#' Authenticate and Initialize Earth Engine
#' Authorize rgee to manage Earth Engine resources, Google
#' Drive, and Google Cloud Storage. The \code{ee_initialize()} via
#' web-browser will ask to sign in to your Google account and
#' allows you to grant permission to manage resources. This function is
#' a wrapper around `rgee::ee$Initialize()`.
#' @param email Character (optional, e.g. `data.colec.fbf@gmail.com`). The email
#' argument is used to create a folder inside the path \code{~/.config/earthengine/}
#' that save all credentials for a specific Google identity.
#' @param drive Logical (optional). If TRUE, the drive credential
#' is cached in the path \code{~/.config/earthengine/}.
#' @param gcs Logical (optional). If TRUE, the Google Cloud Storage
#' credential is cached in the path \code{~/.config/earthengine/}.
#' @param display Logical. If TRUE display the earthengine authentication URL.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info messages.
#' @importFrom utils read.table browseURL write.table packageVersion
#' @importFrom reticulate import_from_path import install_miniconda py_available
#' @importFrom cli symbol rule
#' @importFrom crayon blue green black red bold white
#' @details
#' \code{ee_Initialize(...)} can manage Google drive and Google
#' Cloud Storage resources using the R packages googledrive and
#' googlecloudStorageR, respectively. By default, rgee does not require
#' them, these are only necessary to enable rgee I/O functionality.
#' All user credentials are saved in the directory
#' \code{~/.config/earthengine/}, if a user does not specify the email
#' argument all user credentials are saved in a subdirectory
#' called \code{~/.config/earthengine/ndef}.
#' @family session management functions
#' @return No return value, called for initializing the earthengine-api.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' # Simple init - Load just the Earth Engine credential
#' ee_Initialize()
#' ee_user_info()
#' }
#' @export
ee_Initialize <- function(email = NULL,
drive = FALSE,
gcs = FALSE,
display = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE) {
# Message for new user
init_rgee_message <- ee_search_init_message()
if (!init_rgee_message) {
# Load your Python Session
# if EARTHENGINE_PYTHON is defined, then send it to RETICULATE_PYTHON
earthengine_python <- Sys.getenv("EARTHENGINE_PYTHON", unset = NA)
if (!is.na(earthengine_python))
Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = earthengine_python)
# get the path of earth engine credentials
ee_current_version <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
if (!file.exists(ee_current_version)) {
"The file %s does not exist in their system. Please re-install rgee: %s",
ee_utils <- ee_connect_to_py(path = ee_current_version, n = 5)
earthengine_version <- ee_utils_py_to_r(ee_utils$ee_getversion())
if (!quiet) {
left = bold("rgee", packageVersion("rgee")),
right = paste0("earthengine-api ", earthengine_version)
), "\n"
# is earthengine-api greater than 0.1.215?
if (as.numeric(gsub("\\.","",earthengine_version)) < 01215) {
"Update your earthnengine-api installations to v0.1.232 or greater. ",
"Earlier versions are not compatible with recent ",
"changes to the Earth Engine backend."
# 1. simple checking
if (is.null(email)) {
email <- "ndef"
if (!quiet) {
if (email == "ndef") {
"", green(symbol[["tick"]]),
} else {
"", green(symbol[["tick"]]),
green(email), "\n"
# create a user's folder
email_clean <- gsub("@gmail.com", "", email)
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(ee_utils$ee_path())
ee_path_user <- sprintf("%s/%s", ee_path, email_clean)
dir.create(ee_path_user, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
## remove previous gd and gcs credentials
unlink(list.files(ee_path, "@gmail.com", full.names = TRUE))
unlink(list.files(ee_path, ".json", full.names = TRUE))
