
Defines functions reindex.CT GSTADF.test STADF.test

Documented in GSTADF.test reindex.CT STADF.test

#' @title
#' Supremum ADF tests with time transformation
#' @order 1
#' @description
#' See [SADF.test]. Tests with time transformation are the modified versions of
#' the ordinary `SADF` and `GSADF` tests using Nadaraya-Watson residuals and
#' reindexing procedure by Cavaliere-Taylor (2008).
#' @details
#' Refactored original code by Kurozumi et al.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param trim A trimming parameter to determine the lower and upper bounds for
#' a possible break point.
#' @param const Whether the constant needs to be included.
#' @param omega.est Whether the variance of Nadaraya-Watson residuals should be
#' used.
#' @param truncated Whether the truncation of Nadaraya-Watson residuals is
#' needed.
#' @param is.reindex Whether the Cavaliere and Taylor (2008) time transformation
#' is needed.
#' @param ksi.input The value of the truncation parameter. Can be either `auto`
#' or the explicit numerical value. In the former case the numeric value is
#' estimated.
#' @param hc The scaling parameter for Nadaraya-Watson bandwidth.
#' @param pc The scaling parameter for the estimated truncation parameter value.
#' @param add.p.value Whether the p-value is to be returned. This argument is
#' needed to suppress the calculation of p-values during the precalculation of
#' tables needed for the p-values estimating.
#' @return An object of type `sadf`. It's a list of:
#' * `y`,
#' * `N`: Number of observations,
#' * `trim`,
#' * `const`,
#' * `omega.est`,
#' * `truncated`,
#' * `is.reindex`,
#' * `new.index`: the vector of new indices,
#' * `ksi.input`,
#' * `hc`,
#' * `h.est`,
#' * `u.hat`,
#' * `pc`,
#' * `w.sq`,
#' * `t.values`: vector of \eqn{t}-values,
#' * the value of the corresponding test statistic,
#' * `u.hat.truncated`: truncated residuals if truncation was asked for,
#' * `ksi`, `sigma`: estimated values of the truncation parameter and resulting
#' s.e. if `ksi.input` equals `auto`,
#' * `eta.hat`: the values of reindexing function if reindexing was asked for,
#' * \eqn{p}-value if it was asked for.
#' @references
#' Cavaliere, Giuseppe, and A. M. Robert Taylor.
#' “Time-Transformed Unit Root Tests for Models with Non-Stationary Volatility.”
#' Journal of Time Series Analysis 29, no. 2 (March 2008): 300–330.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9892.2007.00557.x.
#' Kurozumi, Eiji, Anton Skrobotov, and Alexey Tsarev.
#' “Time-Transformed Test for Bubbles under Non-Stationary Volatility.”
#' Journal of Financial Econometrics, April 23, 2022.
#' https://doi.org/10.1093/jjfinec/nbac004.
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
STADF.test <- function(y,
                       trim = 0.01 + 1.8 / sqrt(length(y)),
                       const = FALSE,
                       omega.est = TRUE,
                       truncated = TRUE,
                       is.reindex = TRUE,
                       ksi.input = "auto",
                       hc = 1,
                       pc = 1,
                       add.p.value = TRUE) {
    n.obs <- length(y)

    ## Part 4.1. NW estimation.
    ## Estimate kernel regression either on the basis of CV or for a fixed h.
    y.0 <- y - y[1]
    my <- diff(y.0)
    mx <- y.0[1:(n.obs - 1)]
    nw.model.cv <- NW.loocv(my, mx)
    nw.model <- NW.estimation(my, mx, h = nw.model.cv$h)

    h.est <- hc * nw.model.cv$h
    u.hat <- nw.model$u.hat

    ## Truncating the residuals.
    if (truncated == TRUE) {
        if (ksi.input == "auto") {
            ## Calculate sigma.
            sigma <- 0
            bd <- round(0.1 * (n.obs - 1))
            for (s in bd:(n.obs - 1)) {
                sigma1 <- sd(u.hat[(s - bd + 1):s])
                if (sigma1 > sigma) {
                    sigma <- sigma1
            ksi <- pc * sigma * (n.obs - 1)^(1 / 7)
        } else {
            ksi <- ksi.input
        u.hat.truncated <- ifelse(abs(u.hat) < ksi, u.hat, 0)
        u.hat.star <- u.hat.truncated
    } else {
        u.hat.star <- u.hat

