# Check input argument is a valid type, and return as a list
# @param arg The user input to the argument.
# @param type Character string specifying the type of argument being checked.
# Can be either: "formula", "data", "dist".
# @param return_list Should a list be returned? Or just a single element.
# @param validate_length The required length of the returned list.
# @return A list of formulas, data frames, or distribution names.
validate_arg <- function(arg, type, return_list = FALSE,
validate_length = NULL, ...) {
nm <- deparse(substitute(arg))
ok_inputs <- switch(type,
formula = "formula",
data = "data.frame",
dist = "character")
if (inherits(arg, ok_inputs)) {
# input type is valid, so return as a list
arg <- list(arg)
} else if (is_list(arg)) {
# input type is already a list, so check each element
check <- sapply(arg, inherits, what = ok_inputs)
if (!all(check))
STOP_arg(nm, ok_inputs)
} else {
# input type is invalid
STOP_arg(nm, ok_inputs)
if (type == "data") {
arg <- lapply(arg, as.data.frame)
} else if (type == "dist") {
ok_dists <- list(...)$ok_dists
check <- sapply(arg, function(x) x %in% ok_dists)
if (!all(check))
stop2("Argument '", nm, "' must be one of: ", paste(ok_dists, collapse = ", "))
if (!is.null(validate_length)) {
if (length(arg) == 1L)
arg <- rep(arg, times = validate_length)
if (!length(arg) == validate_length)
stop2(nm, " is a list of the incorrect length.")
if (return_list) {
out <- arg
} else {
out <- arg[[1L]]
# Parse the model formula
# @param formula The user input to the formula argument.
# @param data The user input to the data argument (i.e. a data frame).
parse_formula <- function(formula, data) {
formula <- validate_formula(formula, needs_response = TRUE)
lhs <- lhs(formula) # full LHS of formula
rhs <- rhs(formula) # full RHS of formula
lhs_form <- reformulate_lhs(lhs)
rhs_form <- reformulate_rhs(rhs)
allvars <- all.vars(formula)
allvars_form <- reformulate(allvars)
surv <- eval(lhs, envir = data) # Surv object
surv <- validate_surv(surv)
type <- attr(surv, "type")
if (type == "right") {
tvar_beg <- NULL
tvar_end <- as.character(lhs[[2L]])
dvar <- as.character(lhs[[3L]])
} else if (type == "counting") {
tvar_beg <- as.character(lhs[[2L]])
tvar_end <- as.character(lhs[[3L]])
dvar <- as.character(lhs[[4L]])
nlist(lhs = lhs,
rhs = rhs,
lhs_form = lhs_form,
rhs_form = rhs_form,
fe_form = rhs_form, # no re terms accommodated yet
re_form = NULL, # no re terms accommodated yet
allvars = allvars,
allvars_form = allvars_form,
tvar_beg = tvar_beg,
tvar_end = tvar_end,
dvar = dvar,
surv_type = attr(surv, "type"))
# Check formula object
# @param formula The user input to the formula argument.
# @param needs_response A logical; if TRUE then formula must contain a LHS.
validate_formula <- function(formula, needs_response = TRUE) {
if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
stop2("'formula' must be a formula.")
if (needs_response) {
len <- length(formula)
if (len < 3) {
stop2("'formula' must contain a response.")
# Check object is a Surv object with a valid type
# @param x A Surv object; the LHS of a formula evaluated in a data frame environment.
# @param ok_types A character vector giving the allowed types of Surv object.
validate_surv <- function(x, ok_types = c("right", "counting")) {
if (!inherits(x, "Surv")) {
stop2("LHS of 'formula' must be a 'Surv' object.")
if (!attr(x, "type") %in% ok_types) {
stop2("Surv object type must be one of: ", comma(ok_types))
# Switch survival distribution for integer used internally by Stan
# @param basehaz Character string specifying the baseline hazard distribution.
# @return An integer, or NA if unmatched.
basehaz_for_stan <- function(basehaz) {
exponential = 1L,
weibull = 2L,
fpm = 3L,
fpm2 = 4L,
# Deal with the baseline hazard
# @param basehaz A string specifying the type of baseline hazard
# @param ok_basehaz A list of admissible baseline hazards
# @param eventtime A numeric vector with eventtimes for each individual
# @param status A numeric vector with event indicators for each individual
# @return A named list with the following elements:
# type: integer specifying the type of baseline hazard, 1L = weibull,
# 2L = b-splines, 3L = piecewise.
# type_name: character string specifying the type of baseline hazard.
# user_df: integer specifying the input to the df argument
# df: integer specifying the number of parameters to use for the
# baseline hazard.
# knots: the knot locations for the baseline hazard.
# bs_basis: The basis terms for the B-splines. This is passed to Stan
# as the "model matrix" for the baseline hazard. It is also used in
# post-estimation when evaluating the baseline hazard for posterior
# predictions since it contains information about the knot locations
# for the baseline hazard (this is implemented via splines::predict.bs).
handle_basehaz <- function(basehaz, df, degree, iknots, bknots, t_beg, t_end, d,
ok_basehaz = c("exponential", "weibull", "fpm"),
timescale) {
if (!basehaz %in% ok_basehaz)
stop2("'basehaz' must be one of ", comma(ok_basehaz))
name <- basehaz
type <- basehaz_for_stan(basehaz)
if (name %in% c("exponential", "weibull")) {
if (!is.null(df))
warning2("'df' is ignored for ", name, " baseline hazard.")
if (!is.null(knots))
warning2("'knots' is ignored for ", name, " baseline hazard.")
