
Defines functions .ssrc.mascot NB.unique NB.unambiguous getNB getFC get_pool_3_8 get_pool_1_2_9_10 get_pool_x8 plot_in_silico_LCMS_map .plot_in_silico_LCMS_map compose_GPx10R compose_GPGx8cTerm compose_GSx7cTerm

Documented in compose_GPGx8cTerm compose_GPx10R compose_GSx7cTerm getFC getNB NB.unambiguous NB.unique plot_in_silico_LCMS_map .ssrc.mascot


#' Compose a FlyCode GSx7cTerm Amino Acid Sequence
#' @description composes, out of an as input given amino acid distribution,
#' a randomly sampled amino acid sequence. \code{\link{compose_GPGx8cTerm}},
#' \code{\link{compose_GSx7cTerm}}, and \code{\link{compose_GPx10R}} belong to
#' three groups composing different flycode (peptide) construction.
#' The construction is given in the function name. For example, GPGx8cTerm,
#' composes a flycode having as prefix GPG followed by eight (x8) amino acids
#' followed by a cTerm sequence. The different construction will have different
#' detectability properties as mass range and hydrophobicity values.
#' @param pool a vector of amino acids.
#' @param cTerm a vector of a sequence suffix.
#' @return a amino acid sequence, e.g., GSAPTTVFGWLTVR.
#' @export compose_GSx7cTerm
#' @examples
#'  sample.size <- 100
#'  #
#'  ## Compose a GSXXXXXXX(WR|WLTVR|WQGGER|WQSR|WLR) peptide
#'  set.seed(2)
#'  FC.GSx7cTerm <- replicate(sample.size, compose_GSx7cTerm())
#'  ## Some Sanity Checks
#'  table(FC.GSx7cTerm)
#'  stopifnot(length(FC.GSx7cTerm) == 100)
#'  stopifnot(
#'    length(FC.GSx7cTerm[grepl(FC.PATTERN, FC.GSx7cTerm)])
#'      == sample.size)
#' @author Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch> 2015
#' @export compose_GSx7cTerm
compose_GSx7cTerm <-
    function(pool = c(
        rep('A', 18),
        rep('S', 6),
        rep('T', 12),
        rep('N', 1),
        rep('Q', 1),
        rep('D', 11),
        rep('E', 11),
        rep('V', 12),
        rep('L', 2),
        rep('F', 1),
        rep('Y', 4),
        rep('W', 1),
        rep('G', 8),
        rep('P', 12)
    cTerm = c('WR', 'WLTVR', 'WQEGGR', 'WQSR', 'WLR')) {
        paste("GS", paste(pool[sample(length(pool), 7)], collapse = ''), 
                cTerm[sample(length(cTerm), 1)], sep = '')

#' Compose a peptide with a defined AA sequence frequency
#' @description composes, out of an as input given amino acid distribution,
#' a randomly sampled amino acid sequence. \code{\link{compose_GPGx8cTerm}},
#' \code{\link{compose_GSx7cTerm}}, and \code{\link{compose_GPx10R}} belong to
#' three groups composing different flycode (peptide) construction.
#' The construction is given in the function name. For example, GPGx8cTerm,
#' composes a flycode having as prefix GPG followed by eight (x8) amino acids
#' followed by a cTerm sequence. The different construction will have different
#' detectability properties as mass range and hydrophobicity values.
#' @param pool AA distributen.
#' @param cTerm c-Terms
#' @author Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch> 2015
#' @return a AA sequence
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' compose_GPGx8cTerm()
#' (FlyCodes <- replicate(10, compose_GPGx8cTerm()))
#' plot(parentIonMass(FlyCodes) ~ssrc(FlyCodes))
#' @export compose_GPGx8cTerm
compose_GPGx8cTerm <-
    function(pool = c(
        rep('A', 12),
        rep('S', 0),
        rep('T', 12),
        rep('N', 12),
        rep('Q', 12),
        rep('D', 8),
        rep('E', 0),
        rep('V', 12),
        rep('L', 0),
        rep('F', 0),
        rep('Y', 8),
        rep('W', 0),
        rep('G', 12),
        rep('P', 12)
    cTerm = c('VFR', 'VSR', 'VFGIR', 'VSGER')) {
            paste(pool[sample(length(pool), 8)], collapse = ''),
            cTerm[sample(length(cTerm), 1)],
            sep = '')

