
##################### GENERAL features #######################
# Make PDF vignettes
# Add example in risk analysis (see balbi 2016 on flood risk)
# Read xml files and change loading network function


## extractByMask ----
m <- aoi(msk=ConwyLU, mskSub=c(2,3))
head(extractByMask(ConwySlope, msk=m), 20)
plot(extractByMask(ConwySlope, msk=m, spatial=TRUE))
## queryNet ----
# % FIX Ignore extra columns when in evidence tab, instead of throwing error

# Good
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, Stakeholders = 'farmers'))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, list(Stakeholders = 'farmers')))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, Stakeholders = 'farmers', Scenarios='intensification'))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, list(Stakeholders = 'farmers', Scenarios='intensification')))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, CurrentLULC= 'forest'))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, list()))

# Bad
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, Stakeholders = 'fars', Scenarios='intensification'))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, CurrentLULC = 'x', Scenarios='intensification'))
head(queryNet(network, 'FinalLULC', evidence, Stakeholders = 'farmers', Scrios='intensification'))

## mapTarget ----
# % FIX OUTPUT VALUE OF MOST LIKELY CLASS (to correspod if integer are provided)
# % ADD Output algoritms now hidden (e.g. expected value) to exportable functions
list2env(ConwyData, environment())
network <- LandUseChange
target <- 'FinalLULC'; lookup <- LUclasses
statesProb <- queryNet(network, target, evidence)
Conwy = sf::st_read(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"))

## Good
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=ConwyLU)
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=ConwyLU, what = c("class", "entropy", "probability"))
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=ConwyLU, what = c("class", "entropy", "probability"), targetState='other')
head(mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=ConwyLU, spatial=FALSE))
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=ConwyLU, what = c("clss", "entropy"))
mp <- mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='probability', targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU); plot(mp$Probability$forest)
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='probability', targetState=c('forest','other'), msk=ConwyLU)
s = statesProb[,1:2]; mapTarget('FinalLULC', s, what='probability', targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU)
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU)
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what=c("class", "entropy", "probability",'variation','expected'),
          midvals=c(0,1,4), colnames(statesProb),msk=ConwyLU)
mp <- mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='probability', targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU); plot(mp$Probability$forest)
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='probability', targetState=c('forest','other'), msk=ConwyLU)
s = statesProb[,1:2]; mapTarget('FinalLULC', s, what='probability', targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU)
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU)
spatialDataList <- linkMultiple(Conwy, network, lookup, names(Conwy)[c(2,3,1)])
xyMsk <- aoi(Conwy, xy=TRUE)
    spatialDataList['SpatialData'] <- NULL
    tab <- matrix(nrow=length(xyMsk), ncol=length(spatialDataList))
colnames(tab) <- names(spatialDataList)
for(nm in colnames(tab)) {
        ex <- spatialDataList[[nm]]$SpatialData[xyMsk]
    if(spatialDataList[[nm]]$Categorical == TRUE){
        tab[, nm] <- spatialDataList[[nm]]$States[match(ex, spatialDataList[[nm]]$ClassBoundaries)]
    } else {
        tab[, nm] <- dataDiscretize(ex, spatialDataList[[nm]]$ClassBoundaries, spatialDataList[[nm]]$States)[[1]]
statesProb <- queryNet(network, target, tab)
submsk = Conwy[10:30, ]
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=Conwy)
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=Conwy, what = c("class", "entropy", "probability"))
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=Conwy, what = c("class", "entropy", "probability"), targetState='other')
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, msk=Conwy, what=c("class", "entropy", "probability",'variation','expected'),
          midvals=c(0,1,4), colnames(statesProb))
head(mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=Conwy, spatial=FALSE))
mapTarget(target, statesProb, msk=Conwy, what = c("clss", "entropy"))
mp <- mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, msk=Conwy, targetState='forest')

## Bad
mp <- mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, targetState='forest')
mp <- mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='pbabity', targetState='forest', msk=ConwyLU); plot(mp$Probability$forest)
mp <- mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='probability', targetState='fest', msk=ConwyLU); plot(mp$Probability$forest)
mapTarget('FinalLULC', statesProb, what='probability', targetState=c('forest','xy'), msk=ConwyLU)
s = statesProb[,1:2]; plot(mapTarget('FinalLULC', s, msk=ConwyLU))

mapTarget(target, statesProb, what = c("class", "entropy"), msk,
          midvals = NULL, targetState = colnames(statesProb), spatial = TRUE,
          exportRaster = FALSE, path = getwd())

## linkNode ----
data("ConwyData"); list2env(ConwyData, environment()); network <- LandUseChange; lookup <- LUclasses
Conwy = sf::st_read(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"))

## Good
linkNode(layer=ConwyLU, network, node='CurrentLULC', intervals=c(2, 3, 1))
linkNode(system.file("extdata", "ConwyLU.tif", package = "bnspatial"), network, node='CurrentLULC', intervals=c(2, 3, 1))
linkNode(layer=ConwySlope, network, node='Slope', intervals=c('-Inf', 1, 7, 'Inf'))
linkNode(system.file("extdata", "ConwySlope.tif", package = "bnspatial"), network, node='Slope', intervals=c('-Inf', 1, 7, 'Inf'))

linkNode(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"), network, field='LU', node='CurrentLULC', intervals=c(2, 3, 1))
linkNode(Conwy, network, field='LU', node='CurrentLULC', intervals=c(2, 3, 1))

linkMultiple(c(ConwyLU,ConwySlope,ConwyStatus), network, LUclasses) # list of rasters
linkMultiple(ConwyLU, network, LUclasses[1]) # single raster
linkMultiple(c(system.file("extdata", "ConwySlope.tif", package = "bnspatial"), # vector of raster path files 
               system.file("extdata", "ConwyLU.tif", package = "bnspatial")), network, LUclasses[c(2,1)])
linkMultiple( system.file("extdata", "ConwyLU.tif", package = "bnspatial"), network, LUclasses[1]) # single path to raster file
linkMultiple(c(ConwyLU,ConwySlope,ConwyStatus), network, LUclasses, field=c('LU','Slope','Status')) # ignores field arg

linkMultiple(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"), network, LUclasses, field=c('LU','Slope','Status')) # path to vect file
linkMultiple(Conwy, network, LUclasses[1], field='LU') # single layer sf
linkMultiple(Conwy, network, LUclasses, field=c('LU','Slope','Status')) # multi layer sf
linkNode(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"), network, field='Slope', node='Slope', c('-Inf', 1, 7, 'Inf'))

