
Defines functions count_dstudy meta_ordered

Documented in meta_ordered

#' Meta-Analysis with Order-Constrained Study Effects
#' Computes the Bayes factor for the hypothesis that the true study effects in a
#' random-effects meta-analysis are all positive or negative.
#' @inheritParams meta_bma
#' @param prior prior probabilities over models (possibly unnormalized) in the
#'     order \code{c(fixed_H0, fixed_H1, ordered_H1, random_H1)}. Note that the
#'     model \code{random_H0} is not included in the comparison.
#' @param iter number of MCMC iterations for the random-effects meta-analysis.
#'     Needs to be larger than usual to estimate the probability of all random
#'     effects being ordered (i.e., positive or negative).
#' @details
#' Usually, in random-effects meta-analysis,the study-specific random-effects
#' are allowed to be both negative or positive even when the prior on the
#' overall effect size \code{d} is truncated to be positive). In contrast, the
#' function \code{meta_ordered} fits and tests a model in which the random
#' effects are forced to be either all positive or all negative. The direction
#' of the study-specific random-effects is defined via the prior on the mode of
#' the truncated normal distribution \code{d}. For instance,
#' \code{d=prior("norm", c(0,.5), lower=0)} means that all random-effects are
#' positive (not just the overall mean effect size).
#' The posterior summary statistics of the overall effect size in the model
#' \code{ordered} refer to the the \emph{average/mean} of the study-specific
#' effect sizes (as implied by the fitted truncated normal distribution) and
#' \emph{not} to the location parameter \code{d} of the truncated normal
#' distribution (which is only the mode, not the expected value of a truncated
#' normal distribution).
#' The Bayes factor for the order-constrained model is computed using the
#' encompassing Bayes factor. Since many posterior samples are required for this
#' approach, the default number of MCMC iterations for \code{meta_ordered} is
#' \code{iter=5000} per chain.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ### Bayesian Meta-Analysis with Order Constraints (H1: d>0)
#' data(towels)
#' set.seed(123)
#' mo <- meta_ordered(logOR, SE, study, towels,
#'   d = prior("norm", c(mean = 0, sd = .3), lower = 0)
#' )
#' mo
#' plot_posterior(mo)
#' }
#' @seealso \link{meta_bma}, \link{meta_random}
#' @template ref_haaf2019
#' @export
meta_ordered <- function(
    d = prior("norm", c(mean = 0, sd = .3), lower = 0),
    tau = prior("invgamma", c(shape = 1, scale = 0.15)),
    prior = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
    logml = "integrate",
    summarize = "stan",
    ci = .95,
    rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^.3,
    logml_iter = 5000,
    iter = 5000,
    silent_stan = TRUE,
) {

  check_deprecated(list(...)) # error: backwards compatibility
  if (attr(d, "lower") == -Inf && attr(d, "upper") == Inf) {
      "The study-specific effects in the ordered random-effects meta-analysis must\n",
      "be order-constrained/truncated, e.g., to be all positive or all negative:\n",
      "    d=prior('norm', c(mean=0, sd=.3), lower=0, upper=Inf) \n",
      "    d=prior('norm', c(mean=0, sd=.3), lower=-Inf, upper=0) "

  # start with standard meta_bma
  dl <- data_list(
    model = "random", y = y, SE = SE, labels = labels, data = data,
    args = as.list(match.call())[-1]
  m_ordered <- meta_bma(y, SE, labels,
    data = dl, d = d, tau = tau, prior = prior,
    logml = logml, summarize = summarize, ci = ci, rel.tol = rel.tol,
    silent_stan = silent_stan, logml_iter = logml_iter,
    iter = iter, ...

  names(m_ordered$logml) <-
    names(m_ordered$prior_models) <-
    names(m_ordered$posterior_models) <-
    c("null", "fixed", "ordered", "random")

  # count posterior samples
  samples <- extract(m_ordered$meta$random$stanfit_dstudy, "dstudy")[["dstudy"]]
  check_post <- apply(samples >= attr(d, "lower") &
    samples <= attr(d, "upper"), 1, all)
  cnt_post <- list(
    "cnt" = sum(check_post),
    "M" = length(check_post)
  p_post <- cnt_post$cnt / cnt_post$M

