
Defines functions block_interactions_plot pls205_diagnostics

Documented in pls205_diagnostics

#' pls205 diagnostics for linear models
#' Makes the diagnostics plots we use in PLS205:
#' qqplots and Scale-Location plots of experimental units
#' @param model A linear model fit with \code{lm} or \code{lmer}.
#' @param EU For models fit with \code{lmer}, the name of the Variable representing the Experimental Units.
#' @return silently, a data.frame with columns for the fitted values, estimated EUs, and standardized residuals
#' @export
pls205_diagnostics = function(model,EU = NULL) {
  # note: for lmer models, be sure to specify the EU that you are interested in!
  if(is(model,'lm')) {
    # diagnostics for lm-type model
    eu_data = data.frame(fitted = fitted(model),EU_std_resid = rstandard(model))
  } else if(is(model,'lmerMod')) {
    if(is.null(EU)) {
      # plot observations
      eu_data = data.frame(fitted = fitted(model),EU_std_resid = resid(model))
    } else {
      # plot estimated values of EU
      EU_formula = as.formula(paste0('~',EU))
      EU_vars = all.vars(EU_formula)
      # if(!all(EU_vars %in% all.vars(formula(model)))) stop(sprintf('Your EU (%s) is not in the model you provided',EU))
      if(!EU %in% names(model@cnms)) {
        # 1) check if all EU_vars are valid variables
        if(all(EU_vars %in% all.vars(formula(model)))) {
          # If yes, check if this defines the residuals
          data = model@frame
          data$EU = interaction(lapply(EU_vars,function(x) data[[x]]),drop=T,sep=':')
          data$index = 1:nrow(data)
          if(is_aliased(EU~index,data)) {
            eu_data = data.frame(fitted = fitted(model),EU_std_resid = resid(model))
          } else{
            # not residuals
            stop(sprintf('Your EU (%s) is not a randome effect or a residual',EU))
        } else{
          stop(sprintf('Your EU (%s) is not in the model you provided',EU))
      } else {

        # if(!EU %in% all.vars(formula(model))) stop(sprintf('Your EU (%s) is not in the model you provided',EU))
        eu_data = data.frame(EU_obs = predict(model,re.form = formula(sprintf('~(1|%s)',EU))),fitted = predict(model,re.form=NA),model@frame)
        eu_data$EU = interaction(lapply(EU_vars,function(x) eu_data[[x]]),drop=T,sep=':')
        eu_data = eu_data[!duplicated(eu_data$EU),]
        eu_data = eu_data[order(eu_data$EU),]
        ranefs = as.data.frame(ranef(model,condVar=T))
        if(all(ranefs$condsd>0)) {
          ranefs$condsd = ranefs$condsd/mean(ranefs$condsd)
          eu_data$EU_std_resid = (ranefs$condval/ranefs$condsd)[match(eu_data$EU,ranefs$grp)]
        } else{
          eu_data$EU_std_resid = ranefs$condval[match(eu_data$EU,ranefs$grp)]
  op = par(mfrow=c(1,2))
  eu_data$sq_std_resids = sqrt(abs(eu_data$EU_std_resid))
  car::qqPlot(eu_data$EU_std_resid,main = 'Plot (EU) Normal Q-Q',pch=19,ylab = 'Observed')  # new qqplot function
  plot(eu_data$fitted,eu_data$sq_std_resids,type='n',main = 'Scale-Location',ylab = expression(sqrt(abs(' deviations '))),xlab = 'Fitted values',ylim = c(0,max(eu_data$sq_std_resids)))

block_interactions_plot = function(full_model,block = 'Block') {
  if(!block %in% all.vars(formula(full_model))) stop(sprintf('%s not a term in the model',block))
  vars = all.vars(formula(full_model)[-2])
  vars = vars[vars != block]
  frame = model.frame(full_model)
  frame$fitted = predict(full_model)
  frame$y = frame[,1]
  frame$group = interaction(lapply(vars,function(x) frame[[x]]),drop=T)
  frame$block = factor(frame[[block]])
  frame_means = aggregate(y~group+block,frame,FUN=mean)
  block_means = tapply(frame$fitted,frame$block,mean)
  frame_means$block = factor(frame_means$block,levels = levels(frame$block)[order(block_means)])
  p = ggplot(frame_means,aes(x=block,y=y)) + geom_line(aes(group = group,color = group)) +
    ylab(colnames(frame)[1]) + xlab(block) + guides(color = guide_legend(title = paste(vars,collapse=':')))
deruncie/PLS205_package documentation built on March 25, 2022, 2:29 a.m.