#' @include mllib_utils.R
#' @title S4 class that represents a GBTRegressionModel
#' @param jobj a Java object reference to the backing Scala GBTRegressionModel
#' @note GBTRegressionModel since 2.1.0
setClass("GBTRegressionModel", representation(jobj = "jobj"))
#' S4 class that represents a GBTClassificationModel
#' @param jobj a Java object reference to the backing Scala GBTClassificationModel
#' @note GBTClassificationModel since 2.1.0
setClass("GBTClassificationModel", representation(jobj = "jobj"))
#' S4 class that represents a RandomForestRegressionModel
#' @param jobj a Java object reference to the backing Scala RandomForestRegressionModel
#' @note RandomForestRegressionModel since 2.1.0
setClass("RandomForestRegressionModel", representation(jobj = "jobj"))
#' S4 class that represents a RandomForestClassificationModel
#' @param jobj a Java object reference to the backing Scala RandomForestClassificationModel
#' @note RandomForestClassificationModel since 2.1.0
setClass("RandomForestClassificationModel", representation(jobj = "jobj"))
#' S4 class that represents a DecisionTreeRegressionModel
#' @param jobj a Java object reference to the backing Scala DecisionTreeRegressionModel
#' @note DecisionTreeRegressionModel since 2.3.0
setClass("DecisionTreeRegressionModel", representation(jobj = "jobj"))
#' S4 class that represents a DecisionTreeClassificationModel
#' @param jobj a Java object reference to the backing Scala DecisionTreeClassificationModel
#' @note DecisionTreeClassificationModel since 2.3.0
setClass("DecisionTreeClassificationModel", representation(jobj = "jobj"))
# Summary and print methods ----------------------------------------------------
# Create the summary of a tree ensemble model (eg. Random Forest, GBT)
summary.treeEnsemble <- function(model) {
jobj <- model@jobj
formula <- call_method(jobj, "formula")
numFeatures <- call_method(jobj, "numFeatures")
features <- call_method(jobj, "features")
featureImportances <- call_method(call_method(jobj, "featureImportances"), "toString")
maxDepth <- call_method(jobj, "maxDepth")
numTrees <- call_method(jobj, "numTrees")
treeWeights <- call_method(jobj, "treeWeights")
list(formula = formula,
numFeatures = numFeatures,
features = features,
featureImportances = featureImportances,
maxDepth = maxDepth,
numTrees = numTrees,
treeWeights = treeWeights,
jobj = jobj)
# Prints the summary of tree ensemble models (eg. Random Forest, GBT)
print.summary.treeEnsemble <- function(x) {
jobj <- x$jobj
cat("Formula: ", x$formula)
cat("\nNumber of features: ", x$numFeatures)
cat("\nFeatures: ", unlist(x$features))
cat("\nFeature importances: ", x$featureImportances)
cat("\nMax Depth: ", x$maxDepth)
cat("\nNumber of trees: ", x$numTrees)
cat("\nTree weights: ", unlist(x$treeWeights))
summaryStr <- call_method(jobj, "summary")
cat("\n", summaryStr, "\n")
# Create the summary of a decision tree model
summary.decisionTree <- function(model) {
jobj <- model@jobj
formula <- call_method(jobj, "formula")
numFeatures <- call_method(jobj, "numFeatures")
features <- call_method(jobj, "features")
featureImportances <- call_method(call_method(jobj, "featureImportances"), "toString")
maxDepth <- call_method(jobj, "maxDepth")
list(formula = formula,
numFeatures = numFeatures,
features = features,
featureImportances = featureImportances,
maxDepth = maxDepth,
jobj = jobj)
# Prints the summary of decision tree models
print.summary.decisionTree <- function(x) {
jobj <- x$jobj
cat("Formula: ", x$formula)
cat("\nNumber of features: ", x$numFeatures)
cat("\nFeatures: ", unlist(x$features))
cat("\nFeature importances: ", x$featureImportances)
cat("\nMax Depth: ", x$maxDepth)
summaryStr <- call_method(jobj, "summary")
cat("\n", summaryStr, "\n")
# Gradient Boosted Tree --------------------------------------------------------
#' Gradient Boosted Tree Model for Regression and Classification
#' \code{ml_gbt} fits a Gradient Boosted Tree Regression model or Classification model on a
#' spark_tbl. Users can call \code{summary} to get a summary of the fitted
#' Gradient Boosted Tree model, \code{predict} to make predictions on new data, and
#' \code{write_ml}/\code{read_ml} to save/load fitted models.
