#' Interface for manage the Earth Engine Asset
#' R functions for managing the Earth Engine Asset. The interface allows users
#' to create and eliminate folders, move and copy assets, set and delete
#' properties, handle access control lists, and manage and/or cancel tasks.
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @param path_asset Character. Name of the EE asset (Table, Image, Folder or
#' ImageCollection).
#' @param asset_type Character. The asset type to create ('Folder' or
#' 'ImageCollection').
#' @param final_path Character. Output filename
#' (e.g users/datacolecfbf/ic_moved)
#' @param add_properties List. Set of parameters to established as a property
#' of an EE object. See details.
#' @param del_properties Character. Names of properties to be deleted. See
#' details.
#' @param strict Character vector. If TRUE, the existence of the asset will be
#' evaluate before to perform the task.
#' @param owner Character vector. Define owner user in the IAM Policy.
#' @param editor Character vector. Define editor users in the IAM Policy.
#' @param viewer Character vector. Define viewer users in the IAM Policy.
#' @param all_users_can_read Logical. All users can see the asset element.
#' @param cache Logical. If TRUE, the task report will be saved
#' in the /temp directory and used when the function .
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom utils write.csv read.csv
#' @details
#' If the argument `del_properties` is 'ALL',
#' \link[=rgee]{ee_manage_delete_properties} will delete all
#' the properties.
#' @author Samapriya Roy, adapted to R by csaybar.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' ee_user_info()
#' # Change datacolecfbf by your EE user to be able to reproduce
#' user <- ee_get_assethome()
#' addm <- function(x) sprintf("%s/%s",user, x)
#' # 1. Create a folder or Image Collection
#' # Change path asset according to your specific user
#' ee_manage_create(addm("rgee"))
#' # 1. List all the elements inside a folder or a ImageCollection
#' ee_manage_assetlist(path_asset = addm("rgee"))
#' # 2. Create a Folder or a ImageCollection
#' ee_manage_create(
#' path_asset = addm("rgee/rgee_folder"),
#' asset_type = "Folder"
#' )
#' ee_manage_create(
#' path_asset = addm("rgee/rgee_ic"),
#' asset_type = "ImageCollection"
#' )
#' ee_manage_assetlist(path_asset = addm("rgee"))
#' # 3. Shows Earth Engine quota
#' ee_manage_quota()
#' # 4. Move an EE object to another folder
#' ee_manage_move(
#' path_asset = addm("rgee/rgee_ic"),
#' final_path = addm("rgee/rgee_folder/rgee_ic_moved")
#' )
#' ee_manage_assetlist(path_asset = addm("rgee/rgee_folder"))
#' # 5. Set properties to an EE object.
#' ee_manage_set_properties(
#' path_asset = addm("rgee/rgee_folder/rgee_ic_moved"),
#' add_properties = list(message = "hello-world", language = "R")
#' )
#' ic_id <- addm("rgee/rgee_folder/rgee_ic_moved")
#' test_ic <- ee$ImageCollection(ic_id)
#' test_ic$getInfo()
#' # 6. Delete properties
#' ee_manage_delete_properties(
#' path_asset = addm("rgee/rgee_folder/rgee_ic_moved"),
#' del_properties = c("message", "language")
#' )
#' test_ic$getInfo()
#' # 7. Create a report based on all the tasks
#' # that are running or have already been completed.
#' ee_manage_task()
#' # 8. Cancel all the running task
#' ee_manage_cancel_all_running_task()
#' # 9. Delete EE objects or folders
#' ee_manage_delete(addm("rgee/"))
#' }
#' @export
ee_manage_create <- function(path_asset, asset_type = "Folder", quiet = FALSE) {
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path())
# Is the same EE user?
user <- read.table(file = sprintf("%s/rgee_sessioninfo.txt", ee_path),
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Get the user path from path_asset
folders <- strsplit(path_asset,"/")[[1]][1:2]
path_asset_root_folder <- sprintf("%s/%s",folders[1],folders[2])
# path_asset is identical to the path from ee_get_assethome()?
if (!identical(path_asset_root_folder, user$user)) {
stop('The root folder "',path_asset_root_folder,'" is invalid')
# Fix typos in path_asset
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = FALSE)
asset_path_exist <- is.null(ee$data$getInfo(path_asset))
