
#' @import nseval

`%is%` <- expect_equal

fn <- function() {

test_that("generators", {
  x <- gen({yield("one"); yield("two")})
  as.list(x) %is% list("one", "two")
  x <- gen({yield("one"); yield("two")})
  as.vector(x, "character") %is% c("one", "two")

  x <- gen({yield("one"); yield("two"); print("threeeee")})
  expect_output(as.list(x) %is% list("one", "two"), "threee")

test_that("generator loop", {
  ii <- function(n) gen(for (i in 1:n) yield(i))
  i <- ii(10)
  for (j in 1:10) {
    nextOr(i, stop("unexpected end")) %is% j
  expect_equal(nextOr(i, NULL), NULL)

test_that("further nextElems will error with stopIteration", {

  g <- gen(yield(1))
  nextOr(g) %is% 1
  expect_error(nextOr(g, stop("StopIteration")), "StopIteration")
  expect_error(nextOr(g, stop("StopIteration")), "StopIteration")
  g <- gen({
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% 1
  expect_error(nextOr(g, NULL), "foo")
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% NULL

test_that("a generator", {
  x <- gen(for (i in 1:10) yield(i))
  as.numeric(as.list(x)) %is% 1:10

test_that("for loop over an iterator", {
  x <- gen(for (i in iterors::iseq(1)) {yield(i)})

  as.numeric(as.list(iterors::i_limit(x, 10))) %is% 1:10

  j <- gen(for(i in 1:10) if (i %% 7 == 0) stop("oops") else yield(i))
  x <- 0
  g <- gen(for(i in j) if (FALSE) yield(NULL) else x <<- x + 1)
  expect_error(nextOr(g, NULL), "oops")

test_that("yieldFrom", {

  a <- list("foo", "bar", "baz")
  b <- iterors::iseq(1, 3)
  gchain <- function(its) {
    itors <- iteror(its)
    gen(for (it in itors) yieldFrom(it))

  gchain2 <- function(its) { force(its)
    gen(for (it in its) for (i in it) yield(i))

  as.list(gchain(list(a, b))) %is% list("foo", "bar", "baz", 1, 2, 3)
  b <- iterors::iseq(1, 3)


test_that("nested for loops", {
  x <- gen({
    for (i in iteror(c(3,2,1,2), recycle=TRUE)) {
      for (j in 1:i)
  as.numeric(as.list(iterors::i_limit(x, 24))) %is%

test_that("generator with split pipes", {

  x <- iterors::iseq(1, 55)
  incomplete <- gen(split_pipes=TRUE, {
    repeat {
      sum <- 0
      for (i in 1:10) {
        sum <- nextOr(x, {yield(sum); return()}) + sum

  n <- as.numeric(as.list(incomplete))
  n[6] %is% sum(51:55)

test_that("generators create local scope", {
  x <- 4
  g <- gen({
    while (x <= 10) {
      x <- x + 1
  as.numeric(as.list(g)) %is% 5:11
  x %is% 4

test_that("generators reject recursion", {
  g <- gen(yield(nextOr(g, NULL)))
  expect_error(nextOr(g, NULL), "running")

  f <- gen(repeat yield(nextOr(g, break)))
  g <- gen(repeat yield(nextOr(f, break)))
  expect_error(nextOr(g, NULL), "running")

test_that("generator format", {
  g <- gen({x <- 0; while(x <= 12) x <- yield(x + 5)})

  expect_output(print(g), "yielded")
  expect_output(print(g), "while \\(x <= 12\\) x <- yield\\(x \\+ 5\\)")
  expect_output(print(g), "finished")
  g <- gen({x <- 0; repeat {if (x > 12) stop("oops"); x <- yield(x + 5)}})
  expect_error(as.list(g), "oops")
  expect_output(print(g), "(stopped:.*oops|finished)")

  g <- gen(yield(utils::capture.output(print(g))))
  expect_output(cat(nextOr(g, NULL)), "running")

test_that("last statement is forced", {
  hello <- NULL
  g <- gen({yield("one"); yield("two"); hello <<- "three"})
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% "one"
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% "two"
  expect_equal(nextOr(g, NULL), NULL)
  expect_equal(hello, "three")

