
Defines functions keep_last_survey survey_definition survey_single_table survey_rename_columns survey_recodings survey_variable_recoding recode_var survey_recode survey_variables_like survey_labels survey_default_language survey_aliases get_symptoms_aliases

Documented in get_symptoms_aliases keep_last_survey recode_var survey_aliases survey_default_language survey_definition survey_labels survey_recode survey_recodings survey_rename_columns survey_single_table survey_variable_recoding survey_variables_like

# survey data managements
# Functions dedicated to get surveys data and definitions from

#' Aliases for symptom columns
#' Aliases are meaningfull names for each columns of the survey data. InfluenzaNet surveys data are named using simple names (Q + number)
#' but these names are not errorproof and are hard to memorize.
#' These aliases are defined in the weekly survey definition in the platform file using
#' @seealso \code{\link{platform_define_survey}}
#' They should not vary from one season to another (another column means another name)
#' @return character vector for variable names
#' @export
get_symptoms_aliases <- function() {
  def = survey_definition("weekly")

#' Convert DB column name from and to question variable name (aliases)
#' Description of mapping are defined in the survey  by \code{\link{platform_define_survey}} in the platform file
#' @param cols names of columns to rename
#' @param def list of aliases
#' @param revert if TRUE, aliases to Db names, if false (default) DB names to aliases
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_aliases <- function(cols, def, revert=FALSE) {
  aliases = def$aliases
  if(revert) {
    n = unlist(aliases)
    aliases <- names(aliases)
    names(aliases) <- n
  f = match(cols, names(aliases))
  cols[ !is.na(f) ] = unlist(aliases[ f[ !is.na(f) ] ])

#' Get the default language used for survey
#' Uses 'survey_default_language' variable that should be defined in platform file
#' @export
survey_default_language = function() {
  # survey_default_language should be defined in platfrom

#' Return the "labels" for a given question variable name
#' If it is a multichoice question, it will return the names of variable containing all the responses choices for this question
#' If it is a single choice question, it will return a list of language independent labels (but human meaningful)
#' These labels are defined in the survey  by \code{\link{platform_define_survey}} in the platform file
#' @param survey name of the survey
#' @param question name of the question variable, or if multichoice name of the question group (sometimes a more generic name)
#' @return character vector of names
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_labels <- function(survey, question) {
	def = survey_definition(survey)
	labels = def$labels[[question]]
	if(length(labels) == 1) {
	  pattern = glob2rx(labels)
	  exclude = attr(labels, "exclude")
	  n = names(def$aliases)
	  labels = n[ grep(pattern,n) ]

    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      labels = labels[ !labels %in% exclude ]

#' Get list of variable names matching the given pattern (glob style)
#' These labels are defined in the survey by \code{\link{platform_define_survey}} in the platform file
#' @param survey survey name
#' @param pattern glob style pattern (ex "visit.*")
#' @return character vector of questions variable names
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils glob2rx
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  survey_questions_like("weekly", "visit.*") # All variables starting with visit.*
#' }
#' @family survey
survey_variables_like <- function(survey, pattern) {
  p = glob2rx(pattern)
  def = survey_definition(survey)
  n = names(def$aliases)
  n[grep(p, n)]

#' @rdname survey_variables_like
#' @export
survey_questions_like <- survey_variables_like

#' Recode data from the DB storage code to the R labels (or to its translaction into default language)
#' This function recode from database values to labels (more meaningful). The recoding mapping for each variable is
#' defined \code{\link{platform_define_survey}} usually in the platform file
#' @param x values to recodes
#' @param variable name of the question variable name to use for recoding
#' @param survey name of the survey
#' @param translate if TRUE, try to translate the labels (using i18n function @seealso i18n)
#' @param question old parameter name for variable, for compatibility
#' @return vector of recoded value in factor
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_recode <- function(x, variable, survey, translate=F, question=NULL) {

  if(!is.null(question)) {
    variable = question

  if(is.factor(x)) {
    rlang::abort("Cannot recode a factor, already recoded ?")

  recodes = survey_variable_recoding(survey = survey, name=variable, must.exists = TRUE)

  if(is.null(labels)) {
    rlang::abort(sprintf("Unknown labels for variable %s", variable))

  recode_var(x, recodes, translate=translate)

#' Recode values with a given mapping
#' @param x value to recode
#' @param mapping list of mapping db value to label, label as name and db value as value
#' @param translate if TRUE translate labels with \code{\link{i18n}}
#' @param check_mapping if TRUE check if mapping is complete (if code in data are not mapped), NULL=apply default value in options
#' @return factor vector of recoded values
recode_var <- function(x, mapping, translate=FALSE, check_mapping=FALSE) {
  codes = as.vector(mapping)
  labels = names(mapping)

  if(length(codes) != length(labels)) {
    rlang::abort("codes and labels should have exact same length", mapping=mapping)

  if(check_mapping) {
    values = unique(x)
    miss = !(values %in% codes)
    if(any(miss)) {
      miss = values[miss]
      warning(paste("Values in x are not in mapped codes ", paste(sQuote(miss), collapse = ", ")))

  if(translate) {
    labels = i18n(labels)

  factor(x, codes, labels)

#' Get the recoding mapping of a variable in a survey
#' @param survey character survey name
#' @param name variable name
#' @param must.exists if TRUE an error will be raised if name doesnt exists in survey definition
#' @return vector with label as name, database value as value
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_variable_recoding <- function(survey, name, must.exists=TRUE) {
  def = survey_definition(survey)
  recodes = def$recodes[[ name ]]
  if(is.null(recodes) && must.exists) {
    rlang::abort(sprintf("Unknown codes for variable name %s", name))

#' Get all the recodings defined in a survey
#' @param survey character survey name
#' @return list with question variable name in name, a mapping as value
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_recodings <- function(survey) {
  def = survey_definition(survey)

#' Rename columns to the survey variable names
#' This function can be used when loading data stored in the database format (with db column names)
#' @param data data.frame() containing columns using database column names
#' @param survey character survey name
#' @return list with question variable name in name, a mapping as value
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_rename_columns = function(data, survey) {
  def = survey_definition(survey)
  cols = names(data)
  nn = survey_aliases(names(data), def=def, revert=TRUE)
  names(cols) <- nn
  data = swMisc::replace_names(data, as.list(cols))

#' Returns TRUE if the survey's data are store using a single table model
#' @return logical
#' @param survey survey name
#' @export
survey_single_table <- function(survey) {
  def = survey_definition(survey)

#' Get survey definition
#' Survey definition is a data structure of entries defining variable mapping (db column name to variable name, recoding, variable sets)
#' They are defined by \code{\link{platform_define_survey}} usually in the platform file
#' @param survey survey name
#' @return list parameters describing a survey
#' @family survey
#' @export
survey_definition = function(survey) {
  def = .Share$epiwork.tables[[ survey ]]
  if( is.null(def) ) {
    rlang::abort(paste0("Unknown survey definition for '", survey,'"'))

#' Keep the last survey for each participant
#' Some survey could have exactly the same timestamp
#' So using this function is safer than only using timestamp
#' @param data data.frame with at least (timestamp,person_id, id) columns
#' @export
keep_last_survey = function(data) {
  data = data[ order(data$person_id, data$timestamp), ]
  ii = aggregate(id ~ person_id, data=data, tail, n=1)
  data = merge(ii, data, by='id', all.x=T, suffixes=c('','.1'))
  data = subset(data, select=-person_id.1)
cturbelin/ifnBase documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 12:54 p.m.