API for ddiez/q3tools
A bunch of shabby tools for the omics data analyst

Global functions
getEnrichmentResults Man page
get_mds Man page
imputeGroup Man page
plotCorrelation Man page
plotEnrichment Man page
plotGene Man page
plotHeatmap Man page
plotHeatmap,DGEList-method Man page
plotHeatmap,EList-method Man page
plotHeatmap,ExpressionSet-method Man page
plotHeatmap,matrix-method Man page
plotHistogram Man page
plotHistogram,DGEList-method Man page
plotHistogram,EList-method Man page
plotHistogram,ExpressionSet-method Man page
plotHistogram,matrix-method Man page
plotMds Man page
plotPairs Man page
plotPoints Man page
plotPoints,DGEList-method Man page
plotPoints,EList-method Man page
plotPoints,ExpressionSet-method Man page
plotPoints,matrix-method Man page Man page
plotPvalue Man page
plotRanges Man page
plotRanges,GRanges-method Man page
plotRanges,IRanges-method Man page
plotResult Man page
plotVenn Man page
plotVoom Man page
q3tools Man page
q3tools-package Man page
ddiez/q3tools documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:52 a.m.