
# Updated for new model from robin


#calcualte unility score
get.utility.before <- function(highway, left, right){
  if(highway %in% c("track","pedestrian","steps","path","bridleway","cycleway","footway")){
    result = -0.033
  }else if("track" %in% c(left,right)){
    result = -0.036
  }else if("lane" %in% c(left,right)){
    result = -0.055
    result = -0.115

get.utility.after <- function(highway, recommend){
  if(highway %in% c("track","pedestrian","steps","path","bridleway","cycleway","footway")){
    result = -0.033
  }else if(recommend %in% c("Cycle Lane on Path","Segregated Cycle Track on Path")){
    result = -0.033
  }else if(recommend %in% c("Stepped Cycle Tracks","Segregated Cycle Track","Cycle Lanes with light segregation")){
    result = -0.036
  }else if(recommend %in% c("Cycle Lanes","Cycle Street")){
    result = -0.055
    result = -0.115

# infra change
get.uptake <- function(x, pct.scheme, j, scheme.osm_ids){

  #message(paste0(" Got inside get.infrachange for ",j," ",x)) <- (1:nrow(pct))[pct$ID == pct.scheme$ID[x] ]
  route.length <- pct$length[pct$ID == pct.scheme$ID[x]]
  cycle.before <- pct$pct.census[pct$ID == pct.scheme$ID[x]]
  all.before <- pct$all_16p[pct$ID == pct.scheme$ID[x]]

  route.osmids <- unique(pct2osm[[]])
  route.osmids.inscheme <- route.osmids[route.osmids %in% scheme.osm_ids]
  route.osm <- osm[route.osmids,]
  #qtm(route.osm) +
  #  qtm(pct.scheme[x,], lines.col = "blue")

  #route.osm <-
  #route.osm <- route.osm[,c("id","highway","cycleway","maxspeed","Recommended","length")]

  # summarise infrastrucutre before
  route.before <- route.osm[,c("id","minutes","utilityBefore")]
  route.before$utilityTotal <- route.before$minutes * route.before$utilityBefore

  #summarise infra after
  route.after <- route.osm[,c("id","minutes","utilityBefore","utilityAfter","group_id")]
  route.after$inscheme <- ifelse(route.after$group_id == j,TRUE,FALSE)
  route.after$utilityTotal <- ifelse(route.after$inscheme,route.after$minutes * route.after$utilityAfter, route.after$minutes * route.after$utilityBefore)

  #get the total utility of the route
  ultilityBefore = sum(route.before$utilityTotal)
  ultilityAfter = sum(route.after$utilityTotal)

  # calcualte the proprtion increase in cycling

  #pcycle.before.weighted <- cycle.before / (0.4 * all.before)
  if(cycle.before == 0){
    pcycle.before.weighted <- 0.01
    pcycle.before.weighted <- cycle.before / (0.4 * all.before)

  #if(pcycle.before.weighted > 1){
  #  pcycle.before.weighted <- 1
  pcycle.after <- (pcycle.before.weighted * exp(ultilityAfter - ultilityBefore)) / (pcycle.before.weighted * exp(ultilityAfter - ultilityBefore) + (1 - pcycle.before.weighted))
  pcycle.after <- pcycle.after * 0.4

  #message(paste0("done ",x))


scheme.size <- function(j){
  #Get the roads in the schemes
  scheme.osm_ids <- osm$id[osm$group_id == j] # get the osm ids for this scheme
  scheme.pct_ids <- unique(unlist(osm2pct[scheme.osm_ids])) # get the pct ids for this scheme

evaluate.schemes <- function(j){

  #Get the roads in the schemes
  scheme.osm_ids <- osm$id[osm$group_id == j] # get the osm ids for this scheme
  scheme.pct_ids <- unique(unlist(osm2pct[scheme.osm_ids])) # get the pct ids for this scheme

  pct.scheme <- pct[scheme.pct_ids,]

  #message(paste0(" Got to lapply for ",j," variaibles are ",paste(ls(), collapse = " ")," objects are ",paste(objects(), collapse = " ")))
  #message(paste0("there are ",nrow(pct.scheme)," rows in pct.scheme beffore the lappy in",j))

  #For each route get the length of on road and off road infa
  infrachange <- sapply(1:nrow(pct.scheme), get.uptake, pct.scheme = pct.scheme, j = j, scheme.osm_ids = scheme.osm_ids)
  #infrachange <- bind_rows(infrachange)

  pct.scheme$percycleAfter <- infrachange
  pct.scheme$cycleAfter <- round(pct.scheme$percycleAfter * pct.scheme$all_16p,2)
  pct.scheme$uptake <- pct.scheme$cycleAfter - pct.scheme$pct.census
  #pct.scheme$schemeID <- j

