
## this file is based on the Rook package by Jeffrey Horner <jeffrey.horner at gmail.com>
## in particular Rook 1.0-3, file Rook/R/utils.R, method "parse" from the "Multipart" class
## The original is Copyright by Jeffrey Horner, licensed under GPL-2

#' Parsing of POST request multi-part body
#' \code{parse.multipart} parses the result of a POST request that is in a 
#' multi-part encoding. This is typically the case when a form is submitted 
#' with "\code{enctype='multipart/form-data'}" property and "\code{file}" input 
#' types.
#' @param request 
#' Request interface object as defined by the FastRWeb interface. 
#' \code{parse.multipart} will use \code{c.type}, \code{c.length} and \code{body} 
#' elements of the object.
#' @return 
#' On success a named list of values in the form. Scalar values are passed 
#' literally as strings, files (multi-part chunks) are passed as lists with 
#' named elements \code{content_type}, \code{tempfile} (file containing the 
#' content), \code{filename} (name of the file as specified in the encoding,if 
#' present) and \code{head} (character vector of content headers).
#' On failure NULL with a warning.
#' @note
#' The typical use is along the lines of:
#' \code{if (grepl("^multipart", request$s.type)) pars <- parse.multipart()}
#' The function uses warnings to communicate parsing issues. While debugging, it 
#' may be usedful to convert them to errors via options(warn=2) so they will be 
#' visible on the client side.
#' @author
#' The original parser code was written by Jeffrey Horner for the Rook package.
#' @export
parse.multipart <- function(request = .GlobalEnv$request) {
  if (is.null(request$c.type) || is.null(request$body)) return(NULL)

  # these are replacements for Utils calls
  bytesize <- function(x) nchar(x, type='bytes')
  raw.match <- function(needele, haystack, all=TRUE) grepRaw(needele, haystack, fixed=TRUE, all=all)
  unescape <- function(s) chartr('+',' ',URLdecode(s))

  body <- request$body
  content_length <- request$c.length

  # Multipart uses I/O-like approach even though we have everything in a raw vector
  # so this is to emulate that API
  body.pos <- 1L
  input <- list(rewind=function() body.pos <<- 1L,
                read=function(n) { if (body.pos >= length(body)) return(raw()); v <- body[seq.int(body.pos, body.pos + n)]; body.pos <<- body.pos + n; v })
  ## return value
  params  <- list()

  ## Some constants regarding boundaries
  EOL <- "\r\n"
  boundary <- paste('--',gsub('^multipart/.*boundary="?([^";,]+)"?','\\1',request$c.type,perl=TRUE),sep='')
  boundary_size <- bytesize(boundary)
  boundaryEOL <- paste(boundary,EOL,sep='')
  boundaryEOL_size <- boundary_size + bytesize(EOL)
  EOLEOL = paste(EOL,EOL,sep='')
  EOLEOL_size = bytesize(EOLEOL)
  EOL_size = bytesize(EOL)

  buf <- new.env()
  buf$bufsize <- 16384 # Never read more than bufsize bytes.
  buf$read_buffer <- input$read(boundaryEOL_size)
  buf$read_buffer_len <- length(buf$read_buffer)
  buf$unread <- content_length - boundary_size

  i <- raw.match(boundaryEOL,buf$read_buffer,all=FALSE)
	    if (!length(i) || i != 1){
		warning("bad content body")

	    fill_buffer <- function(x){
		buf <- input$read(ifelse(x$bufsize < x$unread, x$bufsize, x$unread))
		buflen <- length(buf)
		if (buflen > 0){
		    x$read_buffer <- c(x$read_buffer,buf)
		    x$read_buffer_len <- length(x$read_buffer)
		    x$unread <- x$unread - buflen

	    # Slices off the beginning part of read_buffer.
	    slice_buffer <- function(i,size,x){
		slice <- if(i > 1) x$read_buffer[1:(i-1)] else x$read_buffer[1] 
		x$read_buffer <- if(size < x$read_buffer_len) x$read_buffer[(i+size):x$read_buffer_len] else raw()
		x$read_buffer_len <- length(x$read_buffer)

	    # prime the read_buffer
	    buf$read_buffer <- raw()

	    while(TRUE) {
		head <- value <- NULL
		filename <- content_type <- name <- NULL
		    i <- raw.match(EOLEOL,buf$read_buffer,all=FALSE)
		    if (length(i)){
			head <- slice_buffer(i,EOLEOL_size,buf)
		    } else if (buf$unread){
		    } else {
			break # we've read everything and still haven't seen a valid head
		if (is.null(head)){
		    warning("Bad post payload: searching for a header")

