
Defines functions susquehannaRiverModel

Documented in susquehannaRiverModel

#' Susquehanna River Model
#' Dam passage performance standard model for
#' Susquehanna River, USA
#' @param nRuns The number of times that the
#' model will be run.
#' @param species Species for which the model will be
#' run. Current options include American \code{'shad'} and
#' \code{'blueback'} herring.
#' @param nYears The number of years for which
#' each run will last. The default is 40 years
#' to match default FERC license duration.
#' @param n_adults Number of starting adults in
#' population.
#' @param p_JuniataUp Proportion of fish using Juniata River.
#' Default = 0.21 based on proportional distribution of habitat.
#' Must sum to 1.00 with others.
#' @param p_WestBranchUp Proportion of fish using West Branch River.
#' Default = 0.22 based on proportional distribution of habitat.
#' Must sum to 1.00 with others.
#' @param p_ChemungUp Proportion of fish using Chemung River.
#' Default = 0.27 based on proportional distribution of habitat.
#' Must sum to 1.00 with others.
#' @param p_NorthBranchUp Proportion of fish using North Branch Susquehanna River.
#' Default = 0.30 based on proportional distribution of habitat.
#' Must sum to 1.00 with others.
#' @param timing The amount of time required for
#' upstream passage by individual fish (in days),
#' where the default (1) indicates a 24-h dam
#' passage performance standard and the value is
#' specified as a proportion of 1 day.
#' @param upstream A named list of upstream dam
#' passage efficiencies at each dam in the
#' Susquehanna River. Passable dams currently are
#' not included in the list of values.
#' Users may specify a single value of upstream
#' passage at each dam, or a vector of upstream
#' passage efficiencies at each dam. Note that
#' passage efficiencies passed as vectors are
#' randomly sampled during each model run
#' (not each year). Therefore, multiple model runs
#' are necessary if more than one passage efficiency
#' is supplied for any dam.
#' @param downstream A named list of downstream
#' dam passage efficiencies at each dam in the
#' Susquehanna River.
#' Users may specify a single value of downstream
#' passage at each dam, or a vector of downstream
#' passage efficiencies at each dam. Note that
#' passage efficiencies passed as vectors are
#' randomly sampled during each model run
#' (not each year). Therefore, multiple model runs
#' are necessary if more than one passage efficiency
#' is supplied for any dam.
#' @param downstream_juv A named list of downstream
#' dam passage efficiencies at each dam in the
#' Susquehanna River for juveniles.
#' @param inRiverF Annual, recreational harvest in river.
#' Parameterized as an annual rate [0, 1].
#' @param commercialF Commercial fishery mortality
#' in marine environment incurred through targeted
#' fisheries. Parameterized as an annual rate [0, 1].
#' @param bycatchF Marine bycatch mortality of
#' species in non-target fisheries.
#' Parameterized as an annual rate [0, 1].
#' @param indirect Indirect mortality incurred during
#' freshwater migration as a result of dam-related
#' impacts (e.g., injury, predation, etc.).
#' @param latent Latent mortality incurred during estuary
#' passage as a result of dam-related impacts (e.g., injury,
#' delay, etc.).
#' @param watershed A logical indicating whether or not
#' to use the same dam passage efficiencies at all dams
#' for upstream and downstream. If watershed = TRUE, then
#' the first element in lists `upstream`, `downstream`,
#' and `downstream_juv` are recycled for all subsequent dams.
#' @param k_method Method used to impose carrying capacity. The
#' default, `cumulative`, assumes that carrying capacity is based on
#' all available habitat through the most upstream occupied production
#' units in a given migration route. The alternative, 'discrete' assumes
#' that carrying capacity is applied within discrete production units
#' based on the numbers, and was the method used in Stich et al. (2019).
#' @param sensitivity Whether to return a dataframe for sensitivity
#' analysis. The default is set to FALSE for faster run time and smaller
#' memory load in parallel processing.
#' @param spatially_explicit_output Whether to return population size in each production unit.
#' @param output_years Whether to return all years (default = `NULL`) or only
#' final year of each simulation (`"last"`).
#' @param output_p_repeat A logical indicating whether to return pRepeat by
#' age (in years) with the output. The default value is `FALSE` to
#' limit output size in physical memory.
#' @return Returns a dataframe when sensitivity = FALSE (default).
#' Returns a list of two named dataframes when sensitivity = TRUE.
#' The first dataframe (\code{res}) contains user-defined
#' inputs and available model outputs depending on optional arguments. 
#' The second dataframe (\code{sens}) contains input variables for 
#' sensitivity analysis if desired. If run in parallel, returns a list of
#' lists of dataframes.
#' The following named columns may be returned in \code{res}:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{year} Year of simulation