#' For more details, see
# nolint start
#' \href{http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#gradient-boosted-tree-regression}{
#' GBT Regression} and
#' \href{http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#gradient-boosted-tree-classifier}{
#' GBT Classification}
# nolint end
#' @param data a spark_tbl for training.
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Currently only a few formula
#' operators are supported, including '~', ':', '+', and '-'.
#' @param type type of model, one of "regression" or "classification", to fit
#' @param maxDepth Maximum depth of the tree (>= 0).
#' @param maxBins Maximum number of bins used for discretizing continuous features and for choosing
#' how to split on features at each node. More bins give higher granularity. Must be
#' >= 2 and >= number of categories in any categorical feature.
#' @param maxIter Param for maximum number of iterations (>= 0).
#' @param stepSize Param for Step size to be used for each iteration of optimization.
#' @param lossType Loss function which GBT tries to minimize.
#' For classification, must be "logistic". For regression, must be one of
#' "squared" (L2) and "absolute" (L1), default is "squared".
#' @param seed integer seed for random number generation.
#' @param subsamplingRate Fraction of the training data used for learning each decision tree, in
#' range (0, 1].
#' @param minInstancesPerNode Minimum number of instances each child must have after split. If a
#' split causes the left or right child to have fewer than
#' minInstancesPerNode, the split will be discarded as invalid. Should be
#' >= 1.
#' @param minInfoGain Minimum information gain for a split to be considered at a tree node.
#' @param checkpointInterval Param for set checkpoint interval (>= 1) or disable checkpoint (-1).
#' Note: this setting will be ignored if the checkpoint directory is not
#' set.
#' @param maxMemoryInMB Maximum memory in MB allocated to histogram aggregation.
#' @param cacheNodeIds If FALSE, the algorithm will pass trees to executors to match instances with
#' nodes. If TRUE, the algorithm will cache node IDs for each instance. Caching
#' can speed up training of deeper trees. Users can set how often should the
#' cache be checkpointed or disable it by setting checkpointInterval.
#' @param handleInvalid How to handle invalid data (unseen labels or NULL values) in features and
#' label column of string type in classification model.
#' Supported options: "skip" (filter out rows with invalid data),
#' "error" (throw an error), "keep" (put invalid data in
#' a special additional bucket, at index numLabels). Default
#' is "error".
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the method.
#' @aliases ml_gbt,spark_tbl,formula-method
#' @return \code{ml_gbt} returns a fitted Gradient Boosted Tree model.
#' @rdname ml_gbt
#' @name ml_gbt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fit a Gradient Boosted Tree Regression Model
#' df <- spark_tbl(longley)
#' model <- df %>%
#' ml_gbt(Employed ~ ., type = "regression", maxDepth = 5, maxBins = 16)
#' # get the summary of the model
#' summary(model)
#' # make predictions
#' predictions <- predict(model, df)
#' # save and load the model
#' path <- "path/to/model"
#' write_ml(model, path)
#' savedModel <- read_ml(path)
#' summary(savedModel)
#' # fit a Gradient Boosted Tree Classification Model
#' # label must be binary - Only binary classification is supported for GBT.
