
Defines functions marginal.plots

Documented in marginal.plots

#' marginal.plots Plots the marginal response of a model to an environmental variable with all other variables held at their mean in env
#' @param model An enmtools model object
#' @param env A SpatRaster object containing environmental data
#' @param layer The name of the layer to plot
#' @param standardize Whether to set the maximum of the response function to 1, or to instead use the raw values.
#' @param verbose Controls printing of messages
#' @return results A plot of the marginal response of the model to the environmental variable.
#' @keywords plot sdm enm response
#' @examples
#' cyreni.glm <- enmtools.glm(iberolacerta.clade$species$cyreni,
#' f = pres ~ bio1 + bio12, euro.worldclim)
#' marginal.plots(cyreni.glm, euro.worldclim, "bio1")

marginal.plots <- function(model, env, layer, standardize = TRUE, verbose = FALSE){

  if(!layer %in% names(env)){
    stop(paste("Couldn't find layer named", layer, "in environmental rasters!"))

  if(inherits(model, c("enmtools.bc", "enmtools.dm"))){
    points <- model$analysis.df[,1:2]
  } else {
    points <- model$analysis.df[model$analysis.df$presence == 1,1:2]

  minmax <- terra::minmax(env)
    env <- terra::setMinMax(env)
    message("\n\nSetting min and max for environment layers...\n\n")

  # Create a vector of names in the right order for plot.df
  names <- layer

  minmax <- terra::minmax(env[[layer]])
  plot.df <- seq(minmax[1,], minmax[2, ], length = 100)

  for(i in names(env)){
    if(i != layer){
      layer.values <- terra::extract(env[[i]], points, ID = FALSE)
      plot.df <- cbind(plot.df, rep(mean(unlist(layer.values), na.rm = TRUE), 100))
      names <- c(names, i)

  if(standardize == TRUE){
    plot.df <- data.frame(plot.df)

  colnames(plot.df) <- names

  # Hacked together to handle different ways different models keep
  # their presence data.
  # Also grabbing background directly from analysis df for models that
  # have that info, but sampling random bg for those that don't
  minmax <- terra::minmax(env[[layer]])
  if(inherits(model, c("enmtools.bc", "enmtools.dm"))){
    pres.env <- unlist(terra::extract(env[[layer]], model$analysis.df[,1:2], ID = FALSE))
    pres.dens <- density(pres.env, from = minmax[1, ], to = minmax[2, ], n = 100, na.rm = TRUE)$y
    pres.dens <- pres.dens/max(pres.dens)
    bg.env <- unlist(terra::spatSample(env[[layer]], size = 1000, na.rm = TRUE))
    bg.dens <- density(bg.env, from = minmax[1, ], to = minmax[2, ], n = 100, na.rm = TRUE)$y
    bg.dens <- bg.dens/max(bg.dens)
  } else {
    pres.env <- unlist(terra::extract(env[[layer]], model$analysis.df[model$analysis.df$presence == 1,c(1,2)], ID = FALSE))
    pres.dens <- density(pres.env, from = minmax[1, ], to = minmax[2, ], n = 100, na.rm = TRUE)$y
    pres.dens <- pres.dens/max(pres.dens)
    bg.env <- unlist(terra::extract(env[[layer]], model$analysis.df[model$analysis.df$presence == 0,c(1,2)], ID = FALSE))
    bg.dens <- density(bg.env, from = minmax[1, ], to = minmax[2, ], n = 100, na.rm = TRUE)$y
    bg.dens <- bg.dens/max(bg.dens)

  if(inherits(model$model, what = "DistModel")){
      pred <- predict(model$model, x = plot.df, type = "response")
    } else {
      invisible(capture.output(pred <- predict(model$model, x = plot.df, type = "response")))

  } else {
    if(inherits(model$model, "ranger")) {
      pred <- predict(model$model, data = plot.df, type = "response")$predictions[ , 2, drop = TRUE]
    } else {
      pred <- predict(model$model, newdata = plot.df, type = "response")

  pred <- pred/max(pred)

  plot.df.long <- data.frame(layer = c(plot.df[,layer], plot.df[,layer], plot.df[,layer]),
                             value = c(pred, pres.dens, bg.dens),
                             source = c(rep("Suitability", 100),
                                        rep("Presence", 100),
                                        rep("Background", 100)))

  response.plot <- ggplot(data = plot.df.long, aes(x = layer, y = value)) +
    geom_line(aes(colour = source, linetype = source)) +
    xlab(layer) + ylab("Value") +
    theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("green4", "red", "blue")) +
    scale_linetype_manual(values = c( "dashed", "twodash", "solid")) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +


danlwarren/ENMTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 11:26 p.m.