
#' @title Plots a histogram 
#' @description This function plots histogram of the given data values.
#' It calls a datashield server side function that produces the
#' histogram objects to plot. The objects to plot do not contain bins with
#' counts < 5. The function allows for the user to plot disctinct histograms
#' (one for each study) or a combine histogram that merges the single plots.
#' @param opals a list of opal object(s) obtained after login in to opal servers;
#' these objects hold also the data assign to R, as \code{dataframe}, from opal 
#' datasources. 
#' @param xvect vector of values for which the histogram is desired.
#' @param type a character which represent the type of graph to display. 
#' If \code{type} is set to 'combine', a histogram that merges the single 
#' plot is displayed. Each histogram is plotted separately if If \code{type} 
#' is set to 'split'.
#' @return one or more histogram plot depending on the argument \code{type}
#' @author Gaye, A.
#' @export
#' @examples {
#' # load that contains the login details
#' data(logindata)
#' # login and assign specific variable(s)
#' myvar <- list("LAB_TSC")
#' opals <- ag.ds.login(logins=logindata,assign=TRUE,variables=myvar)
#' # Example 1: plot a combined histogram of the variable 'LAB_TSC' - default behaviour
#' ag.ds.histogram(opals=opals, xvect=quote(D$LAB_TSC))
#' # Example 2: Plot the histograms separately (one per study)
#'  ag.ds.histogram(opals=opals, xvect=quote(D$LAB_TSC), type="split")
#' # Example 3: Plot the histograms of the first and second study
#'  ag.ds.histogram(opals=opals[1:2], xvect=quote(D$LAB_TSC), type="split")
#' # Example 4: Plot the histogram of the third study only
#'  ag.ds.histogram(opals=opals[3], xvect=quote(D$LAB_TSC), type="split")
#' }
ag.ds.histogram <- function(opals=opals, xvect=NULL, type="combine"){

    cat("\n\n ALERT!\n")
    cat(" No valid opal object(s) provided.\n")
    cat(" Make sure you are logged in to valid opal server(s).\n")
    stop(" End of process!\n\n", call.=FALSE)
    cat("\n\n ALERT!\n")
    cat(" Please provide a valid numeric vector\n")
    stop(" End of process!\n\n", call.=FALSE)
  # get the name of the variable used for the histogram
  variable <-  strsplit(deparse(xvect), "\\$", perl=TRUE)[[1]][2]
  # call the function that checks the variables are available and not empty
  vars2check <- list(xvect)
  opals <- ag.ds.checkvar(opals, vars2check)
  # get the range from each studyand produce the 'global' range
  cally1 <- call("ag.range.ds", xvect) 
  ranges <- datashield.aggregate(opals, cally1)
  minrs <- c()
  maxrs <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(ranges)){
    minrs <- append(minrs, ranges[[i]][1])
    maxrs <- append(maxrs, ranges[[i]][2])
  range.arg <- c(min(minrs), max(maxrs))
  # call the function that produces the histogram object to plot
  cally2 <- call("ag.histogram.ds", xvect, range.arg[1], range.arg[2]) 
  hist.objs <- vector("list", length(opals))
  asterix2plot <-  vector("list", length(opals))
  for(i in 1: length(opals)){
    output <- datashield.aggregate(opals[i], cally2)
    hist.objs[[i]] <- output[[1]]$histobject
    asterix2plot[[i]] <- output[[1]]$aterix2plot
  # combine the histogram objects 
  # 'breaks' and 'mids' are the same for all studies
  global.counts <- rep(0, length(hist.objs[[i]]$counts))
  global.density <- rep(0, length(hist.objs[[i]]$density))
  global.intensities <- rep(0, length(hist.objs[[i]]$intensities))
  for(i in 1:length(opals)){
    global.counts <- global.counts + hist.objs[[i]]$counts
    global.density <- global.density + hist.objs[[i]]$density
    global.intensities <- global.intensities + hist.objs[[i]]$intensities    
  global.density <- global.density/3
  global.intensities <- global.intensities/3
  # generate the combined histogram object to plot
  combined.histobject <- hist.objs[[1]]
  combined.histobject$counts <- global.counts
  combined.histobject$density <- global.density
  combined.histobject$intensities <- global.intensities
  # plot the individual histograms on the same graph 
  # if the argument 'type'="combine" plot a combined histogram and if 'type'="split" plot single histograms separately
    colour <- "red"
    plot(combined.histobject,col=colour, xlab=variable, main='Histogram of the pooled data')
      # set the graph area and plot
      ll <- length(opals)
      colour <- rainbow(ll)
      if(ll > 1){
        if((ll %% 2) == 0){ numr <- ll/2 }else{ numr <- (ll+1)/2}
        numc <- 2
        for(i in 1:ll){
          plot(hist.objs[[i]], col=colour[i], xlab=variable, main=paste("Histogram of ", names(opals)[i], sep=""))
          # if there are cells with count > 0 and < mention them as an '*' on the graph
          if(length(asterix2plot[[i]]) > 0){
            text(asterix2plot[[i]], rep(10, length(asterix2plot[[i]])), "*", pos=3, cex=1.2)
            xpos <-  min(hist.objs[[i]]$breaks, na.rm=TRUE)
            ypos <-  max(hist.objs[[i]]$counts, na.rm=TRUE)
            text(xpos, ypos, "'*' Cells were 0 < count < 5", pos=3, cex=1.2)
        plot(hist.objs[[1]], col=colour[1], xlab=variable, main=paste("Histogram of ", names(opals)[1], sep=""))
        # if there are cells with count > 0 and < mention them as an '*' on the graph
        if(length(asterix2plot[[1]]) > 0){
          text(asterix2plot[[1]], rep(10, length(asterix2plot[[1]])), "*", pos=3, cex=1.2)
          xpos <-  min(hist.objs[[1]]$breaks, na.rm=TRUE)
          ypos <-  max(hist.objs[[1]]$counts, na.rm=TRUE)
          text(xpos, ypos, "'*' Cells were 0 < count < 5", pos=3, cex=1.2)
      stop('Function argument "type" has to be either "combine" or "split"')
datashield/ag.dev.cl documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:46 p.m.