#'     \item \code{populationSize} Total number of adult spawners returning to the river
#'     \item \code{N_1A...N_10A} Production unit-specific population size after in-river fishery mortality
#'     \item \code{conowingo_up...colliersville_up} User-specified upstream passage efficiencies
#'     \item \code{conowingo_down...colliersville_down}  User-specified downstream passage efficiencies
#'     \item \code{time_conowingo...time_colliersville} Passage timing input by user
#'     \item \code{pRepeat_Age1...Age11} Age-specific probability of repeat spawning
#' }
#' The following named columns are returned in \code{res}:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{year} Year of simulation
#'     \item \code{species} Species used for simulation
#'     \item \code{p_JuniataUp} Probability of using Juniata River
#'     \item \code{p_WestBranchUp} Probability of using West Branch
#'     \item \code{p_ChemungUp} Probability of using Chemung River
#'     \item \code{timing_conowingo...timing_colliersville} Passage timing input by user
#'     \item \code{conowingo_us...colliersville_us} User-specified upstream passage efficiencies
#'     \item \code{conowingo_ds...colliersville_ds}  User-specified downstream passage efficiencies
#'     \item \code{conowingo_dsj...colliersville_dsj}  User-specified juvenile downstream passage efficiencies
#'     \item \code{F.inRiver} User-specified recreational fishing mortality
#'     \item \code{F.commercial} User-specified recreational fishing mortality
#'     \item \code{F.bycatch} User-specified recreational fishing mortality
#'     \item \code{indirect} User-specified indirect mortality dams
#'     \item \code{latent} User-specified latent mortality
#'     \item \code{pRepeat_Age1...pRepeat_AgeN} Age-specific probability of repeat spawning
#'     \item \code{N_1A...N_10A} Production unit-specific population size after in-river fishery mortality
#'     \item \code{populationSize} Number of spawners returning to the river
#' }
#' The following named columns are returned in \code{sens}:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{S.downstream} Downstream survival per kilometer
#'     \item \code{S.marine} Marine survival as an annual rate
#'     \item \code{popStart} Starting population size
#'     \item \code{p.female} Probability of being female
#'     \item \code{S.prespawnM} Prespawn survival rate for males
#'     \item \code{S.postspawnM} Postspawn survival rate for males
#'     \item \code{S.prespawnF} Postspawn survival rate for males
#'     \item \code{S.postspawnF} Postspawn survival rate for males
#'     \item \code{S.juvenile} Hatch to out-migrant survival rate
#'     \item \code{b.Arr} Mean arrival date for males
#'     \item \code{r.Arr} Mean arrival date for females
#'     \item \code{ATUspawn1} Accumulated thermal units at initiation of spawn
#'     \item \code{ATUspawn2} Accumulated thermal units at termination of spawn
#'     \item \code{Dspawn1} Initial spawning date
#'     \item \code{Dspawn2} Terminal spawning date
#'     \item \code{linF} L-infinity parameter from the von Bertalanffy growth function for females
#'     \item \code{kF} K parameter from the von Bertalanffy growth function for females
#'     \item \code{t0F} t0 parameter from the von Bertalanffy growth function for females
#'     \item \code{linM} L-infinity parameter from the von Bertalanffy growth function for males
#'     \item \code{kM} K parameter from the von Bertalanffy growth function for males
#'     \item \code{t0M} t0 parameter from the von Bertalanffy growth function for males
#'     \item \code{b.length} Mean length of males
#'     \item \code{r.length} Mean length of females
#'     \item \code{spawnInt} Mean spawning interval
#'     \item \code{batchSize} Mean batch size
#'     \item \code{resTime} Mean residence time
#'     \item \code{s.Optim} Mean optimal ground speed
#'     \item \code{d.Max} Mean maximum daily movement rate
#'     \item \code{tortuosity} Path tortuosity parameter
#'     \item \code{motivation} Seasonal change in fish "motivation" for upstream movement
#'     \item \code{daily.move} Mean realized daily movement rate
#'     \item \code{habStoch} Habitat stochasticity
#' }
#' @section
#' Production units by migration route:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Juniata River
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{PU 1A} Downstream of Conowingo
#'       \item \code{PU 2A} Conowingo to Holtwood
#'       \item \code{PU 3A} Holtwood to SafeHarbor
#'       \item \code{PU 4A} SafeHarbor to YorkHaven
#'       \item \code{PU 5A} YorkHaven  to Sunbury
#'       \item \code{PU 1B} JuniataRiver to WarriorRidge
#'     }
#'   \item West Branch
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{PU 1A} Downstream of Conowingo
#'       \item \code{PU 2A} Conowingo to Holtwood
#'       \item \code{PU 3A} Holtwood to SafeHarbor
#'       \item \code{PU 4A} SafeHarbor to YorkHaven
#'       \item \code{PU 5A} YorkHaven  to Sunbury
#'       \item \code{PU 1C} Sunbury to Williamsport
#'       \item \code{PU 2C} Williamsport to LockHaven
#'       \item \code{PU 3C} LockHaven to Shawville
#'     }
#'   \item Chemung River
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{PU 1A} Downstream of Conowingo
