Betas for Fixed Dispersions
#' @return a list with two elements
#' * `Beta` a matrix with one column for each coefficient
#' * `iterations` the number of iterations
#' @keywords internal
estimate_betas_fisher_scoring <- function(Y, model_matrix, offset_matrix,
dispersions, beta_mat_init, ridge_penalty,
try_recovering_convergence_problems = TRUE){
max_iter <- 1000
stopifnot(nrow(model_matrix) == ncol(Y))
stopifnot(nrow(beta_mat_init) == nrow(Y))
stopifnot(ncol(beta_mat_init) == ncol(model_matrix))
stopifnot(length(dispersions) == nrow(Y))
stopifnot(dim(offset_matrix) == dim(Y))
stopifnot(is.null(ridge_penalty) ||
(is.matrix(ridge_penalty) && ncol(ridge_penalty) == ncol(model_matrix)) ||
length(ridge_penalty) == ncol(model_matrix))
if(! is.null(ridge_penalty) && ! is.matrix(ridge_penalty)){
ridge_target <- attr(ridge_penalty, "target")
ridge_penalty <- diag(ridge_penalty, nrow = length(ridge_penalty))
attr(ridge_penalty, "target") <- ridge_target
betaRes <- fitBeta_fisher_scoring(Y, model_matrix, exp(offset_matrix), dispersions, beta_mat_init,
ridge_penalty_nl = ridge_penalty, tolerance = 1e-8,
max_rel_mu_change = 1e5, max_iter = max_iter)
not_converged <- betaRes$iter == max_iter
if(try_recovering_convergence_problems & any(not_converged)){
# Try again with optim
betaRes2 <- estimate_betas_optim(Y[not_converged,,drop=FALSE], model_matrix,
dispersions = dispersions[not_converged],
beta_mat_init = beta_mat_init[not_converged,,drop=FALSE],
ridge_penalty = ridge_penalty, max_iter = max_iter)
betaRes$beta_mat[not_converged, ] <- betaRes2$Beta
betaRes$deviance[not_converged] <- betaRes2$deviances
betaRes$iter[not_converged] <- betaRes2$iterations
# Don't use 'not_converged' because optim might recover some cases
warn_non_convergence(betaRes$iter == max_iter, rownames(Y))
list(Beta = betaRes$beta_mat, iterations = betaRes$iter, deviances = betaRes$deviance)
warn_non_convergence <- function(not_converged, rownames){
# Estimate didn't converge for some gene :(
labels <- if(! is.null(rownames)){
warning("Beta estimation did not converge for ", paste0(head(labels), collapse = ", "),
if(length(labels) > 6){", ..."}, ".\n",
"Will continue anyways and ignore those rows in subsequent calls.")
estimate_betas_optim <- function(Y, model_matrix, offset_matrix, dispersions, beta_mat_init, ridge_penalty, max_iter = 1000){
stopifnot(nrow(model_matrix) == ncol(Y))
stopifnot(nrow(beta_mat_init) == nrow(Y))
stopifnot(ncol(beta_mat_init) == ncol(model_matrix))
stopifnot(length(dispersions) == nrow(Y))
stopifnot(dim(offset_matrix) == dim(Y))
stopifnot(is.null(ridge_penalty) ||
(is.matrix(ridge_penalty) && ncol(ridge_penalty) == ncol(model_matrix)) ||
length(ridge_penalty) == ncol(model_matrix))
if(! is.null(ridge_penalty) && ! is.matrix(ridge_penalty)){
ridge_target <- attr(ridge_penalty, "target")
ridge_penalty <- diag(ridge_penalty, nrow = length(ridge_penalty))
attr(ridge_penalty, "target") <- ridge_target
apply_ridge <- ! is.null(ridge_penalty)
n_samples <- ncol(Y)
ridge_penalty_sq <- t(ridge_penalty) %*% ridge_penalty
ridge_target <- if(is.null(attr(ridge_penalty, "target", TRUE))){
rep(0, ncol(model_matrix))
attr(ridge_penalty, "target", TRUE)
result <- list(Beta = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Y), ncol = ncol(model_matrix)),
iterations = rep(NA, nrow(Y)),
deviances = rep(NA, nrow(Y)))
