
Defines functions spark_write_insert spark_write_table spark_write_jdbc spark_write_text spark_write_parquet spark_write_orc spark_write_json spark_write_delta spark_write_csv spark_write_source spark_read_table spark_read_jdbc spark_read_parquet spark_read_orc spark_read_csv spark_read_source persist_read_csv

Documented in spark_read_csv spark_read_jdbc spark_read_orc spark_read_parquet spark_read_source spark_read_table spark_write_csv spark_write_delta spark_write_insert spark_write_jdbc spark_write_json spark_write_orc spark_write_parquet spark_write_source spark_write_table spark_write_text

#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom digest digest
persist_read_csv <- function(df) {
  hash <- digest::digest(df, algo = "sha256")
  filename <- paste("spark_serialize_", hash, ".csv", sep = "")
  tempfile <- file.path(tempdir(check = T), filename)
  if (!file.exists(tempfile)) {
    write.table(df, tempfile, sep = ",", col.names = F, # switch to \031 soon
                row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
  sample <- SparkR::createDataFrame(head(df, 1L))
  SparkR::read.df(tempfile, "csv", SparkR::schema(sample))

### READ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Read from a generic source into a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster.
#' @param source string, A data source capable of reading data.
#' @param schema FILL IN
#' @param na.strings string, the string value used to signify NA values.
#' @param ... named list, optional arguments to the reader
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
spark_read_source <- function(path = NULL, source = NULL, schema = NULL,
                              na.strings = "NA", ...) {

  if (!is.null(path) && !is.character(path)) {
    stop("path should be character, NULL or omitted.")
  if (!is.null(source) && !is.character(source)) {
    stop("source should be character, NULL or omitted. It is the datasource specified ",
         "in 'spark.sql.sources.default' configuration by default.")
  if (length(na.strings) > 1) {
    na.strings <- na.strings[1]
    warning("More than one 'na.string' value found, using first value, ", na.strings)
  sparkSession <- get_spark_session()$jobj
  options <- varargsToStrEnv(...)
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    options[["path"]] <- path
  if (is.null(source)) {
    source <- getDefaultSqlSource()
  if (source == "csv" && is.null(options[["nullValue"]])) {
    options[["nullValue"]] <- na.strings
  read <- call_method(sparkSession, "read")
  read <- call_method(read, "format", source)
  if (!is.null(schema)) {
    if (class(schema) == "StructType") {
      read <- call_method(read, "schema", schema$jobj)
    } else if (is.character(schema)) {
      read <- call_method(read, "schema", schema)
    } else if (class(schema) == "jobj") {
      read <- call_method(read, "schema", schema)
    } else {
      stop("schema should be StructType, character, or jobj.")
  read <- call_method(read, "options", options)
  sdf <- call_method_handled(read, "load")

#' Read a CSV file into a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster.
#' @param schema StructType, a schema used to read the data, will be inferred
#' if not specified
#' @param na string, the string value used to signify NA values.
#' @param header boolean, whether to read the first line of the file, Default to FALSE.
#' @param delim string, the character used to delimit each column. Defaults to ','.
#' @param guess_max int, the maximum number of records to use for guessing column types.
#' @param ... named list, optional arguments to the reader
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path_csv <- tempfile()
#' iris_fix <- iris %>%
#'   setNames(names(iris) %>% sub("[//.]", "_", .)) %>%
#'   mutate(Species = levels(Species)[Species])
#' write.csv(iris_fix, path_csv, row.names = F)
#' csv_schema <- SparkR::schema(SparkR::createDataFrame(iris_fix))
#' # without specified schema
#' spark_read_csv(path_csv, header = T) %>% collect
#' # with specified schema
#' csv_schema <- SparkR::schema(SparkR::createDataFrame(iris_fix))
#' spark_read_csv(path_csv, csv_schema, header = T) %>% collect
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
spark_read_csv <- function(path, schema = NULL, na = "NA", header = FALSE,
                           delim = ",", guess_max = 1000, ...) {
  if (is.null(schema)) {
    message("No schema supplied, extracting from first ", guess_max, " rows")
    sample <- read.csv(path, header, nrows = guess_max, na.strings = na, sep = delim)
    spk_tbl <- spark_tbl(SparkR::createDataFrame(head(sample, 1L)))
    schema <- schema(spk_tbl)
  spark_read_source(path, source = "csv", schema, na, header = header, sep = delim, ...)