#'       \item \code{PU 2A} Conowingo to Holtwood
#'       \item \code{PU 3A} Holtwood to SafeHarbor
#'       \item \code{PU 4A} SafeHarbor to YorkHaven
#'       \item \code{PU 5A} YorkHaven  to Sunbury
#'       \item \code{PU 6A} Sunbury to NyLine
#'       \item \code{PU 1D} NyLine to PaLine
#'       \item \code{PU 2D} Upstream Chase-Hibbard
#'     }
#'   \item North Branch
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{PU 1A} Downstream of Conowingo
#'       \item \code{PU 2A} Conowingo to Holtwood
#'       \item \code{PU 3A} Holtwood to SafeHarbor
#'       \item \code{PU 4A} SafeHarbor to YorkHaven
#'       \item \code{PU 5A} YorkHaven to Sunbury
#'       \item \code{PU 6A} Sunbury to NyLine
#'       \item \code{PU 7A} NyLine to RockBottom
#'       \item \code{PU 8A} RockBottom to Unadilla
#'       \item \code{PU 9A} Unadilla to Colliersville
#'       \item \code{PU 10A} Colliersville to Cooperstown
#'   }
#' }
#' @section
#' Schematic of production units:
#' Production units delineated by dams in the watershed. Circles are log
#' are log proportional to carrying capacity in each unit.
#' Black dots indicate no suitable habitat in a unit.
#' \if{html}{\figure{susquehanna.png}{Susquehanna River}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{susquehanna.png}{options: width=0.5in}}
#' @section Warning about serial execution and memory limits:
#' Currently, internal functions rely on \code{list2env} to return
#' lists to a temporary environment created in the
#' \code{susquehannaRiverModel} function. Consequently, lists
#' that are exported must be limited in size. Therefore,
#' users currently need to limit the number of runs per
#' call (\code{nRuns} argument) to less than 10 or R will
#' hit memory limits quickly. In reality, serial
#' execution is prohibitively slow unless implemented
#' using manual parallel processing (e.g., bash scripting).
#' In order to achieve a desired number of runs for a given
#' set of inputs, the recommended approach is to use
#' parallel execution as demonstrated using snowfall in the
#' example below.
#' @example /inst/examples/sf-exampleSSR.R
#' @export
susquehannaRiverModel <- function(
                                  nRuns = 1,
                                  species = "shad",
                                  nYears = 40,
                                  n_adults = 1e4,
                                  p_JuniataUp = 0.21,
                                  p_WestBranchUp = 0.22,
                                  p_ChemungUp = 0.27,
                                  p_NorthBranchUp = 0.30,
                                  timing = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                                  upstream = list(
                                    conowingo = 1,
                                    holtwood = 1,
                                    safeHarbor = 1,
                                    yorkHaven = 1,
                                    sunbury = 1,
                                    williamsport = 1,
                                    lockhaven = 1,
                                    rockbottom = 1,
                                    chasehibbard = 1,
                                    colliersville = 1
                                  downstream = list(
                                    conowingo = 1,
                                    holtwood = 1,
                                    safeHarbor = 1,
                                    yorkHaven = 1,
                                    sunbury = 1,
                                    williamsport = 1,
                                    lockhaven = 1,
                                    rockbottom = 1,
                                    chasehibbard = 1,
                                    colliersville = 1
                                  downstream_juv = list(
                                    conowingo = 1,
                                    holtwood = 1,
                                    safeHarbor = 1,
                                    yorkHaven = 1,
                                    sunbury = 1,
                                    williamsport = 1,
                                    lockhaven = 1,
                                    rockbottom = 1,
                                    chasehibbard = 1,
                                    colliersville = 1
                                  inRiverF = 0,
                                  commercialF = 0,
                                  bycatchF = 0,
                                  indirect = 1,
                                  latent = 1,
                                  watershed = FALSE,
                                  k_method = "cumulative",
                                  sensitivity = FALSE,
                                  spatially_explicit_output = FALSE,
                                  output_years = NULL,
                                  output_p_repeat = FALSE
                                  ) {
  # Error message for passage efficiencies
  if ((length(upstream) != 10) | (length(downstream) != 10)) {
    stop("`upstream` must have 10 elements and `dowsntream` must have 10.")