#' t <- as.data.frame(Titanic)
#' df <- spark_tbl(t)
#' model <- ml_gbt(df, Survived ~ Age + Freq, "classification")
#' # numeric label is also supported
#' t2 <- as.data.frame(Titanic)
#' t2$NumericGender <- ifelse(t2$Sex == "Male", 0, 1)
#' df <- spark_tbl(t2)
#' model <- ml_gbt(df, NumericGender ~ ., type = "classification")
#' }
#' @note ml_gbt since 2.1.0
ml_gbt <- function(data, formula,
type = c("regression", "classification"),
maxDepth = 5, maxBins = 32, maxIter = 20,
stepSize = 0.1, lossType = NULL, seed = NULL, subsamplingRate = 1,
minInstancesPerNode = 1, minInfoGain = 0, checkpointInterval = 10,
maxMemoryInMB = 256, cacheNodeIds = FALSE,
handleInvalid = c("error",
"keep", "skip")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
formula <- paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
if (!is.null(seed)) {
seed <- as.character(as.integer(seed))
switch(type, regression = {
if (is.null(lossType)) lossType <- "squared"
lossType <- match.arg(lossType, c("squared", "absolute"))
jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.ml.r.GBTRegressorWrapper",
"fit", attr(data, "jc"), formula, as.integer(maxDepth),
as.integer(maxBins), as.integer(maxIter), as.numeric(stepSize),
as.integer(minInstancesPerNode), as.numeric(minInfoGain),
as.integer(checkpointInterval), lossType, seed,
as.numeric(subsamplingRate), as.integer(maxMemoryInMB),
new("GBTRegressionModel", jobj = jobj)
}, classification = {
handleInvalid <- match.arg(handleInvalid)
if (is.null(lossType)) lossType <- "logistic"
lossType <- match.arg(lossType, "logistic")
jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.ml.r.GBTClassifierWrapper",
"fit", attr(data, "jc"), formula, as.integer(maxDepth),
as.integer(maxBins), as.integer(maxIter), as.numeric(stepSize),
as.integer(minInstancesPerNode), as.numeric(minInfoGain),
as.integer(checkpointInterval), lossType, seed,
as.numeric(subsamplingRate), as.integer(maxMemoryInMB),
as.logical(cacheNodeIds), handleInvalid)
new("GBTClassificationModel", jobj = jobj)
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "GBTRegressionModel"),
function(object) {
ans <- summary.treeEnsemble(object)
class(ans) <- "summary.GBTRegressionModel"
print.summary.GBTRegressionModel <- function(x, ...) {
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "GBTClassificationModel"),
function(object) {
ans <- summary.treeEnsemble(object)
class(ans) <- "summary.GBTClassificationModel"
print.summary.GBTClassificationModel <- function(x, ...) {
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "GBTRegressionModel"),
function(object, newData) {
predict_internal(object, newData)
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "GBTClassificationModel"),
function(object, newData) {
predict_internal(object, newData)
#' @param object A fitted Gradient Boosted Tree regression model or classification model.
#' @param path The directory where the model is saved.
#' @param overwrite Overwrites or not if the output path already exists. Default is FALSE
#' which means throw exception if the output path exists.
#' @aliases write_ml,GBTRegressionModel,character-method
#' @rdname ml_gbt
#' @note write_ml(GBTRegressionModel, character) since 2.1.0
setMethod("write_ml", signature(object = "GBTRegressionModel", path = "character"),
function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
write_internal(object, path, overwrite)
#' @aliases write_ml,GBTClassificationModel,character-method
#' @rdname ml_gbt
#' @note write_ml(GBTClassificationModel, character) since 2.1.0
setMethod("write_ml", signature(object = "GBTClassificationModel", path = "character"),
function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
write_internal(object, path, overwrite)
# Random Forest ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Random Forest Model for Regression and Classification
#' \code{ml_random_forest} fits a Random Forest Regression model or Classification model on
#' a spark_tbl. Users can call \code{summary} to get a summary of the fitted Random Forest
#' model, \code{predict} to make predictions on new data, and \code{write_ml}/\code{read_ml} to
#' save/load fitted models.
