
#' Read data from a URL
#' The task for this function is to read the data from the URL location and assign
#' appropriate column names. The function will throw a warning if there are
#' more columns in the data table than expected. If there are fewer columns than
#' expected the function will retry up to 10 times to get the number of columns
#' correct. If it fails after 10 tries then an error will be thrown.
#' @param inpUrl The URL to get data from
#' @param columnTypes A character vector describing the types of columns in the
#' data. Note: \code{length(columnTypes) == length(columnNames)}.
#' @param columnNames A character vector describing the names of the columns in
#' the data. Note: \code{length(columnTypes) == length(columnNames)}.
#' @param whichTable A number or character describing the table to get. This
#' can be leveraged for HTML tables and spreadsheet files.
#' @param removeRow A numeric vector indicating rows to skip at the top of the data.
#' For exampe \code{c(1,2)} will skip the first two rows of data.
#' @param dataType A character indicating the type of data (HTML, XML, file, xls)
#' @return Returns a \link{data.table} with data from URL.
#' @export readUrl
#' @import readxl
readUrl <- function(inpUrl, columnTypes, columnNames, whichTable, removeRow,
                    dataType, idVar, playerLinkString, fbgUser, fbgPwd){

  if(length(columnNames) > 0){
    srcData <- data.table::data.table(t(rep(NA, length(columnNames))))[0]
    data.table::setnames(srcData, columnNames)
  } else {
    srcData <- data.table::data.table()

  # Determining the site that the urlAddress belongs to
  urlSite <- websites[sapply(websites,
                             function(ws)(length(grep(ws, tolower(inpUrl),
                                                      fixed = TRUE)) >0))]

  if(length(urlSite) == 0)
    urlSite <- "local"

  if(dataType %in% c("file", "csv") & urlSite != "fantasysharks"){
    projDir <- gsub("/$", "", projDir)
    inpUrl <- gsub("^/|/$", "", inpUrl)
    inpUrl <- file.path(projDir, inpUrl)
  orgUrl <- inpUrl
  emptyData <- srcData

  if(urlSite == "rtsports"){
    rtColTypes <- columnTypes
    columnTypes <- rep("character", length(rtColTypes))

  if(urlSite == "footballguys"){
    inpUrl <- fbgUrl(inpUrl, fbgUser, fbgPwd)

  if (urlSite %in% c("fantasypros", "fantasydata", "yahoo", "cbssports", "fleaflicker", "numberfire")) {
    inpUrl <- tryCatch(RCurl::getURL(inpUrl),
                       error = function(e)return(emptyData))

  if(length(removeRow) == 0 & dataType != "csv"){
    removeRow <- NULL
  if(length(removeRow) == 0 & dataType == "csv"){
    removeRow <- 0

  if(dataType == "file" & urlSite != "walterfootball"){
    whichTable <- 1
  if(urlSite == "walterfootball"){
    dataFile <- tempfile("walterdata", fileext = ".xlsx")
    download.file(inpUrl, destfile = dataFile, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
  read.try = 0
  stRow <- 1
  if(urlSite == "numberfire"){
    stRow <- 2
    whichTable <- c(1, 2)

  # check if input file exists
  if(dataType %in% c("csv", "file") & !file.exists(orgUrl) & urlSite != "fantasysharks"){
    warning(cat("File ", unlist(orgUrl), " cannot be found. Returning empty data\n"),
            call. = FALSE)

  sheetColumns <- c(LETTERS, paste0("A", LETTERS))
  # Will try up to 10 times to get data from the source
  while(read.try <= 10 ){
    srcData <-tryCatch(
             "html" = XML::readHTMLTable(inpUrl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                         skip.rows = removeRow,
                                         colClasses = columnTypes,
                                         which = as.numeric(whichTable)),
             "csv" = read.csv(inpUrl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = removeRow),
             "xml" = scrapeXMLdata(inpUrl),
             "xls" = readxl::read_excel(dataFile, range = paste0(whichTable, "!A1:", sheetColumns[length(columnNames)] , "1000")),
             "json" = scrapeJSONdata(inpUrl),
             "jqry" = scrapeJQuery(inpUrl)
      error = function(e)data.table::data.table())

    if(dataType != "json")
      if (urlSite == "numberfire") {
        srcData <- data.table::data.table(cbind(srcData[[1]], srcData[[2]]))
      } else {
        srcData <- data.table::data.table(srcData)
    if((length(srcData) > 1 &  length(columnNames) <= length(srcData)) | dataType == "json")
    read.try = read.try + 1

  if(read.try >= 10 & length(srcData) == 1)

  if(dataType != "json" ){
    # Chekcing for matches between number of columns in dataTable and
    # number of columns specified by names
    if(length(srcData) > 1 & (length(columnNames) > length(srcData)) & read.try > 10){
      warning(cat("Got fewer columns in data than number of columns",
                  "specified by names from:\n", orgUrl,
                  "\nNOTE: Returning empty dataset"))