  # Error message for maximum number of years
  if (as.numeric(substr(Sys.time(), start = 1, stop = 4)) + nYears > 2099) {
        The current year plus nYears must not
        exceed 2099 because the models rely on
        climate predictions that are limited to
        that time period.")

  # Warning message about watershed settings and
  # implications
  if (watershed) {
    cat("WARNING: when watershed is set to TRUE,
  upstream passage rate(s) for Conowingo Dam will
  be used for all upstream and downstream
  passage efficiencies.")

  # Set internal variables ----
  # Create hidden workspace
  .shadia <- new.env()

  # Unlist function args to internal environment
  list2env(mget(names(formals(susquehannaRiverModel))), envir = .shadia)

  # Assign species
  .shadia$species <- species

  # Assign River
  .shadia$river <- "susquehanna"

  # Get corresponding life-history region
  .shadia$region <- "Southern Iteroparous"
  # Assign k_method
  .shadia$k_method <- k_method

  # Choose climate scenario
  # Right now, these are set as 'current' in all
  # models except CTR & PNR. Hidden from
  # user because we lack projections from other
  # systems.
  .shadia$climate <- "current"

  # Assign sensitivity option
  .shadia$sensitivity <- sensitivity

  # Passage variable assignment -----

  # Draw probability of using each passage route,
  # conditional on amount of habitat in each route
  .shadia$p_JuniataUp <- p_JuniataUp
  .shadia$p_WestBranchUp <- p_WestBranchUp
  .shadia$p_ChemungUp <- p_ChemungUp
  .shadia$p_NorthBranchUp <- p_NorthBranchUp

  p_up <- c(p_JuniataUp, p_WestBranchUp, p_ChemungUp, p_NorthBranchUp)
  # Upstream and downstream passage
  ### DSS: would like to re-write this all
  pDraws <- upstream
  dDraws <- downstream
  djDraws <- downstream_juv

