

#' factor_estimate
#' A risk model "factor estimate".
#' A "factor estimate" is an abstraction that separates the factor estimation method from the model factors.
#' This approach makes it possible to work separately on the risk model and on the best possible estimation methods to estimate the model factors.
#' \code{factor_estimate} is an "abstract" class that shouldn't be used directly.
#' Instead, use the specialized classes that inherits from it.
#' @docType class
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @return An instance of the \code{factor_estimate} \code{\link{R6Class}}.
#' @examples
#' fe1 <- factor_estimate$new()
#' @field estimation_method_name A descriptive name identifying the estimation method, e.g.: "PERT-like 3 points estimate".
#' @field distribution_name The name of the probability distribution, e.g. "Poisson", "Composite", etc.
#' @field distribution_type Either "Continuous" or "Discrete".
#' @field limit_min_value A strict lower bound applied to the factor simulation values. If NULL or NA, no lower bound will be applied.
#' @field limit_max_value A strict upper bound applied to the factor simulation values. If NULL or NA, no upper bound will be applied.
#' @field limit_min_behavior One of the following options determining how values will be maintained within \code{limit_min_value}: \code{"Limit"} (default), \code{"Replace"}, \code{"Discard"}. \code{"Limit"}: When an out of bound value is drawn, apply \code{min}/\code{max} functions to force it within bounds. \code{"Replace"}: When an out of bound value is drawn, we replace it until it is within bound. \code{"Discard"}: When an out of bound value is drawn, remove it from the sample.
#' @field limit_max_behavior One of the following options determining how values will be maintained within \code{limit_max_value}: \code{"Limit"} (default), \code{"Replace"}, \code{"Discard"}. \code{"Limit"}: When an out of bound value is drawn, apply \code{min}/\code{max} functions to force it within bounds. \code{"Replace"}: When an out of bound value is drawn, we replace it until it is within bound. \code{"Discard"}: When an out of bound value is drawn, remove it from the sample.
#' @section Inherits:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{This is a root class.}{}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{get_random(n = 1, output_class = "vector")}{ Returns a random sample of size \code{n}. Returns a vector by default. If \code{output_class} = "data.frame", returns a data.frame with a column "factor_value". This second parameterization may be enriched by R6 subclasses to provide additional columns with complementary information. }
#' }
#' @export
factor_estimate <- R6Class(
  public = list(
    initialize = function(
      estimation_method_name = NULL,
      distribution_name = NULL,
      distribution_type = NULL,
      limit_min_value = NULL,
      limit_max_value = NULL,
      limit_min_behavior = NULL,
      limit_max_behavior = NULL,
      verbosity = NULL,
      ...) {

      # Parameters validation
      verbosity <- vp(verbosity, 1, "numeric", 1)
      limit_min_value <- vp(limit_min_value, NA, "numeric", 1)
      limit_max_value <- vp(limit_max_value, NA, "numeric", 1)
      if (is_void(limit_min_behavior)) { limit_min_behavior <- "Limit" }
      if (is_void(limit_max_behavior)) { limit_max_behavior <- "Limit" }
      if (is_void(distribution_type)) { distribution_type <- NA }

      self$estimation_method_name <- estimation_method_name
      self$distribution_name <- distribution_name
      self$distribution_type <- distribution_type
      self$limit_min_value <- limit_min_value
      self$limit_min_behavior <- limit_min_behavior
      self$limit_max_value <- limit_max_value
      self$limit_max_behavior <- limit_max_behavior

    check_state_consistency = function(output_format = NULL, ...) {
      # Informs us if the object state is consistent / logical.
      if (is_void(output_format)) { output_format = "boolean" }
      consistency_error_count <- 0
      consistency_report <- NULL