  # count prior samples
  # (note: prior sampling not possible with current stan files)
  mcmc_prior <- list(
    "d" = rprior(iter, d),
    "tau" = rprior(iter, tau)
  N <- length(m_ordered$meta$fixed$data$y)
  if (attr(d, "upper") == Inf) { # positive REs
    logp_dstudy <- pnorm(attr(d, "lower"), mcmc_prior$d, mcmc_prior$tau,
      lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE
  } else if (attr(d, "lower") == -Inf) { # negative REs
    logp_dstudy <- pnorm(attr(d, "upper"), mcmc_prior$d, mcmc_prior$tau,
      lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = TRUE
  } else {
    logp_dstudy <- log_diff_exp(
      pnorm(attr(d, "upper"), mcmc_prior$d, mcmc_prior$tau, log.p = TRUE),
      pnorm(attr(d, "lower"), mcmc_prior$d, mcmc_prior$tau, log.p = TRUE)

  p_pos <- exp(N * logp_dstudy)
  p_prior <- mean(p_pos)
  bf_ordered1 <- p_post / p_prior

  # check_prior <- rep(NA, iter)
  # for (i in 1:iter)
  #   check_prior[i] <- all(rnorm(N, mcmc_prior$d[i], mcmc_prior$tau[i]) > 0)
  # mean(check_prior)  # = p_prior!

  # get parameter estimates for order-constrained model
  m_ordered$meta$ordered <- m_ordered$meta$random
  m_ordered$meta$ordered$model <- m_ordered$meta$ordered$data$model <- "random_ordered"

  m_ordered$meta$ordered$stanfit_dstudy <- meta_stan(m_ordered$meta$ordered$data,
    d, tau,
    silent_stan = silent_stan,
    iter = iter, ...
  samples <- do.call("cbind", extract(
    c("d", "tau", "dstudy")

  # # check truncated sampling  vs. rejection sampling:
  # qqplot(samples2[,"d"], samples[,"d"]) ; abline(0,1,col=2)
  # qqplot(samples2[,"tau"], samples[,"tau"]) ; abline(0,1,col=2)
  # ks.test(samples2[,"d"], samples[,"d"])
  average_effect <- truncnorm_mean(
    samples[, "d"], samples[, "tau"],
    attr(d, "lower"), attr(d, "upper")
  samples <- cbind(samples, average_effect)
  m_ordered$meta$ordered$estimates <- t(apply(samples, 2, summary_samples))
  m_ordered$meta$ordered$posterior_d <-
    posterior_logspline(samples[, "d"], "d", d)
  m_ordered$meta$ordered$posterior_tau <-
    posterior_logspline(samples[, "tau"], "tau", tau)

  # p(y|Mo) = B_{Mo,Mr} * p(y|Mr)
  m_ordered$logml[["ordered"]] <- log(bf_ordered1) + m_ordered$meta$random$logml["random_H1"]
  m_ordered$meta$ordered$logml <- c(
    "fixed_H0" = unname(m_ordered$meta$fixed$logml["fixed_H0"]),
    "ordered_H1" = m_ordered$logml[["ordered"]]
  m_ordered$meta$ordered$BF <- make_BF(m_ordered$meta$ordered$logml)

  # postproces structure of meta-bma object
  m_ordered$estimates <-
      m_ordered$estimates["fixed", , drop = FALSE],
      m_ordered$meta$ordered$estimates["average_effect", , drop = FALSE],
      m_ordered$estimates["random", , drop = FALSE]
  rownames(m_ordered$estimates)[2] <- "ordered"

  m_ordered$posterior_d <- m_ordered$meta$ordered$posterior_d

  m_ordered$BF <- make_BF(m_ordered$logml)
  m_ordered$inclusion <- inclusion(m_ordered$logml, include = c(2:4), prior = prior)
  m_ordered$prior_models <- m_ordered$inclusion$prior
  m_ordered$posterior_models <- m_ordered$inclusion$posterior


# count how many prior/posterior samples are inside constraints
count_dstudy <- function(
) {

  samples <- extract(stanfit, "dstudy")[["dstudy"]]
  check_post <- apply(samples >= attr(prior, "lower") &
    samples <= attr(prior, "upper"), 1, all)
    "cnt" = sum(check_post),
    "M" = length(check_post)
danheck/metaBMA documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 7:42 a.m.