
Defines functions backtick Gitlabpkg Githubpkg CRANpkg Rpkg frmtci.qwraps2_mean_ci frmtci.data.frame frmtci.matrix frmtci.default frmtci frmtp_obstetrics_gynecology frmtp_pediatric_dentistry frmtp_default frmtp frmt

Documented in backtick CRANpkg frmt frmtci frmtp Githubpkg Gitlabpkg Rpkg

#' @title Format Wrappers
#' @description Functions for formatting numeric values for consistent display
#' in reports.
#' @details
#' `frmt` was originally really just a wrapper for the \code{formatC}.  It has
#' extended functionality now as I have found common uses cases.
#' `frmtp` formats P-values per journal
#' requirements.  As I work on papers aimed at different journals, the
#' formatting functions will be extended to match.
#' Default settings are controlled through the function arguments but should be
#' set via \code{options()}.
#' Default settings report the P-value exactly if P >
#' \code{getOptions("qwraps2_frmtp_digits", 4)} and reports
#' P < \code{10^-(getOptions("qwraps2_frmtp_digits", 2))} otherwise.  By the
#' leading zero is controlled via
#' \code{getOptions("qwraps2_frmtp_leading0", TRUE)}
#' and a upper or lower case P is controlled by
#' \code{getOptions("qwraps2_frmtp_case", "upper")}.  These options are ignored
#' if \code{style != "default"}.
#' Journals with predefined P-value formatting are noted in the
#' \pkg{\link{qwraps2}} documentation.
#' `frmtci` takes a \code{matrix}, or \code{data.frame}, with a point estimate
#' and the lcl and ucl and formats a string for reporting.  est (lcl, ucl) is
#' the default.  The confidence level can be added to the string, e.g., "est
#' (95% CI: lcl, ucl)" with \code{show_level = TRUE} or by setting your own
#' format.
#' `frmtcip` expects four values, est, lcl, ucl, and p-value.  The resulting
#' sting will be of the form "est (lcl, ucl; p-value)".
#' The `Rpkg`, `CRANpkg`, and `Githubpkg` functions are used to help make
#' documenting packages stylistically consistent and with valid urls.  These
#' functions were inspired by similar ones found in the BioConductor BiocStyle
#' package.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{formatC}}
#' @param x a vector of numbers or a numeric matrix to format.
#' @param digits number of digits, including trailing zeros, to the right of the
#' decimal point.  This option is ignored if \code{is.integer(x) == TRUE)}.
#' @param append a character string to append to the formatted number.  This is
#' particularly useful for percentages or adding punctuation to the end of the
#' formatted number.  This should be a vector of length 1, or equal to the
#' length of \code{x}.
#' @return a character vector of the formatted numbers
#' @examples
#' ### Formatting numbers
#' integers <- c(1234L, 9861230L)
#' numbers  <- c(1234,  9861230)
#' frmt(integers)  # no decimal point
#' frmt(numbers)   # decimal point and zeros to the right
#' numbers <- c(0.1234, 0.1, 1234.4321, 0.365, 0.375)
#' frmt(numbers)
#' # reporting a percentage
#' frmt(17/19 * 100, digits = 2, append = "%")   # good for markdown
#' frmt(17/19 * 100, digits = 2, append = "\\%") # good for LaTeX
#' # append one character
#' frmt(c(1, 2, 3)/19 * 100, digits = 2, append = "%")
#' # append different characters
#' frmt(c(1, 2, 3)/19 * 100, digits = 2, append = c("%;", "%!", "%."))
#' ### Formatting p-values
#' ps <- c(0.2, 0.001, 0.00092, 0.047, 0.034781, 0.0000872, 0.787, 0.05, 0.043)
#' # LaTeX is the default markup language
#' cbind("raw"      = ps,
#'       "default"  = frmtp(ps),
#'       "3lower"   = frmtp(ps, digits = 3, case = "lower"),
#'       "PediDent" = frmtp(ps, style = "pediatric_dentistry"))
#' ### Using markdown
#' cbind("raw"      = ps,
#'       "default"  = frmtp(ps, markup = "markdown"),
#'       "3lower"   = frmtp(ps, digits = 3, case = "lower", markup = "markdown"),
#'       "PediDent" = frmtp(ps, style = "pediatric_dentistry", markup = "markdown"))
#' @export
#' @rdname frmt
frmt <- function(x
                 , digits = getOption("qwraps2_frmt_digits", 2)
                 , append = NULL
                 ) {
  rtn <-
           function(xx) {
             if (is.integer(xx)) {
               formatC(xx, format = "d", big.mark = ",")
             } else {
               formatC(xx, digits = digits, format = "f", big.mark = ",")

  if (!is.null(append)) {
    if (length(append) == 1L) {
      rtn <- paste0(rtn, append)
    } else if (length(append) == length(x)) {
      rtn <- paste0(rtn, append)
    } else {
      stop("length(append) != length(x)")

