
Defines functions gave_to_fund_ gave_to_fund

Documented in gave_to_fund

#' Giving to fund(s)
#' Find entities who have given to a custom list of funds
#' @param ... Allocation code(s) or a disco definition of type \code{allocation_code}
#' @param at_least minimum total giving (defaults to .01)
#' @param from begin and end dates (gave between those dates). Enter as an integer of the form YYYYMMDD
#' @param to begin and end dates (gave between those dates). Enter as an integer of the form YYYYMMDD
#' @details
#' \code{from} and \code{to} are optional, not entering them will leave that end
#' of the date range open. So for example a year-to-date cutoff can be achieved
#' by using \code{from} but not \code{to}. Leaving both blank will look for
#' donors at any time. Giving is aggregated to all funds specified in the ... --
#' so you're not looking for someone who gave \code{at_least} to one of the funds
#' on the list, but rather someone who gave in total \code{at_least} to all/any
#' of the funds that appear on that list.
#' @return A discoveryengine list definition of type \code{entity_id}
#' @examples
#' ## find funds supporting diversity
#' diversity_funds = fund_text_contains("diversity")
#' ## donors to those funds
#' gave_to_fund(diversity_funds)
#' ## just donors over $10K to those funds
#' gave_to_fund(diversity_funds, at_least = 10000)
#' ## just donors over $10K during calendar year 2015
#' gave_to_fund(diversity_funds, at_least = 10000, from = 20150101, to = 20151231)
#' ## donors who had given at least $100K to diversity funds before 2012
#' gave_to_fund(diversity_funds, at_least = 100000, to = 20111231)
#' ## can also provide individual allocation IDs as-is
#' gave_to_fund(FH2031000, FW6644000, at_least = 1000)
#' @seealso \code{\link{gave_to_area}}, \code{\link{gave_to_department}},
#' \code{\link{fund_text_contains}}, \code{\link{funds}}
#' @export
gave_to_fund <- function(..., at_least = .01, from = NULL, to = NULL) {
        at_least = at_least, from = from, to = to))

gave_to_fund_ <- function(fund_ids, at_least = .01, from = NULL, to = NULL) {
    hh_tx_query <- household_giving_transactions()

        custom = hh_tx_query,
        from = "allocation_cd",
        from_type = "allocation_code",
        to = "entity_id",
        to_type = "entity_id",
        switches = list(
            daterange("giving_record_dt", from, to),
            string_switch("pledged_basis_flg", "Y")
        aggregate_switches = sum_switch("benefit_dept_credited_amt",
cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.