#' Read a Delta file into a \code{spark_tbl}.
#' @param path string, the path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster.
#' @param version numeric, the version of the Delta table. Can be obtained from
#' the output of DESCRIBE HISTORY events. Alias of \code{timestampAsOf}.
#' @param timestamp string, the time-based version of the Delta table to pull.
#' Only date or timestamp strings are accepted. For example, "2019-01-01" and
#' "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z". Alias of \code{versionAsOf}.
#' @param ... optional named arguments to the reader.
#' @details Other options such as specifing a schema can be specified in the \code{...}
#' For more information on \code{version} and \code{timestamp}, see
#' https://docs.databricks.com/delta/delta-batch.html#dataframereader-options
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_session(sparkPackages = "io.delta:delta-core_2.11:0.5.0")
#' iris_tbl <- spark_tbl(iris)
#' iris_tbl %>%
#'   spark_write_delta("/tmp/iris_tbl")
#' spark_read_delta("/tmp/iris_tbl") %>%
#'   collect
spark_read_delta <- function (path, version = NULL, timestamp = NULL, ...) {
  elipses <- rlang::enquos(...)
  filtered <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x),
                     list(path = path,
                          source = "delta",
                          versionAsOf = version,
                          timestampAsOf = timestamp))
  combine_params <- c(rlang::as_quosures(filtered), elipses)
  param_quos <- lapply(combine_params, rlang::eval_tidy)
  do.call(spark_read_source, param_quos)

#' Read an orc file into a \code{spark_tbl}.
#' @param path string, the path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster.
#' @param ... named list, optional arguments to the reader
#' @details Other options such as specifing a schema can be specified in the \code{...}
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
spark_read_orc <- function(path, ...) {
  spark_read_source(path, source = "orc", ...)

#' Read a parquet file into a \code{spark_tbl}.
#' @param path string, the path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster.
#' @param ... named list, optional arguments to the reader
#' @details Other options such as specifing a schema can be specified in the \code{...}
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
spark_read_parquet <- function(path, ...) {
  spark_read_source(path, source = "parquet", ...)

#' Read a JSON file into a \code{spark_tbl}.
#' @param path string, the path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster.
#' @param multiline logical, whether the json file is multiline or not, see:
#' https://docs.databricks.com/data/data-sources/read-json.html#multi-line-mode
#' @param ... named list, optional arguments to the reader
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
spark_read_json <- function (path, multiline = F, ...) {
  # TODO example of specifiying a schema and reading nested data
  sparkSession <- get_spark_session()$jobj
  options <- varargsToStrEnv(...)
  options$multiline <- ifelse(multiline, "true", "false")
  paths <- as.list(suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path)))
  read <- call_method(sparkSession, "read")
  read <- call_method(read, "options", options)
  sdf <- call_method_handled(read, "json", paths)