  # For watershed applications of
  # the model, all values need to
  # match
  # Adult upstream
  sampU <- sample(pDraws[[1]], 1)
  pDraws <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      if (watershed) {
        x <- sampU
      else {
        x <- x
  .shadia$up <- as.vector(mapply(sample, pDraws, 1))
  # Adult downstream
  sampD <- sample(dDraws[[1]], 1)
  dDraws <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      if (watershed) {
        x <- sampD
      else {
        x <- x
  .shadia$d <- as.vector(mapply(sample, dDraws, 1))
  # Juvenile downstream
  sampDj <- sample(djDraws[[1]], 1)
  djDraws <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      if (watershed) {
        x <- sampDj
      else {
        x <- x
  .shadia$dj <- as.vector(mapply(sample, djDraws, 1))
  # Upstream timing
  timely <- timing

  # Survival reduction due to delay in project head ponds
  delay <- 1

  # Memory pre-allocation and data load -----
  # Pre-allocate output vectors
  environment(defineOutputVectors) <- .shadia
  list2env(defineOutputVectors(), envir = .shadia)

  # Time-invariant system-specific data ----

  # Maximum age
  if (.shadia$species == "shad") {
    .shadia$maxAge <- getMaxAge(region = .shadia$region)
  if (.shadia$species == "blueback") {
    .shadia$maxAge <- 12

  # Assign the starting population based on a seed of
  # age-1 fish and application of an ocean survival curve
  # The population size is scaled to make the models
  # run faster. Output is re-scaled
  ### DSS: This will be removed with new population
  ###      seed based on number of spawners
  .shadia$Age1 <- rpois(1, 1e4)

  # Define probability of recruitment to spawn
  # using regional estimates from ASMFC (2020)
  if (.shadia$species == "shad") {
    .shadia$spawnRecruit <- getMaturity(region = .shadia$region)
  if (.shadia$species == "blueback") {
    .shadia$spawnRecruit <- c(0, 0.009, 0.48, 0.90, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

  # Initial probabilities of repeat spawning -
  # will be derived in annual loop after this
  if (.shadia$species == "shad") {
    .shadia$pRepeat <- c(0, 0, 0, 0.03, 0.11, 0.38, 0.87, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  if (.shadia$species == "blueback") {
    .shadia$pRepeat <- c(0, 0, 0.004, 0.21, 0.67, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

  # Length-weight regression parameters by region
  # and separated by sex
  ### Not used for shad, and not implemented for BBH
  .shadia$m_lw_params <- length_weight %>% subset(region == "SI" & sex == "M")
  .shadia$f_lw_params <- length_weight %>% subset(region == "SI" & sex == "F")

  # Fishing mortality
  .shadia$commercialF <- rep(commercialF, .shadia$maxAge)
  .shadia$bycatchF <- rep(bycatchF, .shadia$maxAge)

  # Survival rates for various life-history stages
  # Define ocean survival for each age (1-M from Hoenig 1983 in ASMFC 2007
  # stock assessment). This is now used only to seed the population. All
  # models now use climate-informed mortality estimates for VBGF parameters
  # derived as part of the 2020 ASMFC stock assessment.
  .shadia$downstreamS <- 1 # Survival per km (natural)
  .shadia$oceanSurvival <- rep(rbeta(1, 320, 400), .shadia$maxAge)

  # Hydro system configuration
  environment(defineHydroSystem) <- .shadia
  .shadia$hydro_out <- defineHydroSystem(river = .shadia$river)
  .shadia$nRoutes <- .shadia$hydro_out$nRoutes
  .shadia$nDams <- .shadia$hydro_out$nDams
  .shadia$maxrkm <- .shadia$hydro_out$maxrkm
  .shadia$damRkms <- .shadia$hydro_out$damRkms
  .shadia$nPU <- .shadia$hydro_out$nPU

