options(warn = 2L, error = if (interactive()) recover)
example("egf", package = "epigrowthfit"); o.1 <- m1; o.2 <- m2
## egf_has_random ######################################################
e <- new.env()
e[["data"]] <- list()
o <- list(tmb_out = list(env = e))
class(o) <- "egf"
e[["data"]][["Z"]] <- matrix(0, 3L, 3L)
stopifnot( egf_has_random(o))
e[["data"]][["Z"]] <- matrix(0, 3L, 0L)
## egf_has_converged ###################################################
o <- list(optimizer_out = list(convergence = 0L),
value = 100,
gradient = runif(10L, -0.5, 0.5),
hessian = TRUE)
class(o) <- c("egf", "list") # "list" only for dispatch to within.list
stopifnot(exprs = {
!egf_has_converged(within(o, optimizer_out[["convergence"]] <- 1L))
!egf_has_converged(within(o, value <- NaN))
!egf_has_converged(within(o, gradient[1L] <- 10))
!egf_has_converged(within(o, hessian <- FALSE)), hessian <- NA)))
## egf_par_expand ####################################################
## egf_par_condense ####################################################
t.2 <- o.2[["tmb_out"]]
p.2 <- t.2[["env"]][[""]]
p.2e <- egf_par_expand(t.2, p.2)
p.2ec <- egf_par_condense(t.2, p.2e)
len <- c(table(factor(names(p.2), levels = c("beta", "theta", "b"))))
stopifnot(exprs = {
all.equal(p.2e, structure(c(p.2[1:4], theta = 0, p.2[-(1:4)]),
len = len + c(0L, 1L, 0L), names = NULL))
all.equal(p.2ec, structure(p.2, len = len, names = NULL))
## egf_report ########################################################
## egf_adreport ########################################################
identical. <-
function(x, y, ...) {
x[["env"]] <- y[["env"]] <- NULL
identical(x, y, ...)
r.1 <- o.1[["tmb_out"]][["env"]][[".__egf__."]][["report"]]
r.1. <- egf_report(o.1)
stopifnot(identical.(r.1., r.1))
o.1[["tmb_out"]][["env"]][[".__egf__."]][["report"]] <- NULL
r.1. <- egf_report(o.1)
stopifnot(identical.(r.1., r.1))
r.1 <- o.1[["tmb_out"]][["env"]][[".__egf__."]][["adreport"]]
r.1. <- egf_adreport(o.1)
stopifnot(identical.(r.1., r.1))
o.1[["tmb_out"]][["env"]][[".__egf__."]][["adreport"]] <- NULL
assertCondition(r.1. <- egf_adreport(o.1), "message")
stopifnot(identical.(r.1., r.1))
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