#' Compose a peptide with a defined AA sequence
#' @description composes, out of an as input given amino acid distribution,
#' a randomly sampled amino acid sequence. \code{\link{compose_GPGx8cTerm}},
#' \code{\link{compose_GSx7cTerm}}, and \code{\link{compose_GPx10R}} belong to
#' three groups composing different flycode (peptide) construction.
#' The construction is given in the function name. For example, GPGx8cTerm,
#' composes a flycode having as prefix GPG followed by eight (x8) amino acids
#' followed by a cTerm sequence. The different construction will have different
#' detectability properties as mass range and hydrophobicity values.
#' @author Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch> 2015
#' @param aa_pool1 AA distributen.
#' @param aa_pool2 AA distributen.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' aa_pool_1_2_9_10 <- c(rep('A', 8), rep('S', 7), rep('T', 7), rep('N', 6),
#' rep('Q', 6), rep('D', 8), rep('E', 8), rep('V', 9), rep('L', 6), rep('F', 5),
#' rep('Y', 9), rep('W', 6), rep('G', 15), rep('P', 0))
#' aa_pool_3_8 <- c(rep('A', 5), rep('S', 4), rep('T', 5), rep('N', 2),
#' rep('Q', 2), rep('D', 8), rep('E', 8), rep('V', 7), rep('L', 5), rep('F', 4),
#' rep('Y', 6), rep('W', 4), rep('G', 12), rep('P', 28))
#' compose_GPx10R(aa_pool_1_2_9_10, aa_pool_3_8)
#' (FlyCodes <- replicate(10, compose_GPx10R(aa_pool_1_2_9_10, aa_pool_3_8)))
#' plot(parentIonMass(FlyCodes) ~ssrc(FlyCodes))
#' @return a AA sequence
#' @export compose_GPx10R
compose_GPx10R <- function(aa_pool1, aa_pool2) {
        paste(aa_pool1[sample(length(aa_pool1), 2)], collapse = ''),
        paste(aa_pool2[sample(length(aa_pool2), 6)], collapse = ''),
        paste(aa_pool1[sample(length(aa_pool1), 2)], collapse = ''),
        sep = ''

.plot_in_silico_LCMS_map <- function(peptides, ...) {
    plot_in_silico_LCMS_map(peptides, ...)

#' plot a LC-MS map of a given set of amino acid sequences
#' @author Christian Panse
#' @param peptides a vector of pepitdes.
#' @param ... pass through the plot method.
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis barplot legend plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off heat.colors png
#' @importFrom gplots hist2d
#' @details TODO(cp): consider using hexbin using ggplot2
#' ggplot facet_wrap aes geom_point
#' @importFrom protViz parentIonMass ssrc
#' @export plot_in_silico_LCMS_map
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,1));
#' FlyCodes <- replicate(10000, compose_GPGx8cTerm())
#' rv <- plot_in_silico_LCMS_map(FlyCodes)
#' @return gplots::hist2d a gplot 2d histogram
plot_in_silico_LCMS_map <- function(peptides, ...) {
    hyd <- unlist(lapply(peptides, function(x) {
    pim <- unlist(lapply(peptides, function(x) {
    pim.range <- range(pim)
    n.pim <- length(seq(pim.range[1], pim.range[2], by = 2))
    n.hyd <- 120
    cm <- c('#44444444', heat.colors(50), 'green')
    n.cm <- length(cm)
    h <- hist2d(
        sub = "in-silico lc-ms map (gplots::hist2d)",
        xlab = "hydrophobicity value",
        ylab = 'parent ion mass',
        nbins = c(n.hyd, n.pim),
        col = cm
    #points(hyd.iRT, pim.iRT, col='cyan')
    legend("topleft", paste("#cells:", n.pim, " x ", n.hyd))
    legend("bottomright", "iRT peptides", col = 'cyan', pch = 'o')
    h_counts <- as.numeric(h$counts)
    h_counts <- h_counts[h_counts > 0]
    frequency <- table(h_counts)
    numbers_per_region <- as.numeric(names(frequency))
    plot(numbers_per_region, frequency,
        col = cm[2 + round((n.cm - 1) *
            (numbers_per_region / max(numbers_per_region)))],
        xlab = 'number of peptides per region',
        ylab = 'frequency',
        axes = FALSE,
        log = '', ...)
    axis(2, c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 2000), c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 2000))
    abline(v = 2.5, col = 'grey')
    #legend("topleft", paste("#cells:", n.pim, " x ", n.hyd "=", n.pim * n.hyd))