if (asset_path_exist) {
if (asset_type == "Folder") {
new_path <- path_asset
# repeat (do-while) is necessary for dealing nested folder
repeat {
# It is possible create an asset folder?
nested_folder <- try(
list(type = ee$data$ASSET_TYPE_FOLDER),
new_path), silent = TRUE
# If nested_folder class is "try-error", try the path_asset dirname.
# path_asset new_path
# users/datacolecfbf/cs/cs/rgee ---> users/datacolecfbf/cs/rgee
if (class(nested_folder) == "try-error") {
new_path <- dirname(new_path)
} else {
if (!quiet) cat("GEE asset:", new_path, "created\n")
# If new_path == path_asset break repeat
if (identical(new_path, path_asset)) {
# path_asset new_path
# users/datacolecfbf/cs/cs/rgee <--- users/datacolecfbf/cs/rgee
new_path <- path_asset
} else if (asset_type == "ImageCollection") {
# Attempt to create a ImageCollection
create_ic_asset <- try(
expr = ee$data$createAsset(
value = list(type = ee$data$ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE_COLL),
opt_path = path_asset
), silent = TRUE
# If the Folder where the ImageCollection
# will be saved does not exist, create it!
if (class(create_ic_asset) == "try-error") {
dir_path <- dirname(path_asset)
# Creating the folder
path_asset = dir_path,
asset_type = "Folder",
quiet = quiet
# Creating the ImageCollection
path_asset = path_asset,
asset_type = "ImageCollection",
quiet = quiet
} else {
stop("Invalid asset_type parameter")
} else {
if (!quiet) cat("GEE asset:", path_asset, "already exists\n")
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_delete <- function(path_asset, quiet = FALSE, strict = TRUE) {
# path_asset exist?
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = strict)
response <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)
if (is.null(response)) stop("path_asset does not exist!")
# If is a nested Folder or an ImageCollection,
# firstly remove upper elements
if (response$type %in% ee_manage_handle_names()) {
list_files <- ee$data$getList(list(id = path_asset))
items <- unlist(lapply(list_files, "[[", "id")) %>%
mapply(ee_manage_delete, items)
# Remove the empty folder or ImageCollection
if (!quiet) cat("EE object deleted:", path_asset, "\n")
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_assetlist <- function(path_asset, quiet = FALSE, strict = TRUE) {
if (missing(path_asset)) {
path_asset <- ee_get_assethome()
# path_asset exist?
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = strict)
response <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)
if (is.null(response)) stop("path_asset does not exist!")
# Get the ID and CLASS from all the elements of path_asset
list_files <- ee$data$getList(list(id = path_asset))
ids <- unlist(lapply(list_files, "[[", "id")) %>%
type <- unlist(lapply(list_files, "[[", "type"))
# Handle results and present it in a df
df_path <- data.frame(
ID = ids,
TYPE = type,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (nrow(df_path) != 0L) {
df_path <- rbind(
df_path[df_path$TYPE %in% ee_manage_handle_names("ImageCollection"), ],
df_path[df_path$TYPE %in% ee_manage_handle_names("Folder"), ],
df_path[df_path$TYPE %in% ee_manage_handle_names("Image"), ],
df_path[df_path$TYPE %in% ee_manage_handle_names("Table"), ]
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_quota <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_manage.py", package = "rgee")
ee_quota <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
ID <- ee$data$getAssetRoots()[[1]]$id %>%
quota <- ee_utils_py_to_r(ee_quota$quota(ID))
total_msg <- ee_humansize(as.numeric(quota[1]))
used_msg <- ee_humansize(as.numeric(quota[2]))
if (!quiet) {
cat(sprintf(" Total Quota: %s \n Used Quota: %s", total_msg, used_msg))
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_copy <- function(path_asset, final_path, strict = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
# path_asset exist?
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = strict)
# Fix typos in final_path
final_path <- ee_verify_filename(final_path, strict = FALSE)
# Is a EE active asset, a Folder or ImageCollection?
header <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)[["type"]]
eeasset_objects <- c("Image", "Table", "FeatureCollection")
if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names(eeasset_objects)) {
# Images and Tables
ee$data$copyAsset(path_asset, final_path)
if (!quiet) cat("Done\n")
} else if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names("ImageCollection")) {
# List all the images inside the ImageCollection
to_copy_list <- ee$data$getList(params = list(id = path_asset)) %>%
lapply("[[", "id") %>%
unlist() %>%
# Create an empty ImageCollection
path_asset = final_path,
asset_type = "ImageCollection"
if (!quiet) {
"Copying a total of", length(to_copy_list),
" elements ..... please wait\n"
# Copy each Image to the empty ImageCollection
folder_destination <- sprintf("%s/%s", final_path, basename(to_copy_list))
for (z in seq_along(to_copy_list)) {
ee$data$copyAsset(to_copy_list[z], folder_destination[z])
if (!quiet) cat("Done\n")
} else if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names("Folder")) {
# List all the elements inside the Folder
to_copy_list <- ee$data$getList(params = list(id = path_asset)) %>%
lapply("[[", "id") %>%
unlist() %>%
# Create an empty Folder
path_asset = final_path,
asset_type = "Folder"
if (!quiet) {
"Copying a total of", length(to_copy_list),
" elements ..... please wait\n"
# Copy each asset active to the empty Folder
folder_destination <- sprintf("%s/%s", final_path, basename(to_copy_list))
for (z in seq_along(to_copy_list)) {
ee$data$copyAsset(to_copy_list[z], folder_destination[z])
if (!quiet) cat("Done\n")
} else {
stop("Unsupported EE asset object")
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_move <- function(path_asset, final_path, strict = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
