
Defines functions swapc scrubc cleanNumbers

Documented in cleanNumbers scrubc swapc

##' @title Strip all non-numeric characters from string formated test scores.
##' @description Remove non-numeric characters from otherwise numeric standardized
##' test scores.
##' @details
##' Remove or replace non-numeric characters that sometimes occur in otherwise numeric standardized
##' test scores. Several characters are handled specially. These four characters "<>+*"
##' are simply removed. The letter "K" is \emph{\strong{replaced}} with "0" (zero). All other non-numeric
##' characters are removed. A count of each type of character removed or replaced is
##' printed to the console.
##' \code{cleanNumbers()} calls helper functions \code{\link[=scrubc]{scrubc()}} and
##' \code{\link[=scrubc]{swapc()}} to do its work.
##' Advantages over \code{\link[readr]{parse_number}} are that it provides
##' explicit alerts as to what characters are being removed or replaced and
##' in what quantity. Useful in cases where you are working with unfamiliar
##' data (e.g., client data, or found data).
##' @param c A character vector of potentially numeric values.
##' @return A character vector
##' @export
##' @author Dave Braze \email{davebraze@@gmail.com}
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link[readr]{parse_number}}
##' \code{\link[=scrubc]{scrubc()}}
##' @examples
##' c <- c("<K.1", "k.8", "2.5", "_4.3", "6.4", "12.9+", "9.2", "10.1", ">12.9")
##' cleanNumbers(c)
cleanNumbers <- function(c) {
    retval <- scrubc(c, re="[<]") ## scrub and count "<"
    retval <- scrubc(retval, re="[>]") ## scrub and count ">"
    retval <- swapc(retval) ## by default swaps "[Kk]" for "0"
    retval <- scrubc(retval, re="[*]") ## scrub and count "*"
    retval <- scrubc(retval, re="[+]") ## scrub and count "+"
    retval <- scrubc(retval) ## by default scrubs "[^-.0-9]", any non-numeric characters

##' @description
##' \code{scrubc()} removes non-numeric characters from test scores.
##' @details
##' \code{scrubc()} removes non-numeric characters from test scores,
##' often present due to fat-fingered data entry, in anticipation of converting to numeric.
##' Report the number of such characters removed. Characters to be removed are specified by regular expression (re).
##' The default re is "[^-.0-9]", which will remove all non-numeric characters at one swoop.
##' A typical use case in interactive use is to remove exactly 1 specific character at a time, e.g.,
##' \code{scrubc(c=c("*K.1", "K.8", "1.6", "2.1", "3.0", ">12.9"), re="[>]")}. This serves to alert
##' the analyst to how many of each non-numeric character removed.
##' @param c A character vector of potentially numeric values.
##' @param re A regular expression specifying which characters to operate on. For best effect,
##' re should begin with "[" and end with "]" to specify a character set. At some point, I'll add
##' a check to enforce this.
##' @export
##' @rdname scrubc
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link[=stringr]{str_remove_all}}
##' \code{\link{cleanNumbers}}
##' @examples
##' c <- c("0.1", "_0.8", "1.6", "2.1`", "+3. 0", "12.9")
##' scrubc(c)
scrubc <- function(c, re="[^-.0-9]") {
    ## TODO: Check to ensure re begins with "[" and ends with "]".
    count <- sum(stringr::str_count(c, re), na.rm=TRUE)
    removed <- stringr::str_extract_all(c, re, simplify=TRUE)
    removed <- as.vector(removed)
    removed <- unique(removed)
    removed <- stringi::stri_remove_empty_na(removed)
    removed <- utils::capture.output(print(removed))
    removed <- stringr::str_remove(removed, "^.1. ")
    if(count) cat(crayon::blue(paste0("Removing ", count, " characters from ", removed, "\n")))
    stringr::str_remove_all(c, re)

##' @title Remove or Replace non-numeric characters.
##' @description
##' \code{swapc()} replaces non-numeric characters with numeric.
##' @details
##' \code{swapc()} replaces one character in a string with another in
##' anticipation of converting to numeric. One use-case is to replace
##' "K" with "0" in grade-equivalent test scores.
##' These sometimes occur in otherwise numeric standardized test scores.
##' Report the number of such characters replaced. Characters to be replaced
##' are specified by regular expression (re).
##' @param c A character vector of potentially numeric values.
##' @param re A regular expression specifying which characters to operate on. For best effect,
##' re should begin with "[" and end with "]" to specify a character set. At some point, I'll add
##' a check to enforce this.
##' @param repl A single character to be used as a replacement.
##' @export
##' @rdname scrubc
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link[=stringr]{str_replace_all}}
##' @examples
##' c = c("<K.1", "K.8", "1.6", "2.1", "3.0", ">12.9")
##' swapc(c)
swapc <- function(c, re="[Kk]", repl="0" ) {
    ## I'm assuming there will be no more than 1 per entry
    count <- sum(stringr::str_count(c, re), na.rm=TRUE)
        cat(crayon::green(paste0("Replacing ", count, " characters from ", re,  " with '", repl, "'.\n")))
    stringr::str_replace_all(c, re, repl)
davebraze/FDButils documentation built on Feb. 24, 2023, 12:14 a.m.