#' Extract values from EE Images or ImageCollections objects
#' Extract values from a \code{ee$Image} at the
#' locations of a geometry object. You can use \code{ee$Geometry$*},
#' \code{ee$Feature}, \code{ee$FeatureCollection}, sf or sfc objects. This function
#' mimicking how \link[raster]{extract} currently works.
#' @param x ee$Image.
#' @param y ee$Geometry$*, ee$Feature, ee$FeatureCollection, sfc or sf objects.
#' @param fun ee$Reducer object. Function to summarize the values. The function
#' must take a single numeric value as an argument and return a single value.
#' See details.
#' @param scale A nominal scale in meters of the Image projection to work in.
#' By default 1000.
#' @param sf Logical. Should return a sf object?
#' @param lazy Logical. If TRUE, a \code{\link[future:sequential]{
#' future::sequential}} object is created to evaluate the task in the future.
#' Ignore if \code{via} is set as "getInfo". See details.
#' @param via Character. Method to export the image. Three method are
#' implemented: "getInfo", "drive", "gcs".
#' @param container Character. Name of the folder ('drive') or bucket ('gcs')
#' to be exported into (ignore if \code{via} is not defined as "drive" or
#' "gcs").
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message.
#' @param ... ee$Image$reduceRegions additional parameters. See
#' \code{ee_help(ee$Image$reduceRegions)} for more details.
#' @return A data.frame or an sf object depending on the sf argument.
#' Column names are extracted from band names, use \code{ee$Image$rename} to
#' rename the bands of an \code{ee$Image}. See \code{ee_help(ee$Image$rename)}.
#' @details
#' The reducer functions that return one value are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{allNonZero}: Returns a Reducer that returns 1 if all of its
#' inputs are non-zero, 0 otherwise. \cr
#' \item \strong{anyNonZero}: Returns a Reducer that returns 1 if any of its
#' inputs are non-zero, 0 otherwise. \cr
#' \item \strong{bitwiseAnd}: Returns a Reducer that computes the bitwise-and
#' summation of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{bitwiseOr}: Returns a Reducer that computes the bitwise-or
#' summation of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{count}: Returns a Reducer that computes the number of
#' non-null inputs.
#' \item \strong{first}: Returns a Reducer that returns the first of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{firstNonNull}: Returns a Reducer that returns the first of
#' its non-null inputs.
#' \item \strong{kurtosis}: Returns a Reducer that Computes the kurtosis of
#' its inputs.
#' \item \strong{last}: Returns a Reducer that returns the last of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{lastNonNull}: Returns a Reducer that returns the last of its
#' non-null inputs.
#' \item \strong{max}: Creates a reducer that outputs the maximum value of
#' its (first) input. If numInputs is greater than one, also outputs the
#' corresponding values of the additional inputs.
#' \item \strong{mean}: Returns a Reducer that computes the (weighted)
#' arithmetic mean of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{median}: Create a reducer that will compute the median of
#' the inputs. For small numbers of inputs (up to maxRaw) the median will be
#' computed directly; for larger numbers of inputs the median will be derived
#' from a histogram.
#' \item \strong{min}: Creates a reducer that outputs the minimum value
#' of its (first) input. If numInputs is greater than one, also outputs
#' additional inputs.
#' \item \strong{mode}: Create a reducer that will compute the mode of the
#' inputs. For small numbers of inputs (up to maxRaw) the mode will be
#' computed directly; for larger numbers of inputs the mode will be derived
#' from a histogram.
#' \item \strong{product}: Returns a Reducer that computes the product of
#' its inputs.
#' \item \strong{sampleStdDev}: Returns a Reducer that computes the sample
#' standard deviation of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{sampleVariance}: Returns a Reducer that computes the sample
#' variance of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{stdDev}: Returns a Reducer that computes the standard
#' deviation of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{sum}: Returns a Reducer that computes the (weighted) sum
#' of its inputs.