    # Checking for empty dataTables
    if(length(srcData) == 0 | is.null(srcData) ){
      warning(cat("Empty data table retrieved from\n", unlist(orgUrl), "\n"),
              call. = FALSE)

    if(nrow(srcData) == 0 ){
      warning(cat("Empty data table retrieved from\n", orgUrl, "\n"),
              call. = FALSE)

    if(length(srcData) > 1 & (length(columnNames) < length(srcData))){
      warning(cat("Got more columns in data than number of columns",
                  "specified by names from\n", orgUrl,
                  "\nRemoving columns after column", length(columnNames), "\n"))
      srcData <- srcData[, seq_along(columnNames), with = FALSE]

    if(length(srcData) > 1){
      data.table::setnames(srcData, columnNames)
    } else {
      cat("Got a 1 column table from", orgUrl)

  if(length(srcData) == 0)
    return(data.table::data.table(playerId = as.numeric(NA), player = as.character(NA))[0])

  # On CBS.com the last rows of the table includes links to
  # additional pages, so we remove those:
  if(length(grep("Pages:", srcData$player, fixed = TRUE))>0){
    srcData <- srcData[-grep("Pages:", srcData$player, fixed = TRUE),]

  if(urlSite == "rtsports"){
    srcData <- data.table::data.table(
      sapply(srcData, function(x)gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9,. ]", "", x) ))

  if(exists("position", srcData)){
    srcData[position %in% c("Def", "D", "DEF", "D/ST"), position := "DST"]
    srcData[position == "PK", position := "K"]
    srcData[position %in% c("CB", "S"), position := "DB"]
    srcData[position %in% c("DE", "DT"), position := "DL"]

    if(exists("firstName", srcData)){
    srcData[, player := paste(firstName, lastName)]#, by = row.names(srcData)]

  if(urlSite == "yahoo"){
    srcData[, player := gsub("Sun 10:00 am|Sun 5:30 pm|Mon 4:10 pm|Sun 1:25 pm|Thu 5:30 pm|Mon 7:20 pm|Sun 1:05 pm", "", player)]

  if(urlSite %in% c("fantasysharks", "rotowire") & !exists("firstName", srcData)){
    srcData[, player := firstLast(player)]

  if(urlSite %in% c("footballguys", "local") & exists("team", srcData))
    srcData[, team := extractTeam(team, urlSite)]

  if(urlSite %in% c("fantasypros", "fox", "espn", "numberfire"))
    srcData[, team := extractTeam(player, urlSite)]
  if(urlSite == "walterfootball")
    srcData[, team := nflTeam.abb[which(nflTeam.name == team)], by = rownames(srcData)]

  if(exists("player", srcData))
    srcData[, player := getPlayerName(getPlayerName(getPlayerName(player)))]

  ## Finding playerId for the sources that has that
  if(dataType == "html" & nchar(idVar) > 0){
    pgeLinks <- XML::getHTMLLinks(inpUrl)
    playerId <- NA
    switch (urlSite,
            "footballguys"= {
              playerId <- gsub("../players/player-all-info.php?id=","",
                                             pgeLinks)], fixed = TRUE)
            } ,
            "local"= {
              playerId <- gsub("../players/player-all-info.php?id=","",
                                             pgeLinks)], fixed = TRUE)
            } ,
            "fftoday" = {
              playerId <- as.numeric(unique(gsub("[^0-9]","",
            } ,
              playerId <- as.numeric(unique(gsub("[^0-9]", "",

    if(length(playerId) > 1 & length(playerId) != nrow(srcData)){
      warning(paste("Number of playerIds doesn't match number of",
                    "players for \n", inpUrl))

    if(length(playerId) == nrow(srcData)){
      srcData[, (idVar) := playerId]

  if(length(srcData) > 1)
    srcData <- srcData[, lapply(.SD, function(col){
      if(class(col) == "factor")
        col <- as.character(col)
    }), by = intersect(names(srcData), c("playerId", idVar, "player", "team",

dadrivr/ffanalytics documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:12 p.m.