expr <- function(...)
asExpr <- function(x)
xapply <-
split.expression <-
function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...)
lapply(split.default(x = seq_along(x), f = f, drop = drop, ...),
function(i) x[i])
is.formula <-
inherits(x, "formula")
##' Negate Formula Terms
##' Negates formula terms, simplifying \dQuote{double negatives}.
##' @param x a call, symbol, or atomic constant.
##' @return
##' If \code{x} is a call to \code{-} with one argument \code{y},
##' then \code{y}. Otherwise, a call to \code{-} with \code{x} as
##' its only argument.
##' @examples
##' x <- quote(x)
##' minus.x <- call("-", x)
##' stopifnot(identical(negate(x), minus.x),
##' identical(negate(minus.x), x))
negate <-
function(x) {
if (is.call(x) && identical(x[[1L]], quote(`-`)) && length(x) == 2L)
else call("-", x)
##' Split and Unsplit Formula Terms
##' Split calls to \code{+} and \code{-} using \code{split_terms}.
##' Perform the inverse operation using \code{unsplit_terms}.
##' @param x a call, symbol, or atomic constant.
##' @param l an expression vector.
##' @details
##' Calls to \code{(} are replaced with their first argument,
##' hence \code{x} and \code{unsplit_terms(split_terms(x))} need
##' not be identical.
##' If \code{x} is a formula, then \code{split_terms(x)} operates
##' on its right hand side and \code{unsplit_terms(split_terms(x))}
##' reproduces \code{x[[length(x)]]}, not \code{x}.
##' @return
##' For \code{split_terms}:
##' An expression vector without calls to \code{+} or \code{-}.
##' For \code{unsplit_terms}:
##' A call, symbol, or atomic constant.
##' @examples
##' x <- quote(1 + a * b - b + (c | d) + (0 + e | f))
##' l <- split_terms(x)
##' y <- unsplit_terms(l)
##' stopifnot(identical(x, y))
split_terms <-
function(x) {
if (!(is.call(x) || is.symbol(x) || (is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L)))
stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a call, symbol, or atomic constant", "x"),
domain = NA)
if (is.formula(x))
x <- x[[length(x)]]
if (!is.call(x))
else if (identical(x[[1L]], quote(`(`)))
else if (identical(x[[1L]], quote(`+`))) {
if (length(x) == 2L)
else c(Recall(x[[2L]]), Recall(x[[3L]]))
else if (identical(x[[1L]], quote(`-`))) {
if (length(x) == 2L)
xapply(Recall(x[[2L]]), negate)
else c(Recall(x[[2L]]), xapply(Recall(x[[3L]]), negate))
else asExpr(x)
unsplit_terms <-
function(l) {
if (!is.expression(l))
stop(gettextf("'%s' is not an expression vector", "l"),
domain = NA)
if (length(l) == 0L)
x <- l[[1L]]
while (is.call(x) && identical(x[[1L]], quote(`(`)))
x <- x[[2L]]
for (y in l[-1L]) {
while (is.call(y) && identical(y[[1L]], quote(`(`)))
y <- y[[2L]]
x <-
if (is.call(y) && (identical(y[[1L]], quote(`+`)) || identical(y[[1L]], quote(`-`))) && length(y) == 2L)
as.call(list(y[[1L]], x, y[[2L]]))
else call("+", x, y)
##' Split Fixed and Random Effect Terms
##' Constructs from a mixed effects model formula an expression
##' vector containing the corresponding fixed effects model formula
##' and any random effect terms.
##' @param x a formula.
##' @return
##' An expression vector of length at least one. The first element
##' is a formula and the remaining elements are calls to \code{|}.
##' @examples
##' split_effects(y ~ 0 + x + (1 | f) + (a | g))
split_effects <-
function(x) {
if (!is.formula(x))
stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a formula", "x"),
domain = NA)
l <- split_terms(x)
b <- vapply(l, function(x) is.call(x) && identical(x[[1L]], quote(`|`)), FALSE)
x[[length(x)]] <- if (all(b)) 1 else unsplit_terms(l[!b])
c(asExpr(x), l[b])
##' Split an Interaction
##' Split calls to \code{:}.
##' @param x a call, symbol, or atomic constant.
##' @return
##' An expression vector without calls to \code{:}.
##' @examples
##' split_interaction(quote(a:b:I(f:g):sort(h)))
split_interaction <-
function(x) {
if (!(is.call(x) || is.symbol(x) || (is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L)))
stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a call, symbol, or atomic constant", "x"),
domain = NA)
if (is.call(x) && identical(x[[1L]], quote(`:`)))
c(Recall(x[[2L]]), Recall(x[[3L]]))
else asExpr(x)
##' Replace \code{|} with \code{+} in Formula Terms
##' Replaces the first element of \dQuote{first order} calls to \code{|}
##' with the symbol \code{+}, in the right hand side of a formula.
##' @param x a formula.
##' @examples
##' sub_bar_plus(~x + (1 | f))
sub_bar_plus <-
function(x) {
if (!is.formula(x))
stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a formula", "x"),
domain = NA)
l <- split_effects(x)
x <- l[[1L]]
if (length(l) > 1L) {
l <- xapply(l[-1L], `[[<-`, 1L, quote(`+`))
x[[length(x)]] <- unsplit_terms(c(asExpr(x[[length(x)]]), l))
##' Expand and Simplify Formula Terms
##' Expands and simplifies calls to \code{+} and \code{-} using
##' \code{\link{terms.formula}(simplify = TRUE)} machinery.
##' Rules outlined under \code{\link{formula}} are extended to handle
##' \dQuote{first order} calls to \code{|}.
##' @param x a call, symbol, or atomic constant.
##' @details
##' If \code{x} is a formula, then the right hand side is expanded
##' and simplified.
##' @return
##' A call, symbol, or atomic constant.
##' @examples
##' simplify_terms(~0 + x * y - y)
##' simplify_terms(~0 + x * y - y + (1 | f/g))
##' simplify_terms(~0 + x * y - y + (1 | f/g) + (a | f) + (0 + b | f:g))
simplify_terms <-
function(x) {
if (!(is.call(x) || is.symbol(x) || (is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L)))
stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a call, symbol, or atomic constant", "x"),
domain = NA)
if (is.formula(x)) {
x[[length(x)]] <- Recall(x[[length(x)]])
if (!is.call(x))
l <- split_terms(x)
b <- vapply(l, function(x) is.call(x) && identical(x[[1L]], quote(`|`)), FALSE)
if (all(b))
x <- NULL
else {
x <- terms(eval(call("~", unsplit_terms(l[!b]))), simplify = TRUE)[[2L]]
if (!any(b))
Recall. <- sys.function(0L)
expand <-
function(x) {
lhs <- Recall.(x[[2L]])
rhs <- split_terms(Recall.(x[[3L]]))
xapply(rhs, function(x) call("|", lhs, x))
condense <-
function(l) {
lhs <- xapply(l, `[[`, 2L)
rhs <- l[[1L]][[3L]]
call("|", Recall.(unsplit_terms(lhs)), rhs)
l <- unlist(lapply(l[b], expand), recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
g <- vapply(l, function(x) deparse(x[[3L]]), "")
unsplit_terms(c(if (!is.null(x)) asExpr(x), xapply(split(l, g), condense)))
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