      # Check if all mandatory parameters have been defined.
      # N/A

      # And eventually output the conclusion in the desired format.
      # And eventually output the conclusion in the desired format.
      if (output_format == "boolean")
        return(consistency_error_count == 0)
      else if (output_format == "int")
      else if (output_format == "report")
        stop("Sorry, this output format is not supported.")
    get_print_lines = function(...) {
          paste0("Estimation method: ", self$estimation_method_name),
          paste0("Fitted distribution: ", self$distribution_name),
            " mode = ", fn(self$dist_mode,2),
            " ,\U3b3 = ", fn(self$dist_skewness,4), # Unicode 3b3 = greek small letter gamma
            " ,\U3ba = ", fn(self$dist_kurtosis,4)), # Unicode 3ba = greek small letter kappa
          "Simulation sample:",
            " n = ", fn(self$simulation_sample_size,0),
            " ,min = ", fn(self$simulation_sample_min,2),
            " ,max = ", fn(self$simulation_sample_max,2)),
            " \U3bc = ", fn(self$simulation_sample_mean,2), # Unicode 3bc = greek small letter mu
            " ,sd = ", fn(self$simulation_sample_sd,2),
            " ,var = ", fn(self$simulation_sample_variance,0)))
    print = function(...) {
      cat(paste0(self$get_print_lines(), collapse = "\n"))
    get_density = function(x, ...) { return(self$density_function(x, ...)) },
    get_probability = function(q, ...) { return(self$probability_function(q, ...)) },
    get_quantile = function(p, ...) { return(self$quantile_function(p, ...)) },
    get_random = function(n = NULL, output_class = NULL, ...)
        # Default values
        if (is_void(n)) { n <- 1 }
        if (is_void(output_class)) { output_class <- "vector" }

        random_sample <- self$random_function(
          n = n,
          output_class = output_class,

        if (!is_void(self$limit_min_value)) {
          if (is.vector(random_sample)) {
            random_sample <- apply_limit_min(
              x = random_sample,
              limit_value = self$limit_min_value,
              limit_behavior = self$limit_min_behavior,
              replace_function = self$random_function)
          else if (is.data.frame(random_sample)) {
            random_sample <- apply_limit_min(
              x = random_sample,
              limit_value = self$limit_min_value,
              limit_behavior = self$limit_min_behavior,
              replace_function = function(n) {
                return(self$random_function(n = n,output_class = "data.frame"))
          else {
            stop("unsupported class")
        if (!is_void(self$limit_max_value)) {
          if (is.vector(random_sample)) {
            random_sample <- apply_limit_max(
              x = random_sample,
              limit_value = self$limit_max_value,
              limit_behavior = self$limit_max_behavior,
              replace_function = self$random_function)
          else if (is.data.frame(random_sample)) {
            random_sample <- apply_limit_max(
              x = random_sample,
              limit_value = self$limit_max_value,
              limit_behavior = self$limit_max_behavior,
              replace_function = function(n) {
                return(self$random_function(n = n,output_class = "data.frame"))
          else {
            stop("unsupported class")