# path_asset exist?
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = strict)
# Fix typos in final_path
final_path <- ee_verify_filename(final_path, strict = FALSE)
# Is a Folder or ImageCollection?
header <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)[["type"]]
eeasset_objects <- c("Image", "Table", "FeatureCollection")
if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names(eeasset_objects)) {
ee$data$renameAsset(path_asset, final_path)
if (!quiet) cat("Done\n")
} else if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names("ImageCollection")) {
# List all the images inside the ImageCollection
to_copy_list <- ee$data$getList(params = list(id = path_asset)) %>%
lapply("[[", "id") %>%
unlist() %>%
# Create an empty ImageCollection
path_asset = final_path,
asset_type = "ImageCollection"
if (!quiet) {
"Copying a total of", length(to_copy_list),
" elements ..... please wait\n"
# Copy each Image to the empty ImageCollection
folder_destination <- sprintf("%s/%s", final_path, basename(to_copy_list))
for (z in seq_along(to_copy_list)) {
ee$data$renameAsset(to_copy_list[z], folder_destination[z])
ee_manage_delete(path_asset, quiet = quiet)
if (!quiet) cat("Done\n")
} else if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names("Folder")) {
# List all the elements inside the Folder
to_copy_list <- ee$data$getList(params = list(id = path_asset)) %>%
lapply("[[", "id") %>%
unlist() %>%
# Create an empty Folder
path_asset = final_path,
asset_type = "Folder"
if (!quiet) {
"Copying a total of", length(to_copy_list),
" elements ..... please wait\n"
# Copy each asset active to the empty Folder
folder_destination <- sprintf("%s/%s", final_path, basename(to_copy_list))
for (z in seq_along(to_copy_list)) {
ee$data$renameAsset(to_copy_list[z], folder_destination[z])
if (!quiet) cat("Done\n")
} else {
stop("Unsupported EE asset object")
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_set_properties <- function(path_asset, add_properties, strict = TRUE) {
# path_asset exist?
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = strict)
# Is a Folder?
header <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)[["type"]]
eeasset_objects <- c("Image", "ImageCollection", "FeatureCollection", "Table")
if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names(eeasset_objects)) {
ee$data$setAssetProperties(path_asset, add_properties)
} else {
stop("Impossible assign properties to a Folder")
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_delete_properties <- function(path_asset,
del_properties = "ALL",
strict = TRUE) {
# path_asset exist?
path_asset <- ee_verify_filename(path_asset, strict = strict)
# Is a Folder?
header <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)[["type"]]
eeasset_objects <- c("Image", "ImageCollection", "FeatureCollection", "Table")
if (header %in% ee_manage_handle_names(eeasset_objects)) {
if ("ALL" %in% del_properties) {
properties_todelete <- names(ee$data$getAsset(path_asset)$properties)
} else {
properties_todelete <- del_properties
del_list <- list()
del_list[properties_todelete] <- list(NULL)
ee$data$setAssetProperties(path_asset, del_list)
} else {
stop("Impossible delete properties to a Folder")
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_asset_access <- function(path_asset,
owner = NULL,
editor = NULL,
viewer = NULL,
all_users_can_read = TRUE,
quiet = FALSE) {
if (is.null(owner)) {
current_policy <- ee$data$getIamPolicy(ee_get_assethome())
owner <- tryCatch(
expr = gsub("user:","",current_policy$bindings[[1]]$members),
error = function(e){
"Imposible to determine the email owner. ",
"You must be the owner of the asset to change the IAM policy. ",
"Please define your google email address manually",
" (e.g. owner = \"data.colec.fbf@gmail.com)\""
bindings_template <- list(bindings = list(
role = "roles/owner",
members = paste0("user:", owner)
role = "roles/editor",
members = NULL
role = "roles/viewer",
members = NULL
if (!is.null(editor)) {
bindings_template$bindings[[2]]$members <- paste0('user:', editor)
if (isTRUE(all_users_can_read)) {
bindings_template$bindings[[3]]$members <- c(viewer,'allUsers')
} else {
if (!is.null(viewer)) {
bindings_template$bindings[[3]]$members <- paste0('user:', viewer)