  #Uptake Sanity Checks

  ### don allow negative uptake
  pct.scheme$uptake[pct.scheme$uptake < 0] <- 0

  # Check 1: Cannot increase cycling above the total number of people or below the number of cyclists
  pct.scheme$uptake <- ifelse(pct.scheme$uptake > (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census), (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census) ,pct.scheme$uptake)
  pct.scheme$uptake <- ifelse((pct.scheme$uptake < 0) & (- pct.scheme$uptake  > pct.scheme$pct.census), (-pct.scheme$pct.census) ,pct.scheme$uptake)

  # Benefits Section

  # First Translate the Uptake Model's prediction into number of walker, cyclists, driveres etc
  #Calcualte the percentage of each mode exclusing cycling
  pct.scheme$p_underground <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$underground / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_train <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$train / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_bus <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$bus / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_taxi <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$taxi / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_motorcycle <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$motorcycle / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_carorvan <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$carorvan / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_passenger <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$passenger / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_onfoot <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$onfoot / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))
  pct.scheme$p_other <- ifelse(pct.scheme$all_16p == pct.scheme$pct.census,0, pct.scheme$other / (pct.scheme$all_16p - pct.scheme$pct.census))

  #Calcualte the decrease in each mode
  pct.scheme$d_underground <- pct.scheme$p_underground * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_train <- pct.scheme$p_train * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_bus <- pct.scheme$p_bus * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_taxi <- pct.scheme$p_taxi * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_motorcycle <- pct.scheme$p_motorcycle * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_carorvan <- pct.scheme$p_carorvan * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_passenger <- pct.scheme$p_passenger * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_onfoot <- pct.scheme$p_onfoot * pct.scheme$uptake
  pct.scheme$d_other <- pct.scheme$p_other * pct.scheme$uptake

  # Calcualt Distance for Health Purposes
  pct.scheme$disthealth <- pct.scheme$length * 1.9 / 1609.34 # convert to miles * 1.9 (two way weighting factor)

  #Calcualte the distance driven, walked, cycled per year in m
  pct.scheme$distCycle.Before <- pct.scheme$length * pct.scheme$pct.census * 1.9 * 220 # 1.9 is two way weighting factor
  pct.scheme$distWalk.Before <- pct.scheme$length * pct.scheme$onfoot * 1.9 * 220
  pct.scheme$distDrive.Before <- pct.scheme$length * (pct.scheme$carorvan + pct.scheme$taxi + pct.scheme$motorcycle) * 1.9 * 220

  pct.scheme$distCycle.After <- pct.scheme$length * (pct.scheme$pct.census + pct.scheme$uptake) * 1.9 * 220
  pct.scheme$distWalk.After <- pct.scheme$length * (pct.scheme$onfoot - pct.scheme$d_onfoot) * 1.9 * 220
  pct.scheme$distDrive.After <- pct.scheme$length * ((pct.scheme$carorvan + pct.scheme$taxi + pct.scheme$motorcycle) - (pct.scheme$d_carorvan + pct.scheme$d_motorcycle + pct.scheme$d_taxi)) * 1.9 * 220

  pct.scheme$distCycle.Change <- pct.scheme$distCycle.After - pct.scheme$distCycle.Before
  pct.scheme$distWalk.Change <- pct.scheme$distWalk.After - pct.scheme$distWalk.Before
  pct.scheme$distDrive.Change <- pct.scheme$distDrive.After - pct.scheme$distDrive.Before

  #message(paste0(Sys.time()," 6"))
  #Health Benefits
  healthbens <- mapply(, pct.scheme$uptake, pct.scheme$d_onfoot, pct.scheme$disthealth, SIMPLIFY = F)
  healthbens <- bind_rows(healthbens)
  pct.scheme <-, healthbens)

  #message(paste0(Sys.time()," 7"))
  # Accident Benefits
  pct.scheme$accidents_benefit <- cyipt.accident(pct.scheme$distDrive.Change)

  # Noise Benefits NOT CALCUALTED
  pct.scheme$noise_benefit <- cyipt.noise()

  # Air Quality Benefit NOT CALCUALTED
  pct.scheme$airquality_benefit <- cyipt.airquality()

  # Green House Gas Benefits
  ghgbens <- cyipt.greenhousegases(pct.scheme$distDrive.Change)
  pct.scheme <-, ghgbens)

  # Congenstion Benefits
  pct.scheme$congestion_benefit <- cyipt.congestion(pct.scheme$distDrive.Change)

  # Indirect Tax Benefit NOT CALCUALTED
  pct.scheme$indirecttax_benefit <- cyipt.indirecttax()

  # Time Saving Impacts on Active Mode Users NOT CALCUALTED
  pct.scheme$timesaving_benefit <- cyipt.timesaving()

  # Jounrey Quality Benefit
  #Temporairly disabled
  pct.scheme$quality_benefit <- cyipt.jounreyquality()

  #Count changin in the driving modes
  pct.scheme$d_motorist <- pct.scheme$d_carorvan + pct.scheme$d_motorcycle + pct.scheme$d_taxi
  benefits_list <- c("absenteeism_benefit", "health_benefit",
                     "congestion_benefit","indirecttax_benefit", "timesaving_benefit")
  nonbenefits_list <- c("all_16p","pct.census","uptake","d_onfoot","d_motorist","distCycle.Change","distWalk.Change","distDrive.Change",
  #Summarise All the Benefits
  pct.scheme.summary <- pct.scheme[,c(nonbenefits_list,benefits_list)]
  pct.scheme.summary <- colSums(pct.scheme.summary)

  pct.scheme.summary.benefits <- pct.scheme.summary[benefits_list]
  pct.scheme.summary.nonbenefits <- pct.scheme.summary[nonbenefits_list]