test_that("can optionally split pipes", {
  expect_error(gen(repeat x <- yield(x)[x]), "split_pipes")
  x <- c(2, 4, 1, 3)
  g <- gen(repeat x <- yield(x)[x], split_pipes=TRUE)
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% c(2, 4, 1, 3)
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% c(4, 3, 2, 1)
  nextOr(g, NULL) %is% c(1, 2, 3, 4)

test_that("Dummy", {
  expect_error( yield(5), "outside")
  expect_error( gen(await(yield(5))), "await" )

test_that("run", {

  total_ <- 0
  output_ <- collect( function(yield) {
    for (i in seq(2, 48, by=7))
      total_ <<- yield(total_+i)

  total <- 0
  output <- run(
    for (i in iterors::iseq(2, 48, by=7))
      total <- yield(total+i))

  total %is% total_
  output %is% output_

    for (i in iterors::iseq(2, 2400, by=7))
      total <- yield(total+i))

  run(if(TRUE) yield(1) else 5) %is% list(1)
  run(if(FALSE) yield(1) else 5) %is% list()
  run(if(FALSE) return(0) else 5) %is% 5

    run(for (i in iterors::iseq(1, 1000, by=23))
      if (i%%37 == 0) stop("oops") else yield(i)),

    run(for (i in iterors::iseq(1, 1000, by=23))
      if (i%%37 == 0) yield(sOmE+nOnSeNsE) else yield(i)),
    "not found")

  a <- list(1:2, 1:3, 1:4)
  run(for (i in a) yieldFrom(i), 0) %is% c(1:2, 1:3, 1:4)
  expect_error(run(yieldFrom(a), 0), "replace")

  b1 <- run(for (i in 1:10) for(j in iterors::iseq(1, i)) yield(j), 0)
  expect_length(b1, sum(1:10))
  b2 <- run(for (i in 1:10) yieldFrom(iterors::iseq(1, i)), 0)
  b1 %is% b2


test_that("run-function", {

  colon <- run(function(from, to) for(i in iterors::iseq(from, to)) yield(i), type=0)
  colon(5, 10) %is% 5:10


test_that("for loop var check", {
  expect_error( run(repeat `for`(44444, 1:100, yield(i))), "name" )
  expect_error( run(repeat `for`(break, 1:100, yield(i))), "stuff" )

test_that("stream stop", {



test_that("generator works wnen async package not attached", {

  if ("package:async" %in% search()) {
    }, add=TRUE)
  g <- async::gen({
    max <- 10
    skip <- 4
    i <- 0;
    repeat {
      i <- i + 1;
      if (i %% skip == 0) next
      if (i > max) break
  }, globalenv())

  # can run a generator without having the package attached
  # this should really be in the next test though
  l <- as.numeric(as.list((g)))
  l %is% c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10)

test_that("generator functions", {

  f <- gen(function(x) {for (i in 1:x) yield(i)})
  expect_equal(as.list(formals(f)), alist(x=))

  g <- f(5)
  expect_true(is(g, "generator"))
  sum(as.numeric(as.list(g))) %is% 15

  g1 <- f(6)
  g2 <- f(7)
  g3 <- f(8)
  sum(as.numeric(as.list(g1))) %is% 21
  sum(as.numeric(as.list(g3))) %is% 36
  sum(as.numeric(as.list(g2))) %is% 28


test_that("generator functions", {

  gseq <- gen(function(from, to, by=1) {
    if (by > 0) {
      while (to >= from) {
        from <- from + by
    } else {
      while (to <= from) {
        from <- from + by

  expect_type(gseq, "closure")
  expect_false(is(gseq, "iteror"))
  names(formals(gseq)) %is% c("from", "to", "by")

  # you need to force your args to do this:
  iters <- list()
  for (i in 1:10) {
    iters[[i]] <- gseq(1, i)
  x <- collect(type=0, \(yield) {
    for (it in iters) {
      repeat yield(nextOr(it, break), " ")
  sum(x) %is% 220


test_that("nextElem followed by call", {
  #this turned out to have been nextOr_cps not forcing its "cont"
  #(it was trusting the "or" constructor do do so, but "break" ignores its

  a <- iteror(1:20)
  #g <- drop_one_after(a, 5)
  g <- gen(
    repeat {
      for (i in 1:5) yield(nextOr(a, break))
      nextOr(a, break) #drop
      list("") # print a seperator after every skip
  length(as.list(g)) %is% 17


crowding/generators documentation built on June 28, 2023, 6:14 a.m.