ee$data$setIamPolicy(path_asset, bindings_template)
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_task <- function(cache = FALSE) {
ee_temp <- tempdir()
# Load the ee_manage python module
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_manage.py", package = "rgee")
ee_manage_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
manage_task_file <- sprintf("%s/ee_manage_task_file.csv", ee_temp)
if (!isTRUE(cache)) {
py_names <- c(
"tid", "tstate", "tdesc", "ttype", "tcreate",
"tdiffstart", "tdiffend", "error_message"
df_names <- c(
"ID", "State", "DestinationPath", "Type", "Start",
"DeltaToCreate(s)", "DeltaToCompletedTask(s)", "ErrorMessage"
status <- ee_utils_py_to_r(ee_manage_py$genreport())
if (length(status) == 0) {
message("No recent task to report")
df_order <- data.frame(message = "No recent task to report")
write.csv(df_order, manage_task_file, row.names = FALSE)
order_name <- names(status[[1]])
df_status <- data.frame(
matrix(unlist(status), nrow = length(status), byrow = TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(df_status) <- order_name
df_order <- df_status[py_names]
colnames(df_order) <- df_names
df_order$DestinationPath <- sub(".*:\\s", "", df_order$DestinationPath)
write.csv(df_order, manage_task_file, row.names = FALSE)
} else {
df_order <- read.csv(manage_task_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_cancel_all_running_task <- function() {
# Retrieves a list of RUNNING and READY tasks.
all_task <- ee$data$getTaskList()
all_task_state <- unlist(lapply(all_task, "[[", "state"))
running_ready_tasks <- all_task_state %in% c("RUNNING" , "READY")
if (!any(running_ready_tasks)) {
message("There are no tasks running")
} else {
running <- all_task[which(running_ready_tasks)]
for (z in seq_along(running)) {
#' Verify is the EE path asset is correct
#' @noRd
ee_verify_filename <- function(path_asset, strict = TRUE) {
ee_path_dirname <- gsub("\\..+$", "", path_asset)
m <- gregexpr("[\\w'|-]+", ee_path_dirname, perl = TRUE)
asset <- ee_path_dirname %>%
regmatches(m) %>%
"[["(1) %>%
paste(collapse = "/") %>%
if (strict) {
response <- ee$data$getInfo(asset)
if (is.null(response)) {
message <- c(
"%s is not a valid destination.",
" Make sure a correct full path is provided",
" (e.g. either users/user/nameofcollection",
" or projects/myproject/myfolder/newcollection).")
stop(sprintf(message, path_asset))
#' Change the unit of measurement of bytes
#' @param x Integer. Number of bytes.
#' @return Number of bytes in a more human-comprehensible way
#' @noRd
ee_humansize <- function(x, suffixes = c("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB")) {
count <- 0
while (x >= 1024 & (count < length(suffixes) - 1)) {
x <- x / 1024
count <- count + 1
if (suffixes[count + 1] == "B") {
sprintf("%s %s", sprintf("%s", x), suffixes[count + 1])
} else {
sprintf("%s %s", sprintf("%.2f", x), suffixes[count + 1])
#' Remove EE projects info
#' @param x Character (path_asset)
#' @noRd
ee_remove_project_chr <- function(x) {
new_x <- gsub("projects/earthengine/legacy/assets/", "", x)
gsub("projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/", "", new_x)
#' EE asset object type
#' The earth engine API constantly change of name to the EE assets
#' object. This function was created to help to handle it.
#' @param type EE asset object to consider
#' @noRd
ee_manage_handle_names <- function(type = c("Folder", "ImageCollection")) {
names <- NULL
if ("Folder" %in% type) {
names <- c(names, c("FOLDER", "Folder", "folder"))
if ("Image" %in% type) {
names <- c(names, c("IMAGE", "Image", "image"))
if ("ImageCollection" %in% type) {
names <- c(
c("ImageCollection", "IMAGE_COLLECTION", "imagecollection")
if ("Feature" %in% type) {
names <- c(names, c("feature", "Feature", "FEATURE"))
if ("FeatureCollection" %in% type) {
names <- c(
names, c("featurecollection", "FeatureCollection", "FEATURE_COLLECTION")
if ("Table" %in% type) {
names <- c(names, c("table", "TABLE", "Table"))
#' @name ee_manage-tools
#' @export
ee_manage_asset_size <- function(path_asset, quiet = FALSE) {
info_data <- ee$data$getInfo(path_asset)
size_file <- as.numeric(info_data$sizeBytes)
if (!quiet) {
cat('Type :', info_data$type,'\n')
cat('Size (in Bytes) :', size_file)
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