# Loading all the credentials: earthengine, drive and GCS.
drive_credentials <- NA
gcs_credentials <- list(path = NA, message = NA)
if (drive) {
ee_check_packages("ee_Initialize", "googledrive")
if (!quiet) {
blue("Google Drive credentials:")
drive_credentials <- ee_create_credentials_drive(email)
if (!quiet) {
blue("Google Drive credentials:"),
# drive_credentials,
green(" FOUND\n")
if (gcs) {
ee_check_packages("ee_Initialize", "googleCloudStorageR")
if (!quiet) {
blue("GCS credentials:")
gcs_credentials <- tryCatch(
expr = ee_create_credentials_gcs(email),
error = function(e) {
list(path = NA, message = NA)
if (!quiet) {
if (!is.na(gcs_credentials[["path"]])) {
blue("GCS credentials:"),
# gcs_credentials,
green(" FOUND\n")
} else {
blue("GCS credentials:"),
# gcs_credentials,
red("NOT FOUND\n")
## rgee session file
options(rgee.gcs.auth = gcs_credentials[["path"]])
if (!quiet) {
"", green(symbol[["tick"]]),
blue("Initializing Google Earth Engine:")
ee_create_credentials_earthengine(email_clean, display = display)
if (!quiet) {
blue("Initializing Google Earth Engine:"),
green(" DONE!\n")
# Root folder exist?
ee_user_assetroot <- ee$data$getAssetRoots()
assetroot_exist <- length(ee_user_assetroot) == 0
# if ee_asset_home (list) length is zero
if (assetroot_exist) {
root_text <- paste(
"Earth Engine Assets home root folder does not exist for the current user.",
"Please enter your desired root folder name below. Take into consideration",
sprintf("that once created %s Alternatively,",
bold("you will not be able to change the folder name again. ")),
sprintf("press ESC to interrupt and run: %s",
sprintf("to attempt to create it. After that execute again %s.",
sep = "\n"
ee_user_assetroot <- ee$data$getAssetRoots()
ee_user_assetroot_id <- ee_user_assetroot[[1]]$id
ee_user <- ee_remove_project_chr(ee_user_assetroot_id)
options(rgee.ee_user = ee_user)
email = email_clean,
user = ee_user,
drive_cre = drive_credentials,
gcs_cre = gcs_credentials[["path"]]
if (!quiet) {
cat("\r", green(symbol[["tick"]]), blue("Earth Engine user:"),
green(bold(ee_user)), "\n")
cat(rule(), "\n")
if (!is.na(gcs_credentials[["message"]])) {
# ee_check_python_packages(quiet = TRUE)
#' Authorize rgee to view and manage your Earth Engine account.
#' This is a three-step function:
#' \itemize {
#' \item First get the full path name of the Earth Engine credentials
#' considering the email address.
#' \item Second, use the file.copy function to set up the
#' "credentials" file, so that the Earth Engine Python API can read it.
#' \item Finally, if the file.copy fails at copy it, the credentials
#' will download from Internet. You will be directed to a web browser.
#' Sign in to your Google account to be granted rgee
#' permission to operate on your behalf with Google Earth Engine.
#' These user credentials are cached in a folder below your
#' home directory, `rgee::ee_get_earthengine_path()`, from
#' where they can be automatically refreshed, as necessary.
#' }
#' @noRd
ee_create_credentials_earthengine <- function(email_clean, display) {
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
# first step
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path())
main_ee_credential <- sprintf("%s/credentials", ee_path)
user_ee_credential <- sprintf(
# second step
path_condition <- file.exists(user_ee_credential)
if (isTRUE(path_condition)) {
path_condition <- file.copy(
from = user_ee_credential,
to = main_ee_credential,
overwrite = TRUE
} else {
oauth_codes <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$create_codes())
code_verifier <- oauth_codes[[1]]
code_challenge <- oauth_codes[[2]]
earthengine_auth <- ee$oauth$get_authorization_url(code_challenge)