#' @export
#' @rdname frmt
#' @param style a character string indicating a specific journal requirements
#' for p-value formatting.
#' @param markup a character string indicating if the output should be latex or
#' markup.
#' @param case a character string indicating if the output should be upper case
#' or lower case.
#' @param leading0 boolean, whether or not the p-value should be reported as
#' 0.0123 (TRUE, default), or .0123 (FALSE).
frmtp <- function(x,
                  style    = getOption("qwraps2_journal", "default"),
                  digits   = getOption("qwraps2_frmtp_digits", 4),
                  markup   = getOption("qwraps2_markup", "latex"),
                  case     = getOption("qwraps2_frmtp_case", "upper"),
                  leading0 = getOption("qwraps2_frmtp_leading0", TRUE)) {

  rtn <-
           default               = frmtp_default(x, digits, case, leading0),
           obstetrics_gynecology = frmtp_obstetrics_gynecology(x),
           pediatric_dentistry   = frmtp_pediatric_dentistry(x))

  if (markup == "latex") {
    rtn <- paste0("$", rtn, "$")
  } else if (markup == "markdown") {
    rtn <- gsub("(P|p)", "\\*\\1\\*", rtn)

frmtp_default <- function(x, digits, case, leading0) {
  p_cutoff <- 10^-digits

         function(xx) {
           if (xx < p_cutoff) {
             p_val <- paste("P <", formatC(p_cutoff, format = "g"))
           } else {
             p_val <- paste0("P = ", formatC(xx, digits = digits, format = "f"))

           if (case == "lower") {
             p_val <- tolower(p_val)

           if (!leading0) {
             p_val <- gsub("0\\.", "\\.", p_val)


frmtp_pediatric_dentistry <- function(x) {
  sapply(x, function(xx) {

         if (xx < 0.001) {
           p_val <- "< .001"
         } else if (xx < 0.01) {
           p_val <- paste0("= ", formatC(xx, digits = 3, format = "f"))
         } else if (xx < 0.05 & round(xx, 2) == 0.05) {
           p_val <- paste0("= ", formatC(xx, digits = 3, format = "f"))
         } else {
           p_val <- paste0("= ", formatC(xx, digits = 2, format = "f"))
         paste0("P ", gsub("0\\.", "\\.", p_val))

frmtp_obstetrics_gynecology <- function(x) {
  sapply(x, function(xx) {

         if (xx < 0.001) {
           p_val <- "< .001"
         } else {
           p_val <- paste0("= ", formatC(xx, digits = 3, format = "f"))
         paste0("P ", gsub("0\\.", "\\.", p_val))

#' @export
#' @rdname frmt
#' @param est the numeric index of the vector element or the matrix column
#' containing the point estimate.
#' @param lcl the numeric index of the vector element or the matrix column
#' containing the lower confidence limit.
#' @param ucl the numeric index of the vector element or the matrix column
#' containing the upper confidence limit.
#' @param format a string with "est" "lcl", and "ucl" to denote the location of
#' the estimate, lower confidence limit, and upper confidence limit for the
#' formatted string.  Defaults to "est (lcl, ucl)".
#' @param show_level defaults to FALSE.  If TRUE and \code{format} is the
#' default, then
#' "100*(1-options()$qwraps2_alpha)% CI:" will be placed between the left
#' parenthesis and the lcl.  If set to a string, then the given string will be
#' placed between the left parenthesis and the lcl.  If the \code{format} is not
#' the default, then this argument is ignored.
#' @param ... args passed to frmt
#' @examples
#' # Formatting the point estimate and confidence interval
#' # for a set of three values
#' temp <- c(a = 1.23, b = .32, CC = 1.78)
#' frmtci(temp)
#' # show level uses getOption("qwraps2_alpha", 0.05)
#' frmtci(temp, show_level = TRUE)
#' # note that the show_level will be ignored in the following
#' frmtci(temp, format = "est ***lcl, ucl***", show_level = TRUE)
#' # show_level as a character
#' frmtci(temp, show_level = "confidence between: ")
#' # For a matrix: the numbers in this example don't mean anything, but the
#' # formatting should.
#' temp2 <- matrix(rnorm(12), nrow = 4,
#'                 dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), c("EST", "LOW", "HIGH")))
#' temp2
#' frmtci(temp2)
#' # similar for a data.frame
#' df2 <- as.data.frame(temp2)
#' frmtci(df2)
#' @export
frmtci <- function(x, est = 1, lcl = 2, ucl = 3, format = "est (lcl, ucl)", show_level = FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
frmtci.default <- function(x, est = 1, lcl = 2, ucl = 3, format = "est (lcl, ucl)", show_level = FALSE, ...) {

  .est <- qwraps2::frmt(x[est], ...)
  .lcl <- qwraps2::frmt(x[lcl], ...)
  .ucl <- qwraps2::frmt(x[ucl], ...)

