
## Blocks are disabled once we have the files, because we do not want confusion
## with respect to the documentation, in which specific download dates are
## stated.  This prevents later changing files, which could break build-time
## unit tests and/or render the documentation incorrect.

forceUpdate <- FALSE

if (forceUpdate) {
    i <- getIndex(filename="synthetic", age=0)
    s <- subset(subset(subset(i, mode="realtime"), ID=2902204), cycle=131)
    p <- getProfiles(s)
    stopifnot(s[['file']] == "incois/2902204/profiles/")
    cat("SOURCE: '", p[["url"]], "'\n", sep="")
    ## SOURCE: ''
    cat("FILE:   '", p[["file"]], "'\n", sep="")
    ## FILE:   '~/data/argo/'
    system("cp ~/data/argo/ .") # retain for a backup
    system("cp ~/data/argo/ ../inst/extdata") # official location

if (forceUpdate) {
    s1 <- subset(index, mode="delayed")
    t <- table(s1[["id"]])
    ID <- names(t[which.max(t)])           # 4900785
    s2 <- subset(s1, ID=ID)
    cycle <- s2[["cycle"]][1]
    s3 <- subset(s2, cycle=cycle)
    stopifnot(s3[["file"]] == "aoml/4900785/profiles/")
    p <- getProfiles(s3)
    file <- p[["file"]]
    cat("SOURCE: '", p[["url"]], "'\n", sep="")
    ## SOURCE: ''
    cat("FILE:   '", p[["file"]], "'\n", sep="")
    ## FILE:   '~/data/argo/'
    system(paste("cp", file, "."))
    system(paste("cp", file, "../inst/extdata")) # official location

if (forceUpdate) {
    ## a bcg-argo file with adjusted oxygen differing from original oxygen
    i <- getIndex('synthetic', age=0)
    s <- subset(subset(i, ID='5903586'), 1)
    p <- getProfiles(s)
    cat("SOURCE: '", p[["url"]], "'\n", sep="")
    ## SOURCE: ''
    cat("FILE:   '", p[["file"]], "'\n", sep="")
    ## FILE:   '~/data/argo/'
    system(paste("cp", p[["file"]], "."))
    system(paste("cp", p[["file"]], "../inst/extdata")) # official location
dankelley/argoFloats documentation built on April 18, 2024, 5:13 a.m.