        if (is.vector(random_sample) & output_class == "data.frame") {
          # Ideally, random_functions should support the parameter output_class
          # output vectors by default but support data.frames as well.
          # But just in case someone forgets about this, we can make
          # a best effort here to repair the bug.
          # This approach is justified if we consider to add more
          # supported classes in the future, to avoid the need to adapt
          # all existing random_functions.
          random_sample <- data.frame(factor_value = random_sample)
    get_simulation_sample_head = function(n, ...) {
      extract <- head(self$simulation_sample[order(self$simulation_sample$factor_value), ], n = n)
      #rownames(extract) <- 1:n
    get_simulation_sample_tail = function(n, ...) {
      extract <- tail(self$simulation_sample[order(self$simulation_sample$factor_value), ], n = n)
      #rownames(extract) <- 1:n
    get_simulation_sample_random = function(n, ...) {
      # IDEA: First, sort the full simulation, store their relative positions
      #       and return the item respective positions.
      extract <- self$simulation_sample[sample(nrow(self$simulation_sample), n), ]
      #rownames(extract) <- 1:n
    plot_density = function(x_start = NULL, x_end = NULL)
      if (self$check_state_consistency())
            fun = self$density_function,
            x_start = x_start,
            x_end = x_end))
          title = "Invalid parameters",
          text = self$check_state_consistency(output_format = "report")))
    plot_mass = function(x_start = NULL, x_end = NULL)
      if (self$check_state_consistency())
            fun = self$density_function,
            x_start = x_start,
            x_end = x_end))
          title = "Invalid parameters",
          text = self$check_state_consistency(output_format = "report")))
    plot_probability = function(x_start = NULL, x_end = NULL)
      if (self$check_state_consistency())
          fun = self$probability_function,
          x_start = x_start,
          x_end = x_end))
          title = "Invalid parameters",
          text = self$check_state_consistency(output_format = "report")))
    plot_quantile = function(x_start = NULL, x_end = NULL)
      if (self$check_state_consistency())
          fun = self$quantile_function,
          x_start = x_start,
          x_end = x_end))
          title = "Invalid parameters",
          text = self$check_state_consistency(output_format = "report")))
    plot_simulation_sample = function(
      title = NULL,
      subtitle = NULL,
      caption = NULL,
      x_start = NULL,
      x_end = NULL,
      bins = NULL,
      n = NULL,
      x_scale_type = NULL,
      y_scale_type = NULL,
      plot_addition = NULL,
      if (is_void(title)) { title <- "Simulation sample histogram" }
      if (is_void(bins)) { bins <- 100 }
      if (is_void(n)) { n <- 10000 }
      if (self$check_state_consistency())
      sample <- self$get_random(n = n)
          sample = sample,
          title = title,
          subtitle = paste0("n = ", n),
          caption = caption,
          bins = bins,
          x_start = x_start,
          x_end = x_end,
          x_scale_type = x_scale_type,
          y_scale_type = y_scale_type,
          variable_type = self$distribution_type,
          plot_addition = plot_addition,
          title = "Invalid parameters",
          text = self$check_state_consistency(output_format = "report")))
    plot_vignette = function(...) {
      # Plots a textual summary description of this factor.
      return(plot_vignette(title = "Summary", text = self$get_print_lines()))
    plot_all = function(x_start = NULL, x_end = NULL) {
      if (is_void(x_start)) { x_start <- self$plot_value_start }
      if (is_void(x_end)) { x_end <- self$plot_value_end }