#' For more details, see
# nolint start
#' \href{http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#random-forest-regression}{
#' Random Forest Regression} and
#' \href{http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#random-forest-classifier}{
#' Random Forest Classification}
# nolint end
#' @param data a spark_tbl for training.
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Currently only a few formula
#' operators are supported, including '~', ':', '+', and '-'.
#' @param type type of model, one of "regression" or "classification", to fit
#' @param maxDepth Maximum depth of the tree (>= 0).
#' @param maxBins Maximum number of bins used for discretizing continuous features and for choosing
#' how to split on features at each node. More bins give higher granularity. Must be
#' >= 2 and >= number of categories in any categorical feature.
#' @param numTrees Number of trees to train (>= 1).
#' @param impurity Criterion used for information gain calculation.
#' For regression, must be "variance". For classification, must be one of
#' "entropy" and "gini", default is "gini".
#' @param featureSubsetStrategy The number of features to consider for splits at each tree node.
#' Supported options: "auto" (choose automatically for task: If
#' numTrees == 1, set to "all." If numTrees > 1
#' (forest), set to "sqrt" for classification and
#' to "onethird" for regression),
#' "all" (use all features),
#' "onethird" (use 1/3 of the features),
#' "sqrt" (use sqrt(number of features)),
#' "log2" (use log2(number of features)),
#' "n": (when n is in the range (0, 1.0], use
#' n * number of features. When n is in the range
#' (1, number of features), use n features).
#' Default is "auto".
#' @param seed integer seed for random number generation.
#' @param subsamplingRate Fraction of the training data used for learning each decision tree, in
#' range (0, 1].
#' @param minInstancesPerNode Minimum number of instances each child must have after split.
#' @param minInfoGain Minimum information gain for a split to be considered at a tree node.
#' @param checkpointInterval Param for set checkpoint interval (>= 1) or disable checkpoint (-1).
#' Note: this setting will be ignored if the checkpoint directory is not
#' set.
#' @param maxMemoryInMB Maximum memory in MB allocated to histogram aggregation.
#' @param cacheNodeIds If FALSE, the algorithm will pass trees to executors to match instances with
#' nodes. If TRUE, the algorithm will cache node IDs for each instance. Caching
#' can speed up training of deeper trees. Users can set how often should the
#' cache be checkpointed or disable it by setting checkpointInterval.
#' @param handleInvalid How to handle invalid data (unseen labels or NULL values) in features and
#' label column of string type in classification model.
#' Supported options: "skip" (filter out rows with invalid data),
#' "error" (throw an error), "keep" (put invalid data in
#' a special additional bucket, at index numLabels). Default
#' is "error".
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the method.
#' @aliases ml_random_forest,spark_tbl,formula-method
#' @return \code{ml_random_forest} returns a fitted Random Forest model.
