
context("flist Tests")

test_that("flist01: flist() function works as expected.", {
  fl <- flist(f1 = "%.1f",
              f2 = "%d%b%Y",
              type = "row",
              lookup = c(1, 2),
              simplify = FALSE)
  expect_equal(fl$formats$f1, "%.1f")
  expect_equal(fl$formats$f2, "%d%b%Y")
  expect_equal(fl$type, "row")
  expect_equal(fl$simplify, FALSE)
  expect_equal("fmt_lst" %in% class(fl), TRUE)

test_that("flist02: flist works as expected for row type with lookup.", {
  # flist lookup
  a <- list("A", 1.263, "B", as.Date("2020-07-21"), 
            5.8732, as.Date("2020-10-17"))
  b <- c("f1", "f2", "f1", "f3", "f2", "f3")
  fl <- flist(f1 = c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B"),
              f2 = "%.1f",
              f3 = "%d%b%Y",
              type = "row",
              lookup = b)
  a <- fattr(a, format = fl)
  r <- fapply(a)

  expect_equal(class(r), "character")
  expect_equal(length(r), 6)
  expect_equal(r[[1]], "Label A")
  expect_equal(r[[2]], "1.3")
  expect_equal(r[[4]], "21Jul2020")

test_that("flist03: flist works as expected for row type ordered,", {
  # flist type row
  a <- list("A", 1.263, as.Date("2020-07-21"), 
            "B", 5.8732, as.Date("2020-10-17"), 
  fmt1 <- c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B")
  fmt2 <- "%.1f"
  fmt3 <- "%d%b%Y"
  fl <- flist(fmt1, fmt2, fmt3,
              type = "row")
  a <- fattr(a, format = fl)

  r <- fapply(a)
  expect_equal(class(r), "character")
  res <- c("Label A", "1.3", "21Jul2020", "Label B", 
           "5.9", "17Oct2020", "Label B")
  expect_equal(r, res) 

test_that("flist04: flist parameter checks work as expected.", {
  expect_error(flist(type = "fork"))
  expect_error(flist(simplify = "fork"))
  expect_error(flist(lookup = c(a = 1, b = 2), type = "column"))

test_that("flist05: flist works as expected for column type.", {
  # flist type col
  b <- c(1.2356, 8.345, 4.5422)
  fl2 <- flist(function(x) round(x, 2), "$%f", function(x) substr(x, 1, 5))
  b <- fattr(b, format = fl2)
  r <- fapply(b)

  expect_equal(r, c("$1.24", "$8.35", "$4.54"))


test_that("flist06: flist works as expected for column type and simplify false.", {
  # flist type col
  b <- c(1.2356, 8.345, 4.5422)
  fl2 <- flist(function(x) round(x, 2), "$%f", 
               function(x) substr(x, 1, 5), simplify = FALSE)
  b <- fattr(b, format = fl2)
  r <- fapply(b)
  expect_equal(r, list("$1.24", "$8.35", "$4.54"))

test_that("flist07: as.flist and is.flist work as expected.", {
  lst <- list("%d%b%Y", "%.1f")
  flst <- as.flist(lst)
  expect_equal(is.flist(flst), TRUE)
  expect_equal(is.flist("A"), FALSE)

test_that("flist08: as.flist parameter checks work as expected.", {
  a <- list(A = "%.1f", B = "%B%m%Y")
  expect_error(as.flist(a, type = "fork"))
  expect_error(as.flist(a, simplify = "fork"))
  expect_error(as.flist(a, lookup = c(a = 1, b = 2), type = "column"))

test_that("flist09: as.data.frame.flist works as expected.", {
  fl2 <- flist(fmt1 = function(x) round(x, 2), 
               fmt2 = "$%f", 
               fmt3 = function(x) substr(x, 1, 5),
               fmt4 = value(condition(x == 1, "Label 1"),
                            condition(TRUE, "Label 2")))
  dat <- as.data.frame(fl2)
  expect_equal(nrow(dat), 5)
  expect_equal(dat[4, "Factor"], FALSE)
  fl2 <- flist(fmt1 = function(x) round(x, 2), 
               fmt2 = "$%f", 
               fmt3 = function(x) substr(x, 1, 5),
               fmt4 = value(condition(x == 1, "Label 1"),
                            condition(TRUE, "Label 2"), 
                            as.factor = TRUE))
  dat <- as.data.frame(fl2)
  expect_equal(nrow(dat), 5)
  expect_equal(dat[4, "Factor"], TRUE)