get_pool_x8 <- function() {
    aa_pool_x8 <-
            rep('A', 12),
            rep('S', 0),
            rep('T', 12),
            rep('N', 12),
            rep('Q', 12),
            rep('D', 8),
            rep('E', 0),
            rep('V', 12),
            rep('L', 0),
            rep('F', 0),
            rep('Y', 8),
            rep('W', 0),
            rep('G', 12),
            rep('P', 12)

get_pool_1_2_9_10 <- function() {
    aa_pool_1_2_9_10 <-
            rep('A', 8),
            rep('S', 7),
            rep('T', 7),
            rep('N', 6),
            rep('Q', 6),
            rep('D', 8),
            rep('E', 8),
            rep('V', 9),
            rep('L', 6),
            rep('F', 5),
            rep('Y', 9),
            rep('W', 6),
            rep('G', 15),
            rep('P', 0)

get_pool_3_8 <- function() {
    aa_pool_3_8 <- c(
        rep('A', 5),
        rep('S', 4),
        rep('T', 5),
        rep('N', 2),
        rep('Q', 2),
        rep('D', 8),
        rep('E', 8),
        rep('V', 7),
        rep('L', 5),
        rep('F', 4),
        rep('Y', 6),
        rep('W', 4),
        rep('G', 12),
        rep('P', 28)

#' Read FlyCodes (FCs)
#' @return a \code{data.frame} object of Flycodes
#' @description A wrapper function for reading the
#' flycodes using ExperimentHub.
#' The files are used for demonstrating the detectability of the AA
#' sequences. The wrapper functions are extended by columns
#' \code{\link[protViz]{ssrc}} prediction
#' and the \code{\link[protViz]{parentIonMass}}.
#' The column ESP_Prediction was generated by using the service from
#' \url{https://genepattern.broadinstitute.org}.
#' @param pattern a regular expression FlyCode pattern
#' @param filename a two column tab separated file containing a peptide
#' sequence and an ESP value. default is NULL which reads the data provided
#' by the package through ExperimentHub.
#' @author Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch> 2015, 2018
#' @importFrom protViz parentIonMass
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
#' @examples
#' FC <- getFC()
#' dim(FC)
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub 
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @export getFC
#' @source 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\url{https://fgcz-gstore.uzh.ch/projects/p1644/analysis_20170609_o3040/p1644o3482-4_S4.extendedFrags_uniqNB2FC.txt}}
#' \item{\url{https://fgcz-gstore.uzh.ch/projects/p1644/analysis_20170609_o3040/p1644o3482-5_S5.extendedFrags_uniqNB2FC.txt}}
#' }
getFC <-
    function(pattern = "^GS[ASTNQDEFVLYWGP]{7}(WR|WLTVR|WQEGGR|WLR|WQSR)$", filename=NULL) {

    if (is.null(filename)){
        eh <- ExperimentHub()
        filename <- query(eh, c("NestLink", "FC.tryptic"))[[1]]

    FC <- read.table(filename,
            col.names = c("peptide", "ESP_Prediction"),
            header = TRUE
        FC$peptide <- (as.character(FC$peptide))
        idx <- grep (pattern, FC$peptide)
        FC$cond <- "FC"
        FC$pim <- parentIonMass(FC$peptide)
        FC <- FC[nchar(FC$peptide) > 2, ]
        FC$ssrc <- ssrc(FC$peptide)
        # FC$ssrc <- vapply(FC$peptide, FUN=ssrc, FUN.VALUE = ssrc("ELVISR"))
        FC$peptideLength <- nchar(as.character(FC$peptide))

#' Read NanoBodies (NBs)
#' @author Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch> 2015, 2018, 2019
#' @param filename a two column tab separated file containing a peptide
#' sequence and an ESP value. default is NULL which reads the data provided
#' by the package through ExperimentHub.
#' @description A wrapper function for reading the
#' flycodes using ExperimentHub.
#' The files are used for demonstrating the detectability of the AA
#' sequences. The wrapper functions are extended by columns
#' \code{\link[protViz]{ssrc}} prediction
#' and the \code{\link[protViz]{parentIonMass}}.
#' The column ESP_Prediction was generated by using the service from
#' \url{https://genepattern.broadinstitute.org}.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} object of NBs
#' @examples
#' NB <- getNB()
#' dim(NB)
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub 
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @export getNB
#' @source 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\url{https://fgcz-gstore.uzh.ch/projects/p1644/analysis_20170609_o3040/p1644o3482-4_S4.extendedFrags_uniqNB2FC.txt}}
#' \item{\url{https://fgcz-gstore.uzh.ch/projects/p1644/analysis_20170609_o3040/p1644o3482-5_S5.extendedFrags_uniqNB2FC.txt}}
#' }
getNB <- function(filename=NULL) {
    if (is.null(filename)){
        eh <- ExperimentHub()
        filename <- query(eh, c("NestLink", "NB.tryptic"))[[1]]
    NB <- read.table(filename,
            col.names = c("peptide", "ESP_Prediction"),
            header = TRUE
    NB$cond <- "NB"
    NB$peptide <- (as.character(NB$peptide))
    NB$pim <- parentIonMass(NB$peptide)
    NB <- NB[nchar(NB$peptide) > 2,]
    NB$ssrc <- ssrc(NB$peptide)
    NB$peptideLength <- nchar(as.character(NB$peptide))

