knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = 'fig/bdm-examples-', fig.width = 6, tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts = list(blank = TRUE, width.cutoff = 75), message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")

Example applications of the bdm R-package are given here, based on data from fisheries in New Zealand.


Chatham Rise Hake

The model is fitted to data from the chatham rise hake fishery in New Zealand, which consists of catches, a commerical abundance index and a survey index. The data are used to initialise an empirical data object (bdmData) that checks the data are in an appropriate format. See ?bdmData for details.

dat <- bdmData(harvest = haknz$landings,index = cbind(haknz$survey, haknz$cpue), time = haknz$year, renormalise = TRUE)

Development of a prior for $r$

Life history data are available, allowing us to populate an object of the lhm class, which is obtained from the lhm (life-history module) package, and is used to store and manipulate life-history data. Monte-carlo samples are generated, and application of the lhm::rCalc function to this class of object calcuates values of $r$ for each iteration, producing an object of the prior class. The prior class contains a numeric vector with an additional slot for holding parameters of the associated distribution. Currenly only the log-normal distribution is supported, with paramters stored in object@lognormal.par.


# initialise lhm data object for calculation of r with uncertainty
rdat <- lhm(ainf = 100, iter = 200)

# then life-history vectors can be assigned to each iteration
# with or without uncertainty
nmort(rdat)    <- list(mu = 0.18)
maturity(rdat) <- c(0.0,0.01,0.02,0.06,0.14,0.28,0.50,0.72,0.86,0.94,0.98,0.99,1.00)
size(rdat)     <- list(mu = list(Linf = 106.5, k = 0.229, t0 = 0.01))
mass(rdat)     <- list(mu = list(a = 1.88e-9, b = 3.305))
sr(rdat)       <- list(type = 'BH', mu = 0.90, cv = 0.10)

# calculate r prior and fit log-normal distribution
r <- rCalc(rdat)

Estimation of depletion

The model is initialised using the bdm command, with no arguments. Arguments can be supplied in the form or alternative model code, but by default initialisation loads a generalised surplus production model, which will be used for this example. Following initialisation of the model, the prior information on $r$, contained in the prior object, can be loaded using the updatePrior function, which takes as input the bdm and prior objects. This function updates the model code directly, following which it must be compiled.

mdl <- bdm()
mdl <- updatePrior(mdl, r)
mdl <- compiler(mdl)

Note that it is also possible to update the priors in the model code by using a list argument to updatePrior (see ?updatePrior for details).

The default generalised surplus production model allows the depletion at maxium sustainable yield (MSY) to be fixed by the user. The depletion at MSY ($\phi$) forms part of the model inputs encoded in the bdmData object and can be accessed or assigned using the shape function. For chatham rise hake we assume that MSY occurs at 40\% of the carrying capacity (i.e. $\phi=0.4$).

shape(dat) <- 0.4

The model can then be run using the sampler function, which makes use of the R-package rstan to implement an MCMC sampling routine.

mdl <- sampler(mdl, dat, run = 'haknz')

Trace, posterior histogram and cumulative density plots can be produced using the traceplot, histplot and cumsumplot functions.

histplot(mdl,par = c('r','logK','q'))
cumsumplot(mdl,par = c('r','logK'))

Model outputs

We can plot model outputs using the dynplot function, which by default plots the depletion trajectory over time. Currently it can also be used to visualise biomass, surplus_production, and the harvest_rate.


Plotting functions traceplot, histplot and dynplot return graphical objects from the ggplot2 package and can be modified before they are printed. For example, to add a title to the plot of surplus production and change the y-axis one could type:

gg <- dynplot(mdl, pars = 'surplus_production')
gg <- gg + ggtitle('Surplus Production')

We can use the function refpoints to extract the reference point information from the fitted model object as a list that contains msy, depletion_at_msy (which is equal to $\phi$), biomass_at_msy and harvest_rate_at_msy. These reference points are functions of $r$, $K$ and $\phi$, and therefore (with the exception of $\phi$ itself) have a posterior distribution. We can extract the median values and write them in a table using pander::pandoc.table:


Similarly, the function status can be used to access posterior distributions of current_biomass, current_depletion and current_harvest_rate, which correspond to the final assessment year, i.e. dat$time[dat$T]. We could easily plot these as histograms, using for example:

sta <- status(mdl)
dfr <- reshape2::melt(sta)
gg <- ggplot(dfr) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(x = value)) + 
    facet_wrap(~L1, scales = 'free_x')

Note that the depletion is given relative to $K$. This is a more robust estimate of status than status relative to $MSY$. Nevertheless we could extract the status relative to $MSY$ based reference points by using a combination of the refpoints() and status() functions.

The kobe package

It is possible to produce kobe plots by using the as.kobe function, which creates a data.frame in the appropriate format for the kobe package.

assmt <- as.kobe(mdl)

The Kobe risk assessment framework has been developed by scientists at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, as a means of presenting status advice. The stock is assessed relative to $B_{MSY}$ and $H_{MSY}$. If $B < B_{MSY}$ then it is classified as overfished. If $H > H_{MSY}$ then overfishing is taking place. Status can be visualised as a kobe phase plot, which is produced using the kobe::kobePhase function.

kobePhase(subset(assmt,year == max(assmt$year))) +
  geom_point(aes(stock,harvest), alpha = 0.1)

The as.kobe function can also be used to produce a summary of stock status over time; specifically the probability that the stock is in the green, red and yellow quadrants of the phase plane.

assmt <- as.kobe(mdl, what = 'smry')

The status estimates of the stock can be obtained in a similar manner to the reference points above.



Based on these we can perform projections exploring alternative constant harvest rate options. The project function returns a list (see ?project) which can be manipulated to summarise the results. For example:

# project forward under a variety of constant harvest rate scenarios
mdl.project <- project(mdl, harvest = c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05), time = 100)

# generate depletion results table
dep.project <- apply(mdl.project$depletion, 2:3, median)
pandoc.table(apply(mdl.project$depletion, 2:3, median)[nrow(dep.project),])

# display kobe plot
proj <- as.kobe(mdl, mdl.project)
kobePhase(subset(proj, year == max(proj$year))) +
  geom_point(aes(stock, harvest, col = projection_value))

cttedwards/bdm documentation built on July 24, 2024, 12:57 a.m.