## emdbook::lambertW(z = [-exp(-1), 0], b = 0L), simplified and adapted
Wp <-
function(z, iter.max = 10L, eps = 100 * .Machine[["double.eps"]]) {
stopifnot(is.double(z), all(is.finite(r <- range(0, z))),
r[1L] >= -exp(-1), r[2L] <= 0,
is.integer(iter.max), length(iter.max) == 1L, !is.na(iter.max),
is.double(eps), length(eps) == 1L, is.finite(eps), eps >= 0)
w <- sqrt(2 * exp(1) * z + 2) - 1
iter <- 0L
done <- FALSE
while (iter < iter.max) {
p <- exp(w)
t <- w * p - z
f <- w != -1
w <- w - f * t / (p * (w + f) - 0.5 * (w + 2) * t / (w + f))
aok <- all(ok <- is.finite(t) & is.finite(w)) # ever not TRUE?
if (all(abs(if (aok) t else t[ok]) <= eps * (1 + abs(if (aok) w else w[ok])))) {
done <- TRUE
iter <- iter - 1L
if (!done)
warning(gettextf("iteration limit (%d) reached in Lambert W approximation",
domain = NA)
finalsize <-
function(R0, S0, I0) {
if (missing(S0))
S0 <- 1 - I0
if (missing(I0))
I0 <- 1 - S0
stopifnot(is.double(R0), is.double(S0), is.double(I0))
n <- max(length(R0), length(S0), length(I0))
if (length(R0) < n)
R0 <- rep_len(R0, n)
if (length(S0) < n)
S0 <- rep_len(S0, n)
if (length(I0) < n)
I0 <- rep_len(I0, n)
if (any(nok <- is.na(R0) | is.na(S0) | is.na(I0) | R0 < 0 | S0 < 0 | I0 < 0 | S0 + I0 > 1)) {
warning(gettextf("NaNs produced: invalid (%s[i], %s[i], %s[i])",
"R0", "S0", "I0"),
domain = NA)
R0[nok] <- NaN
ans <- R0
## ans[R0 == 0] <- 0
ans[R0 == Inf] <- S0[R0 == Inf]
if (any(ok <- !nok & is.finite(R0) & R0 > 0)) {
R0 <- R0[ok]
S0 <- S0[ok]
I0 <- I0[ok]
ans[ok] <- S0 + Wp(-R0 * S0 * exp(-R0 * (S0 + I0))) / R0
R0 <-
function(r, breaks, probs) {
length(breaks) >= 2L,
min(diff(breaks)) > 0,
length(probs) == length(breaks) - 1L,
min(probs) >= 0,
max(probs) > 0)
if (min(0, r, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
warning(gettextf("NaNs produced: negative %s[i]", "r"),
domain = NA)
r[r < 0] <- NaN
ans <- r
ans[r == 0] <- 1
ans[r == Inf] <- Inf
if (any(ok <- is.finite(r) & r > 0)) {
r <- r[ok]
n <- length(breaks)
e1 <- exp(tcrossprod(breaks[-n], -r))
e2 <- exp(tcrossprod(breaks[-1L], -r))
ans[ok] <- r / colSums((probs / sum(probs)) * (e1 - e2) / (breaks[-1L] - breaks[-n]))
timescale <-
function(r, units) {
if (min(0, r, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
warning(gettextf("NaNs produced: negative %s[i]", "r"),
domain = NA)
r[r < 0] <- NaN
ans <- 1 / r
if (missing(units))
else .difftime(ans, units)
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