# Display URL?
if (display) {
message("\n", earthengine_auth)
url = earthengine_auth,
code_verifier = code_verifier,
main_ee_credential = main_ee_credential,
user_ee_credential = user_ee_credential
#' Save EE credentials
#' @noRd
ee_save_eecredentials <- function(url, code_verifier, main_ee_credential, user_ee_credential) {
auth_code <- readline("Enter Earth Engine Authentication: ")
token <- ee$oauth$request_token(auth_code, code_verifier)
credential <- sprintf('{"refresh_token":"%s"}', token)
write(credential, main_ee_credential)
write(credential, user_ee_credential)
#' Create credentials - Google Drive
#' @noRd
ee_create_credentials_drive <- function(email) {
ee_check_packages("ee_Initialize", "googledrive")
# Set folder to save Google Drive Credentials
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path())
email_clean <- gsub("@gmail.com", "", email)
ee_path_user <- sprintf("%s/%s", ee_path, email_clean)
# Load GD credentials (googledrive::drive_auth)
repeat {
full_credentials <- list.files(path = ee_path_user, full.names = TRUE)
drive_condition <- grepl(".*_.*@.*", basename(full_credentials))
if (!any(drive_condition)) {
email = NULL,
cache = ee_path_user
} else {
drive_credentials <- full_credentials[drive_condition]
email <- sub("^[^_]*_", "", basename(drive_credentials))
email = email,
cache = ee_path_user
# Clean previous and copy new GD credentials in ./earthengine folder
clean_drive <- list.files(ee_path, ".*_.*@.*", full.names = TRUE) %in% list.dirs(ee_path)
list.files(ee_path, ".*_.*@.*", full.names = TRUE)[!clean_drive]
from = drive_credentials,
to = sprintf("%s/%s", ee_path, basename(drive_credentials)),
overwrite = TRUE
#' Authorize Google Cloud Storage
#' Authorize Google Cloud Storage to view and manage your gcs files.
#' @details
#' *.json is the authentication file you have downloaded
#' from your Google Project
#' (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/serviceaccountkey/).
#' Is necessary to save it (manually) inside the folder ~/.R/earthengine/USER/.
#' @noRd
ee_create_credentials_gcs <- function(email) {
# check packages
ee_check_packages("ee_Initialize", "googleCloudStorageR")
#get ee path
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path())
# setting gcs folder
email_clean <- gsub("@gmail.com", "", email)
ee_path_user <- sprintf("%s/%s", ee_path, email_clean)
# gcs_credentials
full_credentials <- list.files(path = ee_path_user, full.names = TRUE)
gcs_condition <- grepl(".json", full_credentials)
if (!any(gcs_condition)) {
gcs_text <- paste(
sprintf("Unable to find a service account key (SAK) file in: %s", bold(ee_path_user)),
"Please, download and save the key manually on the path mentioned",
"before. A compressible tutorial to obtain their SAK file is available in:",
"> https://github.com/r-spatial/rgee/tree/help/gcs/",
"> https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys/",
"> https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/serviceaccountkey/",
bold("Until you do not save a SKA file, the following functions will not work:"),
"- rgee::ee_gcs_to_local()",
"- ee_as_raster(..., via = \"gcs\")",
"- ee_as_stars(..., via = \"gcs\")",
"- ee_as_sf(..., via = \"gcs\")",
"- sf_as_ee(..., via = \"gcs_to_asset\")",
"- gcs_to_ee_image",
"- raster_as_ee",
"- local_to_gcs",
"- stars_as_ee",
sep = "\n"
gcs_info <- list(path = NA, message = gcs_text)
} else {
gcs_credentials <- full_credentials[gcs_condition]
unlink(list.files(ee_path, ".json", full.names = TRUE))
from = gcs_credentials,
to = sprintf("%s/%s", ee_path, basename(gcs_credentials)),
overwrite = TRUE
gcs_info <- list(path = gcs_credentials, message = NA)
#' Display the credentials of all users as a table
#' Display Earth Engine, Google Drive, and Google Cloud Storage Credentials as
#' a table.
#' @family session management functions
#' @return A data.frame with credential information of all users.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info messages.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_users()
#' }
#' @export
ee_users <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
#space among columns
wsc <- " "
title <- c('user', ' EE', ' GCS', ' GD')
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
# get all dirfiles
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path()) %>%
list.dirs(full.names = FALSE) %>%
if (length(ee_path) == 0) {
stop('does not exist active users',
', run rgee::ee_Initialize() to fixed.')