#' Determine unambiguous NBs
#' @param x a \code{data.frame} containing a column peptide
#' @return a data.frame
#' a \code{data.frame} of unambiguously assignable peptides
#' (those, which occur only on one nanobody)
#' @examples
#' NB <- getNB()
#' dim(NB.unambiguous(NB))
#' @export NB.unambiguous
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom stats aggregate median
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
NB.unambiguous <- function(x = getNB()) {
    stopifnot('peptide' %in% names(x))
    unambiguous <- table(x$peptide) == 1
    unambiguous.peptides <- (row.names(unambiguous)[unambiguous])
    x$cond <- "NB.unambiguous"
    x[x$peptide %in% unambiguous.peptides,]

#' make NB table unique
#' @param x a data.frame
#' @importFrom protViz ssrc
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export NB.unique
#' @examples
#' NB <- getNB()
#' dim(NB.unique(NB))
#' @export NB.unique
NB.unique <- function(x=getNB()) {
    stopifnot('peptide' %in% names(x))
    x$cond <- "NB.unique"

#' WU160118 Mascot Search results
#' @name WU160118
#' @docType data
#' @author Christian Panse
#' @references \url{https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/userlab/show-workunit.html?id=160118}
#' @keywords data
#' @seealso please read the vignette summaryFASTA.Rmd.
#' @examples
#' library(ExperimentHub)
#' eh <- ExperimentHub(); 
#' load(query(eh, c("NestLink", "WU160118.RData"))[[1]])
#' class(WU160118)
#' idx <- grepl(PATTERN, WU160118$pep_seq)
#' WU <- WU160118[idx & WU160118$pep_score > 25,]
#' library(lattice)
#' histogram(~RTINSECONDS| datfilename, data = WU, type='count')

#' F255744 Mascot Search results
#' @name F255744
#' @docType data
#' @author Pascal Egloff \email{p.egloff@imm.uzh.ch}
#' @seealso \href{https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/userlab/show-resource.html?id=409912}{F255744}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' library(ExperimentHub)
#' eh <- ExperimentHub(); load(query(eh, c("NestLink", "F255744.RData"))[[1]])
#' class(F255744)
#' hist(F255744$RTINSECONDS)
#' hist(F255744$RTINSECONDS[F255744$pep_score > 20])