## Bad
linkNode(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"), network, node='CurrentLULC', intervals=c(2, 3, 1))
linkNode(layer=ConwySlope, network, node='Slope', intervals=c('-Inf', 2, 7), categorical=FALSE)
linkNode(Conwy, network, node='CurrentLULC', field=c('LU','Slope'), intervals=c(2, 3, 1)) # not allowed more than 1 field

linkMultiple(c(ConwyLU,ConwySlope,ConwyStatus), network, LUclasses[-1]) # list of rasters 
linkMultiple(ConwyLU, network, LUclasses) # single raster
linkMultiple( system.file("extdata", "ConwyLU.tif", package = "bnspatial"), network, LUclasses) # single path to raster file
linkMultiple(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"), network, LUclasses, field=c('Slope','Status')) # path to vect file


## aoi ----
# % FIX: make RAT=FALSE in `msk <- raster::raster(msk, RAT=FALSE)` even when an input layer is provided

## Good
Conwy = sf::st_read(system.file("extdata", "Conwy.shp", package = "bnspatial"))
r = raster(res=1, xmn=0, xmx=10)
aoi(list(r, raster(res=1,xmn=0, xmx=10, ymn=0, ymx=10, vals=1)), NULL, FALSE)
aoi(r, mskSub=NULL, xy=FALSE)
aoi(r, NULL, FALSE, bbox=c(-4, 20, 44.5, 56))
aoi(Conwy, NULL )
aoi(Conwy, NULL, xy=TRUE )
aoi(Conwy, NULL, xy=TRUE, bbox = c(263850,300000,335000,361000))
aoi(Conwy, NULL, bbox = c(263850,300000,335000,361000))

## Bad
aoi(list(raster(res=1, xmn=0, xmx=10, vals=1, crs=NA), raster(res=1,xmn=0, xmx=10, ymn=0, ymx=10, vals=1)), NULL, FALSE)
!!aoi(Conwy, 3 )


## setClasses ----


## Good
setClasses(c('ConwySlope', 'ConwyLU', 'ConwyStatus'), list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'),
    c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
    list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))))
setClasses(c('ConwySlope', 'ConwyLU', 'ConwyStatus'), list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'),
c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), wr='delTest.txt')
setClasses(c('ConwySlope', 'ConwyLU', 'ConwyStatus'), list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'),
           c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
           list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), layer=c('a.tif','b.shp','xyz'))
setClasses(c('ConwySlope', 'ConwyLU', 'ConwyStatus'), list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'),
           c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
           list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), layer=c('a.tif','b.shp','xyz'),

## Bad
setClasses(c('CurrentLULC', 'LegalStatus'), list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'),
c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
    list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), wr='delTest.txt')
setClasses(c('CurrentLULC', 'LegalStatus'), 
    list(c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
    list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), wr='delTest.txt')
setClasses(c('CurrentLULC', 'LegalStatus'), 
    list(c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
    list(c(3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), wr='delTest.txt')
!!setClasses(c('CurrentLULC', 'LegalStatus'), 
    list(c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
    list(c(0.5, 4, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), wr='delTest.txt')
setClasses(c('ConwyLU', 'ConwyStatus'), 
    list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'), c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
    list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), wr='delTest.txt')
setClasses(c('ConwySlope', 'ConwyLU', 'ConwyStatus'), list(c('flat', 'moderate', 'steep'),
           c('forest', 'arable', 'other'), c('public', 'private', 'protected')),
           list(c(-Inf, 0, 5, Inf), c(2, 3, 1), (c(4, 3, 1))), layer=c('a.tif','b.shp'))

####BIGGER DATA ---- 
########## (below data evidence is provided for only few nodes, as query time start growing afterwards)
library(raster); library(bnspatial)

#net = loadNetwork('N:\\A.net')
net = loadNetwork('N:\\Hepar.net')

r = raster('bnspatial\\inst\\extdata\\ConwyLU.tif')

spNodes = net$universe$levels[sample(1:70, 30)]

secs = vector()
for (i in 1:30){
    ls = list()
    for(n in seq(i)){
        rr = r
        nNA = which(is.finite(getValues(rr)))
        rr[nNA] = sample(length(spNodes[[n]]), length(nNA), replace=TRUE)
        assign(names(spNodes[n]), rr)
        ls = c(ls, get(names(spNodes[n])))
            paste(names(spNodes[n]), '\n', 
                  paste(spNodes[[n]], collapse=','), '\n', 
                  paste(sample(length(spNodes[[n]])), collapse=','), '\n', sep='')
            , file="classes.txt", append=TRUE)
    pr = proc.time()
    bnspatial(net, 'Cirrhosis', ls, 'classes.txt', spatial=FALSE, what='entropy', inparallel=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
    print(proc.time() - pr)
    secs = c(secs, proc.time() - pr)

dariomasante/bnspatial documentation built on Aug. 25, 2020, 4:07 p.m.