#' \item \strong{variance}: Returns a Reducer that computes the variance
#' of its inputs.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' library(sf)
#' ee_Initialize(gcs = TRUE, drive = TRUE)
#' # Define a Image or ImageCollection: Terraclimate
#' terraclimate <- ee$ImageCollection("IDAHO_EPSCOR/TERRACLIMATE") %>%
#' ee$ImageCollection$filterDate("2001-01-01", "2002-01-01") %>%
#' ee$ImageCollection$map(
#' function(x) {
#' date <- ee$Date(x$get("system:time_start"))$format('YYYY_MM_dd')
#' name <- ee$String$cat("Terraclimate_pp_", date)
#' x$select("pr")$rename(name)
#' }
#' )
#' # Define a geometry
#' nc <- st_read(
#' dsn = system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' quiet = TRUE
#' )
#' #Extract values - getInfo
#' ee_nc_rain <- ee_extract(
#' x = terraclimate,
#' y = nc["NAME"],
#' scale = 250,
#' fun = ee$Reducer$mean(),
#' sf = TRUE
#' )
#' # Extract values - drive (lazy = TRUE)
#' ee_nc_rain <- ee_extract(
#' x = terraclimate,
#' y = nc["NAME"],
#' scale = 250,
#' fun = ee$Reducer$mean(),
#' via = "drive",
#' lazy = TRUE,
#' sf = TRUE
#' )
#' ee_nc_rain <- ee_nc_rain %>% ee_utils_future_value()
#' # Extract values - gcs (lazy = FALSE)
#' ee_nc_rain <- ee_extract(
#' x = terraclimate,
#' y = nc["NAME"],
#' scale = 250,
#' fun = ee$Reducer$mean(),
#' via = "gcs",
#' container = "rgee_dev",
#' sf = TRUE
#' )
#' # Spatial plot
#' plot(
#' ee_nc_rain["X200101_Terraclimate_pp_2001_01_01"],
#' main = "2001 Jan Precipitation - Terraclimate",
#' reset = FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' @export
ee_extract <- function(x,
fun = ee$Reducer$mean(),
scale = NULL,
sf = FALSE,
via = "getInfo",
container = "rgee_backup",
lazy = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
...) {
ee_check_packages("ee_extract", c("geojsonio", "sf"))
# print scale
if (!quiet & is.null(scale)) {
scale <- 1000
message(sprintf("The image scale is set to %s.", scale))
# Is x a Image or ImageCollection?
if (!any(class(x) %in% ee_get_spatial_objects("i+ic"))) {
stop("x is neither an ee$Image nor ee$ImageCollection")
# Is x a ImageCollection?
if (any(class(x) %in% "ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection")) {
# if (!quiet) {
# message("x is an ImageCollection, running 'x$toBands()' to ",
# "convert it into an Image")
# }
x <- ee$ImageCollection$toBands(x)
# Load Python module
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_extract.py", package = "rgee")
extract_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
# spatial classes
sp_objects <- ee_get_spatial_objects('Table')
# Is y a Spatial object?
if (!any(class(y) %in% c("sf", "sfc", sp_objects))) {
stop("y is not a sf, sfc, ee$Geometry, ee$Feature or ee$FeatureCollection object.")
# If y is a sf object convert into a ee$FeatureCollection object
if (any("sf" %in% class(y))) {
sf_y <- y
# if (!quiet) {
# message("NOTE: y is an sf object, running 'sf_as_ee(y$geometry)' to ",
# "convert in an ee$FeatureCollection object.")
# }
ee_y <- sf_as_ee(y[["geometry"]], quiet = TRUE)
} else if(any("sfc" %in% class(y))) {
sf_y <- sf::st_sf(id = seq_along(y), geometry = y)
# if (!quiet) {
# message("y is an sfc object, running 'sf_as_ee(y)' to ",
# "convert it into an ee$FeatureCollection object.")
# }
ee_y <- sf_as_ee(y, quiet = TRUE)
# If y is a ee$FeatureCollection object and 'sf' arg is TRUE convert it to an
# sf object
} else if(any(ee_get_spatial_objects('Table') %in% class(y))) {
ee_y <- ee$FeatureCollection(y)
sf_y <- ee_as_sf(y, quiet = TRUE)
#set ee_ID for identify rows in the data.frame
ee_add_rows <- function(f) {
f_prop <- ee$Feature$get(f, "system:index")
ee$Feature(ee$Feature$set(f, "ee_ID", f_prop))
ee_y <- ee$FeatureCollection(ee_y) %>%
# Get the funname
fun_name <- gsub("Reducer.", "", (ee$Reducer$getInfo(fun))[["type"]])
# Convert Image into ImageCollection
x_ic <- bands_to_image_collection(x)
# triplets save info about the value, the row_id (ee_ID) and col_id (imageId)
create_tripplets <- function(img) {
img_reduce_regions <- ee$Image$reduceRegions(
image = img,
collection = ee_y,
reducer = fun,
scale = scale,
function(f) {
ee$Feature$set(f, "imageId", ee$Image$get(img, "system:index"))
triplets <- x_ic %>%
ee$ImageCollection$map(create_tripplets) %>%
# From ee$Dict format to a table
table <- extract_py$
table_format(triplets, "ee_ID", "imageId", fun_name)$
map(function(feature) {
ee$Feature$setGeometry(feature, NULL)
# Extracting data and passing to sf
if (via == "drive") {
# Getting image ID if it is exist
# table_id is the name of the table in the container
table_id <- basename(tempfile("rgee_file_"))
