
#' d_score function
#' This function takes dataframe and appends the results of analyses at the left end of the original dataframe.
#' @param df Dataframe that is not formatted, downloaded from Qualtrics.
#' @param var Name of the column serves as unique identifier in dataset.
#' @param file_type csv or xml
#' @keywords dospert
#' @export
#' @examples
#' csvdata <- read_csv("data/raw_data/DOSPERT_test.csv")
#' csvScore <- d_score(csvdata, "uid", file_type = "csv")
#' xmldata <- xmlToDataFrame("data/raw_data/DOSPERT_test.xml", stringsAsFactors = F)
#' xmlScore <- d_score(xmldata, "uid", file_type = "xml")

# new_dscore --------------------------------------------------------------

d_score <- function (df, var, file_type = "csv") 
  uniqR_csv <- function(df, var) {
    df <- df %>% rename_(unique_ID = as.symbol(var))
    df <- df[-1, ]
  uniqR_xml <- function(df, var) {
    df <- df %>% rename_(unique_ID = as.symbol(var))
  wideformat <- function(df, var, file_type) {
    if (file_type == "csv") {
      df <- uniqR_csv(df, var)
    else if (file_type == "xml") {
      df <- uniqR_xml(df, var)
  d_clean <- function(df, var, file_type) {
    full.panel <- function(df) {
      fac_friendly <- function(x) {
        x <- as.numeric(as.character(x))
      selectcol <- function(df) {
        pat = "[a-z]{3}[A-Z]{2}_[0-9]{1}|unique_ID"
        df <- df[, grepl(pat, colnames(df))]
        df[, !(colnames(df) == "unique_ID")] <- df %>% 
          dplyr::select(-unique_ID) %>% mutate_each(funs(fac_friendly))
      panelform <- function(df) {
        wide <- reshape2::melt(df, id.vars = "unique_ID")
        wide$domain <- substr(wide$variable, 1, 3)
        wide$Qnumber <- substr(wide$variable, 7, 7)
        wide$type <- substr(wide$variable, 4, 5)
        wide_RB <- wide %>% filter(type == "RB") %>% 
          select(-variable, -type) %>% dplyr::rename(RB = value)
        wide_RP <- wide %>% filter(type == "RP") %>% 
          select(-variable, -type) %>% dplyr::rename(RP = value)
        wide_RT <- wide %>% filter(type == "RT") %>% 
          select(-variable, -type) %>% dplyr::rename(RT = value)
        l = list(wide_RB, wide_RT, wide_RP)
        df <- join_all(l, type = "full") %>% select(unique_ID, 
                                                    domain, Qnumber, RB, RP, RT)
        df <- df %>% arrange(unique_ID, domain, Qnumber)
      df <- panelform(selectcol(df))
    if (file_type == "csv") {
      df <- full.panel(uniqR_csv(df, var))
    else if (file_type == "xml") {
      df <- full.panel(uniqR_xml(df, var))
  format.result <- function(df) {
    result <- attr(df, "split_labels")
    for (i in 1:dim(result)[1]) {
      result$int[i] <- df[[i]]$coefficients[1]
      result$RB[i] <- df[[i]]$coefficients[2]
      result$RP[i] <- df[[i]]$coefficients[3]
      result$R_square[i] <- df[[i]]$adj.r.squared
      result$Standard_RB[i] <- df[[i]]$coefficients[5]
      result$Standard_RP[i] <- df[[i]]$coefficients[6]
    result <- merge(result, idlist, by = "unique_ID") %>% 
      select(unique_ID, domain, int, RB, RP, R_square, 
             Standard_RB, Standard_RP)
  if (file_type != "csv" & file_type != "xml") {
    print("file_type should be either .csv or .xml")
  else {
    clean_df <- d_clean(df, var, file_type)
    reg <- dlply(clean_df, c("unique_ID", "domain"), function(data) summary(lm.beta(lm(RT ~ 
                                                                                         RB + RP, data = data))))
    domainlist <- distinct(select(clean_df, domain))
    idlist <- unique(select(clean_df, unique_ID))
    reg_result <- format.result(reg)
    split <- split(reg_result, reg_result$domain)
    list_df <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(domainlist)) {
      temp <- as.data.frame(split[i])[, -2]
      names(temp) <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(names(temp), 
                                                "unique_ID"), "unique_ID", names(temp))
      assign(paste0("coef_", domainlist[i, ]), temp)
      colnames(temp)[2] <- paste0(domainlist[i, ], "_int")
      colnames(temp)[3] <- paste0(domainlist[i, ], "_RB")
      colnames(temp)[4] <- paste0(domainlist[i, ], "_RP")
      list_df[[i]] <- temp
    full_coef <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE, 
                                             by = "unique_ID"), list_df)
    wide_temp <- wideformat(df, var, file_type)
    df <- merge(wide_temp, full_coef, by = "unique_ID")
decision-sciences/cds_dospert_package documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:55 a.m.