#' Create spark_tbl from JDBC connection
#' @param url spring, JDBC database url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname
#' @param table string, the name of the table in the external database
#' @param partition_col string, the name of a column of numeric, date, or timestamp
#' type that will be used for partitioning.
#' @param lower_bound the minimum value of partition_by used to decide partition stride
#' @param upper_bound the maximum value of partition_by used to decide partition stride
#' @param num_partitions intteger, the number of partitions, This, along with lowerBound
#' (inclusive), upperBound (exclusive), form partition strides for generated
#' WHERE clause expressions used to split the column partitionColumn evenly.
#' This defaults to SparkContext.defaultParallelism when unset.
#' @param predicates list, conditions in the where clause; each one defines
#' one partition should be in the form of a SQL query string, see example.
#' @param ... additional JDBC database connection named properties.
#' @details For specifing partitioning, the following rules apply:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item For partition_by, lower_bound, upper_bound - these options must all
#'   be specified if any of them is specified. In addition, num_partitions must
#'   be specified.
#'   \item These values describe how to partition the table when reading in
#'   parallel from multiple workers. partition_by must be a numeric column
#'   from the table in question. It can only be one column.
#'   \item lower_bound and upper_bound are just used to decide the partition stride,
#'   not for filtering the rows in table. So all rows in the table will be
#'   partitioned and returned.
#'   \item to filter out rows before reading, use the \code{predicates} argument
#' }
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_session(sparkPackages=c("mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.48"))
#' url <- "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/databasename"
#' df <- spark_read_jdbc(url, "table", predicates = list("field <= 123"), user = "username")
#' df2 <- spark_read_jdbc(url, "table2", partition_by = "index", lower_bound = 0,
#'                        upper_bound = 10000, user = "username", password = "password")
#' spark_session_stop()
#' # postgres example
#' spark_session(sparkPackages=c("org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.12"))
#' iris_jdbc <- spark_read_jdbc(url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/databasename",
#'                              table = "table",
#'                              driver = "org.postgresql.Driver")
#' spark_session_stop()
spark_read_jdbc <- function(url, table, partition_col = NULL,
                            lower_bound = NULL, upper_bound = NULL,
                            num_partitions = 0L, predicates = list(), ...) {
  jprops <- varargsToJProperties(...)
  sparkSession <- get_spark_session()$jobj
  read <- call_method(sparkSession, "read")
  if (!is.null(partition_col)) {
    if (is.null(num_partitions) || num_partitions == 0) {
      sc <- get_spark_context()$jobj
      num_partitions <- call_method(sc, "defaultParallelism")
    else {
      num_partitions <- num_to_int(num_partitions)
    sdf <- call_method_handled(
      read, "jdbc", url, table,
      as.character(partition_col), num_to_int(lower_bound),
      num_to_int(upper_bound), num_partitions, jprops)
  else if (length(predicates) > 0) {
    sdf <- call_method_handled(
      read, "jdbc", url, table,
      as.list(as.character(predicates)), jprops)
  else {
    sdf <- call_method_handled(
      read, "jdbc", url, table,

#' Read a Spark Managed Table
#' @description a shortcut function to read a Spark-managed table directly
#' from the hive metastore without have to write any SQL. This is not a
#' feature in Spark's Scala or Python API.
#' @param table string, the name of the table to read
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_read_table("iris")
#' # same as
#' spark.sql("SELECT * FROM iris")
spark_read_table <- function(table) {
  spark_sql(paste0("SELECT * FROM ", table))

### WRITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to an arbitrary file format
#' @description functions used to write Spark tables to file. These use the backend
#' \code{spark_write_source} to write the actual file. Note, \code{spark_write_source}
#' is not meant to write files to the the hive metastore, see \code{spark_write_table}
#' for functionality similar to Spark's \code{saveAsTable} and \code{insertInto}.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param source string, can be file types like \code{parquet} or \code{csv}.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"}, \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other option to be passed. Must be a named argument.
#' @rdname write_file
#' @export
spark_write_source <- function(.data, path, source = NULL, mode = "error",
                               partition_by = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(path) && !is.character(path)) {
    stop("path should be character, NULL or omitted.")
  if (!is.null(source) && !is.character(source)) {
    stop("source should be character, NULL or omitted. It is the datasource specified ",
         "in 'spark.sql.sources.default' configuration by default.")
  if (!is.character(mode)) {
    stop("mode should be character or omitted. It is 'error' by default.")
  if (is.null(source)) {
    source <- getDefaultSqlSource()

  options <- varargsToStrEnv(...)
  if (!is.null(options$partitionBy)) {
    stop("'partitionBy' argument suppied, 'partiton_by' expected")

  if (!is.null(path)) {
    options[["path"]] <- path

              attr(.data, "jc"),
            "format", source),
          "partitionBy", as.list(partition_by)),
        "mode", mode),
      "options", options),



