
Defines functions annotSite locateMod .length_one .covered_set .location .location_start .num_match .rmConfounded locatePTM tidyFasta

Documented in annotSite locateMod locatePTM tidyFasta

#' Read and tidy a FASTA file
#' reads and tidys FASTA file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings readAAStringSet
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import tibble
#' @param path a string of path pointing towards a fasta file
#' @return a `tibble` of formatted FASTA information
#' @examples
#' tidyFasta(system.file("extdata", "O13297.fasta", package="MSstatsLiP"))
tidyFasta <- function(path) {

  # Check input
  if (missing(path))
    stop(paste0("The input ", sQuote("path"), " is missing"))
  if (!is.character(path))
    stop("Provide the path to the FASTA file as a string")
  if (length(path) != 1)
    stop("Provide only one path to the FASTA file at a time")
  # if (!file.exists(path))
  #     stop(paste0("The file ", sQuote(path), " does not exist"))

  aa <- readAAStringSet(path)
  aa <- as.character(aa)  # named vector
  header <- names(aa)

  pat_ac <- paste0(
  pat_iso <- paste0(

  mch_head <- regexpr(
    pattern = "([^\\s]*)(?=\\s)", text = header, perl = TRUE
  shead <- regmatches(header, m = mch_head)

  mch_uniprot <- regexpr(pattern = pat_ac, text = shead)
  matched <- mch_uniprot != (-1)
  ac <- regmatches(shead, regexpr(pattern = pat_ac, text = shead))
  iso <- regmatches(shead, regexpr(pattern = pat_iso, text = shead))

  trimmed <- sub("^(sp|tr)(?=\\|)", "", shead, perl = TRUE)
  trimmed <- sub(pat_iso, "", trimmed)
  entry <- gsub("\\|", "", trimmed)

    header = header[matched], sequence = as.vector(aa[matched]),
    uniprot_ac = ac, uniprot_iso = iso, entry_name = entry[matched]

#' Annotate modified sites with associated peptides
#' \code{PTMlocate} annotates modified sites with associated peptides.
#' @param peptide A string vector of peptide sequences. The peptide sequence
#'   does not include its preceding and following AAs.
#' @param uniprot A string vector of Uniprot identifiers of the peptides'
#'   originating proteins. UniProtKB entry isoform sequence is used.
#' @param fasta A tibble with FASTA information. Output of \code{tidyFasta}.
#' @param modResidue A string. Modifiable amino acid residues.
#' @param modSymbol A string. Symbol of a modified site.
#' @param rmConfound A logical. \code{TRUE} removes confounded
#'   unmodified sites, \code{FALSE} otherwise. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A data frame with three columns: \code{uniprot_iso}, \code{peptide},
#'   \code{site}.
#' @examples
#' fasta <- tidyFasta(system.file("extdata", "O13297.fasta", package="MSstatsLiP"))
#' locatePTM("DRVSYIHNDSC*TR", "O13297", fasta, "C", "\\*")
#' @export
locatePTM <- function(peptide, uniprot, fasta, modResidue, modSymbol,
                      rmConfound=FALSE) {

  if (!.locateCheck(peptide, uniprot, fasta, modResidue, modSymbol))
    stop("Input checking fails!")

  peptide_seq <- tibble(uniprot_iso = uniprot, peptide = peptide)
  peptide_seq$is_mod <- grepl(modSymbol, peptide_seq$peptide)
  peptide_seq$peptide_unmod <- gsub(modSymbol, "", peptide_seq$peptide)
  # Locate modifiable sites
  col_seq <- c("uniprot_iso", "sequence")
  sub_fasta <- fasta[fasta$uniprot_iso %in% uniprot, col_seq]
  loc <- gregexpr(modResidue, sub_fasta$sequence, fixed = TRUE)
  sub_fasta$idx_site_full <- lapply(loc, .location_start)
  # Locate peptides (use extended AAs for specific matching when possible)
  peptide_fasta <- dplyr::left_join(peptide_seq, sub_fasta)
  loc <- Map(function(p, s) gregexpr(p, s, fixed = TRUE)[[1]],
  n <- vapply(loc, .num_match, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
  peptide_fasta <- peptide_fasta[n == 1L, ]
  loc <- loc[n == 1L]
  peptide_fasta$idx_peptide <- lapply(loc, .location)
  peptide_fasta$aa_start <- vapply(loc, .location_start, numeric(1))
  # Pattern of modified sites
  mod_pattern <- paste0(modResidue, modSymbol)
  # Locate modifiable, modified sites (AA residues) associated with peptides
  peptide_fasta$idx_site <- Map(.covered_set,
  peptide_fasta$idx_mod <- Map(
    function(p, a) locateMod(p, a, residueSymbol = mod_pattern),
    as.list(peptide_fasta$peptide), as.list(peptide_fasta$aa_start)
  peptide_fasta$mod_aa <- Map(
    function(s, i) if (length(i) == 0) character() else substring(s, i, i),
    as.list(peptide_fasta$sequence), peptide_fasta$idx_mod
  # Annotate modified sites
  peptide_fasta$len_site <- lapply(
    peptide_fasta$idx_site_full, function(x) nchar(x[length(x)])
  peptide_fasta$site <- Map(annotSite,
                            peptide_fasta$idx_mod, peptide_fasta$mod_aa,
  peptide_fasta$site <- as.character(peptide_fasta$site)
  col_fasta <- c("uniprot_iso", "peptide", "peptide_unmod", "is_mod",
                 "idx_site", "idx_mod", "site")
  peptide_fasta <- peptide_fasta[, col_fasta]

