
Defines functions .univariate_pdf .multivariate_pdf .f1 .mcc .score .op_epsilon .split_data .mean2 .var2 .check_data

#utility functions

#'@importFrom stats dnorm na.omit model.extract model.matrix var

.univariate_pdf <- function(x,x_mean,x_var) {
  x_sd <- sqrt(x_var)
  probs <- rep(NA,NROW(x))
  for (r in 1:NROW(x)) {
    probs[r] <- prod(dnorm(as.numeric(x[r,]), mean = x_mean, sd = x_sd, log = FALSE))

.multivariate_pdf <- function(x,x_mean,x_cov) {
  probs <- rep(NA,NROW(x))
  n_means <- length(x_mean)
  # x_sd_2 <- diag(x_sd^2)

  x_no_m <- as.matrix(sweep(x,2,x_mean))

  probs <- ((2*pi)^(-n_means/2)) * ((det(x_cov))^(-0.5)) * exp(-0.5 * rowSums((x_no_m %*% solve(x_cov)) * x_no_m))

.f1 <- function(y_hat, y) {
  # assumes that "1" is the positive result
  tp <- sum((y_hat==1) & (y==1))
  fp <- sum((y_hat==1) & (y==0))
  fn <- sum((y_hat==0) & (y==1))
  precision <- tp / (tp + fp)
  recall <- tp / (tp + fn)

.mcc <- function(y_hat, y) {
  # assumes that "1" is the positive result

  # convert to double to avoid integer overflow
  tp <- as.double(sum((y_hat==1) & (y==1)))
  fp <- as.double(sum((y_hat==1) & (y==0)))
  fn <- as.double(sum((y_hat==0) & (y==1)))
  tn <- as.double(sum((y_hat==0) & (y==0)))

  numer <- tp*tn - fp*fn
  denom <- sqrt((tp+fp)*(tp+fn)*(tn+fp)*(tn+fn))

  if (denom == 0) denom <- 1


.score <- function(y_hat, y, score_func) {
  # call specified scoring function on y_hat and y

  score_func <- get(paste(".",score_func, sep=""))
  return(score_func(y_hat, y))

.op_epsilon <- function(p_val, y_val, score_func, steps) {
  # p_val: probability values from validation set
  # y_val: target values from validation set

  score_func <- get(paste(".",score_func, sep=""))

  best_epsilon <- 0
  best_score <- 0
  score <- 0

  step_size <- (max(p_val) - min(p_val)) / steps

  for (epsilon in seq(min(p_val),max(p_val),step_size)) {

    predictions <- (p_val < epsilon) #? this makes it so predictions
    # will be all 0 for 1st round of for loop
    score <- score_func(predictions,y_val)

    # matlab/octave implementation will return 0 if comparing NaN with a
    # number R will not.

    if (score > best_score) {
      best_score <- score
      best_epsilon <- epsilon

.split_data <- function(x,y,random=TRUE,p=0.75){
  # split data into training and validation sets
  # validation must have posive examples, training set must have none

  # y: vector
  # x: matrix
  # p: ratio of the negative cases to use for training set

  # steps for random split:
  # shufle rows in full data set
  # separate into two sets, negatives and posives
  # move all postives to val,
  # split negatives between val and train sets
  # shuffle val that now has positive and negative examples

  # steps for non-random split:
  # first part of p goes to train, second part goes to val

  # print(random)
  if (random==TRUE) {
    shuf_idx <- sample(1:length(y))
    x <- x[shuf_idx,]
    y <- y[shuf_idx]

    pos_idx <- which(y==1)

    pos_x <- x[pos_idx,]
    neg_x <- x[-pos_idx,]

    split_point <- floor((dim(neg_x)[1])*p) #split point for negative observations
    train_x <- neg_x[1:split_point,]
    # train_y <- rep(0,length(1:split_point))

    val_x <- neg_x[(split_point+1):(dim(neg_x)[1]),]
    val_x_nrows <- if (is.null(dim(val_x)[1])) 1 else dim(val_x)[1]
    val_y <- c(rep(0,val_x_nrows),
               rep(1,length(pos_idx))) #combine negative and positive observations
    val_x <- unname(rbind(val_x,pos_x))

    # val_shuf_idx <- sample(1:length(val_y))
    # val_x <- val_x[val_shuf_idx,]
    # val_y <- val_y[val_shuf_idx]

  else {
    # non-randomly split data into training and validation sets, regardless of class
    split_point <- floor((length(y))*p)

    train_x <- x[1:split_point,]
    val_x <- x[-c(1:split_point),]
    val_y <- y[-c(1:split_point)]

  ret <- list(train_x,val_x,val_y)
  names(ret) <- c("train_x","val_x","val_y")


.mean2 <- function(x) {

.var2 <- function(x) {
  # using sample standard deviation
  # return(unname(apply(x,2,sd)))

.check_data <- function(x, y) {
  # check x and y for problems

  # check that x and y are same length
  if (NROW(x) != length(y)) {
    stop("x and y must have the same number of observations.")

  # check that x and y are numeric
  if ((!is.numeric(x)) | (!is.numeric(y))) {
    stop("Both x and y must be numeric.")

  # check that y only contains 0 and 1, and that y contains both kinds of examples
  if (!identical(sort(unique(y)),c(0,1))) {
    stop("y must contain only 0 and 1, and both classes must be represented (normal = 0, anomaly = 1).")

  # check that x and y don't contain NA
  if ((any(is.na(x))) | (any(is.na(y)))) {
    stop("NAs currently not supported for matrix input.")
dbolotov/anode documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:52 p.m.