#################### model equations, likelihoods etc.
# likelihood of RTs for complete data (latent states Z known)
f.complete <- function(eta, gpt, y, Z){
eta.repar <- eta.reparameterize(eta, gpt)
N <- nrow(y)
lik.base <- sapply(seq_along(gpt@distr),
# basis distribution densities:
function(s) {
lik.base <- rep(0, N)
# relevant rows:
sel.rows <- rowSums(Z[,gpt@map == s,drop=FALSE]) != 0
sel.rows[is.na(sel.rows)] <- TRUE
lik.base[sel.rows] <- dmultivar(y = y[sel.rows,,drop=FALSE],
distr = gpt@distr[[s]],
eta = eta.repar,
const = gpt@const,
lik.base[lik.base == -Inf ] <- min(lik.base, -1e10, na.rm = TRUE)
# from base distributions to branches:
lik.branch <- lik.base[,gpt@map]
ll <- sum(Z * lik.branch)
if (is.na(ll) || ll == -Inf) ll <- -1e20
# log-likelihood of gpt model (wrapper for hessian and optim)
gpt.ll <- function (par, gpt, yy, xx){
P1 <- length(gpt@theta)
P2 <- length(gpt@eta)
# reparameterization of eta: happens in "dens()"
sum(dens(distr = gpt, x = xx, y = yy,
theta = par[seq.int(P1)],
eta = par[P1 + seq.int(P2)], log = TRUE))
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