#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to CSV format
#' @description
#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to a tabular (typically, comma-separated) file.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other named options. See details below.
#' @details Many other options can be set using the \code{...}. Some popular
#' ones include \code{header = T} or \code{sep = ","}. A full list can be found
#' here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/DataFrameWriter.html#csv-java.lang.String-
#' @export
spark_write_csv <- function(.data, path, mode = "error",
                            partition_by = NULL, ...) {

  spark_write_source(.data, path, source = "csv", mode, partition_by, ...)


#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to a Delta file
#' @description
#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to Delta.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other named options. See details below.
#' @details For Delta, a few additional options can be specified using \code{...}:
#' #' \describe{
#'   \item{compression}{(default null), compression codec to use when saving to
#'   file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none,
#'   bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate)}
#'   \item{replaceWhere}{(default null), You can selectively overwrite only
#'   the data that matches predicates over partition columns (e.g. "date >=
#'   '2017-01-01' AND date <= '2017-01-31'")}
#'   \item{overwriteSchema}{(default FALSE), when overwriting a table using
#'   mode("overwrite") without replaceWhere, you may still want to overwrite
#'   the schema of the data being written. You replace the schema and
#'   partitioning of the table by setting this param option to \code{TRUE}}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # here using open-source delta jar dropped in the $SPARK_HOME/lib dir
#' spark_session(sparkPackages = "io.delta:delta-core_2.11:0.5.0")
#' iris_tbl <- spark_tbl(iris)
#' iris_tbl %>%
#'   spark_write_delta("/tmp/iris_tbl")
#' # you can go further and add to hive metastore like this:
#' spark_sql("CREATE TABLE iris_ddl USING DELTA LOCATION '/tmp/iris_tbl'")
#' # right now this throws a warning, you can ignore it.
spark_write_delta <- function(.data, path, mode = "error",
                              partition_by = NULL, ...) {
  spark_write_source(.data, path, source = "delta", mode, partition_by, ...)

#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to JSON format
#' @description
#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to JSON
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other named options. See details below.
#' @details For JSON, additional options can be specified using \code{...}:
#' #' \describe{
#'   \item{compression}{(default null), compression codec to use when saving to
#'   file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none,
#'   bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate).}
#'   \item{dateFormat}{(default yyyy-MM-dd), sets the string that indicates a
#'   date format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
#'   This applies to date type.}
#'   \item{timestampFormat}{(default yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX), sets the
#'   string that indicates a timestamp format. Custom date formats follow the
#'   formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to timestamp type.}
#'   \item{encoding}{(by default it is not set), specifies encoding (charset)
#'   of saved json files. If it is not set, the UTF-8 charset will be used.}
#'   \item{lineSep}{(default \\n), defines the line separator that should be
#'   used for writing.}
#' }
#' More information can be found here:
#' https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/DataFrameWriter.html#json-java.lang.String-
#' @export
spark_write_json <- function(.data, path, mode = "error",
                             partition_by = NULL, ...) {

  spark_write_source(.data, path, source = "json", mode, partition_by, ...)


#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to ORC format
#' @description
#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to an ORC file.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other named options. See details below.
#' @details For ORC, compression can be set using \code{...}. Compression
#' (default is the value specified in spark.sql.orc.compression.codec):
#' compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known
#' case-insensitive shorten names(none, snappy, zlib, and lzo). More
#' information can be found here:
#' https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/DataFrameWriter.html#orc-java.lang.String-
#' @export
spark_write_orc <- function(.data, path, mode = "error",
                            partition_by = NULL, ...) {

  spark_write_source(.data, path, source = "orc", mode, partition_by, ...)


