
#' Access or assign the process error
#' By default the \pkg{bdm} package assumes that the process error variance is fixed on input and specified in the \code{\link{bdmData}} object class. This function can be used to access or assign the standard deviation \eqn{\sigma_p} within an \code{bdmData} object.
#' Process error is used to refer to the deviation of the process equation from the deterministic expectation:
#' \deqn{
#' E[B_{t+1}] = max(B_{t} + g(B_{t}) - H_{t}, 0)
#' }
#' where \eqn{B} is the biomass, \eqn{g()} is the production function and \eqn{H} is the catch (or harvest). The process error is assumed by default to follow a log-normal distribution:
#' \deqn{
#' B_{t+1} \sim LN(ln(E[B_{t+1}])-\sigma^2_p/2, \sigma^2_p)
#' }
#' Realistic values for the process error are typically \eqn{0.05 < \sigma_p < 0.15}. The default value is \eqn{\sigma_p = 0.05}.
#' @param object an \code{bdmData} object
#' @param value a \code{numeric} value for \eqn{\sigma_p}
#' @param ... additional arguments to the generic function
#' @return Accessor function returns a numeric value. Assignment function populates the \code{bdmData} object.
#' @examples
#' # initialize bdmData object
#' dat <- bdmData(harvest = 20:30, index = runif(11))
#' # assign and access sigmap
#' sigmap(dat) <- 0.1
#' sigmap(dat)
#{{{ accessor function
#' @export
setGeneric("sigmap", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sigmap"))
#' @rdname sigmap
setMethod("sigmap",signature(object = "bdmData"),function(object) return(object[['sigmap']]))

#{{{ assignment function
#' @rdname sigmap
#' @export
setGeneric("sigmap<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("sigmap<-"))
#' @rdname sigmap
          signature(object = "bdmData", value = "numeric"),
          function(object, value) {
            if (length(value) > 1)
              warning('length of value is >1: only first value used\n')
            object$sigmap <- structure(value[1], .Dim = NULL)       
cttedwards/bdm documentation built on July 24, 2024, 12:57 a.m.