        self$plot_density(x_start = x_start, x_end = x_end),
        self$plot_probability(x_start = x_start, x_end = x_end),
        layout = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
    simulate = function(
      n = NULL,
      verbosity = NULL,
      ...) {
      # The simulate method may be overridden by a subclass.
      # This may be required to populate richer data frames
      # with complementary columns. I was thinking of this
      # approach to implement the frequency x impact factor
      # where the frequency factor generates a vector of
      # frequencies and where the impact factor will need to
      # call (frequecy number) times the random function
      # and sum the result. In this situation it is desirable
      # to keep the individual impacts in an "individual impacts"
      # column in the data frame and use the standard factor_value column
      # for the final factor results.
      if (is_void(n)) { n = 10000 }
      if (n <= 0) {
        stop("n <= 0")
      factor_value <- self$get_random(n = n)
      private$private_simulation_sample <- data.frame(factor_value = factor_value)
  active = list(
    estimation_method_name = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_estimation_method_name) }
      else {private$private_estimation_method_name <- value }},
    distribution_name = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_distribution_name) }
      else {private$private_distribution_name <- value }},
    distribution_type = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_distribution_type) }
      else {private$private_distribution_type <- value }},
    density_function = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_density_function) }
      else {private$private_density_function <- value }},
    limit_min_value = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(private$private_limit_min_value)) {
          # If the attribute does not exist, initialize it with NA to prevent errors accessing it.
          private$private_limit_min_value <- NA }
        return(private$private_limit_min_value) }
      else {
        if (is_void(value)) { value <- NA }
        # We only change the property if it has been changed.
        # The goal of this conservative approach is to avoid regenerating
        # large and potentially CPU/memory intensive samples when nothing changed.
        if (
          (is_void(value) & !is_void(self$limit_min_value) ) |
          (!is_void(value) & is_void(self$limit_min_value) ) |
          (!is_void(value) & !is_void(self$limit_min_value) & value != self$limit_min_value ) )
          private$private_limit_min_value <- value
          # No need to re-fit the distribution.
          # TODO: Re-populate the simulation sample.
    limit_max_value = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(private$private_limit_max_value)) {
          # If the attribute does not exist, initialize it with NA to prevent errors accessing it.
          private$private_limit_max_value <- NA }
        return(private$private_limit_max_value) }
      else {
        if (is_void(value)) { value <- NA }
        # We only change the property if it has been changed.
        # The goal of this conservative approach is to avoid regenerating
        # large and potentially CPU/memory intensive samples when nothing changed.
        if (
          (is_void(value) & !is_void(self$limit_max_value) ) |
          (!is_void(value) & is_void(self$limit_max_value) ) |
          (!is_void(value) & !is_void(self$limit_max_value) & value != self$limit_max_value ) )
          private$private_limit_max_value <- value
          # No need to re-fit the distribution.
          # TODO: Re-populate the simulation sample.
    limit_max_behavior = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_limit_max_behavior) }
      else {private$private_limit_max_behavior <- value }},
    limit_min_behavior = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_limit_min_behavior) }
      else {private$private_limit_min_behavior <- value }},
    probability_function = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_probability_function) }
      else {private$private_probability_function <- value }},
    quantile_function = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_quantile_function) }
      else {private$private_quantile_function <- value }},
    random_function = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_random_function) }
      else {private$private_random_function <- value }},
    # Beautiful graph preferences
    #plot_value_start = function(value,...) {
    #  if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_plot_value_start) }
    #  else {private$private_plot_value_start <- value }},
    #plot_value_end = function(value,...) {
    #  if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_plot_value_end) }
    #  else {private$private_plot_value_end <- value }},
    #plot_probability_start = function(value,...) {
    #  if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_plot_probability_start) }
    #  else {private$private_plot_probability_start <- value }},
    #plot_probability_end = function(value,...) {
    #  if (missing(value)) { return(private$private_plot_probability_end) }
    #  else {private$private_plot_probability_end <- value }},
    # Standard moments of the fitted distribution
    # These are conditionnaly implemented by the subclasses
    # if analytical solutions are available.
    # At this level, we may only rely on optimization to
    # estimate solutions.
    dist_mode = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value))
        warning("Should be implemented by the subclass")
        # The new approach relying on optimize require a range
        # to be searched to find the maxima in the PDF.
        # We may implement here a best effort but then
        # optimize() may or may not be the right solution.
        # return(get_dist_mode_from_pdf(pdf = self$get_density))
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    simulation_sample_mean = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(self$simulation_sample)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    simulation_sample_sd = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(self$simulation_sample)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    simulation_sample_variance = function(value, ...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(self$simulation_sample)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    simulation_sample_size = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(self$simulation_sample)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    simulation_sample_min = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(self$simulation_sample)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    simulation_sample_max = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) {
        if (is_void(self$simulation_sample)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is a read-only attribute") }},
    dist_skewness = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is an abstract attribute, it must be implemented by a subclass") }},
    dist_kurtosis = function(value,...) {
      if (missing(value)) { return(NA) }
      else {stop("This is an abstract attribute, it must be implemented by a subclass") }},
    simulation_sample = function(value,...) {
      # Returns a data frame with the simulation sample data.
      # The data frame mandatorily contains a column "factor_value" with
      # the resulting factor values.
      # The data frame may contain other columns with complementary information.
      if (missing(value)) {
      else {
        private$private_simulation_sample <- value }
  private = list(
    private_estimation_method_name = NA,
    private_distribution_name = NA,
    private_distribution_type = NA,
    private_density_function = NA,
    private_probability_function = NA,
    private_quantile_function = NA,
    private_random_function = NA,
    # Limits for good-looking graph rendering.
    # Sub-classes implementing estimation methods
    # have the responsibility to set their values.
    #private_plot_value_start = NA,
    #private_plot_value_end = NA,
    #private_plot_probability_start = NA,
    #private_plot_probability_end = NA,
    private_simulation_sample = NA,
    private_limit_min_value = NA,
    private_limit_max_value = NA,
    private_limit_min_behavior = NA,
    private_limit_max_behavior = NA
daviddoret/GRCRToolkit documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:31 a.m.