# Have you loaded the necessary credentials?
# Only important for drive or gcs.
ee_user <- ee_exist_credentials()
dsn <- sprintf("%s/%s.csv", tempdir(), table_id)
# From Earth Engine to drive
table_task <- ee_init_task_drive_fc(
x_fc = table,
dsn = dsn,
container = container,
table_id = table_id,
ee_user = ee_user,
selectors = NULL,
timePrefix = TRUE,
quiet = quiet
if(lazy) {
prev_plan <- future::plan(future::sequential, .skip = TRUE)
on.exit(future::plan(prev_plan, .skip = TRUE), add = TRUE)
ee_extract_to_lazy_exp_drive(table_task, dsn, quiet, sf, sf_y)
}, lazy = TRUE)
} else {
ee_extract_to_lazy_exp_drive(table_task, dsn, quiet, sf, sf_y)
} else if(via == "gcs") {
# Getting image ID if it is exist
# table_id is the name of the table in the container
table_id <- basename(tempfile("rgee_file_"))
# Have you loaded the necessary credentials?
# Only important for drive or gcs.
ee_user <- ee_exist_credentials()
dsn <- sprintf("%s/%s.csv", tempdir(), table_id)
# From Earth Engine to drive
table_task <- ee_init_task_gcs_fc(
x_fc = table,
dsn = dsn,
container = container,
table_id = table_id,
ee_user = ee_user,
selectors = NULL,
timePrefix = TRUE,
quiet = quiet
if(lazy) {
prev_plan <- future::plan(future::sequential, .skip = TRUE)
on.exit(future::plan(prev_plan, .skip = TRUE), add = TRUE)
ee_extract_to_lazy_exp_gcs(table_task, dsn, quiet, sf, sf_y)
}, lazy = TRUE)
} else {
ee_extract_to_lazy_exp_gcs(table_task, dsn, quiet, sf, sf_y)
} else {
table_geojson <- table %>%
ee$FeatureCollection$getInfo() %>%
class(table_geojson) <- "geo_list"
table_sf <- geojsonio::geojson_sf(table_geojson)
sf::st_geometry(table_sf) <- NULL
table_sf <- table_sf[, order(names(table_sf))]
# Removing helper index's
table_sf["id"] <- NULL
table_sf["ee_ID"] <- NULL
if (isTRUE(sf)) {
table_geometry <- sf::st_geometry(sf_y)
table_sf <- sf_y %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
cbind(table_sf) %>%
sf::st_sf(geometry = table_geometry)
} else {
table_sf <- sf_y %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
#' Converts all bands in an image to an image collection.
#' @param img ee$Image. The image to convert.
#' @return ee$ImageCollection
#' @noRd
bands_to_image_collection <- function(img) {
bname_to_image <- function(band) {
img %>%
ee$Image$select(ee$String(band)) %>%
list("system:index" = ee$String(band))
img %>%
ee$Image$bandNames() %>%
ee$List$map(ee_utils_pyfunc(bname_to_image)) %>%
#' From drive to local (sf). Function to be evaluated in future::plan
#' @noRd
ee_extract_to_lazy_exp_drive <- function(table_task, dsn, quiet, sf, sf_y) {
# From drive to local
table_csv <- ee_sf_drive_local(
table_task = table_task,
dsn = dsn,
metadata = FALSE,
public = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE,
quiet = quiet
# Removing helper index's
table_sf <- read.csv(table_csv$dsn)
table_sf["system.index"] <- NULL
table_sf["ee_ID"] <- NULL
table_sf[".geo"] <- NULL
if (isTRUE(sf)) {
table_geometry <- sf::st_geometry(sf_y)
table_sf <- sf_y %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
cbind(table_sf) %>%
sf::st_sf(geometry = table_geometry)
} else {
table_sf <- sf_y %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
#' From GCS to local (sf). Function to be evaluated in future::plan
#' @noRd
ee_extract_to_lazy_exp_gcs <- function(table_task, dsn, quiet, sf, sf_y) {
# From GCS to local
table_csv <- ee_sf_gcs_local(
table_task = table_task,
dsn = dsn,
metadata = FALSE,
public = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE,
quiet = quiet
# Removing helper index's
table_sf <- read.csv(table_csv$dsn)
table_sf["system.index"] <- NULL
table_sf["ee_ID"] <- NULL
table_sf[".geo"] <- NULL
if (isTRUE(sf)) {
table_geometry <- sf::st_geometry(sf_y)
table_sf <- sf_y %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
cbind(table_sf) %>%
sf::st_sf(geometry = table_geometry)
} else {
table_sf <- sf_y %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
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