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @name ml_random_forest
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fit a Random Forest Regression Model
#' df <- spark_tbl(longley)
#' model <- df %>%
#' ml_random_forest(Employed ~ ., type = "regression", maxDepth = 5, maxBins = 16)
#' # get the summary of the model
#' summary(model)
#' # make predictions
#' predictions <- predict(model, df)
#' # save and load the model
#' path <- "path/to/model"
#' write_ml(model, path)
#' savedModel <- read_ml(path)
#' summary(savedModel)
#' # fit a Random Forest Classification Model
#' t <- as.data.frame(Titanic)
#' df <- spark_tbl(t)
#' model <- ml_random_forest(df, Survived ~ Freq + Age, "classification")
#' }
#' @note ml_randomForest since 2.1.0
ml_random_forest <- function(data, formula, type = c("regression",
"classification"), maxDepth = 5, maxBins = 32, numTrees = 20,
impurity = NULL, featureSubsetStrategy = "auto", seed = NULL,
subsamplingRate = 1, minInstancesPerNode = 1, minInfoGain = 0,
checkpointInterval = 10, maxMemoryInMB = 256, cacheNodeIds = FALSE,
handleInvalid = c("error", "keep", "skip")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
formula <- paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
if (!is.null(seed)) {
seed <- as.character(as.integer(seed))
switch(type, regression = {
if (is.null(impurity)) impurity <- "variance"
impurity <- match.arg(impurity, "variance")
jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.ml.r.RandomForestRegressorWrapper",
"fit", attr(data, "jc"), formula, as.integer(maxDepth),
as.integer(maxBins), as.integer(numTrees), impurity,
as.integer(minInstancesPerNode), as.numeric(minInfoGain),
as.integer(checkpointInterval), as.character(featureSubsetStrategy),
seed, as.numeric(subsamplingRate), as.integer(maxMemoryInMB),
new("RandomForestRegressionModel", jobj = jobj)
}, classification = {
handleInvalid <- match.arg(handleInvalid)
if (is.null(impurity)) impurity <- "gini"
impurity <- match.arg(impurity, c("gini", "entropy"))
jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.ml.r.RandomForestClassifierWrapper",
"fit", attr(data, "jc"), formula, as.integer(maxDepth),
as.integer(maxBins), as.integer(numTrees), impurity,
as.integer(minInstancesPerNode), as.numeric(minInfoGain),
as.integer(checkpointInterval), as.character(featureSubsetStrategy),
seed, as.numeric(subsamplingRate), as.integer(maxMemoryInMB),
as.logical(cacheNodeIds), handleInvalid)
new("RandomForestClassificationModel", jobj = jobj)
#' @return \code{summary} returns summary information of the fitted model, which is a list.
#' The list of components includes \code{formula} (formula),
#' \code{numFeatures} (number of features), \code{features} (list of features),
#' \code{featureImportances} (feature importances), \code{maxDepth} (max depth of trees),
#' \code{numTrees} (number of trees), and \code{treeWeights} (tree weights).
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @aliases summary,RandomForestRegressionModel-method
#' @note summary(RandomForestRegressionModel) since 2.1.0
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "RandomForestRegressionModel"),
function(object) {
ans <- summary.treeEnsemble(object)
class(ans) <- "summary.RandomForestRegressionModel"
#' @param x summary object of Random Forest regression model or classification model
#' returned by \code{summary}.
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @note print.summary.RandomForestRegressionModel since 2.1.0
print.summary.RandomForestRegressionModel <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @aliases summary,RandomForestClassificationModel-method
#' @note summary(RandomForestClassificationModel) since 2.1.0
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "RandomForestClassificationModel"),
function(object) {
ans <- summary.treeEnsemble(object)
class(ans) <- "summary.RandomForestClassificationModel"
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @note print.summary.RandomForestClassificationModel since 2.1.0
print.summary.RandomForestClassificationModel <- function(x, ...) {
#' @param newData a spark_tbl for testing.
#' @return \code{predict} returns a spark_tbl containing predicted labeled in a column named
#' "prediction".
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @aliases predict,RandomForestRegressionModel-method
#' @note predict(RandomForestRegressionModel) since 2.1.0
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "RandomForestRegressionModel"),
function(object, newData) {
predict_internal(object, newData)
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @aliases predict,RandomForestClassificationModel-method
#' @note predict(RandomForestClassificationModel) since 2.1.0
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "RandomForestClassificationModel"),
function(object, newData) {
predict_internal(object, newData)
#' @param object A fitted Random Forest regression model or classification model.
#' @param path The directory where the model is saved.
#' @param overwrite Overwrites or not if the output path already exists. Default is FALSE
#' which means throw exception if the output path exists.