  .rmConfounded(peptide_fasta, rmConfound)

#' @noRd
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate ungroup bind_rows
.rmConfounded <- function(peptideFasta, rmConfound) {
  # Handle confounded unmodified sites
  col_res <- c("uniprot_iso", "peptide", "site")
  if (rmConfound) {
    by_prot <- group_by(peptideFasta, .data$uniprot_iso)
    by_prot <- mutate(
      by_prot, idx_mod_full = list(unique(unlist(.data$idx_mod)))
    by_prot <- ungroup(by_prot)
    by_prot <- by_prot[!by_prot$is_mod, ]
    cnfnd <- vector("logical", nrow(by_prot))
    for (i in seq_along(cnfnd)) {
      cnfnds <- by_prot$idx_site[[i]] %in% by_prot$idx_mod_full[[i]]
      cnfnd[i] <- any(cnfnds)
    s_unmod <- by_prot[!cnfnd, col_res]

    n1 <- vapply(peptideFasta$idx_mod, .length_one, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    s_mod <- peptideFasta[peptideFasta$is_mod & n1, col_res]
    res <- bind_rows(s_mod, s_unmod)
  } else {
    n1 <- vapply(peptideFasta$idx_mod, .length_one, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    res <- peptideFasta[!peptideFasta$is_mod | n1, col_res]

#' @noRd
.num_match <- function(x) {
    is.na(x) || identical(as.vector(x), -1L),
    0L, length(attr(x, "match.length"))

#' @noRd
.location_start <- function(x) {
  start <- as.vector(x)
  if (identical(start, -1L)) {

#' @noRd
.location <- function(x) {
  start <- as.vector(x)
  if (identical(start, -1L)) {
    return(cbind(start = integer(), end = integer()))
  end <- as.vector(x) + attr(x, "match.length") - 1

  cbind(start = start, end = end)

#' @noRd
.covered_set <- function(x, y) {
  x[x >= y[1] & x <= y[2]]

#' @noRd
.length_one <- function(x) length(x) == 1

#' Locate modified sites with a peptide
#' \code{locateMod} locates modified sites with a peptide.
#' @param peptide A string. Peptide sequence.
#' @param aaStart An integer. Starting index of the peptide.
#' @param residueSymbol A string. Modification residue and denoted symbol.
#' @return A string.
#' @examples
#' locateMod("P*EP*TIDE", 3, "\\*")
#' @export
locateMod <- function(peptide, aaStart, residueSymbol) {
  x <- gregexpr(residueSymbol, peptide)[[1]]
  start <- as.vector(x)
  if (identical(start, -1L)) {
  start - seq_along(start) + aaStart

#' Annotate modification site
#' \code{annotSite} annotates modified sites as their residues and locations.
#' @param aaIndex An integer vector. Location of the sites.
#' @param residue A string vector. Amino acid residue.
#' @param lenIndex An integer. Default is \code{NULL}
#' @return A string.
#' @examples
#' annotSite(10, "K")
#' annotSite(10, "K", 3L)
#' @export
annotSite <- function(aaIndex, residue, lenIndex=NULL) {
  if (length(aaIndex) == 0) {
  } else {
    if (length(residue) != 1 && length(aaIndex) != length(residue))
      stop("Lengths of aaIndex and residue don't match!")
    if (!is.null(lenIndex)) {
      if (!is.integer(lenIndex))
        stop("lenIndex should be an integer!")
      if (max(nchar(aaIndex)) > lenIndex)
        stop("lenIndex doesn't reserve enough space for aaIndex!")

      aa_idx_pad <- formatC(
        aaIndex, width = lenIndex, format = "d", flag = "0"
      site <- paste0(residue, aa_idx_pad, collapse = "-")
    } else {
      site <- paste0(residue, aaIndex, collapse = "-")
devonjkohler/MSstatsLiP documentation built on Dec. 19, 2021, 11:01 p.m.