#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to Parquet format
#' @description
#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to a parquet file.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other named options. See details below.
#' @details For Parquet, compression can be set using \code{...}. Compression
#' (default is the value specified in spark.sql.orc.compression.codec):
#' compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known
#' case-insensitive shorten names(none, snappy, zlib, and lzo).. More
#' information can be found here:
#' https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/DataFrameWriter.html#parquet-java.lang.String-
#' @export
spark_write_parquet <- function(.data, path, mode = "error",
                                partition_by = NULL, ...) {

  spark_write_source(.data, path, source = "parquet", mode, partition_by, ...)


#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to text file
#' @description
#' Write a \code{spark_tbl} to a text file.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param path string, the path where the file is to be saved.
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by on disk
#' @param ... any other named options. See details below.
#' @details For text, two additional options can be specified using \code{...}:
#' #' \describe{
#'   \item{compression}{(default \code{null}), compression codec to use when saving to
#'   file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none,
#'   bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate).}
#'   \item{lineSep}{(default \code{\\n}), defines the line separator that should be used for writing.}
#' }
#' https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/DataFrameWriter.html#text-java.lang.String-
#' @export
spark_write_text <- function(.data, path, mode = "error",
                             partition_by = NULL, ...) {

  spark_write_source(.data, path, source = "text", mode, partition_by, ...)


#' Write to a JDBC table
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param url string, the jdbc URL
#' @param table sting, the table name
#' @param mode string, either \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' or \code{"append"}.
#' @param partition_by string, the column names to partition by
#' @param driver string, the driver class to use, e.g. \code{"org.postgresql.Driver"}
#' @param ... additional connection options such as \code{user}, \code{password}, etc.
#' @details connection properties can be set by other named arguments in the \code{...}
#' JDBC database connection arguments, a list of arbitrary string tag/value. Normally
#' at least a "user" and "password" property should be included. "batchsize" can be
#' used to control the number of rows per insert. "isolationLevel" can be one of
#' corresponding to standard transaction isolation levels defined by JDBC's Connection
#' object, with default of "READ_UNCOMMITTED".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_session_reset(sparkPackages = c("org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.12"))
#' iris_tbl <- spark_tbl(iris)
#' iris_tbl %>%
#'   spark_write_jdbc(url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/tidyspark_test",
#'                    table = "iris_test",
#'                    partition_by = "Species",
#'                    mode = "overwrite",
#'                    user = "tidyspark_tester", password = "test4life",
#'                    driver = "org.postgresql.Driver")
spark_write_jdbc <- function(.data, url, table = NULL,  mode = "error",
                             partition_by = NULL, driver = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(url) && !is.character(url)) {
    stop("url should be character.")
  if (!is.character(mode)) {
    stop("mode should be character or omitted. It is 'error' by default.")

  options <- varargsToStrEnv(...)
  if (!is.null(options$partitionBy)) {
    stop("'partitionBy' argument suppied, 'partiton_by' expected")

                    attr(.data, "jc"),
                  "format", "jdbc"),
                "option", "url", url),
              "option", "dbtable", table),
            "option", "driver", driver),
          "partitionBy", as.list(partition_by)),
        "mode", mode),
      "options", options),


