#' Convert between Python and R objects
#' @param x A python object
#' @family ee_utils functions
#' @return An R object
#' @export
ee_utils_py_to_r <- function(x) {
p_r <- suppressWarnings(try(py_to_r(x),silent = TRUE))
if (class(p_r) %in% 'try-error') {
} else {
#' Create a zip file from a sf object
#' @param x sf object
#' @param filename data source name
#' @param SHP_EXTENSIONS file extension of the files to save
#' into the zip file. By default: "dbf", "prj", "shp", "shx".
#' @importFrom utils zip
#' @return Character. The full path of the zip file created.
#' @family ee_utils functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' library(sf)
#' ee_Initialize(gcs = TRUE)
#' # Create sf object
#' nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
#' zipfile <- ee_utils_shp_to_zip(nc)
#' }
#' @export
ee_utils_shp_to_zip <- function(x,
SHP_EXTENSIONS = c("dbf", "prj", "shp",
"shx")) {
# check packages
ee_check_packages("ee_utils_shp_to_zip", "sf")
if (missing(filename)) {
filename <- sprintf("%s%s",tempfile(),'.shp')
sf::write_sf(obj = x, dsn = filename)
shp_basename <- gsub("\\.shp$", "", filename)
shp_filenames <- sprintf("%s.%s", shp_basename, SHP_EXTENSIONS)
zipname <- sprintf("%s.zip", shp_basename)
zip(zipfile = zipname, files = shp_filenames, flags = "-j -q")
#' Wrap an R function in a Python function with the same signature.
#' @author Yuan Tang and J.J. Allaire
#' @description This function could wrap an R function in a Python
#' function with the same signature. Note that the signature of the
#' R function must not contain esoteric Python-incompatible constructs.
#' @note \code{\link[reticulate]{py_func}} has been renamed to ee_utils_pyfunc
#' just to maintain the rgee functions name's style. All recognition
#' for this function must always be given to \pkg{reticulate}.
#' @return A Python function that calls the R function `f` with the same
#' signature.
#' @param f An R function
#' @family ee_utils functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' # Earth Engine List
#' ee_SimpleList <- ee$List$sequence(0, 12)
#' ee_NewList <- ee_SimpleList$map(
#' ee_utils_pyfunc(
#' function(x) {
#' ee$Number(x)$add(x)
#' }
#' )
#' )
#' ee_NewList$getInfo()
#' # Earth Engine ImageCollection
#' constant1 <- ee$Image(1)
#' constant2 <- ee$Image(2)
#' ee_ic <- ee$ImageCollection(c(constant2, constant1))
#' ee_newic <- ee_ic$map(
#' ee_utils_pyfunc(
#' function(x) ee$Image(x)$add(x)
#' )
#' )
#' ee_newic$mean()$getInfo()$type
#' }
#' @export
ee_utils_pyfunc <- reticulate::py_func
#' Create a GIF from an Earth Engine ImageCollection
#' Create an GIF (as a magick-image object) from a EE
#' ImageCollection. Note: Animations can only be created when ImageCollections
#' is composed by RGB or RGBA image. This can be done by mapping
#' a visualization function onto an ImageCollection (e.g. \code{ic$map(function(img) img$visualize(...))})
#' or specifying three bands in parameters argument (See examples). [ee_utils_gif_creator] is a
#' wrapper around \strong{\code{ee$ImageCollection$getVideoThumbURL}}.
#' @author Jeroen Ooms
#' @param ic An ee$ImageCollection.
#' @param parameters List of parameters for visualization and animation. See details.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message.
#' @param ... parameter(s) passed on to [download.file][utils::download.file]
#' @details
#' The parameters argument is identical to visParams (See \code{rgee::Map$addLayer}),
#' plus, optionally:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{dimensions}: A number or pair of numbers in format c(WIDTH,HEIGHT).