df <- ifelse(name == "weibull", 1L, 0L) # weibull shape parameter
user_df <- NULL
iknots <- NULL
bknots <- NULL
spline_type <- NULL
spline_basis <- NULL
} else if (name %in% c("fpm", "fpm2")) {
# log event times
if (is.null(timescale)) {
t0 <- t_beg
t1 <- t_end
} else if (timescale == "log") {
t0 <- log(t_beg)
t1 <- log(t_end)
# uncensored (log) event times
t1_uncens <- t1[d == 1]
# internal knots at percentiles of uncensored event times
iknots <- get_iknots(t1_uncens, df = df, degree = degree, iknots = iknots)
# boundary knots at extremes of event times
# NB: ideally we want to use uncensored event times only, and
# set a linearity constraint outside the boundary knots.
if (is.null(bknots)) {
bknots <- c(min(t1), max(t1))
validate_knots(iknots = iknots, bknots = bknots)
# obtain I-splines basis
spline_type <- "I-splines"
spline_basis <- splines2::iSpline(t1_uncens, degree = degree,
knots = iknots, Boundary.knots = bknots,
intercept = TRUE)
# store user input to the df argument
user_df <- df
# store the number of basis terms
df <- ncol(spline_basis)
nlist(name, type, user_df, df, iknots, bknots, timescale,
spline_type, spline_basis)
# Get the internal and boundary knot locations from a numeric vector
get_iknots <- function(x, df = 5L, degree = 3L, iknots = NULL) {
# obtain number of internal knots
if (is.null(iknots)) {
n_knots <- df - degree - 1 # valid for I-splines
} else {
n_knots <- length(iknots)
# validate number of internal knots
if (n_knots < 0) {
stop2("Number of internal knots cannot be negative.")
# obtain default knot locations if necessary
if (is.null(iknots)) {
iknots <- qtile(x, nq = n_knots + 1) # evenly spaced percentiles
# Return the design matrix for the baseline hazard (or log cumulative
# baseline hazard in the case of the fpm model)
# @param t The vector of times at which to evaluate the design matrix.
# @param basehaz A list with info about the baseline hazard, returned by a
# call to 'handle_basehaz'
# @return A matrix
make_basehaz_x <- function(t, basehaz, deriv = FALSE, timescale = "log") {
name <- basehaz$name
if (name == "exponential") {
x <- matrix(0, nrow = length(t), ncol = 0L) # dud matrix for Stan
} else if (name == "weibull") {
if (deriv) {
x <- matrix(0, nrow = length(t), ncol = 1L) # dud matrix for Stan
} else {
x <- matrix(log(t), nrow = length(t), ncol = 1L)
} else if (name == "fpm" || name == "fpm2") {
basis <- basehaz$spline_basis
if (is.null(basis))
stop2("Bug found: could not find spline basis in 'basehaz' object.")
if (is.null(timescale)) {
tt <- t
} else if (timescale == "log") {
tt <- log(t)
if (deriv) { # derivative of spline basis
x <- aa(deriv(predict(basis, tt)))
} else {
x <- aa(predict(basis, tt))
has_intercept <- function(basehaz) {
(basehaz$name %in% c("exponential", "weibull"))
# Return the response vector (time)
# @param formula The parsed model formula.
# @param data The model frame.
# @param type The type of time variable to return.
# @return A numeric vector
make_t <- function(formula, data, type = c("beg", "end", "gap")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (formula$surv_type == "right") {
t_beg <- rep(0, nrow(data))
t_end <- data[[formula$tvar_end]]
} else if (formula$surv_type == "counting") {
t_beg <- data[[formula$tvar_beg]]
t_end <- data[[formula$tvar_end]]
} else {
stop2("Cannot yet handle '", formula$surv_type, "' type Surv objects.")
if (type == "beg") {
out <- t_beg
} else if (type == "end") {
out <- t_end
} else if (type == "gap") {
out <- t_end - t_beg
# Return the response vector (status indicator)
# @param formula The parsed model formula.
# @param data The model frame.
# @return A numeric vector
make_d <- function(formula, data) {
if (formula$surv_type == "right") {
out <- data[[formula$dvar]]
} else if (formula$surv_type == "counting") {
out <- data[[formula$dvar]]
} else {
stop2("Bug found: cannot handle '", formula$surv_type, "' Surv objects.")
# Return the fe predictor matrix
# @param formula The parsed model formula.
# @param model_frame The model frame.
# @return A named list with the following elements:
# x: the fe model matrix, not centred and may have intercept.
# xtemp: fe model matrix, centred and no intercept.
# x_form: the formula for the fe model matrix.
# x_bar: the column means of the model matrix.
# has_intercept: logical for whether the submodel has an intercept
# N,K: number of rows (observations) and columns (predictors) in the
# fixed effects model matrix
make_x <- function(formula, data) {
x <- model.matrix(formula$fe_form, data)
x <- drop_intercept(x)
# x <- drop_intercept(x)
xbar <- colMeans(x)
# identify any column of x with < 2 unique values (empty interaction levels)
sel <- (apply(x, 2L, n_distinct) < 2)
if (any(sel)) {
cols <- paste(colnames(x)[sel], collapse = ", ")
stop2("Cannot deal with empty interaction levels found in columns: ", cols)
nlist(x, xbar, N = NROW(x), K = NCOL(x))
# Return the list of pars for Stan to monitor
# @param standata The list of data to pass to Stan.
# @return A character vector
pars_to_monitor_2 <- function(standata) {
if (standata$K_1 > 0) "beta_1",
if (standata$K_2 > 0) "beta_2",
if (standata$type > 1) "basehaz_coefs")
# Return the list of pars for Stan to monitor
# @param standata The list of data to pass to Stan.
# @return A character vector
pars_to_monitor <- function(standata) {
if (standata$K > 0) "beta",
if (standata$type > 1) "basehaz_coefs")
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