#' Write to a Spark table
#' @description Saves the content of the \code{spark_tbl} as the specified
#' table. An R wrapper for Spark's \code{saveAsTable}.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param table string, the table name
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"error"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"append"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @param partition_by string, column names to partition by
#' @param bucket_by list, format \code{list(n = <integer>, cols = <string>)}")specifying
#' the number of buckets and strings to bucket on. Use with caution. Not currently working.
#' @param sort_by string, if bucketed, column names to sort by.
#' @param ... additional named arguements pased to the spark writer.
#' @details In the case the table already exists, behavior of this function
#' depends on the save mode, specified by the mode function (default to throwing
#' an exception). When mode is Overwrite, the schema of the DataFrame does not
#' need to be the same as that of the existing table.
#' When mode is Append, if there is an existing table, we will use the format
#' and options of the existing table. The column order in the schema of the
#' DataFrame doesn't need to be same as that of the existing table. Unlike
#' insertInto, saveAsTable will use the column names to find the correct
#' column positions
#' Bucketing is supported in \code{tidyspark} but as a general warning in
#' most cases bucketing is very difficult to do correctly and manage. It is
#' the opinion of many Spark experts that you are better off using Delta
#' optimize/z-order.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iris_tbl <- spark_tbl(iris)
#' # save as table
#' iris_tbl %>%
#'   spark_write_table("iris_tbl")
#' # try it with partitioning
#' iris_tbl %>%
#'   spark_write_table("iris_tbl", mode = "overwrite", partition_by = "Species")
#' spark_sql("DESCRIBE iris_tbl") %>% collect
#' # # A tibble: 8 x 3
#' # col_name                data_type   comment
#' # <chr>                   <chr>       <chr>
#' #   1 Sepal_Length            "double"     NA
#' # 2 Sepal_Width             "double"     NA
#' # 3 Petal_Length            "double"     NA
#' # 4 Petal_Width             "double"     NA
#' # 5 Species                 "string"     NA
#' # 6 # Partition Information ""          ""
#' # 7 # col_name              "data_type" "comment"
#' # 8 Species                 "string"     NA
spark_write_table <- function(.data, table, mode = "error",
                              partition_by = NULL,
                              bucket_by = list(n = NA_integer_, cols = NA_character_),
                              sort_by = NULL, ...) {

  if (!is.null(table) && !is.character(table)) {
    stop("'table' should be character, NULL or omitted.")
  if (!is.character(mode)) {
    stop("mode should be character or omitted. It is 'error' by default.")
  if (is.null(source)) {
    source <- getDefaultSqlSource()

  options <- varargsToStrEnv(...)
  if (!is.null(options$partitionBy)) {
    stop("'partitionBy' argument suppied, 'partiton_by' expected")

  if (!is.list(bucket_by) ||
      !is.numeric(bucket_by$n) ||
      !is.character(bucket_by$cols)) {
    stop("bucking spec must be in form 'list(n = <integer>, cols = <string>)'")

  if (!is.null(sort_by) & is.null(bucket_by)) {
    stop("'sort_by' can only be used in conjunction with 'bucket_by'")

  writer <- call_method(
        attr(.data, "jc"),
      "mode", mode)

  if (!is.null(partition_by)) {
    call_method(writer, "partitionBy", as.list(partition_by))

  if (!is.na(bucket_by$n)) {
    stop("Bucketing is not currently working, can you solve the riddle?
         Give it a shot at least ;)")
      writer <- call_method(writer, "bucketBy",
                            bucket_by$n, as.list(bucket_by$cols))
    if (!is.na(sort_by)) {
      writer <- call_method(writer, "sortBy", sort_by)

                "options", options),
    "saveAsTable", table)



#' Insert into a Spark Managed Table
#' @description Inserts the content of the \code{spark_tbl} into the specified
#' table. An R wrapper for Spark's \code{insertInto}.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param table string, the table name
#' @param mode string, usually \code{"append"} (default), \code{"overwrite"},
#' \code{"error"}, or \code{"ignore"}
#' @details Unlike \code{saveAsTable}, \code{insertInto} ignores the column
#' names and just uses position-based resolution. Watch out for column order!
#' @export
spark_write_insert <- function(.data, table, mode = "append") {

  if (!is.null(table) && !is.character(table)) {
    stop("'table' should be character, NULL or omitted.")

        attr(.data, "jc"),
      "mode", mode),
    "insertInto", table)

danzafar/tidyspark documentation built on Sept. 30, 2020, 12:19 p.m.