
Defines functions normFact

normFact <- function(fact,X,ref,refType,k=20,t=0.5,ref2=NULL,refType2=NULL,t2=0.5,alpha,...) {
  #    Function to normalize data X by factorizing X=A*t(B) and removing components having a R2(ref) value higher than threshold t.
  #    If ref2 is defined, the components with R2(ref2) higher than threshold t2 are kept.
  #    Inputs:
  #    - fact : factorization method, 'SVD' or 'stICA'
  #    - X :(matrix n*p) samples*features matrix to normalize
  #    - ref: (vector n) variable representing the information we want to remove from  X
  #    - refType : type of ref, 'categorical' or 'continuous' to indicates which linear model to use (class means or linear regression)
  #    - k: rank of the low-rank decomposition
  #    - t: scalar in [0,1], if R2(cmpt, ref)>t the cmpt is removed from  X   to normalize
  #    - ref2: (vector n*l) ref2[,i] represents the ith information we want to not remove from  X
  #    - refType2: refType2[i] gives the type of  ref2[,i]  , 'categorical' or 'continuous' to indicates which linear model to use (class means or linear regression)
  #    - t2: (vector 1*l)   scalar(s) in [0,1], if R2(cmpt,  ref2[,i]  )> t2[i]   the cmpt is kept in  X  , if  t2   is a scalar this threshold is considered for all  ref2[,i]
  #    - ... values to pass to factorization method (typically, alpha value if facotorization by stICA)
  #  Outputs:
  #    - Xn : matrix n*p, normalized version of  X
  #    - R2 : R2[k,l] gives the R2 between  B[k,]   and the ref l ( ref   or  ref2  )
  #    - bestSV : components of  B   correlating with  ref   (but not with  ref2  ), removed from  X   to normalize
  #    - A :  A in the matrix factorization X=A*t(B)
  #    - B : B in the matrix factorization X=A*t(B)
  #    Renard E., Branders S. and Absil P.-A.: Independent Component Analysis to Remove Batch Effects from Merged Microarray Datasets (WABI2016)

  if (fact=='stICA'){
    obj = unbiased_stICA(X,k,alpha=alpha)
  } else if (fact == 'SVD'){
    obj = svd(X,nu=k,nv=k)
    A = obj$u%*%diag(obj$d[1:k],k)
    B = obj$v
  } else {
    stop("Factorization method should be SVD or stICA")

  factR2 = R2(ref,B,refType,pval=T)

  idx = which(factR2$allpv<t)

  if (t <0 | t>1){stop("t not in [0 1]")}

  if (!is.null(ref2)){
    if (sum(t2 <0 | t2>1)){stop("t2 not in [0 1]")}
    factR2_2 = R2(ref2,B,refType2,pval=T)
    idx_2 = c()
    if (length(t2)!=length(refType2)){
      else {
        stop("length(t2) sould be equal to 1 or length(refType2)")
    for (i in 1:length(refType2)){

      idx_2 = c(idx_2,which(factR2_2$allpv[,i]<t2[i]))

    idx2keep =intersect(idx,idx_2)
    print(paste("Keeping",length(idx2keep), "cmpts with P value less than t2"))
    idx = setdiff(idx, idx2keep)


  bestcmptA = A[,idx]
  bestcmptB = B[,idx]

  print(paste("Removing",length(idx),"components with P value less than",t))

  Xn = X - bestcmptA%*% t(bestcmptB)

  if (!is.null(ref2)){
    R2 = cbind(R2,factR2_2$allR2)

  return(list(Xn=Xn,R2=R2,bestSV =bestcmptB,A=A,B=B))

dengkuistat/WaveICA documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 6:21 p.m.