  if (format == "est (lcl, ucl)") {
    out <- sub("ucl", .ucl, sub("lcl", .lcl, sub("est", .est, format)))
    if (is.character(show_level)) {
      lvl <- paste0("(", show_level)
      out <- sub("\\(", lvl, out)
    } else if(is.logical(show_level)) {
      if (show_level) {
      lvl <- paste0("(", 100 * (1 - getOption("qwraps2_alpha", 0.05)), "% CI: ")
      out <- sub("\\(", lvl, out)
  } else {
    out <- sub("ucl", .ucl, sub("lcl", .lcl, sub("est", .est, format)))

#' @export
frmtci.matrix <- function(x, est = 1, lcl = 2, ucl = 3, format = "est (lcl, ucl)", show_level = FALSE, ...) {
  apply(x, 1, frmtci.default, est = est, lcl = lcl, ucl = ucl, format = format, show_level = show_level, ...)

#' @export
frmtci.data.frame <- function(x, est = 1, lcl = 2, ucl = 3, format = "est (lcl, ucl)", show_level = FALSE, ...) {
  frmtci.matrix(as.matrix(x[, c(est, lcl, ucl)]), est = 1, lcl = 2, ucl = 3, format = format, show_level = show_level, ...)

#' @export
frmtci.qwraps2_mean_ci <- function(x, est = 1, lcl = 2, ucl = 3, format = "est (lcl, ucl)", show_level = FALSE, ...) {

  .est <- qwraps2::frmt(x[est], ...)
  .lcl <- qwraps2::frmt(x[lcl], ...)
  .ucl <- qwraps2::frmt(x[ucl], ...)

  if (format == "est (lcl, ucl)") {
    out <- sub("ucl", .ucl, sub("lcl", .lcl, sub("est", .est, format)))

    if (show_level) {
      lvl <- paste0("(", 100 * (1 - attr(x, "alpha")), "% CI: ")
      out <- sub("\\(", lvl, out)
  } else {
    out <- sub("ucl", .ucl, sub("lcl", .lcl, sub("est", .est, format)))

#' Formatting Style on URLs for packages on CRAN, Github, and Gitlab.
#' Functions for controlling the look of package names in markdown created
#' vignettes and easy curating of URLs for the packages.
#' @param pkg The name of the package, will work as a quoted or raw name.
#' @param username username for Github.com or Gitlab.com
#' @examples
#' Rpkg(qwraps2)
#' Rpkg("qwraps2")
#' CRANpkg(qwraps2)
#' CRANpkg("qwraps2")
#' Githubpkg(qwraps2, "dewittpe")
#' Githubpkg("qwraps2", dewittpe)
#' Gitlabpkg(qwraps2, "dewittpe")
#' Gitlabpkg("qwraps2", dewittpe)
#' @name Rpkg

#' @export
#' @rdname Rpkg
Rpkg <- function(pkg) {
  pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
  pkg <- gsub("\"|\'", "", pkg)
  sprintf("*%s*", pkg)

#' @export
#' @rdname Rpkg
CRANpkg <- function(pkg) {
  pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
  pkg <- gsub("\"|\'", "", pkg)
  pkg <- sprintf("[%s](https://cran.r-project.org/package=%s)", pkg, pkg)
  cl <- list(quote(Rpkg), pkg = pkg)

#' @export
#' @rdname Rpkg
Githubpkg <- function(pkg, username) {
  pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
  pkg <- gsub("\"|\'", "", pkg)
  usn <- deparse(substitute(username))
  usn <- gsub("\"|\'", "", usn)
  pkg <- sprintf("[%s](https://github.com/%s/package=%s)", pkg, usn, pkg)
  cl <- list(quote(Rpkg), pkg = pkg)

#' @export
#' @rdname Rpkg
Gitlabpkg <- function(pkg, username) {
  pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
  pkg <- gsub("\"|\'", "", pkg)
  usn <- deparse(substitute(username))
  usn <- gsub("\"|\'", "", usn)
  pkg <- sprintf("[%s](https://gitlab.com/%s/package=%s)", pkg, usn, pkg)
  cl <- list(quote(Rpkg), pkg = pkg)

#' Backtick
#' Encapsulate a string in backticks. Very helpful for in line code in
#' \code{\link[knitr]{spin}} scripts.
#' @param x the thing to be deparsed and encapsulated in backticks
#' @param dequote remove the first and last double or signal quote form \code{x}
#' @examples
#' backtick("a quoted string")
#' backtick(no-quote)
#' backtick(noquote)
#' @export
backtick <- function(x, dequote = FALSE) {
  x <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if (dequote) {
    x <- sub("^(\"|\')", "", x)
    x <- sub("(\"|\')$", "", x)
  sprintf("`%s`", x)
dewittpe/qwraps2 documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 6:32 a.m.