  #Convert Extrapolate over Multiple Years
  benefits_final <-, 10, 3.5),pct.scheme.summary.nonbenefits) ))
  names(benefits_final) <- c(benefits_list,nonbenefits_list)

  benefits_final$scheme_no <- j
  #message(paste0("Done Scheme ",j," at ",Sys.time()))


#List folders
regions <- regions.todo

for(b in 1:length(regions)){
    #Check if Uptake values exist
    if(file.exists(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-recc/",regions[b],"/scheme-uptake.Rds")) & skip){
      message(paste0("Uptake numbers already calcualted for ",regions[b]," so skipping"))
      message(paste0("Getting uptake values for ",regions[b]," at ",Sys.time()))

      #Get file
      osm <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-recc/",regions[b],"/osm-lines.Rds"))
      #model <- readRDS("../cyipt/input-data/m6.Rds")

      # Get PCT Data
      pct <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-securedata/pct-regions/",regions[b],".Rds"))
      pct$percycle01 <- pct$pct.census / pct$all_16p #call 01 for model but actually 2011

      pct2osm <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-prep/",regions[b],"/pct2osm.Rds"))
      osm2pct <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-prep/",regions[b],"/osm2pct.Rds"))

      #discard unneded data in preparation for paralleisation
      # reduced memeory use and time copying data to each cluster
      osm <-

      osm$minutes <- osm$length * (1/333.333) # assumes 20 kph
      osm$utilityBefore <- mapply(get.utility.before, highway = osm$highway, left = osm$cycleway.left, right = osm$cycleway.right, SIMPLIFY = T)
      osm$utilityAfter <- mapply( get.utility.after, highway = osm$highway, recommend = osm$Recommended, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

      osm <- osm[,c("id","highway","maxspeed","Recommended","length","group_id","minutes","utilityBefore","utilityAfter")]

      osm$group_id[$group_id)] <- 0 # repalce NAs with 0 scheme number

      pct <-
      pct <- pct[,c("ID","length","av_incline","all_16p","pct.census","underground","train","bus","taxi","motorcycle","carorvan","passenger","onfoot","other","percycle01")]

      #get the list of scheme_nos
      schemes <- readRDS(paste0("../cyipt-bigdata/osm-recc/",regions[b],"/schemes.Rds"))

      if(all(c("sf","data.frame") %in% class(schemes))){
        # sort the schemes by size
        # this means the slowest ones are done first and maximises the load balancing
        schemes$schemeSize <- sapply(schemes$group_id,scheme.size)
        schemes <- schemes[order(-schemes$schemeSize),]

        scheme_nos <- schemes$group_id


        start <- Sys.time()
        fun <- function(cl){
          parLapplyLB(cl, scheme_nos, evaluate.schemes)
        cl <- makeCluster(ncores, outfile = paste0("parlog-",Sys.Date(),".txt")) #make clusert and set number of cores
        clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(dplyr) })
        #clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("pct","osm","pct2osm","osm2pct","modelvars"), envir=environment())
        clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("pct","osm","pct2osm","osm2pct") )
        clusterExport(cl=cl, c('get.uptake','cyipt.accident','cyipt.airquality','cyipt.congestion',
                               'cyipt.noise','cyipt.presentvalue','cyipt.timesaving') )
        respar <- fun(cl)
        respar <- bind_rows(respar)
        end <- Sys.time()
        if(verbose){message(paste0("Did ",length(scheme_nos)," schemes in ",round(difftime(end,start,units = "secs"),2)," seconds, in parallel mode at ",Sys.time()))}

        schemes <- left_join(schemes, respar, by = c("group_id" = "scheme_no"))

        schemes$benefitTotal <- schemes$absenteeism_benefit + schemes$health_benefit + schemes$accidents_benefit + schemes$noise_benefit + schemes$ghg_benefit + schemes$congestion_benefit + schemes$indirecttax_benefit + schemes$timesaving_benefit
        schemes$benefitCost <- schemes$benefitTotal / schemes$costTotal
        #qtm(schemes, lines.col = "benefitCost", lines.lwd = 3)


        rm(osm, osm2pct, pct2osm, scheme_nos)
        message(paste0("No schemes for ",regions[b]))


    message(paste0("Input File Missing for ",regions[b]," at ",Sys.time()))
cyipt/cyipt documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 10:24 p.m.