#define space in the first column
max_char <- max(nchar(ee_path))
add_space <- max_char - nchar(ee_path)
title[1] <- add_extra_space(name = title[1],
space = max_char - nchar(title[1]))
if (!quiet) {
cat("", bold(paste0(title, collapse = wsc)), "\n")
users <- add_extra_space(ee_path, add_space)
for (user in users) {
if (user == users[1]) {
first_user_info <- create_table(user, wsc, quiet = quiet)
} else {
user_info <- create_table(user, wsc, quiet = quiet)
first_user_info <- rbind(first_user_info, user_info)
if(!quiet) {
#' Display the credentials and general info of the initialized user
#' @family session management functions
#' @return A list with information about the Earth Engine user.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info messages.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' ee_user_info()
#' }
#' @export
ee_user_info <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
user_session <- ee_get_earthengine_path()
user_session_list <- list.files(user_session,full.names = TRUE)
user <- ee$data$getAssetRoots()[[1]][["id"]]
if (!quiet) {
cat(rule(right = bold(paste0("Earth Engine user info"))))
# python version
py_used <- py_discover_config()[["python"]]
if (!quiet) {
cat(blue$bold("\nReticulate python version:"))
cat("\n - ", py_used)
# asset home
asset_home <- ee_remove_project_chr(user)
if (!quiet) {
cat(blue$bold('\nEarth Engine Asset Home:'))
cat("\n - ", asset_home)
# credentials directory path
if (!quiet) {
cat(blue$bold('\nCredentials Directory Path:'))
cat("\n - ", user_session)
# google drive
gd <- user_session_list[grepl("@gmail.com", user_session_list)]
if (length(gd) == 0) {
gd <- "NOT FOUND"
if (!quiet) {
cat(blue$bold('\nGoogle Drive Credentials:'))
cat("\n - ", basename(gd))
email_drive <- sub("[^_]+_(.*)@.*", "\\1", basename(gd))
# google cloud storage
gcs <- user_session_list[grepl(".json", user_session_list)]
if (length(gcs) == 0) {
gcs <- "NOT FOUND"
if (!quiet) {
cat(blue$bold('\nGoogle Cloud Storage Credentials:'))
cat("\n - ",basename(gcs))
cat("\n", rule(), "\n")
# ee_user <- ee_exist_credentials()
# if (isFALSE(grepl(email_drive, ee_user$email)) & ee_user$email != "ndef") {
# message(
# "\nNOTE: Google Drive credential does not match with your Google",
# " Earth Engine credentials. All functions which depend on Google",
# " Drive will not work (e.g. ee_image_to_drive)."
# )
# }
ee_check_python_packages(quiet = TRUE)
asset_home = asset_home,
user_session = user_session,
gd_id = basename(gd),
gcs_file = gcs
#' Create session info of the last init inside the
#' folder ~/.config/earthengine/
#' @noRd
ee_sessioninfo <- function(email = NULL,
user = NULL,
drive_cre = NULL,
gcs_cre = NULL) {
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
sessioninfo <- sprintf(
df <- data.frame(
email = email, user = user, drive_cre = drive_cre, gcs_cre = gcs_cre,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
write.table(df, sessioninfo, row.names = FALSE)
#' Read and evaluate a python script
#' @noRd
ee_source_python <- function(oauth_func_path) {
module_name <- gsub("\\.py$", "", basename(oauth_func_path))
module_path <- dirname(oauth_func_path)
import_from_path(module_name, path = module_path, convert = FALSE)
#' Function used in ee_user
#' Add extra space to usernames to form a nice table
#' @noRd
add_extra_space <- function(name, space) {
iter <- length(space)
result <- rep(NA,iter)
for (z in seq_len(iter)) {
add_space <- paste0(rep(" ",space[z]), collapse = "")
result[z] <- paste0(name[z], add_space)
#' Function used in ee_user
#' Search if credentials exist and display
#' it as tick and crosses.
