
# creates a list of lists (of lists)
#  names must be vector of 
compileTestResults <- function(softwareList,  outputsDirTop)  {
    result.list <- list()
    #thisName <- names[1]  # expand later to multi-tests
    for(thisSoftware in names(softwareList))  {
        result.list[[thisSoftware]] <- list()
        outputsDir <- paste(outputsDirTop, thisSoftware,sep="/")
        versions <- as.character(softwareList[[thisSoftware]][['']][, 1])
        outputs <- softwareList[[thisSoftware]][['outputs']]
        tests <- names(outputs)
        for(thisVersion in versions)  {
            result.list[[thisSoftware]][[thisVersion]] <- list()
            thisOutDir <- paste(outputsDir,  thisVersion, sep="/")
            for(thisTest in tests)  {
                thisOutFile <- paste(thisOutDir, outputs[thisTest], sep="/")
       <- paste("md5sum", thisOutFile) 
                this.md5 <- try(system(, intern=T, ignore.stderr = TRUE))
                result.list[[thisSoftware]][[thisVersion]][[thisTest]] <- unlist(strsplit(this.md5, ' '))[1]

scanTestDir <- function(softwares, testDirTop)  {
    result.list <- list()
    for(thisSoftware in softwares)  {
        testDir <- paste(testDirTop, thisSoftware,sep="/")
        result.list[[thisSoftware]][['outputs']] <- findTestOutputs(testDir)
        versions.file <- paste(testDir, paste(thisSoftware, "versions", sep="."),sep="/")
        result.list[[thisSoftware]][['']] <- try(read.delim(versions.file, header=F))

## try to find expected output from test files.
# in bash, should use the TEST_OUT_NAME variable.
findTestOutputs <- function(testDir)  {
    tests <- dir(testDir, pattern="")
    outputs <- character()
    for(thisTest in tests)  {
        fileLines <- scan(paste(testDir, thisTest, sep="/"), what="character")
        outLine <- grep("TEST_OUT_NAME=", fileLines, value=T)
        outFile <- unlist(strsplit(outLine, '='))[2]
        outFile <- gsub("'", "", outFile) # remove quotes from ends if there
        outputs[thisTest] <- outFile

# could write generic function that take result from above as argument or that can accept all the data and run the above too.
# Current version take library of test results from compileTestResults()
compareTests <- function(x, softwares=names(x), versions=lapply(x, names), = NULL, ref.versions =NULL, mapped.tests=NULL, show.all.tests=is.null(mapped.tests))  {
    # test each versions results against the reference
    # compile a table/matrix with test names in first column (can't always use row.names)
    # and remaining columns for different versions.
    results <- list() 
    stopifnot(length(intersect("MAPPED.TESTS", softwares)) == 0)    # cannot allow software with name "MAPPED.TESTS"
    if(is.null( { = names(x)[1]
    # if no reference version given in list
    if(is.null(ref.versions)) {
        ref.versions = list()        
    for(thisSoftware in softwares)  {    
        #if no reference given for this software.
        if(is.null(ref.versions[[thisSoftware]])) {
            ref.versions[[thisSoftware]] <- versions[[thisSoftware]][1]
    if(show.all.tests) {    # compare tests WITHIN each software.
        print("#######KANUTE###########: Comparing test results WITHIN each software")
        for(thisSoftware in softwares)  {
   <- thisSoftware

            #ref.version <- 
            #results[thisSoftware] <- data.frame(test=tests)
            ref.version <- ref.versions[[thisSoftware]]
            print(paste("Using version", ref.version, "as reference"))
            print(paste("Processing", length(versions[[thisSoftware]]),  "versions..."))
            #ref.results <- 
            results[[thisSoftware]] <- data.frame()
            for(thisVersion in versions[[thisSoftware]])  {
                tests <- names(x[[thisSoftware]][[thisVersion]])
                versionData <- data.frame(test=tests, result= as.character(x[[thisSoftware]][[thisVersion]][tests]) ==  as.character(x[[thisSoftware]][[ref.version ]][tests]))
                names(versionData) <- c("test", thisVersion)
                if(nrow(results[[thisSoftware]]) == 0)  {
                    results[[thisSoftware]] <- versionData
                } else {
                    results[[thisSoftware]] <- merge(results[[thisSoftware]], versionData,  by="test", all=TRUE)
                #for(thisTest in tests)  {
                #    versionVec[thisTest] <- x[[thisSoftware]][[thisVersion]][[thisTest]]  == x[[thisSoftware]][[ref.version]][[thisTest]]    
                #results[[thisSoftware]][,thisVersion] <- versionVec
                # need to speed this up
    if(!is.null(mapped.tests))  {   # compare tests BETWEEN sofwares.
        print("#######KANUTE###########: Comparing tests BETWEEN softwares")
        print(paste(nrow(mapped.tests), "mapped tests"))

        #results[['MAPPED.TESTS']] <- data.frame(row.names=c("a", "v"))
        mapped.tests$result <- NA    
        for(i in 1:nrow(mapped.tests))  {
            s1 <- mapped.tests[i,'software1']
            t1 <- mapped.tests[i,'software1.test']
            s2 <- mapped.tests[i,'software2']
            t2 <- mapped.tests[i,'software2.test']
            expect <- mapped.tests[i,'expectIdentical']
            v1 <-  ref.versions[[s1]]
            v2 <- ref.versions[[s2]]
            #for(thisVersion in versions[[thisSoftware]])  {
            # let's not go through all version and just use the refVersions for each software.
            mapped.tests[i,'result'] <-   as.character(x[[s1]][[v1]][t1]) ==  as.character(x[[s2]][[v2]][t2 ])
            mapped.tests[i,'ver1'] <- v1
            mapped.tests[i,'ver2'] <- v2
        results[['MAPPED.TESTS']] <- mapped.tests
        #print(paste("Using ",, "as reference"))
davetgerrard/kanute documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:27 p.m.