
infsamp <- function(refitFun, y, vt, confun, B, var, ...)
  if(!is.list(vt) && nrow(vt)==1){
    Pv <- crossprod(vt) / as.numeric(tcrossprod(vt))
    yperp <- y - Pv %*% y
    r <- as.numeric(vt %*% y)
    vnorm <- t(vt) / as.numeric(tcrossprod(vt))
    lin <- TRUE
    R <- vt %*% y
    r <- sqrt(sum(R^2))
    vnorm <- t(vt) %*% R / r
    yperp <- y - vnorm * r
    lin <- FALSE
  lims <- findtrunclims(refitFun, 
                        r = r, 
                        yperp = yperp, 
                        B = B, 
                        var = var, 
                        vnorm = vnorm, 
                        confun = confun,
                        lin = lin, ...)
  attr(lims, "r") <- r

findtrunclims <- function(refitFun, r, yperp, B, var, 
                          vnorm, ncore, confun, lin = TRUE,
                          gridvals = 3:-8)

  # define checkfun
  checkfun <- function(val) confun(refitFun(as.numeric(yperp + val * vnorm)))

  if(lin) lowEnd <- r - 3^gridvals * sqrt(var) else
    lowEnd <- seq(0, r - 3^min(gridvals), l = 12)
  vlo <- binsearch(lowEnd, nrIter = B, 
                   checkfun = checkfun, ncore = ncore, x = r)
  vup <- binsearch(r + 3^(-gridvals) * sqrt(var), nrIter = B, 
                   checkfun = checkfun, ncore = ncore, x = r, lower = F)

binsearch <- function(grid, nrIter, checkfun, ncore, x, lower = T, tol = 1e-6)
  # search for the (lower / !lower = upper) limit, that satisfies the checkfun
  count <- 1
  res <- x
  while(count < nrIter){
    logvals <- unlist(mclapply(round(grid, -log(tol,10)), checkfun, mc.cores = ncore))
      if(count == 1){ 
        res <- ifelse(lower, -Inf, Inf)
        if(lower && grid[1]==0) res <- 0
        res <- ifelse(lower, min(grid), max(grid))  
    if(all(!logvals) & count == nrIter) break
    if(count == nrIter) res <- ifelse(lower, grid[which.min(logvals)], 
    i0 <- ifelse(lower, max(which(!logvals)), min(which(!logvals)))
    # last step was too small, so that search jumped over the boundary
    if( (i0==length(grid) & lower) | (i0==1 & !lower) ) break
    left <- ifelse(lower, grid[i0], grid[i0 - 1] + tol/10)
    right <- ifelse(lower, grid[i0 + 1] - tol/10, grid[i0])
    grid <- seq(left, right, length = length(grid))
    if(diff(grid)[1] < tol){
      # better safe than sorry -> select with some margin
      # -> with this tolerance it can happen that logval == TRUE
      # but the result later will be FALSE
      res <- ifelse(lower, grid[pmin(length(grid), i0 + 1 + 1)], 
                    grid[pmax(1, i0 - 1 - 1)])
    count <- count + 1  
davidruegamer/iboost documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:10 a.m.