
Defines functions rt_distance1 ppm_distance1 process_dda

Documented in process_dda

#' Create pseudo-library file from a LC-MS/MS data file through non-targeted feature screening
#' Function used by library_generator to screen LC-MS features from unknown mzML/mzXML file
#' @param raw_data_file Character. The LC-MS/MS file name from which fragmented LC-MS features are extracted. All files must have be in centroid-mode with mzML or mzMXL extension!
#' @param polarity character. Either "Positive" or "Negative". Ion mode of the LC-MS/MS file. 
#' @param ppm_search Numeric. Absolute mass tolerance in ppm for feature screening and extraction
#' @param rt_search Numeric. Absolute retention tolerance in seconds for feature screening and extraction
#' @param baseline Numeric. Absolute intensity threshold above which is considered as a mass peak, otherwise noise.
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom MSnbase readMSData rtime precursorMz
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @importFrom stats hclust cutree
#' @export
process_dda<-function(raw_data_file, polarity = c("Positive", "Negative"),
                      ppm_search = 10, rt_search =12, baseline = 1000){
  options(stringsAsFactors = F)
  ### Initialize ##
  if (!is.character(raw_data_file)){
    stop("Please provide a chromatogram file!")}
  if (!(file_ext(raw_data_file) %in% c("mzML", "mzXML"))){
    stop("The chromatogram file must be in mzML or mzXML format!")}
  if (!(polarity %in% c("Positive", "Negative"))){
    stop("Polarity must be either Positive or Negative")
  MS2_PEPMASS = c()
  MS2_RT = c()
  MS2_metadata = NULL
  ### MS2 Screener ##
  MS2_Janssen <- try(readMSData(raw_data_file, msLevel = 2,  verbose = FALSE),silent=T)
  if (class(MS2_Janssen)!="try-error"){
    ### Extract feature m/z
    feature_mz = precursorMz(MS2_Janssen) # Label precursor mass
    feature_rt = rtime(MS2_Janssen)/60 # RT in min
    feature_tic = MSnbase::tic(MS2_Janssen)
    ### Aggregate extracted m/z and RT
    prec_dist = proxy::dist(feature_mz, ppm_distance1)
    prec_clust = hclust(prec_dist, method = "average")
    prec_tree = cutree(prec_clust, h = ppm_search*2)
    rt_dist = proxy::dist(feature_rt, rt_distance1)
    rt_clust = hclust(prec_dist, method = "average")
    rt_tree = cutree(prec_clust, h = rt_search*2/60)
    prec_rt_label = paste(prec_tree, rt_tree, sep = "-")
    prec_rt_class = unique(prec_rt_label)

    for (pt in prec_rt_class){
      temp_ind = which(prec_rt_label == pt)
      temp_mz = median(feature_mz[temp_ind])
      temp_rt = median(feature_rt[temp_ind])
      temp_tic = min(feature_tic[temp_ind])
      if (temp_tic>10*baseline & length(temp_ind)>2){
        MS2_PEPMASS = c(MS2_PEPMASS, temp_mz)
        MS2_RT = c(MS2_RT, temp_rt)
  ### Create metadata ###
  if (length(MS2_PEPMASS)>0){
    MS2_metadata = matrix("N/A", length(MS2_PEPMASS), 5)
    colnames(MS2_metadata) = c("ID", "PEPMASS","RT", "ADDUCT", "FILENAME")
    MS2_metadata = data.frame(MS2_metadata)
    MS2_metadata$PEPMASS = MS2_PEPMASS
    MS2_metadata$RT = MS2_RT
    MS2_metadata$ID = paste0(basename(file_path_sans_ext(raw_data_file)),"_",1:nrow(MS2_metadata))
    MS2_metadata$FILENAME = basename(raw_data_file)
  if (polarity=="Positive"){MS2_metadata$ADDUCT = "M+H"}
  if (polarity=="Negative"){MS2_metadata$ADDUCT = "M-H"}

###########Internal function########

  x = as.numeric(x)
  y = as.numeric(y)
  ppm = abs((x-y)/y*1000000)
  if (x<120 & abs(x-y)<0.01){
    ppm = 1

daniellyz/MergeION2 documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 6:24 a.m.