
Defines functions print.SoupChannel SoupChannel

Documented in print.SoupChannel SoupChannel

#' Construct a SoupChannel object
#' Creates a SoupChannel object that contains everything related to the soup estimation of a single channel.
#' @export
#' @param tod Table of droplets.  A matrix with columns being each droplet and rows each gene.
#' @param toc Table of counts.  Just those columns of \code{tod} that contain cells.
#' @param metaData Meta data pertaining to the cells.  Optional.  Must be a data-frame with rownames equal to column names of \code{toc}.
#' @param calcSoupProfile By default, the soup profile is calculated using \code{\link{estimateSoup}} with default values.  If you want to do something other than the defaults, set this to \code{FALSE} and call \code{\link{estimateSoup}} manually.
#' @param ... Any other named parameters to store.
#' @return A SoupChannel object.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @examples
#' #Load droplet and count tables
#' tod = Seurat::Read10X(system.file('extdata','toyData','raw_gene_bc_matrices','GRCh38',
#'                                   package='SoupX'))
#' toc = Seurat::Read10X(system.file('extdata','toyData','filtered_gene_bc_matrices','GRCh38',
#'                                   package='SoupX'))
#' #Default calculates soup profile
#' sc = SoupChannel(tod,toc)
#' names(sc)
#' #This can be suppressed
#' sc = SoupChannel(tod,toc,calcSoupProfile=FALSE)
#' names(sc)
#' @seealso SoupChannelList estimateSoup setSoupProfile setClusters
SoupChannel = function(tod,toc,metaData=NULL,calcSoupProfile=TRUE,...){
  if(!is.null(metaData) & !all(sort(colnames(toc))==sort(rownames(metaData))))
    stop("Rownames of metaData must match column names of table of counts.")
  #Check that tod and toc are compatible
    stop("The provided table of droplets (tod) and table of counts (toc) have different numbers of genes.  Both tod and toc must have the same genes in the same order.")
    stop("Rownames of the table of droplets (tod) and table of counts (toc) differ.  Both tod and toc must have the same genes in the same order.")
  #Munge everything into a list
  out = list(tod=tod,toc=toc)
  out = c(out,list(...))
  #Create the metadata object
  out$metaData = data.frame(row.names=colnames(toc),
                            nUMIs = colSums(toc)
  #Merge in supplied metaData if it's present
    #Drop nUMIs if it exists
    metaData = metaData[,colnames(metaData)!='nUMIs',drop=FALSE]
    out$metaData = cbind(out$metaData,metaData)
  #Get the droplet UMIs as well, as that's a useful thing to have
  out$nDropUMIs = colSums(tod)
  class(out) = c('list','SoupChannel')
  #Estimate the soup
    out = estimateSoup(out)

#' Print method for SoupChannel
#' Prints a summary of a SoupChannel object.
#' @export
#' @param x A SoupChannel object.
#' @param ... Currently unused.
#' @return Nothing.  Prints message to console.
print.SoupChannel = function(x,...) {
  message(sprintf("Channel with %d genes and %d cells",nrow(x$toc),ncol(x$toc)))
constantAmateur/SoupX documentation built on Nov. 2, 2022, 10:16 a.m.