  # Habitat numbers and configuration
  .shadia$habitat <- defineHabitat(
    river = .shadia$river,
    nRoutes = .shadia$nRoutes,
    species = .shadia$species,
    k_method = .shadia$k_method,
    p_up = c(p_JuniataUp, p_WestBranchUp, p_ChemungUp, p_NorthBranchUp)

  # Temperature data (daily averages by year)
  environment(setUpTemperatureData) <- .shadia
  .shadia$mu <- setUpTemperatureData(river = .shadia$river)

  ### Can the outer loop be eliminated?
  # Outer loop for number of simulations (nRuns) ----
  # this is how many runs it will do for each nYears
  for (k in 1:nRuns) {
    .shadia$k <- k

    # Dam passage efficiencies
    environment(definePassageRates) <- .shadia
    list2env(definePassageRates(.shadia$river), envir = .shadia)

    # Upstream passage efficiencies and migration route
    environment(annualUpstream) <- .shadia
    .shadia$ann_up <- annualUpstream(.shadia$river, .shadia$damRkms)
    .shadia$times <- .shadia$ann_up$times
    .shadia$upEffs <- .shadia$ann_up$upEffs

    # Define in-river fishing mortality for
    # each PU in each of the four
    # possible migration routes
    environment(fwFishingMort) <- .shadia
    .shadia$inriv <- fwFishingMort(.shadia$inRiverF,
      river = .shadia$river,
      nRoutes = .shadia$nRoutes

    # Starting population structure -----
    # Define starting population structure for each simulation
    environment(simStartingPop) <- .shadia
    .shadia$starting_pop <- simStartingPop(
      adults = .shadia$n_adults,
    .shadia$pop <- .shadia$starting_pop$pop
    .shadia$spawningPool <- .shadia$starting_pop$spawningPool
    .shadia$recruitmentPool <- .shadia$starting_pop$recruitmentPool

    # Inner loop -----
    # Run sim for nYears
    for (n in 1:nYears) {

      # Assign iterator to a var so it
      # can be accessed in functions called
      .shadia$n <- n

      # Reset the scalar based on population size
      .shadia$scalar <- setScalar(.shadia$spawningPool)

      # Scale the population
      scaled_pop <- scalePop(

      .shadia$pop <- scaled_pop[[1]]
      .shadia$spawningPool <- scaled_pop[[2]]
      .shadia$recruitmentPool <- scaled_pop[[3]]

      # Perform innerLoopSampling
      environment(innerLoopSampling) <- .shadia
      list2env(innerLoopSampling(.shadia$habitat), envir = .shadia)

      # Process fish and eggs
      # Make matrices to hold fish
      environment(populationMatrices) <- .shadia
      list2env(populationMatrices(), envir = .shadia)

      # Fill them in and change them into cohorts
      environment(processCohorts) <- .shadia
      list2env(processCohorts(), envir = .shadia)

      # Downstream migration
      # Post-spawning mortality
      environment(postSpawnMortality) <- .shadia
      list2env(postSpawnMortality(), envir = .shadia)

      # Define downstream migration survival rate matrices
      # and then apply them to calculate the number of adult
      # and juvenile fish surviving to the ocean.
      environment(downstreamMigration) <- .shadia
      list2env(downstreamMigration(), envir = .shadia)

      # . The next generation -----
      # next year (after applying ocean survival)
      environment(nextGeneration) <- .shadia
      list2env(nextGeneration(), envir = .shadia)

      # . Store output in pre-allocated vectors -----
      environment(fillOutputVectors) <- .shadia
      list2env(fillOutputVectors(), envir = .shadia)
    } # Year loop
  } # Simulation loop

  # Write the simulation results to an object
  # that can be returned to workspace
  environment(writeData) <- .shadia
danStich/shadia documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:43 a.m.