
#Gets collisons for the road segments and junctions

#Main Fucntion
get.collisions <- function(a){
  #acc.sub <- acc[a,]
  #message(paste0(Sys.time()," Doing ",a))
  acc.sub <- acc[a,c("AccRefGlobal","JunctionDetail","geometry")]
  gridid <- grid_acc[a][[1]]

  if(as.character(acc.sub$JunctionDetail) %in% c("Crossroads","Mini-roundabout","More than 4 arms (not roundabout)","Multiple junction","Other junction","Roundabout","T or staggered junction","T, Y or staggered junction")){
    #Treat as a Junction
    junc_grid <- grid_junc[gridid]
    junc_grid <- unlist(junc_grid)
    junc_grid <- junc_grid[!duplicated(junc_grid)]
    junc_presub <- junc[junc_grid,] #select all the osm junctions in the same grid cell

    if(nrow(junc_presub) >= 1){
      #Get distance to lines
      dist <- as.numeric(st_distance(acc.sub,junc_presub))

      #get id number of the closest line
      sel.junc <- junc_presub$osm_id[dist == min(dist)]
      sel.line <- NA
      sel.junc <- NA
      sel.line <- NA

    #Treat as a road
    osm_grid <- grid_osm[gridid]
    osm_grid <- unlist(osm_grid)
    osm_grid <- osm_grid[!duplicated(osm_grid)]
    osm_presub <- osm[osm_grid,] #select all the osm lines in the same grid cell

    if(nrow(osm_presub) >= 1){
      #Get distance to lines
      dist <- as.numeric(st_distance(acc.sub,osm_presub))

      #get id number of the closest line
      sel.line <- osm_presub$id[dist == min(dist)]
      sel.junc <- NA
      sel.junc <- NA
      sel.line <- NA


  result <- data.frame(AccRefGlobal = acc.sub$AccRefGlobal, CollisionLine = sel.line, CollisionJunc = sel.junc)

# Start of Code
regions <- regions.todo

for(b in 1:length(regions)){
    #Get file
    osm <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-prep/",regions[b],"/osm-lines.Rds"))
    #Check if PCT values exist in the file
    if(all(c("ncollisionsSlight","ncollisionsSerious","ncollisionsFatal","bikeCasSlight","bikeCasSerious","bikeCasFatal","totalCasSlight","totalCasSerious","totalCasFatal","totalVeh") %in% names(osm)) & skip){
      message(paste0("Collisions values already calcualted for ",regions[b]," so skipping"))
      message(paste0("Getting Collisions values for ",regions[b]," at ",Sys.time()))

      #If overwriting remove old data <- names(osm)[!names(osm) %in% c("ncollisionsSlight","ncollisionsSerious","ncollisionsFatal","bikeCasSlight","bikeCasSerious","bikeCasFatal","totalCasSlight","totalCasSerious","totalCasFatal","totalVeh")]
      osm <- osm[,]

      #Get collisions data
      acc <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/collisions/regions/",regions[b],"/collisions-summary.Rds"))

      #Get junction locations
      junc <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-raw/",regions[b],"/osm-junction-points.Rds"))

      #Performacne Tweak, Preallocate object to a gid to reduce processing time
      grid <- st_make_grid(osm, n = c(100,100), what = "polygons")
      st_crs(grid) <- st_crs(osm)
      grid_osm <- st_intersects(grid, osm) # for each grid which osm lines cross it
      grid_junc <- st_intersects(grid, junc) # for each grid which osm lines cross it
      grid_acc <- st_intersects(acc, grid)# Which grid is each collision in?

      if(verbose){message(paste0("Preparations complete, starting data collection at ",Sys.time()))}

      #Get the Collisions Values
      m = 1 #Start
      n = nrow(acc) #End

      start <- Sys.time()
      fun <- function(cl){
        parLapply(cl, m:n, get.collisions)
      cl <- makeCluster(ncores) #make clusert and set number of cores
      clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(sf)})
      clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("osm", "acc","junc","grid_osm","grid_acc","grid_junc"), envir=environment())
      respar <- fun(cl)
      respar <- bind_rows(respar)
      end <- Sys.time()
      if(verbose){message(paste0("Did ",n-m + 1," collisions in ",round(difftime(end,start,units = "secs"),2)," seconds, in parallel mode at ",Sys.time()))}

      #Join togther data
      acc <- left_join(acc,respar, by = c("AccRefGlobal" = "AccRefGlobal"))
      acc.lines <-[!$CollisionLine),])
      acc.lines$geometry <- NULL
      acc.junc <-[!$CollisionJunc),])
      acc.lines$geometry <- NULL


      acc.lines <- acc.lines %>%
        group_by(CollisionLine) %>%
        summarise(ncollisionsSlight = length(AccRefGlobal[Severity == "Slight"]),
                  ncollisionsSerious = length(AccRefGlobal[Severity == "Serious"]),
                  ncollisionsFatal = length(AccRefGlobal[Severity == "Fatal"]),
                  bikeCasSlight = sum(nCasualtiesBike[Severity == "Slight"]),
                  bikeCasSerious = sum(nCasualtiesBike[Severity == "Serious"]),
                  bikeCasFatal = sum(nCasualtiesBike[Severity == "Fatal"]),
                  totalCasSlight = sum(nCasualties[Severity == "Slight"]),
                  totalCasSerious = sum(nCasualties[Severity == "Serious"]),
                  totalCasFatal = sum(nCasualties[Severity == "Fatal"]),
                  totalVeh = sum(nVehicles))

      acc.junc <- acc.junc %>%
        group_by(CollisionJunc) %>%
        summarise(ncollisionsSlight = length(AccRefGlobal[Severity == "Slight"]),
                  ncollisionsSerious = length(AccRefGlobal[Severity == "Serious"]),
                  ncollisionsFatal = length(AccRefGlobal[Severity == "Fatal"]),
                  bikeCasSlight = sum(nCasualtiesBike[Severity == "Slight"]),
                  bikeCasSerious = sum(nCasualtiesBike[Severity == "Serious"]),
                  bikeCasFatal = sum(nCasualtiesBike[Severity == "Fatal"]),
                  totalCasSlight = sum(nCasualties[Severity == "Slight"]),
                  totalCasSerious = sum(nCasualties[Severity == "Serious"]),
                  totalCasFatal = sum(nCasualties[Severity == "Fatal"]),
                  totalVeh = sum(nVehicles))

      osm <- left_join(osm,acc.lines, by = c("id" = "CollisionLine"))
      junc <- left_join(junc,acc.junc, by = c("osm_id" = "CollisionJunc"))

      #Save results
      rm(osm,acc.junc,acc.lines,junc,respar,acc, grid_acc, grid_junc)


    message(paste0("Input File Missing for ",regions[b]," at ",Sys.time()))
cyipt/cyipt documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 10:24 p.m.