# grids
# grid-related functions
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "crs_longlat"))
# round longitude back to -180 <= x < 180
mod_long <- function(x){
(x + 180) %% 360 - 180
# convert 4 values from each line of df into a s2_line
# we work via sf because for some reason the s2 version was much slower.
rowwise_add_s2line <- function(df,
start_long = "from_long",
start_lat = "from_lat",
end_long = "to_long",
end_lat = "to_lat") {
y <- df %>%
# {{ start_long }} selects the column referred to by the value of start_long (without quotes)
{{ start_long }},
{{ end_long }},
{{ start_lat }},
{{ end_lat }}
) %>%
# make a list of lists, each of 4 numbers
purrr::transpose() %>%
# turn each list into a matrix
purrr::map(~ matrix(purrr::flatten_dbl(.), nrow = 2)) %>%
# feed that into st_linestring
purrr::map(st_linestring) %>%
st_sfc(crs = crs_longlat) %>%
df <- df %>%
mutate(geometry = y)
#' Make lat-long grid for route finding
#' \code{make_route_grid} creates, and optionally classifies, a lat-long route grid
#' This function creates a \linkS4class{GridLat} object that contains
#' a set of point on a lat long grid (ie all the points are on
#' lines of latitude). It also joins these points into a lattice.
#' Optionally, but required later, it classifies each link as land, sea,
#' or transition, with reference to a given map (typically including a
#' coastal buffer).
#' The definitions are
#' \itemize{
#' \item land: both ends of the link are on land
#' \item sea: both ends are on sea, and the link does not intersect the land
#' \item transition: otherwise
#' }
#' The length of the links will be around \code{target_km} or 50pct longer
#' for the diagonal links.
#' For more details see the help vignette:
#' \code{vignette("Supersonic Routing", package = "himach")}
#' @param fat_map MULTIPOLYGON map defining land regions
#' @param name String assigned to the name slot of the result
#' @param target_km Target length. Default 800km
#' only to avoid accidentally starting heavy compute.
#' 30-50km would be more useful.
#' @param lat_min,lat_max Latitude extent of grid
#' @param long_min,long_max Longitude extend of grid.
#' Two allow small grids crossing the 180 boundary, the function
#' accepts values outside [-180,180), then rounds to within this
#' range.
#' @param classify Whether to classify each link. Defaults to
#' FALSE only to avoid accidentally starting heavy compute.
#' @return \code{gridLat} object containing points and lattice.
#' @examples
#' NZ_buffer <- hm_get_test("buffer")
#' system.time(
#' p_grid <- make_route_grid(NZ_buffer,"NZ lat-long at 300km",
#' target_km = 300, classify = TRUE,
#' lat_min = -49, lat_max = -32,
#' long_min = 162, long_max = 182)
#' )
#' @import dplyr
#' @import sf
#' @export
make_route_grid <- function(fat_map, name,
lat_min= -60.0, lat_max = 86.0,
long_min = -180.0, long_max = 179.95,
classify = FALSE){
#with target_km you expect N/S to have around this distance, diagonals about 50% longer.
tstart <- Sys.time()
#initialise object
g <- methods::new("GridLat", name=name)
lat_dec <- 3 #round lat-long to 2 decimal places
long_fudge <- 10^(-(lat_dec + 2)) #avoid dropping a step in DIV
# standardised levels for phase, include some not used in this function
phases <- lattice_phases
lat_step <- round(geosphere::destPointRhumb(c(0,0), 0, target_km * 1000)[1,2],
lat_dec) #latitude step, in degrees
#data for both grid and lattice,
ll_grid_seed <- data.frame(lat = round(seq(lat_min, lat_max, by = lat_step),
lat_dec)) %>%
mutate(long_dist_km = geosphere::distGeo(matrix(c(rep(0,n()), .data$lat),ncol=2),
matrix(c(rep(1,n()), .data$lat),ncol=2))/1000,
long_step = round(target_km/.data$long_dist_km,
lat_dec)) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(long = list(round(seq(long_min, long_max, by = .data$long_step),
last_long = last(unlist(.data$long))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
#don't worry that this creates NAs at the ends - it's useful
mutate(next_long_step = lead(.data$long_step),
#need these to handle the date line later
next_last_long = lead(.data$last_long)) %>%
tidyr::unnest(c("long")) %>%
mutate(id = row_number())
#create the grid from this
g@points <- ll_grid_seed %>%
select("id", "long", "lat") %>%
# handle the 'overflow longitude' - slightly over the dateline
mutate(long = mod_long(.data$long)) %>%
mutate(xy = st_cast(st_transform(st_sfc(st_multipoint(matrix(c(.data$long, .data$lat), ncol=2)),
crs= crs_longlat),
if (getOption("quiet", default=0)>0) message("Made the grid:", round(Sys.time() - tstart, 1))
#and also the lattice
#we need 4 neighbours, 1- next one with the same lat and higher long (roughly E)
#2, 3 & 4 the 3 with the next higher lat and nearest 3 longitudes either side of this long (roughly NW, N and NE)
#add a 4th for safety.
