Man pages for crazyhottommy/scclusteval
Evaluate the single cell clustering

AssignHighestJaccardAssign highest Jaccard index for each cluster of the...
AssignStableClusterAssign stable cluster
CalculatePercentCellInStableCalculate the percentage of cells in stable clusters in the...
CalculateSilhouetteCalculate Silhouette width from PCA space for each cell after...
ClusterIdentityChordPlotPlot ChordDiagram of cell identity changes between two runs...
ClusterSizeBarplotMake a Barplot for cluster size
geom_flat_violinA Flat Violin plot
identscluster identity of subsetted pbmc data
JaccardRainCloudPlotPlot the Jaccard index distribution using raincloud plot
JaccardSetsCalculate jaccard distance for two sets of character vectors
MatchClustersMatch two run of cluster ids with highest Jaccard index
MergeMultipleSeuratObjectsRead multiple 10x run into Seurat objects and merge into a...
PairWiseJaccardSetsCalculate pair-wise Jaccard distance for @ident slots from...
PairWiseJaccardSetsHeatmapMake a Heatmap of the pairwise Jaccard distance between...
PairWiseOverlappingIdentsCalculate pair-wise overlapping cluster identities for @ident...
ParameterSetScatterPlotPlot a scatter plot for different clustering parameters
pipePipe operator
PreprocessSubsetDataA wrapper for preprocessing subsetted Seurat object
PreprocessSubsetDataV2A wrapper for preprocessing subsetted Seurat object using...
RandomSubsetDataRandomly subset (cells) seurat object by a rate
scClusterBootBootstrap for a fully processed Seurat object
scclusteval-packagescclusteval: Evaluate the single cell clustering
SilhouetteRainCloudPlotPlot raincloud plot for silhouette score
crazyhottommy/scclusteval documentation built on Aug. 5, 2021, 3:20 p.m.