    ## w.sq - the average of squares residues.
    if (omega.est == TRUE) {
        w.sq <- mean(u.hat.star^2)
    } else {
        w.sq <- 1

    ## Part 4.2. Reindex.
    if (is.reindex == TRUE) {
        tmp.reindex <- reindex.CT(u.hat.star)
        eta.hat <- tmp.reindex$eta.hat
        new.index <- tmp.reindex$new.index
    } else {
        new.index <- c(0:(n.obs - 1))
    y.tt <- y[new.index + 1]

    ## Part 4.3. STADF test.
    t.values <- c()
    m <- 1

    for (j in (floor(trim * n.obs)):n.obs) {
        ## If we consider a model with a constant,
        ## we subtract the moving average.
        if (const) {
            y.tt.norm <- y.tt - mean(y.tt[1:j])
        } else {
            y.tt.norm <- y.tt - y.tt[1]

        t.values[m] <- (y.tt.norm[j]^2 - y.tt.norm[1]^2 - w.sq * (j - 1)) /
            (w.sq^0.5 * 2 * sum(y.tt.norm[1:(j - 1)]^2)^0.5)
        m <- m + 1

    ## Take the maximum of the calculated t-statistics.
    STADF.value <- max(t.values)

    if (add.p.value) {
        if (const == TRUE) {
            cr.values <- .cval_SADF_with_const
        } else {
            cr.values <- .cval_SADF_without_const

        p.value <- get.p.values.SADF(STADF.value, n.obs, cr.values)

    result <- c(
            y = y,
            N = n.obs,
            trim = trim,
            const = const,
            omega.est = omega.est,
            truncated = truncated,
            is.reindex = is.reindex,
            new.index = new.index,
            ksi.input = ksi.input,
            hc = hc,
            h.est = h.est,
            u.hat = u.hat,
            pc = pc,
            w.sq = w.sq,
            t.values = t.values,
            STADF.value = STADF.value
        if (truncated) {
            list(u.hat.truncated = u.hat.truncated)
        } else {
        if (ksi.input == "auto") {
            list(ksi = ksi, sigma = sigma)
        } else {
        if (is.reindex) {
            list(eta.hat = eta.hat)
        } else {
        if (add.p.value) {
            list(p.value = p.value)
        } else {

    class(result) <- "sadf"


#' @rdname STADF.test
#' @order 2
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
GSTADF.test <- function(y,
                        trim = 0.01 + 1.8 / sqrt(length(y)),
                        const = FALSE,
                        omega.est = TRUE,
                        truncated = TRUE,
                        is.reindex = TRUE,
                        ksi.input = "auto",
                        hc = 1,
                        pc = 1,
                        add.p.value = TRUE) {
    n.obs <- length(y)

    ## Part 4.1. NW estimation.
    ## Estimate kernel regression either on the basis of CV or for a fixed h.
    y.0 <- y - y[1]
    my <- diff(y.0)
    mx <- y.0[1:(n.obs - 1)]
    nw.model.cv <- NW.loocv(my, mx)
    nw.model <- NW.estimation(my, mx, h = nw.model.cv$h)

    h.est <- hc * nw.model.cv$h
    u.hat <- nw.model$u.hat

    ## Truncating the residuals.
    if (truncated == TRUE) {
        if (ksi.input == "auto") {
            ## Calculate sigma.
            sigma <- 0
            bd <- round(0.1 * (n.obs - 1))
            for (s in bd:(n.obs - 1)) {
                sigma1 <- sd(u.hat[(s - bd + 1):s])
                if (sigma1 > sigma) {
                    sigma <- sigma1
            ksi <- pc * sigma * (n.obs - 1)^(1 / 7)
        } else {
            ksi <- ksi.input

        u.hat.truncated <- ifelse(abs(u.hat) < ksi, u.hat, 0)
        u.hat.star <- u.hat.truncated
    } else {
        u.hat.star <- u.hat

    ## w.sq - the average of squares residues.
    if (omega.est == TRUE) {
        w.sq <- mean(u.hat.star^2)
    } else {
        w.sq <- 1