test_that("flist10: as.flist.data.frame parameter checks work as expected.", {
  fl2 <- flist(fmt1 = function(x) round(x, 2), 
               fmt2 = "$%f", 
               fmt3 = function(x) substr(x, 1, 5),
               fmt4 = value(condition(x == 1, "Label 1"),
                            condition(TRUE, "Label 2")))
  dat <- as.data.frame(fl2)
  expect_error(as.flist(dat, type = "fork"))
  expect_error(as.flist(dat, simplify = "fork"))
  expect_error(as.flist(dat, lookup = c(a = 1, b = 2), type = "column"))
  # Check tibble 
  expect_equal(is.flist(as.flist(as_tibble(dat))), TRUE)

test_that("flist11: another test for as.data.frame.flist works as expected.", {
  df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '
       Name Type Expression Label Order
        ALB    S       %.1f   NA      NA
        ALP    S       %.0f   NA      NA
        ALT    S       %.0f   NA      NA
        AST    S       %.0f   NA      NA
       BASO    S       %.2f   NA      NA
       BILI    S       %.1f   NA      NA
        BUN    S       %.0f   NA      NA')
  fl <- as.flist(df)
  expect_equal("fmt_lst" %in% class(fl), TRUE)
  expect_equal(length(fl$formats), 7) 

test_that("flist12: as.data.frame.flist works as expected with no names.", {
  # flist type col
  fl2 <- flist(function(x) round(x, 2), 
               function(x) substr(x, 1, 5),
               value(condition(x == 1, "Label 1"),
                            condition(TRUE, "Label 2")),
               c(a = "fmt1", b = "fmt2"))
  dat <- as.data.frame(fl2)
  expect_equal(nrow(dat), 6)
  expect_error(as.data.frame.fmt_lst(c(a = 1, b = 2)))
  rs <- capture.output(print(fl2))
  expect_equal(length(rs) > 0, TRUE)

test_that("flist13: as.fcat.fmt_lst() works as expected.", {
  # flist lookup
  a <- list("A", 1.263, "B", as.Date("2020-07-21"), 
            5.8732, as.Date("2020-10-17"))
  b <- c("f1", "f2", "f1", "f3", "f2", "f3")
  fl <- flist(f1 = c(A = "Label A", B = "Label B"),
              f2 = "%.1f",
              f3 = "%d%b%Y",
              type = "row",
              lookup = b)
  expect_equal("fmt_lst" %in% class(fl), TRUE)
  ct <- as.fcat.fmt_lst(fl)
  expect_equal("fmt_lst" %in% class(ct), FALSE)
  expect_equal("fcat" %in% class(ct), TRUE)
  fl2 <- as.flist(ct, type = "row", lookup = b)
  expect_equal("fmt_lst" %in% class(fl2), TRUE)
  expect_equal("fcat" %in% class(fl2), FALSE)

  r <- fapply(a, fl2)
  expect_equal(class(r), "character")
  expect_equal(length(r), 6)
  expect_equal(r[[1]], "Label A")
  expect_equal(r[[2]], "1.3")
  expect_equal(r[[4]], "21Jul2020")

test_that("flist14: write.fcat and read.fcat functions work as expected.", {
  fp <- tempdir()
  fl <- flist(f1 = "%.1f",
              f2 = "%d%b%Y",
              type = "row",
              lookup = c(1, 2),
              simplify = FALSE)

  pth <- write.flist(fl, fp)
  fr <- read.flist(pth)
  expect_equal(fr$formats$f1, "%.1f")
  expect_equal(fr$formats$f2, "%d%b%Y")
  expect_equal(fr$type, "row")
  expect_equal(fr$simplify, FALSE)
  expect_equal("fmt_lst" %in% class(fr), TRUE)
dbosak01/fmtr documentation built on June 15, 2024, 4:26 a.m.