#' @noRd
create_table <- function(user, wsc, quiet = FALSE) {
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path())
user_clean <- gsub(" ", "", user, fixed = TRUE)
credentials <- list.files(sprintf("%s/%s",ee_path,user_clean))
#google drive
if (any(grepl("@gmail.com",credentials))) {
gmail_symbol <- green(symbol[["tick"]])
gd_count <- 1
} else {
gmail_symbol <- red(symbol[["cross"]])
gd_count <- 0
if (any(grepl(".json",credentials))) {
gcs_symbol <- green(symbol[["tick"]])
gcs_count <- 1
} else {
gcs_symbol <- red(symbol[["cross"]])
gcs_count <- 0
#Earth Engine
if (any(grepl("credentials",credentials))) {
ee_symbol <- green(symbol[["tick"]])
ee_count <- 1
} else {
ee_symbol <- red(symbol[["cross"]])
ee_count <- 0
if (!quiet) {
user_str <- data.frame(EE = ee_count, GD = gd_count, GCS = gcs_count)
row.names(user_str) <- user_clean
#' Wrapper to create a EE Assets home
#' @noRd
ee_createAssetHome <- function() {
x <- readline("Please insert the desired name of your root folder : users/")
expr = ee$data$createAssetHome(paste0("users/", x)),
error = function(x) {
" If you have problems creating the ROOT folder use the Earth Engine",
" Code Editor. \n",
">>> https://code.earthengine.google.com/\n",
">>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csaybar/GCS_AUTH_FILE.json/master/asset_folder.png"
#' Message for new users
#' @noRd
ee_init_message <- function() {
text <- paste(
crayon::bold("Welcome to the Earth Engine client library for R!"),
"It seems it is your first time using rgee. First off, keep in mind that",
sprintf("Google Earth Engine is %s, check the",
bold("only available to registered users")),
sprintf("official website %s to get more information.",
"\nBefore start coding is necessary to set up a Python environment. Run",
"%s to set up automatically, after that, restart the R",
"session to see changes. See more than 300+ examples of rgee at",
"\nrgee will need to create the environmental variable \"EARTHENGINE_INIT_MESSAGE\"",
"in your system to avoid you recieve this message again.",
sep = "\n"
response <- readline("Would you like to stop to receive this message? [Y/n]:")
repeat {
ch <- tolower(substring(response, 1, 1))
if (ch == "y" || ch == "") {
# message("Initialization aborted.")
} else if (ch == "n") {
# message("Initialization aborted.")
# return(FALSE)
} else {
response <- readline("Please answer yes or no: ")
#' ee_utils if the first call that rgee does to Python, so delay_load (reticulate::import)
#' will affected. This function was created to force n times the connection to Python virtual
#' env, before to display a error message.
#' @noRd
ee_connect_to_py <- function(path, n = 5) {
ee_utils <- try(ee_source_python(oauth_func_path = path), silent = TRUE)
# counter added to prevent problems with reticulate
con_reticulate_counter <- 1
while (any(class(ee_utils) %in% "try-error")) {
ee_utils <- try(ee_source_python(path), silent = TRUE)
con_reticulate_counter <- con_reticulate_counter + 1
if (con_reticulate_counter == (n + 1)) {
python_path <- reticulate::py_discover_config()
message_con <- c(
sprintf("The current Python PATH: %s",
"does not have the Python package \"earthengine-api\" installed. Are you restarted/terminated.",
"your R session after install miniconda or run ee_install()?",
"If no do it, please try again:",
"> ee_install(): To create and set a Python environment with all rgee dependencies.",
"> ee_install_set_pyenv(): To set a specific Python environment."
stop(paste(message_con,collapse = "\n"))
#' Display required packages error message
#' @noRd
ee_check_packages <- function(fn_name, packages) {
pkg_exists <- rep(NA, length(packages))
counter <- 0
for(package in packages) {
counter <- counter + 1
pkg_exists[counter] <- requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)
if (!all(pkg_exists)) {
to_install <- packages[!pkg_exists]
to_install_len <- length(to_install)
error_msg <- sprintf(
"%s required the %s: %s. Please install %s first.",
if (to_install_len == 1) "package" else "packages",
paste0(bold(to_install), collapse = ", "),
if (to_install_len == 1) "it" else "them"
Add the following code to your website.
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