    ## Part 4.2. Reindex.
    if (is.reindex == TRUE) {
        tmp.reindex <- reindex.CT(u.hat.star)
        eta.hat <- tmp.reindex$eta.hat
        new.index <- tmp.reindex$new.index
    } else {
        new.index <- c(0:(n.obs - 1))
    y.tt <- y[new.index + 1]

    ## Part 4.3. STADF test.
    t.values <- c()
    m <- 1

    for (i in 1:(n.obs - floor(trim * n.obs) + 1)) {
        for (j in (i + floor(trim * n.obs) - 1):n.obs) {
            ## If we consider a model with a constant,
            ## we subtract the moving average.
            if (const) {
                y.tt.norm <- y.tt - mean(y.tt[i:j])
            } else {
                y.tt.norm <- y.tt - y.tt[1]

            t.values[m] <- (y.tt.norm[j]^2 - y.tt.norm[i]^2 - w.sq * (j - i)) /
                (w.sq^0.5 * 2 * sum(y.tt.norm[i:(j - 1)]^2)^0.5)
            m <- m + 1

    ## Take the maximum of the calculated t-statistics.
    GSTADF.value <- max(t.values)

    if (add.p.value) {
        if (const == TRUE) {
            cr.values <- .cval_GSADF_with_const
        } else {
            cr.values <- .cval_GSADF_without_const

        p.value <- get.p.values.SADF(GSTADF.value, n.obs, cr.values)

    result <- c(
            y = y,
            N = n.obs,
            trim = trim,
            const = const,
            omega.est = omega.est,
            truncated = truncated,
            is.reindex = is.reindex,
            new.index = new.index,
            ksi.input = ksi.input,
            hc = hc,
            h.est = h.est,
            u.hat = u.hat,
            pc = pc,
            w.sq = w.sq,
            t.values = t.values,
            GSTADF.value = GSTADF.value
        if (truncated) {
            list(u.hat.truncated = u.hat.truncated)
        } else {
        if (ksi.input == "auto") {
            list(ksi = ksi, sigma = sigma)
        } else {
        if (is.reindex) {
            list(eta.hat = eta.hat)
        } else {
        if (add.p.value) {
            list(p.value = p.value)
        } else {

    class(result) <- "sadf"


#' @title
#' A function that makes reindexing
#' @description
#' The function is aimed to calculate the sequence of indices providing a new
#' "time transformed" time series as in Cavaliere and Taylor (2008).
#' @param u The residuals series for reindexing.
#' @references
#' Cavaliere, Giuseppe, and A. M. Robert Taylor.
#' “Time-Transformed Unit Root Tests for Models with Non-Stationary Volatility.”
#' Journal of Time Series Analysis 29, no. 2 (March 2008): 300–330.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9892.2007.00557.x.
#' Kurozumi, Eiji, Anton Skrobotov, and Alexey Tsarev.
#' “Time-Transformed Test for Bubbles under Non-Stationary Volatility.”
#' Journal of Financial Econometrics, April 23, 2022.
#' https://doi.org/10.1093/jjfinec/nbac004.
#' @keywords internal
reindex.CT <- function(u) {
    n.obs <- length(u)
    u.2 <- as.numeric(u^2)

    s <- (0:n.obs) / n.obs

    eta.hat <- rep(0, (n.obs + 1))
    for (i in 2:(n.obs + 1)) {
        sT <- floor(s[i] * n.obs)
        eta.hat[i] <- (sum(u.2[1:sT]) + (s[i] * n.obs - sT) * u.2[sT + 1]) /
    eta.hat[n.obs + 1] <- 1

    eta.hat.inv <- rep(0, (n.obs + 1))
    for (i in 2:(n.obs + 1)) {
        k <- length(eta.hat[eta.hat < s[i]])
        s0 <- (k - 1) / n.obs
        eta.hat.inv[i] <- s0 +
            (s[i] - eta.hat[k]) / (eta.hat[k + 1] - eta.hat[k]) / n.obs
    eta.hat.inv[n.obs + 1] <- 1

    new.index <- floor(eta.hat.inv * n.obs)

            u = u,
            s = s,
            eta.hat = eta.hat,
            eta.hat.inv = eta.hat.inv,
            new.index = new.index
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