
Defines functions append_values_to_stream append_record_to_stream append_data_frame_to_stream

Documented in append_data_frame_to_stream append_record_to_stream append_values_to_stream

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#' Append an R data frame to a data.world stream.
#' Append an R data frame to a data.world stream.
#' If the data.world API
#' returns an HTTP status of 429 (Too Many Requests), this function uses
#' \code{\link[httr]{RETRY}} to retry the request.
#' @param owner_id User name and unique identifier of the creator of a
#' dataset or project
#' @param dataset_id Dataset unique identifier
#' @param stream_id Stream unique identifier as defined by the user the first
#' time the stream was used. Only lower case letters, numbers and
#' dashes are allowed.
#' @param data_frame The data frame containing the rows to append to the
#' stream
#' @param retry_times the number of times to retry the request
#' @param retry_quiet whether to suppress diagnostic messages during retries
#' @return Server response message.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   aDf <- data.frame(ID=1:2, Value=c('One', 'Two'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'   dwapi::append_data_frame_to_stream(owner_id = 'user',
#'     dataset_id = 'dataset', stream_id = 'mystream',
#'     aDf)
#'   aDf <- data.frame(ID=1:2, Value=c('One', 'Two'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'   dwapi::append_data_frame_to_stream(owner_id = 'user',
#'     dataset_id = 'dataset', stream_id = 'mystream',
#'     aDf, retry_times = 10, retry_quiet = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
append_data_frame_to_stream <- function(owner_id, dataset_id,
                                        stream_id, data_frame,
                                        retry_times = 3,
                                        retry_quiet = FALSE) {

  url <- paste0(getOption("dwapi.api_url"), "/", "streams", "/",
                owner_id, "/", dataset_id, "/", stream_id)

  auth <- sprintf("Bearer %s", auth_token())
  content_type <- "application/json-l"

  conn <- rawConnection(raw(0), open = "w")
  jsonlite::stream_out(data_frame, conn, verbose = FALSE)
  body <- rawConnectionValue(conn)

  post_message <- function(http_verb, ...) {
      body = body,
        `Content-Type` = content_type,
        Authorization = auth

  response <- post_message(httr::POST)
  if (response$status_code == 429) {

    wait_period <- response$header[["retry-after"]]
    wait_period <- as.numeric(wait_period)

    response <- post_message(http_verb = httr::RETRY,
                             verb = "POST",
                             times = retry_times,
                             pause_min = wait_period,
                             quiet = retry_quiet)


  ret <- httr::http_status(response)

  if (!(response$status_code == 200 | response$status_code == 202)) {
      error_msg <-
        x = response,
        as = "text",
        encoding = "UTF-8"



#' Append a record, consisting of a list of depth one, to a stream.
#' Append a record, consisting of a list of depth one, to a stream.
#' The list
#' must consist of atomic vectors of length one.  If the data.world API
#' returns an HTTP status of 429 (Too Many Requests), this function uses
#' \code{\link[httr]{RETRY}} to retry the request.
#' @param owner_id User name and unique identifier of the creator of a
#' dataset or project
#' @param dataset_id Dataset unique identifier
#' @param stream_id Stream unique identifier as defined by the user the first
#' time the stream was used. Only lower case letters, numbers and
#' dashes are allowed.
#' @param record the record list
#' @param retry_times the number of times to retry the request
#' @param retry_quiet whether to suppress diagnostic messages during retries
#' @return Server response message.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   record <- list(ID=1, Value='One')
#'   dwapi::append_record_to_stream(owner_id = 'user',
#'     dataset_id = 'dataset', stream_id = 'mystream',
#'     record)
#' }
#' @export
append_record_to_stream <- function(owner_id, dataset_id,
                                    stream_id, record,
                                    retry_times = 3,
                                    retry_quiet = FALSE) {

  if (!is.list(record)) {
    stop(paste0("append_values_to_stream requires representation ",
                "of the record as a list"))

  purrr::walk(record, function(element) {
    if (!is.atomic(element) || length(element) != 1) {
      stop("Each element of record must be an atomic vector of length 1")

  append_data_frame_to_stream(owner_id, dataset_id, stream_id,
                              data.frame(record, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                              retry_times, retry_quiet)


#' Append a record, consisting of named parameters, to a stream.
#' Append a record, consisting of named parameters, to a stream.
#' Each value
#' must be an atomic vector of length one.  If the data.world API
#' returns an HTTP status of 429 (Too Many Requests), this function uses
#' \code{\link[httr]{RETRY}} to retry the request.
#' @param owner_id User name and unique identifier of the creator of a
#' dataset or project
#' @param dataset_id Dataset unique identifier
#' @param stream_id Stream unique identifier as defined by the user the first
#' time the stream was used. Only lower case letters, numbers and
#' dashes are allowed.
#' @param ... named parameters giving the variables and values in the record
#' to be streamed
#' @param retry_times the number of times to retry the request
#' @param retry_quiet whether to suppress diagnostic messages during retries
#' @return Server response message.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   dwapi::append_values_to_stream(owner_id = 'user',
#'     dataset_id = 'dataset', stream_id = 'mystream',
#'     ID=1, Value='One')
#' }
#' @export
append_values_to_stream <- function(owner_id, dataset_id,
                                    retry_times = 3,
                                    retry_quiet = FALSE, ...) {

  record <- list(...)

  purrr::walk(record, function(element) {
    if (!is.atomic(element) || length(element) != 1) {
      stop("Each value to be streamed must be an atomic vector of length 1")

  append_record_to_stream(owner_id, dataset_id, stream_id,
                          retry_times, retry_quiet)

datadotworld/dwapi-r documentation built on July 3, 2021, 3:40 a.m.