for(idx in seq_len(nrow(Y))){
y <- Y[idx, ]
off <- offset_matrix[idx, ]
beta_init <- beta_mat_init[idx, ]
theta <- dispersions[idx]
if(! apply_ridge){
res <- optim(par = beta_init, function(beta){
mu <- exp(model_matrix %*% beta + off)
compute_gp_deviance_sum(y, mu, theta)
}, method = "BFGS", control = list(maxit = max_iter))
res <- optim(par = beta_init, function(beta){
mu <- exp(model_matrix %*% beta + off)
penalty <- n_samples * t(beta - ridge_target) %*% ridge_penalty_sq %*% (beta - ridge_target)
compute_gp_deviance_sum(y, mu, theta) + penalty
}, method = "BFGS", control = list(maxit = max_iter))
if(res$convergence != 0){
result$iterations[idx] <- max_iter
result$Beta[idx, ] <- NA_real_
result$deviances[idx] <- NA_real_
result$iterations[idx] <- min(res$counts[1], max_iter - 1)
result$Beta[idx, ] <- res$par
result$deviances[idx] <- res$value
#' Make a quick first guess where reasonable beta would be for a set of groups
#' @return a matrix with the mean per group for each gene
#' @keywords internal
estimate_betas_roughly_group_wise <- function(Y, offset_matrix, groups){
norm_Y <- Y / exp(offset_matrix)
do.call(cbind, lapply(unique(groups), function(gr){
log(DelayedMatrixStats::rowMeans2(norm_Y, cols = groups == gr))
#' Estimate the Betas for Fixed Dispersions
#' @return a list with three elements
#' * `Beta` a matrix with one column per group and a row for each gene
#' * `iterations` the number of iterations from the Newton-Raphson method
#' * `deviances` the deviance for each gene (sum of the deviance per group)
#' @keywords internal
estimate_betas_group_wise <- function(Y, offset_matrix, dispersions, beta_group_init = NULL, beta_mat_init = NULL, groups, model_matrix){
stopifnot(nrow(beta_group_init) == nrow(Y))
stopifnot(ncol(beta_group_init) == length(unique(groups)))
stopifnot(length(dispersions) == nrow(Y))
stopifnot(dim(offset_matrix) == dim(Y))
stopifnot(is.null(beta_mat_init) != is.null(beta_group_init))
# Calculate group_init based on Beta
first_occurence_in_groups <- match(unique(groups), groups)
beta_group_init <- beta_mat_init %*% t(model_matrix[first_occurence_in_groups, ,drop=FALSE])
Beta_res_list <- lapply(unique(groups), function(gr){
betaRes <- fitBeta_one_group(Y[, gr == groups, drop = FALSE],
offset_matrix[, gr == groups, drop = FALSE], thetas = dispersions,
beta_start_values = beta_group_init[, gr == unique(groups),drop=TRUE],
tolerance = 1e-8, maxIter = 100)
Beta <- do.call(cbind, lapply(Beta_res_list, function(x) x$beta))
Iteration_mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(Beta_res_list, function(x) x$iter))
Deviance_mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(Beta_res_list, function(x) x$deviance))
# How about rotating the Beta into the right place?!
Beta <- pmax(Beta, -1e8)
first_occurence_in_groups <- match(unique(groups), groups)
if(nrow(Beta) > 0){
Beta <- t(solve(model_matrix[first_occurence_in_groups, ,drop=FALSE], t(Beta)))
list(Beta = Beta,
iterations = matrixStats::rowSums2(Iteration_mat),
deviances = matrixStats::rowSums2(Deviance_mat))
estimate_betas_group_wise_optimize_helper <- function(y, offset, theta, lower_bound = -30, upper_bound = 30){
sum(dnbinom(y, mu = exp(beta + offset), size = 1/theta, log = TRUE))
}, lower = lower_bound, upper = upper_bound, maximum = TRUE)$maximum
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