
Defines functions packtrack_resume packtrack_pause packtrack_stop packtrack_start

Documented in packtrack_pause packtrack_resume packtrack_start packtrack_stop

#' Start the tracking of namespaces
#' This function activates packtrack and is automatically called when the package is loaded.
#' @param create_cache whether or not to create a new .packtrack_data file (default = `TRUE`).
#' @export
packtrack_start <- function(create_cache = TRUE) {
  ## check that .packtrack_data is not present (not the case if packtrack has been stopped with option delete_cache = FALSE):
  if (!create_cache && !exists(".packtrack_data")) {
     stop("The packtrack cache cannot be used since it is not present. Call packtrack_start() to initialise the cache.")

  ## initialise cache if needed:
  if (create_cache) {
    if (exists(".packtrack_data")) {
      ## restore original loadNamespace function otherwise the modified one would be stored:
      assign("loadNamespace", .packtrack_data$loadNamespace_original, "package:base")
    .packtrack_data <<- list(time = hashmap::hashmap("@^@_start", Sys.time()),
                             n = hashmap::hashmap("@^@_start", 0L),
                             loadNamespace_original = loadNamespace)
    class(.packtrack_data) <<-  c("pktk", class(.packtrack_data))

  ## change R prompt if needed:
  options("prompt" = paste0("@^@ ", gsub(pattern = "@^@ ", replacement = "",
                                         x =  options("prompt"), fixed = TRUE)))

  ## override original loadNamespace function:
  unlockBinding("loadNamespace", env = as.environment("package:base"))
  assign("loadNamespace", function(package, ...) {
    mf <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
    do.call(.packtrack_data$loadNamespace_original, mf[-1], envir = parent.frame())
  }, "package:base")


#' Stop the tracking of namespaces
#' This function desctivates packtrack and is automatically called when the package is unloaded.
#' @param delete_cache whether or not to delete the existing .packtrack_data file (default = `TRUE`).
#' @export
packtrack_stop <- function(delete_cache = TRUE) {
  ## remove @^@ in R prompt if needed:
  options("prompt" = gsub(pattern = "@^@ ", replacement = "",
                          x =  options("prompt"), fixed = TRUE))

  ## restore original loadNamespace function:
  assign("loadNamespace", .packtrack_data$loadNamespace_original, "package:base")

  ## delete the file tracking the namespace usage:
  if (delete_cache && exists(".packtrack_data")) {
    rm(.packtrack_data, envir = globalenv())


#' Pause the tracking of namespaces
#' This function pauses the tacking of packages.
#' @export
packtrack_pause <- function() {
  packtrack_stop(delete_cache = FALSE)

#' Resume the tracking of namespaces
#' This function resumes the tacking of packages if it had been paused.
#' @export
packtrack_resume <- function() {
  packtrack_start(create_cache = FALSE)
courtiol/packtrack documentation built on May 30, 2021, 12:10 a.m.