#' PGexport results
#' @name PGexport
#' @docType data
#' @source
#' \url{https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Workunit : 158716 - QEXACTIVEHF_1
#'  20170919_16_62465_nl5idx1-3_6titratecoli.raw
#'  20170919_05_62465_nl5idx1-3_6titratecoli.raw}
#' \item{Workunit : 158717 - QEXACTIVEHF_1
#'  20170919_14_62466_nl5idx1-3_7titratesmeg.raw
#'  20170919_09_62466_nl5idx1-3_7titratesmeg.raw}}
#' @author Pascal Egloff \email{p.egloff@imm.uzh.ch}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' # filename <- system.file(
#' #  "extdata/PGexport2_normalizedAgainstSBstandards_Peptides.csv",
#' #  package = "NestLink")
#' library(ExperimentHub)
#' eh <- ExperimentHub()
#' filename <- query(eh,
#'   c("NestLink", "PGexport2_normalizedAgainstSBstandards_Peptides.csv"))[[1]]
#' P <- read.csv(filename, header = TRUE, sep=';')
#' P <- P[P$Modifications == '', ]
#' P <- P[,c('Accession', 'Sequence',
#' "X20170919_05_62465_nl5idx1.3_6titratecoli",
#' "X20170919_16_62465_nl5idx1.3_6titratecoli",
#' "X20170919_09_62466_nl5idx1.3_7titratesmeg",
#' "X20170919_14_62466_nl5idx1.3_7titratesmeg")]
#' names(P)<-c('Accession','Sequence','coli1', 'coli2', 'smeg1', 'smeg2')
#' P<- P[grep("^P[0-9][A-Z][0-9]", P$Accession), ]
#' P$FCset_ng <- NA
#' P$FCset_ng[P$Accession %in% c('P1A4', 'P1B4', 'P1C4',
#'   'P1D4', 'P1E4', 'P1F4')] <- 92
#' P$FCset_ng[P$Accession %in% c('P1A5', 'P1B5', 'P1C5',
#'   'P1D5', 'P1G4', 'P1H4')] <- 295
#' P$FCset_ng[P$Accession %in% c('P1A6', 'P1B6', 'P1E5',
#'   'P1F5', 'P1G5', 'P1H5')] <- 943
#' P$FCset_ng[P$Accession %in% c('P1C6', 'P1D6', 'P1E6',
#'   'P1F6', 'P1G6', 'P1H6')] <- 3017
#'  P$coli1 <- (log(P$coli1,2) - mean(log(P$coli1,2))) / sd(log(P$coli1,2))
#'  P$coli2 <- (log(P$coli2,2) - mean(log(P$coli2,2))) / sd(log(P$coli2,2))
#'  P$smeg1 <- (log(P$smeg1,2) - mean(log(P$smeg1,2))) / sd(log(P$smeg1,2))
#'  P$smeg2 <- (log(P$smeg2,2) - mean(log(P$smeg2,2))) / sd(log(P$smeg2,2))
#'   O <- P
#'   b <- boxplot(df<-cbind(P$coli1 - P$coli2, P$coli1 - P$smeg1,
#'   P$coli1 - P$smeg2,P$coli2 - P$smeg1, P$coli2 - P$smeg2,
#'   P$smeg1 - P$smeg2),
#'    ylab='normalized log2ratios', ylim = c(-1,1), axes=FALSE,
#'     main=paste("ConcGr = all"))
#' axis(1, 1:6, c('coli[12]', 'coli1-smeg1', 'coli1-smeg2', 'coli2-smeg1',
#' 'coli2- smeg2','smeg[12]'))
#' abline(h=0, col='red')
#' box()
#' axis(2)
#' axis(3, 1:6, b$n)
#' outliers.idx <- sapply(1:length(b$group), function(i){
#'   q <- df[, b$group[i]] == b$out[i];
#'   text(b$group[i], b$out[i], P[q, 2], pos=4, cex=0.4);
#'    text(b$group[i], b$out[i], P[q, 1], pos=2, cex=0.4);
#'    which(q)}
#'    )

#' computes the correlation of predicted and measured retention time
#' @param x \code{as,data.frame.\link[protViz]{mascot}} generated \code{data.frame} object.
#' @param scores default is \code{c(10, 20, 40, 50)}.
#' @param ... passed to the plot function.
#' @description 
#' this helper function computes a linear model between redicted and
#' measured retention time of the as imput set given identified peptides.
#' TODO(cp): consider moving this method to the protViz package.
#' @return a plot and summary
#' @author Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch>, 2017,2019
#' @importFrom protViz ssrc
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @importFrom stats cor lm coef
#' @export .ssrc.mascot
#' @examples 
#' library(ExperimentHub)
#' eh <- ExperimentHub(); 
#' load(query(eh, c("NestLink", "F255744.RData"))[[1]])
#' .ssrc.mascot(F255744, scores = 15)
.ssrc.mascot <- function(x, scores = c(10, 20, 40, 50), ...){
    lapply(scores, function(scorecutoff){
        xx <- x[x$pep_score > scorecutoff  & !is.na(x$pep_score), ]
        xx.ssrc <- ssrc(as.character(xx$pep_seq))
        xx.lm <- lm(xx.ssrc ~ xx$RTINSECONDS)
        plot(xx.ssrc ~ xx$RTINSECONDS, ...)
        abline(xx.lm, col='cornflowerblue')
               c(paste("mascot score cutoff :", scorecutoff), 
                 paste("r.squared: ",round(summary(xx.lm)$r.squared,2)),
                 paste("slope: ",round(coef(xx.lm)[2],2)), 
                 paste("spearman:", round(cor(xx.ssrc, xx$RTINSECONDS, 
                                              method = "spearman"),2))))
cpanse/NestLink documentation built on May 16, 2022, 2:33 a.m.