#' @aliases write_ml,RandomForestRegressionModel,character-method
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @note write_ml(RandomForestRegressionModel, character) since 2.1.0
setMethod("write_ml", signature(object = "RandomForestRegressionModel", path = "character"),
function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
write_internal(object, path, overwrite)
#' @aliases write_ml,RandomForestClassificationModel,character-method
#' @rdname ml_random_forest
#' @note write_ml(RandomForestClassificationModel, character) since 2.1.0
setMethod("write_ml", signature(object = "RandomForestClassificationModel", path = "character"),
function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
write_internal(object, path, overwrite)
# Decision Tree ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Decision Tree Model for Regression and Classification
#' \code{ml_decision_tree} fits a Decision Tree Regression model or Classification model on
#' a spark_tbl. Users can call \code{summary} to get a summary of the fitted Decision Tree
#' model, \code{predict} to make predictions on new data, and \code{write_ml}/\code{read_ml} to
#' save/load fitted models.
#' For more details, see
# nolint start
#' \href{http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#decision-tree-regression}{
#' Decision Tree Regression} and
#' \href{http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html#decision-tree-classifier}{
#' Decision Tree Classification}
# nolint end
#' @param data a spark_tbl for training.
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Currently only a few formula
#' operators are supported, including '~', ':', '+', and '-'.
#' @param type type of model, one of "regression" or "classification", to fit
#' @param maxDepth Maximum depth of the tree (>= 0).
#' @param maxBins Maximum number of bins used for discretizing continuous features and for choosing
#' how to split on features at each node. More bins give higher granularity. Must be
#' >= 2 and >= number of categories in any categorical feature.
#' @param impurity Criterion used for information gain calculation.
#' For regression, must be "variance". For classification, must be one of
#' "entropy" and "gini", default is "gini".
#' @param seed integer seed for random number generation.
#' @param minInstancesPerNode Minimum number of instances each child must have after split.
#' @param minInfoGain Minimum information gain for a split to be considered at a tree node.
#' @param checkpointInterval Param for set checkpoint interval (>= 1) or disable checkpoint (-1).
#' Note: this setting will be ignored if the checkpoint directory is not
#' set.
#' @param maxMemoryInMB Maximum memory in MB allocated to histogram aggregation.
#' @param cacheNodeIds If FALSE, the algorithm will pass trees to executors to match instances with
#' nodes. If TRUE, the algorithm will cache node IDs for each instance. Caching
#' can speed up training of deeper trees. Users can set how often should the
#' cache be checkpointed or disable it by setting checkpointInterval.
#' @param handleInvalid How to handle invalid data (unseen labels or NULL values) in features and
#' label column of string type in classification model.
#' Supported options: "skip" (filter out rows with invalid data),
#' "error" (throw an error), "keep" (put invalid data in
#' a special additional bucket, at index numLabels). Default
#' is "error".
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the method.
#' @aliases ml_decision_tree,spark_tbl,formula-method
#' @return \code{ml_decision_tree} returns a fitted Decision Tree model.
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @name ml_decision_tree
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fit a Decision Tree Regression Model
#' df <- spark_tbl(longley)
#' model <- df %>%
#' ml_decision_tree(Employed ~ ., type = "regression",
#' maxDepth = 5, maxBins = 16)
#' # get the summary of the model
#' summary(model)
#' # make predictions
#' predictions <- predict(model, df)
#' # save and load the model
#' path <- "path/to/model"
#' write_ml(model, path)
#' savedModel <- read_ml(path)
#' summary(savedModel)
#' # fit a Decision Tree Classification Model
#' t <- as.data.frame(Titanic)
#' df <- spark_tbl(t)
#' model <- ml_decision_tree(df, Survived ~ Freq + Age, "classification")
#' }
#' @note ml_decision_tree since 2.3.0
ml_decision_tree <- function(data, formula,
type = c("regression", "classification"),
maxDepth = 5, maxBins = 32, impurity = NULL,
seed = NULL, minInstancesPerNode = 1,
minInfoGain = 0, checkpointInterval = 10,
maxMemoryInMB = 256, cacheNodeIds = FALSE,
