
# Aim: download osm lines and junction points

#Download Function
download.region <- function(a){
  #Get Region Name
  region_nm <- as.character(bounds$ttwa11nm[a])

  #Get Region
  region_shp <- bounds[a,]
  region_shp$region <- region_nm
  region_shp <- region_shp[,"region"]

  #Download data
  q = opq(st_bbox(region_shp)) %>%
    add_osm_feature(key = "highway")
  res = osmdata_sf(q = q)

  #extract lines and points data
  lines <- res$osm_lines
  lines.loops <- res$osm_polygons
  points <- res$osm_points

  #Remove Factors
  lines$osm_id <- as.numeric(as.character(lines$osm_id))
  lines.loops$osm_id <- as.numeric(as.character(lines.loops$osm_id))
  points$osm_id <- as.numeric(as.character(points$osm_id))

  #remove the invalid polygons
  lines.loops <- lines.loops[!$highway),]
  lines.loops <- lines.loops[$area),]

  #Add in any missing columns
  check <- colcheck %in% names(lines)
  check.loops <- colcheck %in% names(lines.loops)

  for(b in 1:length(colcheck)){
      #Do nothing
      #Add the column filled with NAs
      lines[,colcheck[b]] <- NA

    #Add in any missing columns
    for(i in 1:length(colcheck)){
        #Do nothing
        #Add the column filled with NAs
        lines.loops[,colcheck[i]] <- NA
    for(i in 1:length(colcheck)){
        #Do nothing
        #Add the column filled with NAs
        lines.loops[,colcheck[i]] <- character(0)

  lines <- lines[ ,colcheck]
  lines.loops <- lines.loops[ ,colcheck]
  rm(b,i,check, check.loops)

  #Channge Polygons to Lines
  lines.loops <- st_cast(lines.loops, "LINESTRING")

  # remove invalid geometry
  lines <- lines[st_is_valid(lines) %in% TRUE,] # %in% TRUE handles NA that occure with empty geometries
  lines.loops <- lines.loops[st_is_valid(lines.loops) %in% TRUE,]
  points <- points[st_is_valid(points) %in% TRUE,]

  #Bind togther
  lines <- rbind(lines,lines.loops)

  #CHange to British National Grid
  lines <- st_transform(lines, 27700)
  points <- st_transform(points, 27700)
  region_shp <- st_transform(region_shp, 27700)

  #Save out region boundary for reference

  #Download osm used a square bounding box, now trim to the exact boundry
  #note that lines that that cross the boundary are still included

  lines <- lines[region_shp,]
  points <- points[region_shp,]

  #now cut the lines to the boundary
  lines <- st_intersection(region_shp,lines)

  #Save the lines
  saveRDS(lines, paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-raw/",region_nm,"/osm-lines.Rds"))

  #Find Junctions, OSM Points are both nodes that make up lines/polygons, and objects e.g. shops
  #remove points that are not nodes on the line
  #node points have no tags
  col.names <- names(points)[!names(points) %in% c("osm_id","highway", "crossing", "crossing_ref","geometry")] #Get column names other than osm_id, and highway which is just for junction types, and crossing info which can be junction between cycle way and road
  points.sub <- points
  points <- points[,c("osm_id","highway")]
  points.sub <-
  points.sub$geometry <- NULL
  points.sub <- points.sub[,col.names]
  rowsum <- as.integer(rowSums(!
  rm(points.sub, col.names)
  points <- points[rowsum == 0,] #Remove points with any tags

  #now check highway tag to remove things like traffic lights
  points <- points[$highway) | points$highway %in% c("mini_roundabout","motorway_junction"), ]
  points <- points[,c("osm_id","geometry")]

  #Look for points that intersect lines
  inter <- st_intersects(points,lines)
  len <- lengths(inter)
  points <- points[len >= 2,] #Only keep points that intersec at least 2 lines i.e. a junction

  #Remove any duplicated points
  points <- points[!duplicated(points$geometry),]

  #Save results
  saveRDS(points, paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-raw/",region_nm,"/osm-junction-points.Rds"))


# Main Code

#create directory

#Get Boundries
bounds <- readRDS("../cyipt-bigdata/boundaries/TTWA/TTWA_England.Rds")

#subset the regions to do from the master file
bounds <- bounds[bounds$ttwa11nm %in% regions.todo,]

#Columns to keep
colcheck <- c("osm_id","name",

# Step 1 Establish which Regions shoudl be skipped
bounds$exists <- NA

for(i in seq(from = 1, to = nrow(bounds))){
  region_nm <- as.character(bounds$ttwa11nm[i])
  exists <- file.exists(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-raw/",region_nm,"/osm-lines.Rds"))
  bounds$exists[i] <- exists
  rm(exists, region_nm)

  message(paste0(Sys.time(),": Skipping download of the following regions"))
  bounds <- bounds[!bounds$exists,]

if(nrow(bounds) > 0){

  start <- Sys.time()
  fun <- function(cl){
    parLapply(cl, seq(from = 1, to = nrow(bounds)) ,download.region)
  cl <- makeCluster(ncores) #make clusert and set number of cores
  clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("bounds", "colcheck"))
  clusterExport(cl=cl, c('download.region') )
  clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(sf); library(osmdata)})
  res <- fun(cl)
  end <- Sys.time()
  message(paste0("Finished downloading ",nrow(bounds)," regions in ",round(difftime(end,start,units = "secs"),2)," seconds, in parallel mode at ",Sys.time()))
  rm(cl,fun, res, start, end)

  message("No regions to do")

rm(colcheck, bounds)
cyipt/cyipt documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 10:24 p.m.