#' Max dimensions of the thumbnail to render, in pixels. If only one number is
#' passed, it is used as the maximum, and the other dimension is computed by
#' proportional scaling.
#' \item \strong{crs}: A CRS string specifying the projection of the output.
#' \item \strong{crs_transform}: The affine transform to use for the output
#' pixel grid.
#' \item \strong{scale}: A scale to determine the output pixel grid; ignored if
#' both crs and crs_transform are specified.
#' \item \strong{region}: ee$Geometry$Polygon, GeoJSON or c(E,S,W,N). Geospatial
#' region of the result. By default, the whole image.
#' \item \strong{format}: String. The output format (only 'gif' is currently
#' supported).
#' \item \strong{framesPerSecond}: String. Animation speed.
#' }
#' @return A magick-image object of the specified ImageCollection.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' col <- ee$ImageCollection("JRC/GSW1_1/YearlyHistory")$map(function(img) {
#' year <- img$date()$get("year")
#' yearImg <- img$gte(2)$multiply(year)
#' despeckle <- yearImg$connectedPixelCount(15, TRUE)$eq(15)
#' yearImg$updateMask(despeckle)$selfMask()$set("year", year)
#' })
#' appendReverse <- function(col) col$merge(col$sort('year', FALSE))
#' # -----------------------------------
#' # 1 Basic Animation - Ucayali Peru
#' # -----------------------------------
#' bgColor = "FFFFFF" # Assign white to background pixels.
#' riverColor = "0D0887" # Assign blue to river pixels.
#' ## 1.1 Create the dataset
#' annualCol = col$map(function(img) {
#' img$unmask(0)$
#' visualize(min = 0, max = 1, palette = c(bgColor, riverColor))$
#' set("year", img$get("year"))
#' })
#' basicAnimation <- appendReverse(annualCol)
#' ## 1.2 Set video arguments
#' aoi <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(-74.327, -10.087, -73.931, -9.327)
#' videoArgs = list(
#' dimensions = 600, # Max dimension (pixels), min dimension is proportionally scaled.
#' region = aoi,
#' framesPerSecond = 10
#' )
#' ## 1.2 Download, display and save the GIF!
#' animation <- ee_utils_gif_creator(basicAnimation, videoArgs, mode = "wb")
#' get_years <- basicAnimation$aggregate_array("year")$getInfo()
#' animation %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate("Ucayali, Peru") %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate(get_years, size = 15, location = "+90+40",
#' boxcolor = "#FFFFFF") %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate("created using {magick} + {rgee}",
#' size = 15, font = "sans",location = "+70+20") ->
#' animation_wtxt
#' gc(reset = TRUE)
#' ee_utils_gif_save(animation_wtxt, path = paste0(tempfile(), ".gif"))
#' }
#' @family GIF functions
#' @export
ee_utils_gif_creator <- function(ic, parameters, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
# check packages
ee_check_packages("ee_utils_gif_creator", "magick")
if (!quiet) {
message("1. Creating gif ... please wait ....")
animation_url <- ee$ImageCollection$getVideoThumbURL(ic, parameters)
temp_gif <- tempfile()
if (!quiet) {
message("1. Downloading GIF from: ", animation_url)
url = animation_url,
destfile = temp_gif,
quiet = quiet,
magick::image_read(path = temp_gif)
#' Add text to a GIF
#' Add text to a GIF (magick-image object). This function is a wrapper around
#' [image_annotate][magick::image_annotate].
#' @author Jeroen Ooms
#' @param image magick image object returned by [magick::image_read()] or [magick::image_graph()]
#' @param text character vector of length equal to 'image' or length 1
#' @param gravity string with [gravity](https://www.imagemagick.org/Magick++/Enumerations.html#GravityType)
#' value from [gravity_types][magick::gravity_types].
#' @param location geometry string with location relative to `gravity`
#' @param degrees rotates text around center point
#' @param size font-size in pixels
#' @param font string with font family such as `"sans"`, `"mono"`, `"serif"`,
#' `"Times"`, `"Helvetica"`, `"Trebuchet"`, `"Georgia"`, `"Palatino"` or `"Comic Sans"`.