# wrap this in a split - map - map_dfr framework, and show tick on the first mutate statement
# big ll_grid_seed (30km) has 500,000 elements, so 1,000 chunks should be plenty
if (getOption("quiet",default=0)>0) message("Making the basic lattice:")
sample_n <- nrow(ll_grid_seed)
grp_size <- 1000
# pb <- progress_estimated(sample_n , min_time = 3)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = sample_n, format = "[:bar] :percent :eta")
n_cand <- 3
ll_lattice <- ll_grid_seed %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(grp = row_number() %/% grp_size) %>%
split(.$grp) %>%
~ group_by(., .data$id) %>%
mutate(to_lat = list(round(c(.data$lat + c(0,
nlong_cands = list(round(seq.int(long_min, long_max,
by = coalesce(next_long_step,1.0)),
lc_diff = list(abs(unlist(nlong_cands) - .data$long)),
lc_sel = list(which(rank(unlist(lc_diff)) <= n_cand)),
to_long = list(round(c(long_min + ((.data$long+long_fudge - long_min) %/% .data$long_step + 1)*.data$long_step,
long_wrap = list(c(.data$last_long, rep.int(next_last_long, n_cand)))) %>%
select(-nlong_cands, -lc_diff, -lc_sel) %>%
tidyr::unnest(c("to_lat", "to_long", "long_wrap")) %>%
filter(!is.na(.data$to_long)) %>% #possible cases
ungroup() %>%
filter(.data$to_lat>= lat_min & .data$to_lat<=lat_max) %>%
#handle the date line
#wrap is useful for plotting
mutate(wrap = (.data$to_long >= .data$last_long | .data$to_long <= long_min),
to_long = case_when(
.data$to_long > long_max ~ long_min,
.data$to_long < long_min ~ long_wrap,
TRUE ~ .data$to_long
)) %>%
#tidy up
rename(from_long="long", from_lat="lat", from="id") %>%
# select(from, from_long, from_lat, to_long, to_lat) %>%
#get the to id
left_join(ll_grid_seed %>% select("id", "long", "lat") %>% rename(to="id"),
by=c("to_long"="long", "to_lat"="lat"))
) %>%
purrr::map_dfr(~ as.data.frame(.)) %>%
if (getOption("quiet",default=0)>0) message("") #new line
if (getOption("quiet", default=0)>0) message("Adding geo & distance to the lattice...")
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = nrow(ll_lattice),
format = "[:bar] :percent :eta")
g@lattice <- ll_lattice %>%
# add geometry
rowwise_add_s2line() %>%
mutate(dist_km = s2::s2_length(.data$geometry)/1000) %>%
mutate(geometry = sf::st_as_sfc(.data$geometry),
geometry = sf::st_transform(.data$geometry, crs = st_crs(fat_map))) %>%
select("from", "to", "geometry", "dist_km", "wrap")
if (getOption("quiet", default=0)>0) message("Added geo & distance to the lattice:",round(Sys.time() - tstart,1))
#classify the points as sea or not
if (classify){
if (getOption("quiet", default=0)>0) message("Classifying points in the lattice as land.")
g@points$land <- as.vector(st_within(g@points$xy, fat_map, sparse=FALSE, prepared = TRUE))
if (getOption("quiet",default=0)>0) message("Classified as land:", round(Sys.time() - tstart,1))
id_land <- g@points %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
select("id", "land")
#classify the lines in the lattice by their intersection
#st_intersects is faster than st_within
#simpler than old version, since only pure-sea and sea-land is of real interest
if (classify) {
if (getOption("quiet", default=0)>0) message("Classifying lines in the lattice as land.")
g@lattice$Xland <- as.vector(st_intersects(g@lattice$geometry, fat_map, sparse=FALSE, prepared = TRUE))
if (getOption("quiet",default=0)>0) message("Classified as land:", round(Sys.time() - tstart,1))
z <- g@lattice %>%
left_join(id_land, by=c("from"="id")) %>%
left_join(id_land, by=c("to"="id"), suffix=c("_1","_2")) %>%
mutate(ph = case_when(
!.data$land_1 & !.data$land_2 & !.data$Xland ~ "sea",
.data$land_1 & .data$land_2 ~ "land",
TRUE ~ "transition"
phase = factor(.data$ph, levels = phases))
if (getOption("quiet",default=0)>0) message("Calculated all phases:",round(Sys.time() - tstart,1))
g@lattice<- g@lattice %>%
mutate(phase = z$phase) %>%
if (getOption("quiet", default=0)>0) message("Converting points and lattice to data table.")
g@points <- data.table::as.data.table(g@points)
g@lattice <- data.table::as.data.table(g@lattice)
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