dbailleul/RClone: Partially Clonal Populations Analysis

R version of 'GenClone' (a computer program to analyse genotypic data, test for clonality and describe spatial clonal organization, Arnaud-Haond & Belkhir 2007, <https://wwz.ifremer.fr/clonix/content/download/68205/903914/file/GenClone2.0.setup.zip>), this package allows clone handling as 'GenClone' does, plus the possibility to work with several populations, MultiLocus Lineages (MLL) custom definition and use, and p-value calculation for psex statistic (probability of originating from distinct sexual events) and psex_Fis statistic (taking account of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium departure) as 'MLGsim'/'MLGsim2' (a program for detecting clones using a simulation approach, Stenberg et al. 2003).

Package details

AuthorSophie Arnaud-Haond [aut], Diane Bailleul [aut, cre], Solenn Stoeckel [ctb]
MaintainerDiane Bailleul <diane.bailleul.pro@gmail.com>
LicenseGPL (>=2.0)
URL https://github.com/dbailleul/RClone
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
dbailleul/RClone documentation built on May 17, 2021, 3:04 p.m.