		# cat("Head:",rawToChar(head),"\n")
		# they're 8bit clean
		head <- rawToChar(head)

		token <- '[^\\s()<>,;:\\"\\/\\[\\]?=]+'
		condisp <- paste('Content-Disposition:\\s*',token,'\\s*',sep='')
		dispparm <- paste(';\\s*(',token,')=("(?:\\"|[^"])*"|',token,')*',sep='')

		rfc2183 <- paste('(?m)^',condisp,'(',dispparm,')+$',sep='')
		broken_quoted <- paste('(?m)^',condisp,'.*;\\sfilename="(.*?)"(?:\\s*$|\\s*;\\s*',token,'=)',sep='')
		broken_unquoted = paste('(?m)^',condisp,'.*;\\sfilename=(',token,')',sep='')

		if (length(grep(rfc2183,head,perl=TRUE))){
		    first_line <- sub(condisp,'',strsplit(head,'\r\n')[[1L]][1],perl=TRUE)
		    pairs <- strsplit(first_line,';',fixed=TRUE)[[1L]]
		    fnmatch <- '\\s*filename=(.*)\\s*'
		    if (any(grepl(fnmatch,pairs,perl=TRUE))){
			filename <- pairs[grepl(fnmatch,pairs,perl=TRUE)][1]
			filename <- gsub('"','',sub(fnmatch,'\\1',filename,perl=TRUE))
		} else if (length(grep(broken_quoted,head,perl=TRUE))){
		    filename <- sub(broken_quoted,'\\1',strsplit(head,'\r\n')[[1L]][1],perl=TRUE)
		} else if (length(grep(broken_unquoted,head,perl=TRUE))){
		    filename <- sub(broken_unquoted,'\\1',strsplit(head,'\r\n')[[1L]][1],perl=TRUE)

		if (!is.null(filename) && filename!=''){
		    filename = unescape(filename)

		headlines <- strsplit(head,EOL,fixed=TRUE)[[1L]]
		content_type_re <- '(?mi)Content-Type: (.*)'
		content_types <- headlines[grepl(content_type_re,headlines,perl=TRUE)]
		if (length(content_types)){
		    content_type <- sub(content_type_re,'\\1',content_types[1],perl=TRUE)

		name <- sub('(?si)Content-Disposition:.*\\s+name="?([^";]*).*"?','\\1',head,perl=TRUE)

		    i <- raw.match(boundary,buf$read_buffer,all=FALSE)
		    if (length(i)){
			value <- slice_buffer(i,boundary_size,buf)
			if (length(value)){

			    # Drop EOL only values
			    if (length(value) == 2 && length(raw.match(EOL,value)))

			    if (!is.null(filename) || !is.null(content_type)){
				data <- list()
				if (!is.null(filename))
				    data$filename <- strsplit(filename,'[\\/]',perl=TRUE)[[1L]]
				data$tempfile <- tempfile('Multipart')
				if (!is.null(content_type))
				    data$content_type <- content_type
				data$head <- head
				con <- file(data$tempfile,open='wb')
				params[[name]] <- data
			    } else {
				len <- length(value)
				# Trim trailing EOL
				if (len > 2 && length(raw.match(EOL,value[(len-1):len],all=FALSE)))
				    len <- len -2
				params[[name]] <- rawToChar(value[1:len])
		    } else if (buf$unread){
		    } else {
			break # we've read everything and still haven't seen a valid value
		if (is.null(value)){
		    # bad post payload
		    warning("Bad post payload: searching for a body part")

		# Now search for ending markers or the beginning of another part
		while (buf$read_buffer_len < 2 && buf$unread) fill_buffer(buf)

		if (buf$read_buffer_len < 2 && buf$unread == 0){
		    # Bad stuff at the end. just return what we've got
		    # and presume everything is okay.

		# Valid ending
		if (length(raw.match('--',buf$read_buffer[1:2],all=FALSE))){
		# Skip past the EOL.
		if (length(raw.match(EOL,buf$read_buffer[1:EOL_size],all=FALSE))){
		} else {
		    warning("Bad post body: EOL not present")

		# another sanity check before we try to parse another part
		if ((buf$read_buffer_len + buf$unread) < boundary_size){
		    warning("Bad post body: unknown trailing bytes")

cuche27/RWebServer documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:49 p.m.