
Defines functions RepoFileToStQList

Documented in RepoFileToStQList

#' @title Produce an object of class \code{\link[StQ]{StQList}} from files with key-value pair structure 
#' @description \code{RepoFileToStQList} returns an object of class \code{\link[StQ]{StQList}} from files
#' with key-value pair structure.
#' @param SurveyCode Character vector of length 1 with the code of each survey.
#' @param IniPeriod Character vector of length 1 with the initial time period to be read (in the 
#' repository notation).
#' @param FinPeriod Character vector of length 1 with the final time period to be read (in the 
#' repository notation).
#' @param Base Character vector of length 1 with the year ('aaaa') of the base to which data are
#' referred. If it has no sense, "Base" is a empty character vector.
#' @param FileType Character vector of length 1 with the type of the file to be read (FI, FP, FF, FG
#' FD, FL or FT).
#' @param RepoPath Character vector of length 1 with the path of the repository from which files are
#' to be read.
#' @param Rot Logical vector of length 1 indicating whether rotated sample files are to be included 
#' (default value FALSE).
#' @param includeFI Logical vector of length 1 indicating whether ID variables will be included in
#' the  slot of class \code{\link[StQ]{VNC}} of the \link{DD} object.
#' @param perl Logical vector of length 1 indicating whether Perl is installed in the system or not.
#' @param sep Logical vector of length 1 containing the combination of characters used as separator 
#' in the input file (default value @@).
#' @param encoding Default value is "unknown". Other possible options are "UTF-8" and "Latin-1". 
#' Note: it is not used to re-encode the input, rather enables handling of encoded strings in their 
#' native encoding.
#' @return Object of class \code{\link[StQ]{StQList}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  RepoFileToStQList('E30163', 'T:/E30163/', 'FF', 'MM022016', 'MM032016', '', perl = TRUE)
#' }
#' @include ReadRepoFile.R RepoXLSToDD.R
#' @import data.table RepoTime
#' @export
RepoFileToStQList <- function(SurveyCode, RepoPath, FileType, IniPeriod, FinPeriod, Base,  
                              Rot = FALSE, includeFI = TRUE, perl = FALSE, sep = '@@',
                              encoding = 'unknown'){
        ## Validation
        if (length(FileType) != 1) {
          stop('[StQ::RepoFileToStQList] Only one FileType at a time is allowed.')
        if (!FileType %in% c('FF', 'FD', 'FG', 'FI', 'FP', 'FL', 'FT')) {
            stop('[StQ::RepoFileToStQList] Only FI, FF, FG , FD, FP, FL or FT files are allowed.')
        if (gregexpr('E[0-9]{5}', SurveyCode) == -1) stop('The survey code must of the form Ennnnn. Please, introduce a valid code.\n\n')
        IniPeriod.RepoTime <- try(newRepoTime(IniPeriod))
        if (inherits(IniPeriod.RepoTime, 'try-error')) stop('The initial time period does not have a valid format. Please, introduce a valid period.\n\n')
        FinPeriod.RepoTime <- try(newRepoTime(FinPeriod))
        if (inherits(FinPeriod.RepoTime, 'try-error')) stop('The final time period does not have a valid format. Please, introduce a valid period.\n\n')