#' @param style value of [style_types][magick::style_types] for example `"italic"`
#' @param weight thickness of the font, 400 is normal and 700 is bold.
#' @param kerning increases or decreases whitespace between letters
#' @param decoration value of [decoration_types][magick::decoration_types] for example `"underline"`
#' @param color a valid [color string](https://www.imagemagick.org/Magick++/Color.html) such as
#' `"navyblue"` or `"#000080"`. Use `"none"` for transparency.
#' @param strokecolor a [color string](https://www.imagemagick.org/Magick++/Color.html)
#' adds a stroke (border around the text)
#' @param boxcolor a [color string](https://www.imagemagick.org/Magick++/Color.html)
#' for background color that annotation text is rendered on.
#' @return A magick-image object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' col <- ee$ImageCollection("JRC/GSW1_1/YearlyHistory")$map(function(img) {
#' year <- img$date()$get("year")
#' yearImg <- img$gte(2)$multiply(year)
#' despeckle <- yearImg$connectedPixelCount(15, TRUE)$eq(15)
#' yearImg$updateMask(despeckle)$selfMask()$set("year", year)
#' })
#' appendReverse <- function(col) col$merge(col$sort('year', FALSE))
#' # -----------------------------------
#' # 1 Basic Animation - Ucayali Peru
#' # -----------------------------------
#' bgColor = "FFFFFF" # Assign white to background pixels.
#' riverColor = "0D0887" # Assign blue to river pixels.
#' ## 1.1 Create the dataset
#' annualCol = col$map(function(img) {
#' img$unmask(0)$
#' visualize(min = 0, max = 1, palette = c(bgColor, riverColor))$
#' set("year", img$get("year"))
#' })
#' basicAnimation <- appendReverse(annualCol)
#' ## 1.2 Set video arguments
#' aoi <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(-74.327, -10.087, -73.931, -9.327)
#' videoArgs = list(
#' dimensions = 600, # Max dimension (pixels), min dimension is proportionally scaled.
#' region = aoi,
#' framesPerSecond = 10
#' )
#' ## 1.2 Download, display and save the GIF!
#' animation <- ee_utils_gif_creator(basicAnimation, videoArgs, mode = "wb")
#' get_years <- basicAnimation$aggregate_array("year")$getInfo()
#' animation %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate("Ucayali, Peru") %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate(get_years, size = 15, location = "+90+40",
#' boxcolor = "#FFFFFF") %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate("created using {magick} + {rgee}",
#' size = 15, font = "sans",location = "+70+20") ->
#' animation_wtxt
#' gc(reset = TRUE)
#' ee_utils_gif_save(animation_wtxt, path = paste0(tempfile(), ".gif"))
#' }
#' @family GIF functions
#' @export
ee_utils_gif_annotate <- function(image,
gravity = "northwest",
location = "+0+0",
degrees = 0,
size = 20,
font = "sans",
style = "normal",
weight = 400,
kerning = 0,
decoration = NULL,
color = NULL,
strokecolor = NULL,
boxcolor = NULL) {
# check packages
ee_check_packages("ee_utils_gif_annotate", "magick")
if (length(text) == 1) {
image <- magick::image_annotate(image, text, gravity = gravity,
location = location, degrees = degrees, size = size,
font = font, style = style, weight = weight,
kerning = kerning, decoration = decoration,
color = color, strokecolor = strokecolor,
boxcolor = boxcolor)
} else if(length(text) == length(image)) {
image <- magick::image_annotate(image, text, gravity = gravity,
location = location, degrees = degrees, size = size,
font = font, style = style, weight = weight,
kerning = kerning, decoration = decoration,
color = color, strokecolor = strokecolor,
boxcolor = boxcolor)
} else {
"The text argument has not the same length as the magick-image object",
"\nExpected:", length(image)
#' Write a GIF
#' Write a magick-image object as a GIF file using magick package. This
#' function is a wrapper around [image_write][magick::image_write].