handleInvalid = c("error", "keep", "skip")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
formula <- paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
if (!is.null(seed)) {
seed <- as.character(as.integer(seed))
switch(type, regression = {
if (is.null(impurity)) impurity <- "variance"
impurity <- match.arg(impurity, "variance")
jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.ml.r.DecisionTreeRegressorWrapper",
"fit", attr(data, "jc"), formula, as.integer(maxDepth),
as.integer(maxBins), impurity, as.integer(minInstancesPerNode),
as.numeric(minInfoGain), as.integer(checkpointInterval),
seed, as.integer(maxMemoryInMB), as.logical(cacheNodeIds))
new("DecisionTreeRegressionModel", jobj = jobj)
}, classification = {
handleInvalid <- match.arg(handleInvalid)
if (is.null(impurity)) impurity <- "gini"
impurity <- match.arg(impurity, c("gini", "entropy"))
jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.ml.r.DecisionTreeClassifierWrapper",
"fit", attr(data, "jc"), formula, as.integer(maxDepth),
as.integer(maxBins), impurity, as.integer(minInstancesPerNode),
as.numeric(minInfoGain), as.integer(checkpointInterval),
seed, as.integer(maxMemoryInMB), as.logical(cacheNodeIds),
new("DecisionTreeClassificationModel", jobj = jobj)
#' @return \code{summary} returns summary information of the fitted model, which is a list.
#' The list of components includes \code{formula} (formula),
#' \code{numFeatures} (number of features), \code{features} (list of features),
#' \code{featureImportances} (feature importances), and \code{maxDepth} (max depth of
#' trees).
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @aliases summary,DecisionTreeRegressionModel-method
#' @note summary(DecisionTreeRegressionModel) since 2.3.0
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "DecisionTreeRegressionModel"),
function(object) {
ans <- summary.decisionTree(object)
class(ans) <- "summary.DecisionTreeRegressionModel"
#' @param x summary object of Decision Tree regression model or classification model
#' returned by \code{summary}.
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @note print.summary.DecisionTreeRegressionModel since 2.3.0
print.summary.DecisionTreeRegressionModel <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @aliases summary,DecisionTreeClassificationModel-method
#' @note summary(DecisionTreeClassificationModel) since 2.3.0
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "DecisionTreeClassificationModel"),
function(object) {
ans <- summary.decisionTree(object)
class(ans) <- "summary.DecisionTreeClassificationModel"
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @note print.summary.DecisionTreeClassificationModel since 2.3.0
print.summary.DecisionTreeClassificationModel <- function(x, ...) {
#' @param newData a spark_tbl for testing.
#' @return \code{predict} returns a spark_tbl containing predicted labeled in a column named
#' "prediction".
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @aliases predict,DecisionTreeRegressionModel-method
#' @note predict(DecisionTreeRegressionModel) since 2.3.0
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "DecisionTreeRegressionModel"),
function(object, newData) {
predict_internal(object, newData)
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @aliases predict,DecisionTreeClassificationModel-method
#' @note predict(DecisionTreeClassificationModel) since 2.3.0
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "DecisionTreeClassificationModel"),
function(object, newData) {
predict_internal(object, newData)
#' @param object A fitted Decision Tree regression model or classification model.
#' @param path The directory where the model is saved.
#' @param overwrite Overwrites or not if the output path already exists. Default is FALSE
#' which means throw exception if the output path exists.
#' @aliases write_ml,DecisionTreeRegressionModel,character-method
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @note write_ml(DecisionTreeRegressionModel, character) since 2.3.0
setMethod("write_ml", signature(object = "DecisionTreeRegressionModel", path = "character"),
function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
write_internal(object, path, overwrite)
#' @aliases write_ml,DecisionTreeClassificationModel,character-method
#' @rdname ml_decision_tree
#' @note write_ml(DecisionTreeClassificationModel, character) since 2.3.0
setMethod("write_ml", signature(object = "DecisionTreeClassificationModel", path = "character"),
function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
write_internal(object, path, overwrite)
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