        # if (substr(FileType, 1, 1) %in% c("'", '"')) FileType <- substr(FileType, 2, nchar(FileType) - 1)
        # FileType <- gsub('~', ' ', FileType)
        # FileType <- strsplit(FileType, split = ',')[[1]]
        # FileType <- stringi::stri_trim_both(FileType)
        # if (!all(FileType %in% c('FF', 'FD', 'FG', 'FI', 'FP', 'FL', 'FT'))) stop(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: The types of the files to read must be FF, FD, FG, FI, FP, FL or FT. Please, introduce a valid type.\n\n'))
        # cat(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: The types of the files to read are ', paste0(FileType, collapse = ', '), '.\n\n'))
        if (gregexpr('2[0-9]{3}', Base) == -1 & Base != '') stop('The year for the parameter Base is not correct. Please, introduce a valid year.\n\n')
        if (Rot != 'TRUE' & Rot != 'FALSE') stop(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: The parameter Rot must be TRUE or FALSE.\n\n'))
        ## Period construction
        cat(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: Generating sequence of time periods...'))
        IniRepoTime <- newRepoTime(IniPeriod)
        FinRepoTime <- newRepoTime(FinPeriod)
        Months <- Seq(IniRepoTime, FinRepoTime, Rot = Rot)
        MonthsNamesM <- getRepo(Months)
        cat(' ok.\n\n')
        ## Files names Construction
        FileNames <- lapply(seq(along = MonthsNamesM), function(Month.index){
          out <- c()
          if (FileType == 'FF' & Base != '') {
            FileNames.local <- list.files(RepoPath, paste0(FileType, '_B', substr(Base, 3, 4), '_V[1-9][0-9]*.', MonthsNamesM[Month.index]))
          } else {
            FileNames.local <- list.files(RepoPath, paste0(FileType, '_V[1-9][0-9]*.', MonthsNamesM[Month.index]))

          if (length(FileNames.local) == 0) stop(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: Files ', FileType, ' for the period ', MonthsNamesM[Month.index], ' are missing.\n\n'))
          out <- c(out, FileNames.local)
        FileNames <- unlist(FileNames)

        ## DD Construction
        cat(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: Generating DDs for the survey... '))
        Version <- unlist(lapply(FileNames, function(Name){
          strsplit(strsplit(Name, '.', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2], '_V')[[1]][2]
        DD.list <- lapply(unique(Version), function(vers){
          out <- RepoXLSToDD(file.path(RepoPath, paste0(SurveyCode, '.NombresVariables_V', vers, '.xlsx')))
        names(DD.list) <- unique(Version)
        ## Read files
        StQ_Files <- list()
        cat(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: Reading files ', FileType, '...\n'))
        StQ_Files <- lapply(seq(along = MonthsNamesM), function(Month.index){
          NoFiles <- FALSE
          FileNames.local <- FileNames[grep(FileType, FileNames)]
          FileNames.local <- FileNames.local[grep(MonthsNamesM[Month.index], FileNames.local)]
          if (length(FileNames.local) == 0) NoFiles <- TRUE

          if (FileType %in% c('FL', 'FT')) {
            FileName <- FileNames.local
          } else {
            FileVersions <- lapply(FileNames.local, function(Name){
              if (FileType == 'FF') out <- strsplit(Name, '.D_', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
              if (FileType %in% c('FD', 'FG', 'FI', 'FP')) out <- strsplit(Name, '.P_', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
            ThisFileVersion <- which.max(FileVersions) 
            FileName <- FileNames.local[ThisFileVersion]

          DDVersion <- strsplit(strsplit(FileName, '.', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2], '_V')[[1]][2]
          cat(paste0('     file ', FileName, '...ok\n'))
          FileName <- file.path(RepoPath, FileName)
          DDFile <- DD.list[[DDVersion]]
          out <- ReadRepoFile(FileName, DDFile, perl = perl, sep = sep, encoding = encoding)
          #names(out) <- FileNames.local[ThisFileVersion]
          output <- list(DataMatrix = out, NoFiles = NoFiles)

        cat(' ok;\n')

        ## Missing files
        MissPeriod <- unlist(lapply(StQ_Files, '[[', 'NoFiles'))
        FaltanPeriodos <- MonthsNamesM[MissPeriod]
        if (length(FaltanPeriodos) > 0) {
          cat(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: Files missing for the following periods: ', paste0(FaltanPeriodos, collapse = ', '), '.\n\n'))
        ## StQList construction
        StQ_Files <-  lapply(StQ_Files, '[[', 'DataMatrix')
        names(StQ_Files) <- MonthsNamesM

        StQList <- BuildStQList(StQ_Files)
        cat(paste0(SurveyCode, '::: Data have been read successfully into an StQList.\n\n'))
david-salgado/RepoReadWrite documentation built on Oct. 3, 2021, 1:09 p.m.