#' @author Jeroen Ooms
#' @param image magick image object returned by [image_read][magick::image_read].
#' @param path path a file, url, or raster object or bitmap array.
#' @param format output format such as `"png"`, `"jpeg"`, `"gif"`, `"rgb"` or `"rgba"`.
#' @param quality number between 0 and 100 for jpeg quality. Defaults to 75.
#' @param depth color depth (either 8 or 16).
#' @param density resolution to render pdf or svg.
#' @param comment text string added to the image metadata for supported formats.
#' @param flatten should image be flattened before writing? This also replaces
#' transparency with background color.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' col <- ee$ImageCollection("JRC/GSW1_1/YearlyHistory")$map(function(img) {
#' year <- img$date()$get("year")
#' yearImg <- img$gte(2)$multiply(year)
#' despeckle <- yearImg$connectedPixelCount(15, TRUE)$eq(15)
#' yearImg$updateMask(despeckle)$selfMask()$set("year", year)
#' })
#' appendReverse <- function(col) col$merge(col$sort('year', FALSE))
#' # -----------------------------------
#' # 1 Basic Animation - Ucayali Peru
#' # -----------------------------------
#' bgColor = "FFFFFF" # Assign white to background pixels.
#' riverColor = "0D0887" # Assign blue to river pixels.
#' ## 1.1 Create the dataset
#' annualCol = col$map(function(img) {
#' img$unmask(0)$
#' visualize(min = 0, max = 1, palette = c(bgColor, riverColor))$
#' set("year", img$get("year"))
#' })
#' basicAnimation <- appendReverse(annualCol)
#' ## 1.2 Set video arguments
#' aoi <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(-74.327, -10.087, -73.931, -9.327)
#' videoArgs = list(
#' dimensions = 600, # Max dimension (pixels), min dimension is proportionally scaled.
#' region = aoi,
#' framesPerSecond = 10
#' )
#' ## 1.2 Download, display and save the GIF!
#' animation <- ee_utils_gif_creator(basicAnimation, videoArgs, mode = "wb")
#' get_years <- basicAnimation$aggregate_array("year")$getInfo()
#' animation %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate("Ucayali, Peru") %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate(get_years, size = 15, location = "+90+40",
#' boxcolor = "#FFFFFF") %>%
#' ee_utils_gif_annotate("created using {magick} + {rgee}",
#' size = 15, font = "sans",location = "+70+20") ->
#' animation_wtxt
#' gc(reset = TRUE)
#' ee_utils_gif_save(animation_wtxt, path = paste0(tempfile(), ".gif"))
#' }
#' @family GIF functions
#' @return No return value, called to write a GIF file.
#' @export
ee_utils_gif_save <- function(image,
path = NULL,
format = NULL,
quality = NULL,
depth = NULL,
density = NULL,
comment = NULL,
flatten = FALSE) {
# check packages
ee_check_packages("ee_utils_gif_save", "magick")
magick::image_write(image = image, path = path, format = format,
quality = quality, depth = depth, density = density,
comment = comment, flatten = flatten)
#' Search into the Earth Engine Data Catalog
#' @param ee_search_dataset character which represents the EE dataset ID.
#' @return No return value, called for displaying the Earth Engine dataset in the browser.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_datasets <- c("WWF/HydroSHEDS/15DIR", "WWF/HydroSHEDS/03DIR")
#' ee_utils_search_display(ee_datasets)
#' }
#' @export
ee_utils_search_display <- function(ee_search_dataset) {
tag_name <- gsub("\\/", "_", ee_search_dataset)
db_catalog <- "https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/"
catalog_uri <- paste0(db_catalog, tag_name) %>%
na.omit() %>%
for (uri in catalog_uri) {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.